Holy furnace

Chapter 625

When Taoist Huangxu said this, the expressions of both Li Haoxuan and the Gibbon King changed subtly.The Gibbon King was because the development of the matter did not meet his expectations. Taoist Huangxu found a way to deal with Immortal Sword Sect before he died. This made him happy, and what Taoist Huangxu had to say next made him even more Excited.

Li Haoxuan's thinking is different from that of the Gibbon King. He has never really faced those members of the Immortal Sword Sect, so he has been unable to estimate their strength.But now, through Taoist Huangxu's aura, he somewhat understood the strength of Immortal Sword Sect.Of course, the coercion that Taoist Huangxu exudes here is nothing to him, after all, it is just an obsession, but even so, it can still push Chunyangzi to the corner of the hall, and can make the gibbon king at the peak of Bigu take three steps back , one can imagine what kind of tyrannical strength Taoist Huangxu possessed in his heyday!

However, such a powerful Taoist Huangxu, plus a real person Chunyang who is not weaker than him, they were defeated in the hands of Immortal Sword Sect, and even their lives could not be saved. This alone is enough It shows that the five heartbeats of Xianjianzong are really strong, at least stronger than Gibbon King and Chunyangzi imagined.Now Li Haoxuan has begun to worry. In his opinion, if he really strikes, Chunyangzi of Yachongtian will be the first to be killed. The difference in strength between the two is too great.

Daoist Huangxu, who can make his fighting strength reach the state of heartbeat, uses the word terror, and the Immortal Sword Sect lives up to its name.

"I have known Chunyang Zhenren for many years. I have deduced how to defeat the Immortal Sword Sect more than once, and finally created a set of Xeon Killing Formation! Unfortunately, people are not as good as God. Heart-beating monk, but he failed to open the way back for me! However, what I want to pass on to you today is not this set of killing formations, because this set of killing formations is dominated by Chunyang Daoist, and now he is no longer, what about this set of killing formations? The killing array also loses its meaning."

"Although I was defeated by Master Chunyang, the defeat this time was not meaningless. It was because of this defeat that after decades of lingering at the bottom of the cliff, I finally deduced the real method to restrain the Immortal Sword Sect! There is a mysterious power that can make the Immortal Sword Sect be moved. Even if you kill a heart-throb, another one will immediately come out of the Immortal Sword Sect. You can't stop killing, so, never waste mana in killing them."

"Since we can't kill them, we can only seal them!" Taoist Huangxu continued, "According to my deduction, the five Xindong members of Immortal Sword Sect are a special kind of existence. Become the carrier of the Dao here! Their physical bodies represent the purest Dao here, so if the power of the Dao is from the same source, it is impossible to hurt them at all!"

"If you want to defeat the Immortal Sword Sect, the first ten years of entering this place is the best choice, because in these ten years your original Dao power is still abundant, which can cause great damage to the Immortal Sword Sect! Chunyang Zhenren is a genius, although The origin of his avenue is the same as those of the Immortal Sword Sect, but he has simulated a brand new power of the avenue based on the essence of my avenue, and it is precisely because of this that he can cause harm to those people of the Immortal Sword Sect. Man, no."

"In other words, the only ones who can cause harm to the Immortal Sword Sect are us outside monks! Moreover, if you stay here for too long and the power of the Dao is completely assimilated, then you will also be unable to cause any harm to the Immortal Sword Sect. Hurt, because all the supernatural powers you display rely on the power of the Dao here, and their physical bodies are the Dao, and their physical bodies can contain all your attacks, even if you stand and let you kill them, you can't kill them!"

"My sealing technique was created specifically for those members of the Immortal Sword Sect. Only those who control the power of the outside world can control it. But you have to remember two points. First, to perform the sealing technique, you must draw the other party out Immortal Sword Sect, and the farther the distance, the better. They all have some kind of induction with Immortal Sword Sect. The farther the distance is, the weaker this induction is, and their strength will be correspondingly weakened. Second, the impact of this sealing technique on mana The consumption is extremely huge, you'd better bring enough spirit stones or elixir to quickly recover your strength before you make a move!"

"It is almost impossible to seal five people at once, so I suggest you break them one by one! You can seal one person at a time, and then hide and attack again. You can choose to hide in the outskirts of Wuliang Mountain, even the Immortal Sword Sect would not dare Go there to play wild! The only advantage of the sealing technique is that it can guarantee that the people of Xianjianzong will not die. Become an empty shell! Remember to seal the five of them in different places, otherwise there may be mutations!"

"The above is the first thing I want to tell you. You and I come from the same place. The only thing I want to do is you can help me. Helping you is helping yourself, so you don't have to be surprised by your good intentions. I have doubts about my sealing technique. Being able to see my obsession shows that your attainment in formations is not too weak, so you can test it yourself before making a decision."

"The next thing I want to talk about is the second thing. My name is Feng Huangxu, and I come from the Nanling Feng Clan! You must have heard the name of the Feng Clan, although it is not as good as Donghuang Twelve Gates, Nanling Jiushen Palace, But it has also been passed down through the ages, with a profound foundation, and it is one of my Nanling holy places!"

"If you can escape here smoothly, then I hope you can send this ancient book back to the Nanling Wind Clan! Our clan has a strong sense of the Dao. If the power of the Dao is not pure, I am afraid that it will be regarded as an extraterritorial demon clan and be exterminated, so Before you go to the Wind Clan, you must ensure that the power of the Dao is pure, otherwise you will be harmed! This ancient book is the ancient book of my Wind Clan, which records some secrets in the clan, and is one of the sacred objects of my Wind Clan. Only the blood of the Wind Clan Only then can it be opened! I have already stated in the ancient scriptures to the elders of the clan that if you can send this book back to the Wind Clan, they will give you a great gift and thank you! I, the Wind Clan, have been passed down through the ages, and I will not be stingy when I do it. A high-grade magic weapon is enough to match your Bigu status!"

"All I have done is to send this ancient book back to WindClan. I hope you can help me do it. But I still have to say one more thing. No matter what kind of person you are, I hope you will not Self-deprecating, if you do something wrong to the Wind Clan, the Wind Clan will definitely find you, and you will be ashamed! Whether you choose to be a friend or an enemy of the Wind Clan, you have to think about it yourself. I will imprint the sealing technique directly into your primordial spirit, so I can do it myself!"

Taoist Huangxu's obsession suddenly collapsed here, and instantly turned into a cyan light that fell into the center of Li Haoxuan's eyebrows.

At the same time, two formations suddenly appeared in Li Haoxuan's Purple Mansion!

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