Holy furnace

Chapter 636

The dark clouds covered the sky and covered the sun, and they opened from the south, attracting the attention of many powerhouses from the Freedom Alliance and the Kendo Alliance.

It wasn't until the dark cloud approached that everyone realized that it was not a dark cloud, it was clearly an army of monks all the way!At the head of this army is a young man with a black long sword on his back, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and black hair flying.

This army is naturally the Chunyang Alliance led by Li Haoxuan and Chunyangzi.The nature of the alliance originally negotiated between the Gibbon King and Chun Yangzi has completely changed with the display of Li Haoxuan's strength. Whether it is Chun Yangzi, the Gibbon King, or other powerful kings, everyone has been defeated by Li Haoxuan's means. Convinced, no one dared to disobey Li Haoxuan's order. On the way eastward to Wuliang Mountain, the original Chunyang Alliance of more than [-] people has evolved into the current number of [-]!

This army traveled all the way eastward, crossing several mountain ranges!Whenever they showed up to show their formidable strength, there would be requests from many sects to join them!

Of course, there were many provocateurs along the way, but all of them were suppressed without exception. Li Haoxuan never made a move along the way, even if he was provoked by a king-level powerhouse, someone would take action. Now, in his There are a total of six kings standing behind him.

Gibbon King, Heavy Cudgel King, Nine Arrows King, Qianqiu King, Scarlet Flame King, Charming King!

Ever since Li Haoxuan single-handedly suppressed that day, Nine Arrow King never dared to go against Li Haoxuan's will. He deeply knew how huge the gap between the two was, and this gap could not be made up by penance. His Dao was suppressed by nature, it was impossible to compete with Li Haoxuan!Regarding Nine Arrows King's performance that day, although Li Haoxuan used him to stand out, he admired him very much. There are not many people who can act under his pressure, so it is worth cultivating!

After confirming that the Nine Arrow King had no other intentions, Li Haoxuan recast the Broken Arrow God Bow with the Tianmu King Ding given by Mo Sangsang, which made the Nine Arrow King sincerely convinced him and never dared to show any disrespect to him again!

The two hundred bigu exuded powerful mana pressure and followed Li Haoxuan and the six kings, and stopped at the foot of Wuliang Mountain, forming a confrontation with the Freedom Alliance and the Kendo Alliance, restraining each other.

"I heard that the Gibbon King and the Chunyang Sword Sect formed an alliance a long time ago. I thought it was just two or three big cats and kittens, but now it looks like something!" Looking at the alliance army that suddenly appeared at this time in surprise, he sneered and said to the gibbon king.

"Old Devil Demon Saber, long time no see, is Zeng well?" Hearing what the ancestor Demon Saber said, Wan Qianqiu smiled slightly, stepped forward and said.

"Wan Qianqiu? I didn't expect that you, an old man, are still alive. It really surprised me." Hearing that Wan Qianqiu called himself the old ghost of the Demon Saber, the ancestor of the Demon Saber didn't care, and said with a smirk. "But it's a pity, you old man is finally going to die today."

"It's not up to you whether you die or not. The old man has realized Tianxin these days, but I feel that your time may be numbered." Wan Qianqiu smiled and said directly.

"Huh!" The ancestor of the Demon Sword waved his sleeves, too lazy to argue with the other party, looked at the gibbon king again, laughed and said, "Lu Yuanfei, everyone in the world has rumored that this is an alliance between you and Chunyangzi, why is Chunyangzi at this time?" Standing in the front with this little brat, but you are standing behind? The majestic gibbon king, do you want to be ashamed?"

Among Li Haoxuan's army, Li Haoxuan was the strongest, Chunyangzi was behind him on the right, and the six kings were lined up behind Chunyangzi and Li Haoxuan.

The gibbon king's expression changed immediately when he heard this, and he said coldly, "Old Demon Sword, if you want to die, just say so, and I will send you on your way."

During this period of time, although the Gibbon King has never made a move, the attitudes of the Heavy Stick King and the Nine Arrow King are enough to show that this is an old-fashioned strong man beyond imagination, and the real explosive strength will definitely not be between the two of them. Under the circumstances, it is nothing to Li Haoxuan, but it will be the beginning of a nightmare for the rest of the people.

"What a big tone! It is rumored that the gibbon king was able to fight against the immortals and not be weak, but it is a pity that he was not born at the right time to learn. Since he met today, you should go forward and lead him to death!" He opened his mouth, and a young man standing beside him had already opened his mouth. He grabbed a long spear and walked forward. With a bang, it shook the void, and the long spear pointed directly at the gibbon king.

"I don't kill unknown people." The Gibbon King looked at the young man in front of him and said, his tone was flat.

"Xu Shi, the spear king!" The young man with the spear laughed and said, "If you can die in my hands, it doesn't count as a disgrace to your reputation."

"Long Spear King Xu Shi?" The Gibbon King was about to speak, when a voice suddenly came from beside him, but it was Chi Yan King with long red hair who spoke, staring at the Long Spear King.

"Ape King, I'm here to kill him today, as if I owe you a favor!" Then, Chiyan King turned his head, and said in a deep voice to the Gibbon King, "He killed my people eight years ago!"

"Okay!" The Gibbon King was taken aback when he heard the words, and then nodded.

"It turns out that you are the little brat who ran away back then, hahahaha, I never imagined that I would be crowned king after not seeing you for eight years? Good, very good! Killing you that day was as boring as killing a wild dog, but it's more or less interesting if you want to be like this today." , Hahaha!" The Long Spear King laughed loudly, stepping on the void, the space trembled between the vibrations of the gun light, and the sound of explosions was everywhere, which made people change color.

"Leader, Chi Yan please fight!" When everyone thought that King Chi Yan was about to strike, King Chi Yan knelt down on one knee in the void and said to Li Haoxuan's back.

"It's ridiculous that a majestic king-level existence even kneels down to ask for instructions in a battle! Where is the dignity of you kings?" The face of the ancestor of the Demon Sword changed. He was surprised by such a move.The behavior of King Chiyan revealed too much information, but the most important one was the identity of the young man standing in the front, which made even the king-level powerhouse kneel down to him!

Although there are seven kings in his Freedom Alliance, the seven kings are in a cooperative relationship, and they are all on equal footing. King, it is impossible for any one person to convince the crowd!But the scene in front of him shocked him, until now he looked carefully at Li Haoxuan in front of him, only to find that the other party's gaze had been fixed on the peak of Wuliang Mountain, and he had never even glanced at the Liberty Alliance and the Kendo Alliance from the beginning to the end.

The sowing of dissension by the ancestor of the Demon Sword did not have any effect, because everyone in the Chunyang Alliance looked at Li Haoxuan's back in silence, completely silent.

"Quite." After a long while, Li Haoxuan finally spoke, and the words shook the void!

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