Holy furnace

Chapter 627

"Well, I have troubled you for helping me protect the law these few days." Li Haoxuan nodded upon hearing this, and said to Chunyangzi.

"Do you still need to be so polite between you and me?" Chun Yangzi smiled slightly, got up and came to Li Haoxuan and asked, "How is it? Have you mastered the sealing method left by Taoist Huang Xu?"

"Almost." Li Haoxuan nodded, "Where's Lu Yuanfei? Why can't I feel his aura?"

"Seeing that you have been in meditation, he left three days ago, saying that he was going to find some old friends to go to Wuliang Mountain with us." Chunyangzi replied.

"What do you think of Lu Yuanfei? Can we cooperate?" Li Haoxuan asked after pondering, "This time we are going to face the Immortal Sword Sect, and we cannot tolerate any carelessness. If the Gibbon King and the others turn their backs midway, we will be very passive. There may even be danger of life and death! If that’s the case, it’s better for the two of us to make the trip.”

"The Gibbon King became famous more than a hundred years ago. I was still young at that time. Although I heard many rumors about him, I don't know what he is like." After thinking about it, Chun Yangzi said, "But I think What he said before was not false, otherwise he would not have handed over Taoist Huangxu’s suicide note like this. If not, we might have the sealing method that can restrain Immortal Sword Sect. Moreover, Haoxuan, you are also from the outside world, so you can It proves that everything Taoist Huangxu said is true, there is indeed a vast world outside, and it is easy to understand why the Gibbon King wants to go out and have a look, even for me."

"If that's the case, then trust him once. But we still need to take more precautions, and we must be on guard!" Li Haoxuan nodded and said, "How is the situation in Wuliang Mountain? Are the five members of Immortal Sword Sect sure that they are all in Wuliang Mountain?"

"In the past few days, there have been news that the people from the Immortal Sword Sect are indeed on the Wuliang Mountain. Someone once saw five people being blasted down from the Wuliang Mountain by some kind of giant creature." Confidentially, he said, "So far, there are still not many people entering Wuliang Mountain, because the outside of Wuliang Mountain has been completely controlled by the Kendo Alliance. Except for a few powerful hermit casual cultivators who forcibly entered, including the major leaders Most people in the country have been restricted."

"However, those leaders are not easy-going lamps. Now a free alliance has been formed outside Wuliang Mountain, and a large number of monks have been recruited to join. Even monks in the mortal realm can enter. They have decided to forcibly break into the mountain after five days. He wants to gather the power of everyone to defeat the Sword Alliance. The Gibbon King also wants to use this opportunity to go straight to Wuliang Mountain, so that the loss of combat power can be greatly reduced."

"Lu Yuanfei's considerations are also reasonable. I just don't know when the handed down holy soldiers will be born, and, according to what you said earlier, there may be strange beasts guarding Wuliang Mountain. But this is good, maybe it can help us restrain the other party." Li Haoxuan heard He said, "When will Lu Yuanfei return? Have you ever said how much combat power it will bring?"

"He will be back in these two days. As for the combat power, he once said that he will invite at least five strong men who are not inferior to him."

"Then adding him is six people... En?" At this moment, Li Haoxuan's complexion changed slightly, and then he smiled and said, "As soon as we talk, they are here!" After speaking, Li Haoxuan took Chunyangzi and took a step forward. Immediately, there was a slight spatial fluctuation, and the next moment, Li Haoxuan and the two disappeared in place, and instantly appeared outside the Chunyang Sword Sect.

At this time, two figures were flying towards the Chunyang Sword Sect. One of them was the Gibbon King with his arms above his knees, and the other was holding a long black stick, exuding an extremely powerful and terrifying aura.

"Lu Yuanfei, are you sure that Li Haoxuan from the Chunyang Sword Sect really has the strength to rival the Immortal Sword Sect?" While walking quickly, the old man holding a long stick spoke to the Gibbon King, his tone full of strong doubts .

"As I said, his own strength may not be stronger than Immortal Sword Sect, but with the secret method passed down by Taoist Huang Xu, coupled with our assistance, the success rate is very high, and there is a [-]% chance! What's more, he himself From the outside world, now is the best time to defeat Xianjianzong! [-]% chance, don't you want to take a gamble?" The Gibbon King replied with a firm tone.

"Okay! I'm going to fight!" The other party was silent at first, and then replied loudly as if he was going all out, "Anyway, I don't have many years to live, so it's better to give it a go than wait for death! But the ugly words are ahead, although I have no time But I won't die in vain, the Chunyang Sword Sect is ahead, if that Li Haoxuan doesn't satisfy me, I'll turn around and leave immediately!"

"As you like!" the Gibbon King said coldly, he was not feeling well, he thought he could invite at least five strong men this time, but he didn't expect that only one person would come with him, this result made him very dissatisfied .

"Chunyangzi is waiting for the return of the senior!" Just as the two of them communicated with each other, a loud voice suddenly came from the front. The Gibbon King looked intently, and immediately saw Li Haoxuan and Chunyangzi standing side by side , standing in front of the Chunyang Sword Sect with his hands behind his back.

"Don't dare to bear such a heavy gift." The Gibbon King laughed when he heard the words, flew down to Chunyangzi and said, after exchanging pleasantries, he asked Li Haoxuan, "Li Daoyou, have you mastered the sealing technique left by Taoist Huangxu?"

Li Haoxuan glanced at the Gibbon King and the old man beside him, and nodded.

"Okay, very good." The Gibbon King was overjoyed when he saw this, and said, "You two, let me introduce you. This is my old friend from many years ago, He Jiangping!"

"He Jiangping? Could it be that senior is the heavy stick king?" Chun Yangzi was shocked when he heard this, and said quickly.The heavy stick king is as famous as the Tianmu king back then. He swept the heroes of the world with a long stick in his hand. He was the peak of Bigu many years ago, and he was one of the most powerful people born here.

"Unexpectedly, after so many years, there are still people who remember the title of Heavy Stick King." He Jiang, who was holding a long stick, said flatly. Then, he looked directly at Li Haoxuan and said, "You are the Li Haoxuan from the outside world that Lu Yuanfei said? He said to me Your strength can fight human immortals, Taoist Huangxu's supernatural power can even seal human immortals, I wonder if you really have that kind of strength?"

"Lu Yuanfei said that the helpers he recruited are all the strongest here, and I'm also curious whether you can be called the strongest!" Li Haoxuan smiled and said directly.

"Boom!" It was not He Jiangping's words that responded to Li Haoxuan, but a long black stick exuding tyrannical coercion!

No one thought that He Jiangping would fight directly when he disagreed with each other. Chunyangzi's expression changed drastically under the pressure of this long stick. There is no time to retreat, and the long stick has already arrived!Incomplete dao patterns appeared on the long black stick, causing the space to tremble slightly, and the ground beneath his feet was roaring. If it wasn't for the protection of the large formation of the Chunyang Sword Sect, it might have cracked at this time.

Even the Gibbon King was taken aback by this, but the opponent was a strong man of his level, even if he wanted to make a move at this moment, it was too late, so he could only focus on Li Haoxuan and see how he could resolve it.

In He Jiangping's icy pupils, a golden light began to appear, and with the appearance of this golden light, the roaring black long stick stopped abruptly, and stopped abruptly in the void, the whole world It suddenly became extremely silent, like the end of the world.

And under the long stick, there is a golden finger shining with a beautiful fairy light!

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