Holy furnace

Chapter 626

"Two arrays?" Li Haoxuan couldn't help being surprised when he felt the two arrays suddenly appear in his mind, it was just a sealing technique against Immortal Sword Sect, why two arrays?

"The latecomer." Just when Li Haoxuan was puzzled, the same voice as Taoist Huangxu sounded again, but this time Taoist Huangxu's voice came from within his mind.

"I'm not sure if you are alone now, and the last thing I want to tell you must not be known by anyone else, so I can only use this method to spread the law. Although this is your purple mansion, I have died , you don't have to worry that I will know some of your secrets." Taoist Huangxu continued with a steady and calm voice.

"Immortal Sword Sect is very mysterious, and it contains some secrets that I can't solve. Moreover, there is a certain kind of induction between the five people, and it only takes a very short time to perceive each other's location, so it is very difficult to rely on the Dao Sealing Technique alone." It's hard to defeat them one by one. But it's not impossible, I've deduced it for many years, and I'm [-]% sure, but I need to cooperate with my other magical power!"

"My Wind Clan in Nanling is one of the holy lands. It has an immortal inheritance. The most amazing thing is its speed! In order to help you defeat the Immortal Sword Sect, I will pass on to you a magical power of my Wind Clan called Yubu, stepping on the cloth ! This magical ability can maximize your speed, and it can also cooperate with your body protection magical ability. If you can use it well, the chance of breaking out will increase by [-]%!"

"The reason why you want to pass on your supernatural power in your purple mansion is because this supernatural power can be activated no matter whether it is the avenue of the outside world or the avenue here, and at this time, the supernatural power that belongs to my Feng Clan, I can't let it go." Spread it out! Pass it on to you today because you have no choice but to treat it as one of your rewards for helping me bring the ancient scriptures back to the Wind Clan! You must remember that Yu Bu’s supernatural power must never be passed on to the outside world, whether it is you or not. Your teacher is still your friend, you can't reveal a word, otherwise my Fengzu people will definitely ask you for karma!"

"Okay, I've finished everything I want to say. I have no regrets. Cultivate Yu steps well. Don't try to break through the level until you reach the stage of great accomplishment. Do it yourself!" Taoist Huangxu's voice stopped there, and there was no more sound. At the same time, the formation diagram on the left began to slowly unfold, and what was drawn in it was a profound sealing technique, which was named Daofeng by Taoist Huangxu, and it was specially used to restrain the power of the Dao in this area!

The Dao Feng technique is very mysterious, and it would be impossible to comprehend it in a few days under normal circumstances, but Taoist Huang Xu has worked hard for this trick for decades, so it is naturally impossible for Li Haoxuan to re-deduce it again!When this array was unfolded, the complete Dao seal began to disintegrate and turned into pure Dao patterns. Afterwards, the Dao patterns were combined again, and a perfect deduction was carried out in Li Haoxuan's mind.

This is already equivalent to empowerment!Directly injecting the results of one's own practice into the brains of others is many times faster than one's own practice.With Li Haoxuan's comprehension, he has completely controlled the Dao Fengshu after deducing it once. After mastering the Dao Fengshu, the mist in Li Haoxuan's purple mansion was immediately drawn by him, simulating it as a wisp of Dao pattern, according to Dao Fengshu, began to combine, after a few breaths, a piece of Dao Fengshu composed of the power of the primordial spirit appeared, perfect!

Click!After this heavy Dao Sealing Technique was completed, the formation formed by Taoist Huangxu broke suddenly, turning into a rain of light and disappearing between Li Haoxuan's eyebrows.

After that, another array map appeared and slowly unfolded.

This is a Dao map even larger than the Dao Sealing Technique, in which countless Dao patterns are densely drawn.When the dao map was completely unfolded, these dao patterns started to swim like fish, and finally emitted a bright divine light, which was full of blazing.

"This is Yu Bu? The supernatural power of the Nanling Wind Clan?" Li Haoxuan thought while looking at the Dao map in front of him.As a disciple of Qingxuguan, he has of course heard the name of the Nanling Feng Clan. This is a big clan known for its speed. It is indeed one of the immortal holy lands as Taoist Huangxu said.It is said that the ancestors of the Feng Clan once produced a supreme quasi-emperor whose cultivation level was astonishingly close to the realm of a great emperor. In the end, although he failed in proving the Tao, he left behind the perfect quasi-emperor scriptures.

It is said that if one can cultivate the supernatural powers inherited from the Feng Clan to great success, he will have the fastest speed in the world, faster than the legendary roc, and can cross the star field in one step.Of course, the inheritance supernatural power referred to here is the quasi-emperor supernatural power, not the current Yu Bu, but since Yu Bu also comes from the Feng Clan, he naturally has extraordinary power, at least as Taoist Huangxu said, it can make him in the original Above the realm, greatly increase its own speed.

When the map of Yu's path was fully displayed, Li Haoxuan's heart was shaken, as if he had been petrified!The dao map in front of me is too mysterious, it is unfathomable. Moreover, this dao map is incomplete, and the key part is broken. It should be that Taoist Huang Xu did not want to spread the complete Yubu, but even so An incomplete dao map is enough to benefit him a lot!

Li Haoxuan's body began to glow, and there was a shocking noise in the Purple Mansion. He tried his best to deduce the map of Yu's steps. The more he deduces, the more shocking Li Haoxuan's heart becomes, and he becomes more and more convinced that the Yu steps in front of him are just the flawless steps of Yu steps. It's just the tip of the iceberg, and there's still a lot to come!

"It's no wonder that the Wind Clan can use it to run amok in the world. Yubu is indeed mysterious and unpredictable. It's just a corner, and it's so heaven-defying. If it's perfect, Yubu doesn't know how fast it will be? It should have involved the law of space, I'm afraid it will eventually I may not be able to fully understand it in my whole life!" Li Haoxuan pondered silently and carefully deduced it.Time was running out quickly, and three days and three nights passed in a blink of an eye.

During this period, Li Haoxuan kept his eyes slightly closed, and divine light appeared from time to time on his physical body, and he had put his whole heart into it, without any further precautions.Because he believes that Chunyangzi will protect him. Although the Gibbon King is very strong, this is the Chunyang Sword Sect. Even if he wants to do something wrong, Chunyangzi can buy him a moment.

It wasn't until three days later that Li Haoxuan slowly opened his eyes. Up to now, Yu Bu has been deeply imprinted in his mind and has become his supernatural power!

When Li Haoxuan opened his eyes, he found that the world in front of him suddenly changed, it became more transparent and clear, and even the space around him became more empty, which gave him a feeling of being like a fish in water. It feels as if space can no longer be his resistance.

"Haoxuan, you finally woke up." At this moment, Chunyangzi's voice came, Li Haoxuan turned his head to look, and found that there was only Chunyangzi sitting cross-legged in the left corner, pleasantly surprised Said to himself.

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