Holy furnace

Chapter 634

ps: People fight for one breath, Buddhas fight for one stick of incense!Who said that the monthly ticket list of the holy furnace can't make it into the top five?The Sacred Stove has so many die-hard fans, so many brothers and sisters who like the Sacred Stove, can't they still compete for the top five?The end of the month is approaching, brothers and sisters, all of you who like the holy furnace, long clothes reach the ground, begging for a monthly pass, so that the holy furnace can fight farther and more joyfully!

The big golden hand shot down like overwhelming the sky, instantly shattering the eight divine arrows of the Nine Arrow King, and landed heavily on the ground!

In an instant, the earth shook and the sky shook!The sky was full of smoke and dust, and the mighty, powerful wind raged out, blowing up all the fragments of the surrounding earth!The whole ground continued to make loud cracking noises. Many monks opened their sky eyes at this time, and they could clearly see that the ground was cracking one after another, and the mountain peaks in the distance were collapsing. It was only a few breaths. Five hills have been leveled!

It was just a pressing of the palm of one hand, and it was razed to the ground for several miles, and nothing existed except endless dust.

If it weren't for the presence of all monks with advanced realms, I'm afraid everyone would have been in danger at this time!Even so, many people were still affected. A strong man from the Eighth Layer of Bigu was hit by a rock because he was one step too late, and he coughed up blood on the spot!If it wasn't for him wearing a treasured garment, his entire body would have been blown apart, and it would be unbearable to bear such a force!

Li Haoxuan's attack was intended to strengthen his prestige, and he had already used [-]% of his own strength. It's not surprising to have such power!However, in the eyes of everyone, all this is really beyond common sense, not to mention these monks who have never seen Li Haoxuan, even the heavy stick king and the gibbon king who have recovered their freedom also changed their faces at this time, especially The heavy stick king's face turned pale, and beads of sweat dripped down from his forehead.

At this time, the heavy stick king's eyes were full of deep fear. He recalled the confrontation with Li Haoxuan a few days ago, and only then did he realize that Li Haoxuan was more than just being merciful. Press down with only one palm, and he will definitely be crushed to death like an ant!The same is true for the Gibbon King, every time he thought he could guess the limit of Li Haoxuan's cultivation, Li Haoxuan would use more powerful means to make his guess a joke!

The sound of explosions is still going on, like a chain reaction, one mountain after another is collapsing, and the smoke and dust are endless. If there is no clairvoyance, it is impossible to see things in this environment. The thick dust is almost unbreathable, but everyone present For a strong man, with a wave of his hand, there will be a steady stream of spiritual energy from heaven and earth roaring in, blowing away the dust that pervades the place.

After a while, the big collapse finally ended, countless dust was also blown away by the vitality of heaven and earth summoned by everyone, and the place finally regained clarity and clarity.

Looking at the extremely messy scene in front of them, everyone present was silent, everyone was deeply shocked, and they didn't know how to use words to describe the feelings in their hearts!

"The destruction of the world is nothing more than that!" Some monks couldn't help but flew up, wanting to see how terrifying this scene of great destruction is!

Then, he saw a huge handprint with a radius of five feet appeared on the messy ground. The handprint was so huge that he didn't know how many meters it penetrated into the ground. Slightly hot air emerged from the dark handprint pits, and the scorching breath made one's heart chill.

Everyone knows that this is a deterrent, and different voices are not allowed within this alliance, otherwise, the Nine Arrows King in front of him is a living example.

"Shenwei!" After a long time, someone opened his mouth, trembling and uttering two words.In a sense, there is nothing wrong with this description for them. Many of them have seen the five immortals of Immortal Sword Sect, and even watched them make moves. At this moment, they nodded slightly when they heard the words, I think this statement is true, at least it can be compared with human immortals.

"The Freedom Alliance and the Kendo Alliance are over!"

"Leader Li is invincible in this world, and can fight the world alone with one hand!"

"If the ancestor of the Demon Sword knows that our President Li has such strength, he will definitely turn his back on the dark and turn to the light?" After the shock, many people began to whisper, everyone was very excited, and even used the title of President Li at the same time. A kind of respect, but also a kind of awe.

Right here, a figure with a long black sword on his back slowly came from the distant sky. Every step he took could make the void tremble slightly, and a lotus would grow with every step.

"I've met President Li!" At this point, no one needs to say anything, everyone knows who is here, and someone knelt on one knee, saluted Li Haoxuan in the sky and shouted.

"I've met Leader Li!" Someone took the lead, and the rest of them would naturally not lag behind. They all knelt neatly in the ruins and shouted loudly.

"Everyone, be polite!" Li Haoxuan greeted Dao Jue with his hands high above him, and said in return to everyone, asking everyone to stand up.

"Thank you Wan Qianqiu for the kindness of Leader Li for the gift of Dan. If you are sent, you will die!" Wan Qianqiu stepped forward, bowed to Li Haoxuan, and said seriously.He is half useless, his lifespan is approaching, and he came here this time to not leave any regrets, but now, with Li Haoxuan's elixir, not only his wounds are completely healed, but even the lifespan that was lost by the secret method back then It was also made up a lot, which almost brought him back to his peak, otherwise he would not have dared to challenge the peak Nine Arrows King before.

This kind of elixir is nothing to Li Haoxuan, not to mention the prescriptions recorded in the elixir, even Mo Sangsang has a lot in his hands. After all, he is only a monk in the bigu state, and no matter how serious the injury is, there is a limit, and All the avenues they have cultivated are flawed, and the perfect panacea is enough to restore their way.

"It's just a matter of raising your hands, don't worry about it." Li Haoxuan waved his hand, using his cloud sleeves to help Wan Qianqiu and all the people who came forward to salute after him.

Afterwards, Li Haoxuan flipped his wrist again, and a wave of heaven and earth spiritual energy followed, submerged into the deep pit under his feet, and pulled out the Nine Arrow King who had been beaten and fell into a coma!At this time, Nine Arrow King's body was almost crippled, with huge scars everywhere, and a large amount of blood gushed out from his body, staining most of his body red.Even the precious bow in his hand has been deformed, and some people can even see cracks appearing on the bow, which may break at any time.

It is not surprising to have this result, Li Haoxuan's physical body is as strong as the Sun God's body!He has fought in the space of reincarnation for a long time, and he has never met anyone with a stronger body than him!

"Because he is the first offender, I won't kill him! But if someone dares to speak out or provoke again in the future, I will let him know what the means are."

"Reward for meritorious service!" Li Haoxuan looked at the dozens of strong men below and was silent for a moment, then said loudly, "Those who have made mistakes, kill them!"

This action is of great importance. If someone betrays someone on the way, it will cause extremely serious consequences, and it may even affect the millennium foundation of the Pure Yang Sword Sect. He can only use it as a deterrent. There are many bones on the road of cultivating immortals, although he is not afraid of killing people. , but I don't want to kill people needlessly.

"Your Majesty!" Everyone shouted in unison. With the example of the King of Nine Arrows, no one would dare to stab again.

"Okay, then follow me!" Li Haoxuan nodded, sealed the dantian of the King of Nine Arrows and handed it over to the Gibbon King to take care of it, and then led everyone to fly towards Wuliang Mountain first!

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