Holy furnace

Chapter 628

The battle between the Heavy Stick King and Li Haoxuan came very suddenly, neither Chun Yangzi nor the Gibbon King expected it, let alone had time to make corresponding moves.

Chun Yangzi's strength is nothing to the heavy stick king, and it is even more inevitable to face such a heavy stick that the opponent is famous for. The only thing he can do is raise his hands instinctively.

However, the opponent's heavy stick failed to fall, because above him there was a stick of golden fingers flying in the air, shining with a misty auspicious light.

With just one finger, he blocked the mighty Heavy Stick King from before.Although the heavy cudgel is strong, it can't go one step further. The result is appalling. For a moment, everyone is silent.

Chunyangzi is the leader of one party, and he is also the leader of one of the most powerful sects in this area. The Gibbon King and the Heavy Stick King are figures from a hundred years ago. They can be called legends, but now, the three of them They were all silent, stunned, and they couldn't believe what they saw.

Among the three, the heavy stick king's face was the most serious, completely different from the previous casual and domineering application!Because the other end of the heavy stick was in his hand at this moment, only he could feel Li Haoxuan's power most intuitively here.

Since his debut, he has never encountered such a situation. All his previous battles have been open and closed, sweeping the world with the stick method. Although he has never compared his mana with him, he has never been afraid of anyone, even He is not afraid of the gibbon king beside him, the two of them are at most equal!But now, the young Li Haoxuan in front of him made him feel extremely fearful. Although the long stick was in his hands, it seemed to have lost weight. No matter how he pushed it, the heavy stick would not move at all, as if it was dotted in the void by the other party .

boom!The aura of the Heavy Stick King began to increase suddenly, wave after wave of mana poured out from his dantian and passed on to the Heavy Stick, making the Dao patterns on the long stick in his hand become denser and denser. whole.His combat power is above this heavy stick. If he lost the heavy stick, his combat power would drop by at least [-]%. Now that he has decided to fight the opponent seriously, he must show his strongest combat power!

"Seal!" However, before he could retract the heavy stick, Li Haoxuan had already opened his mouth.

As he opened his mouth, a streak of Dao patterns suddenly appeared from his body, spreading to the dark heavy stick!This dao pattern was not born from the heaven and earth, but was stripped from Li Haoxuan's body. It is the purest power of the Dao in the outside world, completely different from the Dao here.

Li Haoxuan possesses a half body, whether it is flesh and blood, bones or mana, there is a huge amount of Dao power. These Dao powers are refined into his original source by Li Vulcan Furnace, unless he breaks into the Bigu state in the future Only then can he truly absorb all the Dao powers, but now, Taoist Huangxu spent decades creating the Dao Sealing Technique to open another door, which is to deprive himself of the power of the Dao in his body through this seal, and use To confront the enemy!

It can be said that this door seal was created especially for Li Haoxuan!It can be said that in terms of the power of the Great Dao in the body, among all the monks in the Bigu Realm, except for the Dao Body and other parts of the Divine King Body, no one can compare with Li Haoxuan, enough for him to squander it!With enough power of the Dao, Li Haoxuan doesn't have to worry about the lack of the Dao at all.

When the dao pattern gushing out of Li Haoxuan's body covered the heavy stick in a mysterious form, it immediately began to spread crazily like a spark of fire, and in an instant, countless dao patterns were assimilated by it, forming one after another. Independent but interrelated formations are overlaid on the heavy stick!In a blink of an eye, the entire heavy stick was covered by the array, and then all the arrays glowed at the same time, blending with each other, and instantly transformed into a small seal that appeared in the center of the heavy stick.

hum!With the appearance of this seal, the heavy black stick suddenly buzzed softly, and the mana fluctuations on it disappeared instantly, and the light was introverted, and fell from the void with a bang, like ordinary iron.

Seeing this, the heavy stick king's face changed drastically. Although he didn't understand what happened, he knew that Li Haoxuan could not be allowed to continue, otherwise there would be a catastrophe!Suddenly, Heavy Stick King let out a loud roar, and his body immediately rose into the air. A long stick made of mana appeared in front of him, and he grabbed it in his hand.

Then, the heavy stick king shouted, his figure changed rapidly in the void, and instantly transformed into dozens of different phantoms, and at the same time, he threw towards Li Haoxuan, intending to smash Li Haoxuan's body directly.

At this time, the strength of the Heavy Stick King terrified Chunyangzi so much that he couldn't even tell which of the dozens of figures in the sky were real and which were fake. Only then did he know that these could be called "kings" None of the people in the world are weak, and everyone has extraordinary strength!

"Thousand waves of stick shadows!" A loud roar came from the mouths of the heavy stick kings in all directions at the same time, and the sound waves made the void tremble.Dozens of long sticks were pointed out at the same time, as if they wanted to shatter this space!

"Dang!" The next moment, a melodious bell sounded, and a big golden bell appeared at some unknown time, covering the surroundings of Li Haoxuan and Chunyangzi, blocking all the stick shadows in the sky, and sending out a curling bell. The sound is like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning.

"Open!" The heavy stick king changed color, and the shadow of a thousand heavy sticks suddenly merged into one at this moment, becoming an immortal stick, blooming with endless divine light towards the big clock around Li Haoxuan's body.

"Shocking blow? Why is He Jiangping crazy!" Not far away, the gibbon king suddenly changed color. He didn't expect that it was just a sparring, and He Jiangping actually used his own unique skills!Shocking One Cudgel is one of the most powerful supernatural powers of the Heavy Cudgel King. It combines one's own energy and spirit, and hits it all in an instant, but the price is to give up all defenses when gaining the most powerful combat power, which is a lose-lose situation. How to play!

Boom!The void collapsed, and the heavy stick king's shocking stick almost pierced through the void. The powerful mana fluctuations caused the golden bell's body protection supernatural power to sag at this time, and even a trace of cracks appeared, spreading to all directions, as if at any time. will burst.The heavy stick king has brought his strength to the extreme at this time, which is even stronger than the power of holding a real heavy stick before!

"Seal!" Facing the shocking stick that was so close to him, Li Haoxuan expressed indifferently, and once again stretched out his hand to point out!

"Not good!" The heavy stick king's complexion changed instantly, and he wanted to get away immediately, because he had already seen the same dao pattern on Li Haoxuan's fingertips.However, he was still a step too late. When he wanted to retreat, Li Haoxuan's fingertips had already imprinted his mana stick. The next moment, Dao patterns filled the air, and in an instant it turned into a small seal and appeared on the On the chest of the heavy stick king.

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