Holy furnace

Chapter 431 Heavenly Sword

Before today, the combat power list of the second level battlefield in Bigu theater had only changed twice in the past ten years. Into the ranks of the top [-] combat power list.

The second time was a few days ago after Li Haoxuan defeated Jian Shisan, he directly replaced Jian Shisan in the combat power list.The two changes in the combat power list were eight years apart.

But today, not much time has passed since the battle between Li Haoxuan and Yanyun Luan, the combat power list of the second level battle zone has changed again, and three of the names began to shine and shine.Everyone knows that this is another person who will surpass the limit and enter a higher level.

There are rules for the ranking of the combat power list. Once you break through a certain level, you can no longer return to this battlefield to rewrite the ranking.For example, in the combat power list of the second level battlefield, people who stand on the second level battlefield with their own combat power can fight at the fourth level battlefield. Then, only those with extreme combat strength who can enter the fourth level battlefield can fight in the second level battlefield and Leave your name on the battle list.

If there is a strong man who can enter the fifth level battlefield, then even if he defeats the top [-] strong men on the combat power list, his name will not appear on the combat power list of the second level battlefield. This is the reincarnation formation among the rules.In other words, only those whose combat power benchmark is the second level battlefield can leave their names in the second level combat power list.

It is also because of this that the changes in the combat power list are the most frequent in the first 100 years, and there are few changes after 100 years!After all, once you break through the realm, you will lose the qualification to stay on the combat power list.This also shows that anyone who can change the ranking again is a monk whose basic combat power is at the second level!

Whether it is Xiao Yifeng or Jian Shisan and Yanyun Luan, they all belong to the double battlefield.It's just that Yan Yunran and Jian Shisan are almost invincible in the secondary battlefield, so they entered the higher battlefield, just to challenge stronger opponents!No one thought that their rankings in the secondary battlefield would change, because everyone thought that their combat power had already reached its limit.

But today, impossible things happened one after another.

At this time, there are three names that are constantly flashing on the second level combat power list, namely Tiandao ranked 49, Jian Shisan ranked 44, and Xiao Yifeng ranked [-].

Moments before the battle between Li Haoxuan and Yan Yunluan ended, in a certain trial space in the double battlefield, two figures stood standing on the endless desert.

At this time, there was endless smoke and dust on the golden desert, and the yellow sand was billowing. From time to time, huge storms with a radius of several tens of feet roared past.The two of them seemed to have formed two small worlds of their own, neither sand nor storms could enter the space around them.

There are countless huge cracks on the entire desert, which are extremely messy, as if the entire desert is about to be blown up.

Jian Shisan held a long sword and stood in the void. Around her body, countless sword qi surrounded her, forming a kingdom of swords.Then, Mantian Huangsha was forcefully detained by her, and a golden treasure appeared in the sky above her head, which was the infinite sword light, the infinite sword light.

The whole world is filled with the sound of swords, and at this moment, every sand and gravel is full of sword energy.

A hundred feet away in front of her, a man wearing a cloak stood opposite her, and in that man's hand was a huge Heavenly Sword.The Heavenly Knife is strong, and slices of saber energy sweep across the world and soar into the sky.

He is the Heavenly Knife ranked No. [-] in the combat power list. Whether it is his name or his knife, they all have the same name, the Heavenly Knife.

When facing Jian Shisan's sword, the Heavenly Knife couldn't help boiling, and the sound of the knife continued, echoing the sound of the sword.

"This will be our last battle on the second level battlefield." Tiandao suddenly swallowed the sword in his hand, as if putting away the Tiandao that would split the entire earth at any time, and calmly said to Jian Shisan.

"Are you going to break through?" Jian Shisan was stunned for a moment, then put the ancient sword behind him, restrained the endless sword intent on it, and asked to the sky knife.

"Yes." Tiandao seemed to feel a little regretful, and said, "This is my last battle to suppress the realm! If you want to fight me next time, I'm afraid you have to go to the fifth level battlefield."

"That's why you want to fight with me today?" Jian Shisan was silent for a moment, then asked.

"Probably." Tiandao replied, and then asked, "You have fought against Xiao Yifeng, do you think he is stronger or weaker than Yanyun Chaos?"

"If he uses a sword, he will win in a cloud of smoke. If he uses a fist, the outcome is unpredictable." Jian Shisan thought for a while, and then said.

"Xiao Yifeng..." Tiandao suddenly raised his head and let out a long sigh, and continued, "Who the hell is he? It's only been a long time since he entered the second level battlefield, and now he's already ranked ahead of you and me. At that time, he was already in front of Yan Yunran."

"Are you very concerned about the ranking in the combat power list?" Jian Shisan asked suddenly.

"Of course I care." Tiandao said as a matter of course, "Don't you care?"

"I only care about who is stronger than me." Jian Shisan said.

"Then what's the difference?" Tiandao said with a smile, "How long will it take for you to break through your realm?"

"It's coming soon." Jian Shisan said clearly.

"Quick, that means it's not here yet." Tiandao smiled wryly, and then sighed, "I really miss the days in the second level battlefield. Sword Thirteen, although you use the sword, I use the knife, but I always think that the entire second level battlefield The person who knows me best is you, and the person who knows you best is me."

Jian Shisan frowned, but did not speak.

"You know what I want to do today, right?" Tian Dao's aura suddenly rose, and he said loudly to Jian Shisan.

"If you want to fight, then fight." Jian Shisan was silent, and then threw the sword in his hand to one side, and a huge sky sword emerged from her body. This was her last sword and her strongest sword .She knows that today is the last battle of Tiandao, so she knows how she should force Tiandao to unleash her strongest combat power!

Ranking on the combat power list is a kind of glory, a kind of glory that only belongs to the strong.And today's battle is the last chance for Tiandao to hit a higher glory!So she didn't want to continue wasting time, and directly swung her strongest sword.

"Hahahaha, you really know me best!" The wild laughter of Tiandao resounded throughout the world, and Hou Tiandao broke his own Tiandao with both hands, raising his aura. To the limit.Then, using the heaven and earth as a sword, he rushed to Jian Shisan's last sword!

"The ranking of the Heavenly Knife has changed! It went directly from the [-]th place to the [-]th place! It's so strong!" Everyone in the second level battlefield exclaimed. Passed the forty mark!

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