Holy furnace

Chapter 428 The Sword of Heaven and Earth

Li Haoxuan was wounded in this blow, the ancient sword was hit, and even his internal organs endured the opponent's domineering blow, he coughed up a mouthful of blood again, however, the look in his eyes became even more powerful.

"Boom!" Li Haoxuan's whole body was shaken, his mana overflowed, and at the same time, the ancient sword turned into a big river and surrounded him!

In the next breath, the endless vegetation between the sky and the earth rose into the sky, and they actually took root in the great river transformed by the Dahe Sword. Rippling from a distance, it carries the breath of endless life.

Li Haoxuan's mana filled the river, pouring it into the river, injecting vitality into this infinite creature!In an instant, the entire void became full of vitality, and the breath of life was everywhere. Li Haoxuan's ancient sword actually suppressed the killing intent at this moment, and integrated the whole person into the nature of heaven and earth.

At this time, he merged with the Tao, became one with the whole nature, and once again entered the supreme realm of the unity of heaven and man in the state of being unable to have no thoughts!A huge energy of life began to flow out of his body, nourishing all things in this world.

The next moment, he slowly raised his right hand, which was clenched into a fist, without a sword in his hand!

At this time, Li Haoxuan no longer had any aura of smoke and fire, no matter whether it was the ancient sword or the divine light, he was like an ordinary person at this time, without the slightest bit of law and reason.

However, such Li Haoxuan made Yan Yunran even more afraid!Although Li Haoxuan didn't have a sword in his hand, he saw that the whole world was sinking, as if it was about to become a sword in Li Haoxuan's hand.However, the world is infinitely vast, who can control the world as a sword except the ancient emperor?

Li Haoxuan's calmness and spontaneity are very detached, there is no trace of murderous intent, the movement of clenching a fist is more like greeting a long-lost old friend, but at this moment, the muscles all over his body tense suddenly, and he There is an ominous premonition, as if I have seen a corner of the future, and I have a premonition that Xeon will be born!

The whole world was silent, extremely quiet, as if even the wind had stopped.In the end, Yan Yunran was so majestic that he made a bold move, trying to break the current tranquility!Because this tranquility makes it even more uneasy.

Li Haoxuan's face was carved like a jade stone, solemn and peaceful, facing the fists of Misty Clouds, he just thrust out a sword in the void without any killing intent.

This sword seems to have seized the good fortune of the heaven and the earth. It just came from nothingness and went out from nothingness like this, without any smell of the world, like the sword of the gods.

Yan Yunran's face changed suddenly, and he felt the majesty of the Dao at this moment!At this moment, he clearly saw that what Li Haoxuan was wielding was no longer the ancient sword in his hand, nor was it the Dahe Sword made of a great river, but it was as if the entire sky had been crushed down.The Li Haoxuan in front of him no longer had any holy brilliance, no boiling fighting spirit, and the only thing left in the whole world was this extremely astonishing "Tao Sword"!

Yan Yunluan's expression was extremely solemn, facing such a sword of heaven and earth, facing such a sword of dao, his people also became peaceful at this time.He withdrew the earth-shattering punch before, and began to move his arms slowly. He didn't evolve a sky again, and he didn't cast the ten thousand magic again, but just like that, he naturally swept across the void with his fists, leaving behind Traces of collusion!

Facing the extremely calm sword, Yan Yunluan also made the most ordinary and simple punch in life!This punch has no explosive power, nor does it contain the profound meaning of supreme supernatural power, it is just natural to the extreme, as invisible as the horns of an antelope.He punched directly into nothingness, and then punched out of nothingness, as if he had never punched, and it seemed that he had punched countless times.

Since Li Haoxuan practiced the Dahe Sword, he has used many ways to draw the sword, such as swinging, chopping, chopping, stabbing, and swinging.But this time, Li Haoxuan used a different method to draw the sword, this method is called passing the sword.

I stretched out my hand, just wanting to hand you the sword in my hand, such a peaceful and serene sword, but it is precisely the most peak sword in his life so far.

"Bang!" Finally, the fist and the sword collided fiercely, the avenue roared, and the vitality of the whole world was disordered, and an unimaginable wave erupted from it, sweeping across the nine heavens and ten places, oppressing the entire world!Between the two, layer after layer of ripples erupted violently and quickly spread in all directions. This is the ripple of the avenue, turning the void into a rag!

At this time, the fifty holy mountains that appeared to suppress the secondary battlefield all lit up, and the dazzling light appeared from the fifty holy mountains, constructing a more mysterious formation and stabilizing the battlefield.

Kacha, at the same time, a crack appeared on a holy mountain, and even the fifty holy mountains were already hard to suppress. This kind of combat power almost collapsed!Between the sky and the earth, there are tens of thousands of sword qi roaring, as if they want to shatter the entire starry sky, the holy mountain is always bright, and the lines are densely covered, but it is difficult to cover the cracks on the holy mountain.

Yan Yunran and Li Haoxuan returned to tranquility at the same time, and gave up the sword and Tao respectively, as if they had become those great masters in the mortal world!Their movements are not fast, and each blow has to travel through the void for a long time. However, each of their blows at this time is enough to shock the world, and the power has been increased many times.

Soon, the five acupoints of 360 in Yan Yunluan's body began to become brighter and brighter, as if they were about to jump out at any time, and a strong battle force revived in his body.

And Li Haoxuan's aura also changed, he no longer respected the path of Dao at this time, his sword intent became fierce again, golden blood filled the air, even the ancient sword that had just appeared in his hand was dyed golden, his The coercion and the oppressive coercion are facing each other, the powerful aura seems to coerce the heavens and the earth, the indifferent eyes become extremely intimidating, and the whole body is shining brightly.

At this moment, Li Haoxuan and Yan Yunran escaped from the state of being unable to be without thoughts at the same time. No matter who is in the state of being unable to be without thoughts for too long, it is very likely that they will lose their original meaning , making his physical body a living dead.Although it didn't take long, the gains of the two of them surpassed common sense, and they raised their combat power and realm by a large margin!

boom!Li Haoxuan moved, he stepped out with one step, and the sky was full of clouds, and a sense of detachment appeared from him. At this moment, he seemed to have jumped out of the original way. own way.At this moment, he is like a lawless ancient god of war, sweeping all directions and sweeping the four poles.

Yan Yunluan also made a move, powerful divine power rushed in, and the 360 ​​five orifices glowed. After the strongest divine power was greatly improved, it exerted even more terrifying power. Two fists blasted to block!

His fists blasted out again and again, constantly colliding with the ancient sword in Li Haoxuan's hand, looking down upon the world!

The golden pair of fists kept falling, sometimes punched, sometimes slapped, and sometimes pointed out by golden fingers, colliding with Li Haoxuan's ancient sword one after another, making clanging sounds!Around his body, the golden field stretched out, filling the surrounding fields, blocking the infinite sword energy in all directions, while the real body strode forward, slamming into the sword light with incomparable strength.

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