Holy furnace

Chapter 430 Changes on the Power List

In the constantly collapsing battlefield, two rays of light descended from the sky.One of them descended on Yan Yunluan standing in the void, and the other enveloped Li Haoxuan on the ground. At this point, a world-shattering battle that no one could see finally came to an end!

In the reincarnation battlefield, once the Dao Ze Armor is broken, or the force it bears far exceeds the limit that the Dao Ze Armor can withstand, then the power of Dao Ze in the Dao Ze Armor will recover, driving reincarnation Tao ends the battle.

There are sword marks between Yan Yunran's brows, and his Dao Ze armor is broken, so this battle is finally over. Even Li Haoxuan himself did not expect that the end of this battle would be so abrupt, and he had not even had time to fight with him. Saying farewell to the misty clouds in front of him, he has been sent back to his exclusive space by the power of Taoism.

After returning to the exclusive space, Li Haoxuan had time to calculate how long the battle lasted.After a calculation, he couldn't help but be astonished, because they fought non-stop for three days and three nights in this battle, only then did he realize that more than half of the mana in his dantian had been squandered. This was the first time since Li Haoxuan entered this realm. Consuming so much mana in the body at one time, if the battle continues, it may be exhausted.

Beside him, the broken Dao Ze ancient sword has been rebuilt under the rules of reincarnation, quietly suspended in the void beside him.

There were spots of red blood on Li Haoxuan's Taoist robe.The damage received in the battlefield is all real, and will not be healed automatically just because you leave the battlefield.He slowly adjusted the state of his body, causing the mana in his body to slowly surge to repair his body.Although at his current state, he would heal quickly even if he didn't take the initiative to repair his body, but it would inevitably leave some hidden diseases, which may have a huge impact on entering a higher state in the future.

While repairing his body, Li Haoxuan began to choose his next opponent.The three-day battle in a row did not make him feel the slightest bit of fatigue and unbearable, but revived his fighting spirit. This kind of battle made him extremely satisfied and gave him a long-lost passion.Li Haoxuan even felt that he was born and lived for war!

"Xiao Yifeng won, and the ranking has surpassed Yanyunluan!" At the moment when Li Haoxuan and Yanyunluan ended the battle, a monk immediately guessed the result of the battle through the combat power list!Because Xiao Yifeng's name had already appeared in front of Yan Yunran!

The battle lasted for three days and three nights. This duel attracted the attention of countless people, and even monks from the high battlefield came to the second level battlefield just to see how strong Xiao Yifeng was.

The name of Yanyun Chaos has long been famous in all major battlefields, and the higher the battlefield, the higher his reputation. He has even defeated the existence of the eighth battlefield in the quadruple battlefield!Although the powerhouses of the Eightfold Battlefield will be sealed in their realm and combat power when they come to the Fourfold Battlefield, the grasp of timing and experience cannot be suppressed by the reincarnation formation. The fighting power of Yan Yunchao is so strong!

Before the result was actually announced, no one thought that Li Haoxuan would win. It wasn't that he underestimated Li Haoxuan, but that Yanyun Chaoxuan was really too strong!Although he is now No. 40 and No. 32 in the power rankings, the [-] powerhouses in front of him have all been famous for a long time, and it is impossible to return to the double battleground to fight against Li Haoxuan.

For example, Wufeng, who ranked No.11 in the second-tier combat power list, played his peak combat power on the second-tier battlefield more than 150 years ago, and then ranked No.11 in the combat power list. After that, nearly 160 years No one can surpass it.But now that more than 150 years have passed, Wufeng has already entered the heart-pounding theater, so how could he return to the second stage of the Bigu theater to fight against Li Haoxuan?

In addition to the top ten powerhouses in the top ten rankings, 18 of the forty powerhouses have entered the heart-beating battle zone, and 22 of the remaining [-] powerhouses have already entered the heart-beating battle zone. Entering the battlefield above the eighth level, there are only four strong players who are still below the eighth level in the bigu theater.

After Li Haoxuan defeated Jian Shisan strongly, he succeeded in ascending to No. 40 and eighth place in the combat power list.So, apart from Li Haoxuan, there were only three of the four powerhouses left.One of them is Jian Shisan, who is ranked 49, another is Yan Yunran, who is ranked 43, and the last one is Tian Dao, who is ranked [-].

Now, Li Haoxuan once again defeated Yanyun Luan, and his strength ranking has been greatly improved, directly jumping from 48 to 43, spanning five places. This kind of record is appalling, and everyone in the second level battlefield is terrified and silent!

However, when everyone was shocked by Li Haoxuan's strength, a new round of changes took place in everyone's status token.

At this time, the misty names in the combat power list were jumping rapidly, as if they would jump in front of Li Haoxuan again at any moment.Everyone is paying close attention to the changes in the combat power list. This list has existed for countless years. Every time a name starts to jump and flash on it, it must mean that the strength ranking of this name will jump forward!

"What's going on? Xiao Yifeng has already defeated Yanyunluan before, and the ranking has been determined. Why did Yanyunluan's name change again? Could it be that after losing to Xiao Yifeng, Yanyunluan is fighting with others again, and his combat power has broken through again?"

"Impossible! The ranking of the combat power list will not change until the end of a battle. Even if Yan Yunluan fights with others after losing to Xiao Yifeng, how can he end the battle in such a short time? If his opponent It's too weak, how can it withstand the strongest combat power of Yanyun Luan? It doesn't work, it doesn't work at all!"

"There has never been a problem with the combat power list for countless years. There must be a reasonable explanation for it. Let's just wait and see." Among the many exclusive spaces on the second level battlefield, every monk is concentrating on looking at the hands The identity token, and at the same time communicate with others through voice transmission through the identity token.

"It's getting faster and faster!" Suddenly, someone exclaimed, and saw that the beating frequency of the word "Yan Yun Luan" had reached the limit, and it seemed as if it was about to jump out between flashes, which made everyone's hearts tangled up. .In the past ten years, except for Li Haoxuan and Jian Shisan, there has never been any change in the combat power list, but now, the combat power list has changed every few days, and now something that no one can explain has happened, making everyone Everyone had to put their minds on Xiao Yifeng!

"It's moving!" In the next moment, under everyone's horrified gazes, the three characters "Yan Yun Luan" suddenly flew through the air, directly crossed several brilliant names, and landed on the position of No.30.With the entry of Yan Yunran, the names ranked after 37 and before 44 all retreated one place.

At this time, Xiao Yifeng's three-character ranking replaced the previous ranking of No. 40 and No. [-].

Then, just when everyone thought that the changes in the combat power list would come to an end, a new change appeared on the combat power list.Bright lights appeared one after another, and they jumped violently amidst the radiance.

"Hiss!" All the people who looked at the battle list couldn't help gasping, and were speechless in horror.

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