Holy furnace

Chapter 424 A Simple and Direct Sword

Facing such a giant hand that could almost turn the whole world into ruins in an instant, Li Haoxuan did not back away, but ostentatiously walked away amid fluttering green clothes, and flew towards the sky ostentatiously.

He held an ancient sword in his hand, and now, the ancient sword that had been lying horizontally had been erected upside down, with the tip facing upwards.In the next moment, Li Haoxuan appeared above the blue sky.

That palm seemed to be unreal, directly through his body and slapped on the ring on the ground.

At this time, no matter who was present, they would be speechless in shock from the scene in front of them.Because everyone knew that the giant hand was a real giant hand, because at this time the solid arena had become a ruin, not even a ruin!

Under the crushing of giant hands, the arena suddenly fell apart, and then turned into pieces of gravel and dust, and then, a wind blew from a distance, directly turning those gravel and dust into nothingness.

This is the Great Formation of Reincarnation, and all the substances here are evolved by Taoism. Now that the arena is destroyed, it means that the power of the opponent's palm has exceeded the limit of combat power that this reincarnation battlefield can bear.This is Yan Yunran's combat power, and this is the tyrannical strength of No. 40 on the combat power list!

The power of this palm can be described as devastating, and this single palm can already stand firmly in the top [-] ranks of the combat power list!But now, with just such a palm, Li Haoxuan couldn't do anything, and even couldn't stop Li Haoxuan for a moment.

He just flew up calmly like that, and swaggered away calmly, as if he didn't even see the giant hand roaring towards him.

In fact, he did not see that giant hand, because in his eyes, the whole world now has only light and darkness left, and endless white and endless black filled his pupils, making his eyes There was a color change in both eyes, as if even the black pupils had turned white, as if even the white eyes had turned black.

Li Haoxuan flew up, flying very seriously.Because he was very serious, he keenly caught a faint light in the world of black and white.Just when that ray of light appeared in front of his eyes, the sword in his hand stabbed leisurely, passing through the ray of light wantonly.

Although the Dahe sword in Li Haoxuan's hand could be swung or chopped, he still felt that the real sword should be used for stabbing.Whether it is Dahe Sword or other swords, only the sword that stabs out is the sword that is most like a sword.

Therefore, the stabbing with his sword is very comfortable, natural and elegant.

And in this kind of comfort, naturalness and elegance, Li Haoxuan's body has passed through the opponent's hand.Then, Li Haoxuan took advantage of a ray of breeze blowing from the east, soared straight up, and appeared directly in front of Yan Yunran.

is real front.

Li Haoxuan's eyes still only have thick black and white, which seems to symbolize the decadent night and the prosperous day.

However, Li Haoxuan did not find the light he wanted in black and white.Because the other party's attainments in the field of law, sky, phenomena and earth are really much higher than him, even if he has the realm of mastering all skills, he still can't see through the weakness of the opponent's powerful combat body, and can see through the palm of his hand. It is already his limit.

At this time, facing a world filled with endless light and darkness, Li Haoxuan made a decision that was exactly the same as before Yanyun Chaos.The best way is the best way, and the best way is often the most direct way.

Now Li Haoxuan has no other way, so all he can do is directly and simply swing the ancient sword in his hand.

The sword should be used to stab, but sometimes, the sword has to be swung, or it has to be used to chop!The ancient sword in Li Haoxuan's hand was swung out in an instant, in an incomparably casual and natural way.

This swing was Li Haoxuan's first sword after comprehending Dahe's sword intent.Since ancient times, the first sword that anyone swung was either the weakest sword at that time, or the strongest sword at that time.

When Li Haoxuan swung this sword, a sword mark suddenly appeared in the peak of light and fading darkness!That sword mark was very faint, so light that even Li Haoxuan could ignore it, but this sword mark was very wide, and it was getting wider and wider, because this sword mark was a river, a river called Dahe .

This is the "first" sword that Li Haoxuan swung today, and it is also the strongest sword.

The name of this sword is Dahe Sword, and the name of this sword is still called Dahe Sword.

Wearing Dao Ze's battle armor, Yan Yunran stood between the heaven and the earth, and a powerful aura emerged from his body. All the auras around him were out of order, crushed to the point of explosion by that powerful fighting spirit.At this time, a ray of sword light passed through the void in an instant, and struck straight at his face.

This golden light is very long and large.However, compared to the [-]-foot-tall battle body, Jianguang and Li Haoxuan behind Jianguang are like a speck of dust suspended in the void.

Just when the sword light pierced through the void and was about to land on the opponent's cheek, a golden finger suddenly appeared, pointing towards Li Haoxuan with an incomparably violent aura of heaven and earth.It was a golden finger, and it was still growing when it was touched from a distance, as if it had turned into a size of ten feet in an instant, pressing down on Li Haoxuan's body like a mountain.

In front of that finger that was shining with boundless golden light, Li Haoxuan who was holding a sword was like a hair, not even a hair.

Facing such a finger, Li Haoxuan once again raised the Dahe sword in his hand. This time, Li Haoxuan didn't swing or chop, he wanted to try the feeling of stabbing the sword again.Although he couldn't find the light on his finger, he still stabbed out the sword in his hand and moved towards the golden beam of light.

When the ancient sword barely touched the golden finger, there was a soft beep, but it was the sword light from before that finally broke through the infinite barrier powerfully at this time, and struck on the opponent's Dao Ze battle armor.

In the next moment, the ancient sword met the golden finger and entered without a trace.

There was a soft chirping sound, which echoed the previous soft sound, like the roar of the avenue.

The ancient sword pierced into the golden fingers, all of them sank, and the golden fingers touched Li Haoxuan's body, like a towering mountain suppressing it.

With a puff, a large piece of bright red blood rained down from the sky, merged into a drop in the void, and fell on the ring that had been moved to the ground.

At the same time, a figure descended from the sky and was smashed into the ground with a bang, causing the whole ground to tremble violently.

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