Holy furnace

Chapter 425

The ground is cracked and devastated!A huge pothole appeared on the originally flat ground, and there were huge cracks around the pothole, as if it had experienced an unimaginable earthquake!

In the void, the thirty-foot-high smoke cloud slowly retracted the supernatural powers of Fatianxiangdi, and there was a shallow sword mark on the index finger of his left hand, and the surface of the sword mark was still stained with red traces. his blood.

No one understands how tyrannical his body is better than Yan Yunluan, but now, he is bleeding!Although the wound had healed in an instant, blood had already flowed out and dripped onto the endless ground.

He stretched out his hand to caress his cheek, and there was also a shallow sword mark on his right cheek!Although this sword mark didn't cut his skin, it made him extremely frightened.He understood that if it wasn't for the protection of the armor before he had the Tao, and if he hadn't used the law of heaven and earth, this sword would probably seriously injure him.

Yan Yun stood proudly in the void, looking at the huge pothole on the ground with a serious expression, he knew that this battle was far from over.

boom!Suddenly, a terrifying fluctuation emanated from under the ground. Under this powerful fluctuation of mana, countless sand and gravel on the ground floated up one after another, upstream against the current!Then, a heavenly sword suddenly soared up, pierced the ground, and rushed directly into the endless sky.

At this time, Li Haoxuan merged with the Tao, sheltered in the void, surrounded by a huge heavenly sword, similar to the last sword of Jian Shisan!Afterwards, the Heavenly Sword converged and turned into the previous ancient sword again, which was held by Li Haoxuan.

There were spots of blood on Li Haoxuan's chest.The opponent's fist was too strong, beyond his imagination, even his physical body was coughed up blood, if it was an ordinary person, his whole body would have been cracked by this time.

Facing such a powerful opponent, Li Haoxuan's fighting spirit began to explode completely. Standing with a sword in his hand, his whole body began to emit a kind of edge that surpassed the world!At this moment, his Dahe Sword also began to reveal its true power, filled with murderous aura, and shook the heavens.

"Zheng!" The ancient sword exploded, and Li Haoxuan attacked with the sword, his figure leaped across the endless void in an instant, and stabbed towards Yan Yunran with his sword.

Immediately, countless sword lights appeared, each of which was extremely real. This was not illusory, but the ancient sword was shaking too fast in Li Haoxuan's hand. It was all sword lights and sword shadows, almost shattering a piece of the sky.

Rumble!The sky exploded, and wherever the sword light passed, it destroyed the sky, split the earth, and the terrifying sword glow instantly rippled for thirty miles, and when the sword stabbed out, the mountains and rivers moved!It's hard to imagine that such an attack came from such a small ancient sword. In front of this sky-filled sword light, it really seems that nothing can be parried. The peerless sharpness is enough to pierce all tangible qualities in the world.

"Dang!" Faced with such an earth-shattering sword, Yan Yunluan did not retreat at all, but directly threw his fist, and smashed it towards the endless sword light in front of him.He is a powerful warrior, and his strong physical body is the capital of his standing in the world, and it is precisely because of this that he dares to forcibly regret Li Haoxuan's ancient sword.

A melodious Taoist sound like a yellow bell and a big Lu came out, it was the sound of gold and iron intersecting!Yan Yunluan resisted the endless sword light with both fists, and sparks shot out!The golden light was restrained in the bronze-colored fists, and the heaven and earth were smashed, and the ghosts cried and howled!

Rumble!The two figures were constantly changing in the void, and the void collapsed one after another. Every space they went to was greatly sunken, as if they would shatter at any time.Then, pieces of formation patterns emerged, quickly repairing this space, this is the repairing power of the reincarnation formation, and the combat power erupted by the confrontation between the two of them has already exceeded the limit.

The sound of the sword continued, the sound of the Dao continued, and the mutual attack of the two sent out waves of terror one after another.Li Haoxuan walked with the sword, and suddenly manifested above the sky. At this moment, he really seemed to be in a trance. He actually split the endless void with his sword, causing the space to vibrate violently and spread for hundreds of miles.

In the face of such divine power, even if it was a cloud of mist, he had to temporarily avoid the sharp edge. He struck across with both fists and protected his body with magical powers, and went straight through the last space shock, and directly raised his fists to bombard Li Haoxuan.

The battle between the two was extremely fierce, as if two rays of light were constantly colliding, and each time it was like meteorites colliding in the universe.Their speed is too fast, whether it is the sword light or the smoky real body, it seems to be a light that shuttles freely in the space, and often the time of one breath has already appeared hundreds of miles away. , both of them seem to have lost the concept of distance.

"Zheng!" There was another stabbing sword, showing its sharpness!

The power of this sword is beyond the past, and the whole world is roaring and turbulent!This sword did not have a sword light swinging out, but directly pointed at Yan Yunran in front of him with the real body of the sword!There is a touch of brilliance on the tip of this shocking sword.

This brilliance is like a great sun born in the darkness, endless rays of light emerge, illuminating the entire sky!Then, this brilliance suddenly enlarged, as if it had turned into a divine mansion that does not exist in the human world. This supreme divine mansion stood with its hands behind its back, looking at the world with its powerful aura wave after wave, fiercely striking at the mist kill and go!

The golden divine mansion is almost invincible, its powerful divine power is shocking, suddenly opened its mouth and screamed, and immediately a sky river flew down.The Tianhe River is a big river, and there are white air waves above the big river, which seem to be boundless. There is also an invincible sword intent flowing crazily. trace.At this moment, Li Haoxuan unexpectedly punched the Dahe Sword with the effect of the God of Destruction Fist, which can be called peerless power!

Yan Yun raised his head to the sky and roared, black hair flying all over the sky, facing such a sword, he was also fighting like crazy!He moved forward abruptly, walking against the big river, punching with both hands to fight, and bright rays of light erupted continuously at his fingertips.

Boom!Suddenly, Yan Yunluan squeezed his hands together and punched in the middle of the endless river.Immediately, a round of bright moon rose in the great river, and the endless cold light shone on the unparalleled river, unexpectedly imprisoning the raging river at this time.

However, the river was boundless, and the god's mansion on the tip of the sword roared, and the river suddenly surged again, instantly shattering the bright moon, and still chasing toward the mist!The endless sword light appeared in the great river, and the great river sword turned ten thousand swords with one sword at this time, and the whole world reverberated with an invincible chill.

Roar!Yan Yun roared loudly, his eyes were filled with almost boiling fighting intent, in front of such a sword, he attacked again, made a big seal with his hands again, and slashed forward!Immediately, the endless divine light erupted, and evolved into a complete sky in the void, lying in front of the endless river.

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