Holy furnace

Chapter 429 Victory in the Destruction of the World

This battle seems to never end, the earth is constantly being broken and repaired by the power of Taoism on the Fifty Sacred Mountains, everything is like reincarnation!So far, this kind of reincarnation has happened dozens of times, even Li Haoxuan and Yan Yunluan have already felt tired!

It is impossible not to be injured until now, both Li Haoxuan and Yan Yunluan have already shed a lot of blood, and even their chests were almost cut open in the worst one before.They all shrunk the Dao Ze battle armor to the top of the head, and resisted the rest of the attack with their bodies, otherwise the Dao Ze battle armor would be broken, and the battle would be over.They want to really score high and low, instead of deciding who wins and who loses by the rules of the law.

Thousands of rounds have passed, and the misty atmosphere has become a little rushed, and no one can truly be invincible!The golden light behind him has dimmed a lot, but he is still strong, strong enough to make ordinary people tremble!

when!Yan Yunran's left hand turned into a palm and his right hand turned into a fist. One punch after another, a sea of ​​mana poured out continuously. It was a desperate attempt to unleash his most brilliant brilliance before the battle was over!

The ancient sword rang out, and the misty fists put him under great pressure!The strength of Yan Yunluan's fist is unparalleled, extremely domineering, and even passed through the ancient sword to Li Haoxuan's body!All the bones in Li Haoxuan's body were exploding, he didn't expect that the opponent's current combat power was so terrifying, even with his physical body, he felt an extremely painful feeling.

With the continuous bombardment of smoke and clouds, a drop of blood essence in Li Haoxuan's dantian began to slowly spin.Every time he rotates, a trace of blood essence overflows and merges into Li Haoxuan's physical body, making his physical body stronger and purer. This is a process of refinement and polishing.

Li Haoxuan didn't know how terrifying the people in Qingxu Temple were until today. The No. 40 and No. [-] powerhouses were already able to fight him desperately. If it was the top few, he might not be able to suppress them!Li Haoxuan was still honing his Dahe Sword, even though he was in a dangerous situation, he didn't use the God of Destruction Fist and the Divine Ability Seed Great Golden Pill.

"Pfft!" The other party punched him again, Li Haoxuan, who was so powerful, coughed up blood, and fine cracks appeared all over his body, as if he was about to crack!However, these cracks were repaired in a blink of an eye under the urging of Li Haoxuan's energy and blood, without hurting the real root!

While coughing up blood, Li Haoxuan was beaten and flew over a distance of more than ten miles, and finally hit a big mountain, causing the whole mountain to collapse!

Then, the mountain collapsed, and a powerful sword intent swayed out, and the sword light slashed down dozens of miles away, directly cutting a huge wound on Yan Yunluan's chest, and a large amount of blood spilled from his body, stained red The ground below him!

Li Haoxuan's Dahe Sword finally changed at this time, an invincible aura surged from the ancient sword and merged into the Dahe Sword Intent!At this moment, under the provocation of Misty Clouds, the fist intent of the Shattering God Fist finally couldn't help but burst out spontaneously, and poured it directly into the Dahe Sword!

Zheng!On the ancient sword, the sound of the sword roar exploded, and the space around the ancient sword seemed to be shattered!The invincible air machine dominates the whole world, and the fifty holy mountains in the distance are all glowing, and the already cracked mountains have become more and more dilapidated, as if they are about to collapse at any time!

Holding the ancient sword in his hand, Li Haoxuan could no longer suppress that powerful sword intent!At this time, the fighting spirit merged with the sword energy, and the Dahe Sword underwent an earth-shaking change. Just standing there, it seemed that a giant beast was about to burst out. sword!

Yan Yun retreated chaotically, and there was a huge wound between his chest and abdomen, which almost cut his stomach open!At this moment, the wound was wriggling and wanted to heal, but a burst of energy was hindering the restoration of his physical body, making it impossible for him to repair his physical body in a short time!

Feeling the aura on the Dahe Sword, a look of surprise appeared on Yan Yunran's face, as if he hadn't expected that Li Haoxuan's sword intent would change again at this time. moving.

Click!Like a bolt from the blue, the entire space began to collapse, and the light on the fifty holy mountains also bloomed to the extreme at this time, and even blazed into the void.Li Haoxuan's sword intent has reached the highest change that this space can withstand, the entire space can no longer withstand the invasion of his sword intent, this kind of combat power can be called unrivaled!

hum!At this time, 49 heavenly palaces reappeared in the void, suppressing different positions in the void, and once again fixed the world. This is the third change in the battlefield, and it is also the most stable that can appear in the double battlefield. space!

Boom!The moment the 49 Heavenly Palaces appeared, Li Haoxuan took a step forward, and the ancient sword in his hand shone brightly, directly tearing apart the endless void. At this moment, Li Haoxuan poured all his life's divine power into it, and cast a sword that could destroy heaven and earth.

Crash!The sound of the surging river resounded throughout the world, as if one day a great river appeared and flooded the entire world.

The smoke exploded and shouted, raised his fists to meet it, his whole body was shrouded in golden light, ten thousand dharmas appeared on his body, and the 360 ​​five orifice points almost manifested in reality, and together with him, he slammed into a sword that fell from the sky!

When one person and one sword finally collided, even the 49 heavenly palaces in the sky collapsed suddenly, cracks continued to spread one after another, and a devastating explosion was born from the void, sweeping the entire world today!

Rays of rays of light flew out of it one after another, splashing everywhere, shattering continents one after another, almost shattering this space of reincarnation!

In the end, Li Haoxuan flew upside down. At this time, there was no sword in his hand, because the Dahe sword had been shattered in the void just now, and it no longer existed.During the inverted flight, Li Haoxuan was still coughing up blood, and the veins on his right hand were exposed, and he was shaking violently.

When the endless divine light dissipated, a tall figure like a god and demon stood in the void that was almost broken.This figure was bleeding all over, and he had become a blood man, but he still stood, standing straight!

The earth is cracking and the sky is collapsing. This is a scene of destruction.

Yan Yunluan was in the world-destroying sky, and after a long while, she put away her fists and looked at Li Haoxuan from afar.

"You won!" Yan Yunluan said slowly, his words were full of loneliness.He is Yanyun Luan, he is No. 40 in the combat power list, Yan Yunluan!He was supposed to be invincible on the secondary battlefield, but at this time, there was a slight sword mark on his forehead.Although this sword mark was very faint and thin, it still tore his fists and his Dao Ze armor.

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