Holy furnace

Chapter 624

"What is this!" When the mysterious formation picture was shining brightly from the ancient book, the gibbon king's expression changed slightly, and surprise appeared in his eyes, and he asked in a deep voice.

"It seems to be some kind of magic formation!" Chunyangzi was also surprised, staring at the formation diagram with piercing eyes and said, "Senior has obtained this ancient book for a long time, have you never seen this kind of formation?"

"I've never seen it before." The Gibbon King shook his head, turned his gaze away from the ancient book, and focused on Li Haoxuan.

"This is a sealing technique." Li Haoxuan observed carefully, and then said seriously.He followed Mo Sangsang to learn the art of alchemy, formation is a necessary method, but this kind of formation is rare. After careful deduction, he confirmed that it is a kind of sealing technique, but he is not sure if it is suitable for the effect. I don't know, only after I untie it can I understand.

"Sealing technique? Can it be unraveled?" The Gibbon King was taken aback when he heard the words, and quickly asked, "This may be a clue left by Taoist Huangxu for us to deal with the Immortal Sword Sect. It may even be that Taoist Huangxu specially targeted everyone in the Immortal Sword Sect in his later years. If we can grasp the supernatural power created by the master, our chances of success will be greatly increased."

"The ape king's words are justified." Chunyangzi nodded after pondering, agreeing to the words of the gibbon king.

"I'll try." Li Haoxuan has already started to crack it without them needing to say more. He has a very strong comprehension in formations. After all, he is a half body. But it didn't affect his ability to crack the sealing technique.More importantly, this kind of formation is formed by the Dao of the outside world, and only the power of the Dao of the same origin can be untied.

It's as if Taoist Huangxu forged a lock with his original Dao power, and to unlock this lock, he must have a key forged by the corresponding Dao power.For the people here, the power of the Great Dao from outside is too mysterious and almost difficult to decipher, but it is not difficult for Li Haoxuan.

"Open!" A moment later, Li Haoxuan's two handprints were flying, and he kept punching one after another into the ancient book. Then, there was a click, the seal array was broken, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in all directions suddenly gathered, forming in the ancient book. A thick mist of light appeared on it.

In the end, the light and mist suddenly converged, turning into a three-inch-tall figure in the shape of light.

Although this villain is only three inches tall, the aura exuding from his body made the gibbon king suddenly change color, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back. This air force forced to the corner of the hall, unable to get close.Among the people present, only Li Haoxuan was safe and sound. At this moment, the daoist robe on his body was rustling automatically without any wind, easily resisting the coercion of this villain.

The three-inch man was wearing a Tsing Yi, with a cyan bun on top of his gray hair, and a strand of long white hair hanging down from the side, full of vicissitudes of life.

"I am Fenghuangxu, from the Nanling Fengzu!" The next moment, the three-inch man opened his mouth, looked at Li Haoxuan and said, "Here, I have another name, Taoist Huangxu. Those who come later, although I don't know your name, but if you can unlock this sealing technique, it means that you and I come from the same place. This is the Eastern Wasteland, which is close to the Southern Region, so I guess you are either from the Eastern Wasteland, Either from the Southern Region."

"But that's not important, the important thing is that you and I come from the same place, that's enough." Taoist Huangxu continued, "You don't have to try to talk to me, because this is not the remnant soul I left behind, but my There is no thought or soul left in the obsession left before death, and it will be meaningless for you to talk to me. There are two things I want to tell you with this obsession, listen carefully. "

"The first thing: This area is very strange, the Dao of Heaven and Earth is suppressed very much, it will be extremely difficult to realize the Dao here, and the Dao here is not perfect, and it is impossible to feel the state of the heart, in other words, no one You can feel the state of heartbeat here, even if the combat power exceeds the heartbeat, the realm will still only stay in the bigu state. What makes me even more disturbed is that the Dao here has extremely powerful assimilation power. If you stay here for more than ten years , the avenue in your body will be assimilated into this avenue, and at that time, under the same state, your combat power will not only be reduced, but even many magical powers will not be able to be used, it’s still the same sentence, because the avenue here is incomplete.”

"It took me more than ten years to realize what I said above. The reason why I tell you this is that I hope you can find a way to leave this place as soon as possible, otherwise once the Dao in your body is completely assimilated, you want to escape from here The chances of you will become even slimmer! What I want to tell you next is the way to leave here. I don’t know how long you have been in this area, but I still tell you, don’t try to leave from the three directions of south, west, and north.”

"Because there are strong winds raging in the south, the strength of these strong winds is beyond your imagination, and every strong wind is equivalent to a powerful blow from the peak of Bigu, unless you have a magic weapon to resist it, or a fixed wind bead or something like that. Otherwise, it is impossible to hold on, and the mana will soon be exhausted, and then it will be chopped into pieces by Gangfeng."

"There is Endless Hengsha in the west, and Master Chunyang and I have joined hands to enter it, but we have traveled more than a million miles in it, but it is still difficult to see the end, so I can conclude that it is a powerful illusion, unless you If you can break through the formation, or have divine pupils like fairy eyes, otherwise don't try to break through the formation."

"There is a vast ocean of Chishui in the north, every drop of sea water is crimson, and the gravity is extremely high. I once threw a spiritual weapon into it, but the spiritual weapon cracked after sinking three meters. When it sank ten meters, the red water had been turned into powder. Yes, the red water here is the one-yuan heavy water that is abundant in the northern region. Again, unless you have a magic weapon for body protection or water-proof beads, don't use it. Go in and die."

"In short, the three places are all desperate. If you are still in the bigu state, then listen to me and don't waste time in those three places. In addition to those three places, there is a mountain here. The name of the mountain is endless. You will In the end, stay at arm's length, no matter what happens, don't try to break into the mountain, otherwise even if you have a magic weapon, it will be useless, and you will die."

"You may have tried to leave after flying into the sky, but that's not feasible. There are formations here, and the limit of the sky is [-] feet. It is impossible to fly beyond this distance. Moreover, there are barriers in the east, west, north, south, you fly If you don't go out, you can imagine this place as a prison!"

"Having said so much, I just want to tell you that there is only one way to leave here, and that is to go north, where there is a sect called Immortal Sword Sect, if you kill it, you will be able to leave the boundary!"

"I have fought against Xianjianzong many times. It is definitely a place that will make you feel afraid. If you go directly, you will definitely follow in my footsteps and fall away. I don't want you to die, because I still want you to help me. So, I will tell you how to truly defeat Xianjianzong!"

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