Holy furnace

Chapter 651 Desperate

Boom!Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the endless army of monsters. The huge roar made the nearby monsters turn their heads to look, and immediately showed scarlet eyes, rushing towards the place where the roar broke out!

"Go away!" The next moment, a roar sounded, earth-shattering, followed by a huge black spear light!

This spear light was extremely powerful, and it swept across the world with one blow, instantly killing all the monsters within a radius of hundreds of feet, and breaking them into two pieces, leaving behind blood all over the ground!

"Liu!" A scream very similar to Fengming sounded from the sky, King Changqing trembled all over, looked up and found that his previous blow had already attracted the attention of the big bird with scales, At this time, the electric shot is coming towards him!

"Boom!" King Changqing's face changed drastically, he gritted his teeth and mobilized the divine power in his body, and swept away another spear light towards the big bird. The jet-black spear light seemed to be able to swallow the world, and it blasted on the big bird without a sound , The big bird that hit it screamed again and again, and kept going backwards!

However, Changqing Wang was also uncomfortable. He also used the supreme secret technique in the previous shot, which put a huge load on his body. At this time, even breathing became a little difficult!However, he had to fight hard, because this place is too dangerous, and there is a possibility of falling at any time. The real crisis does not come from that big bird, but the unicorn beast in the distance, that is the real monster. Beast King, even if he holds a magic weapon, he can't compete with him one or two, if he really meets, he will be obliterated in an instant!

After the big bird was startled back with one blow, King Changqing looked around and frowned when he found that King Gibbon and others were already in a hard fight!When he escaped before, he just felt someone grabbed his neck and threw him into the group of monster beasts, but he didn't have time to see the opponent's appearance clearly. between!

This speed makes him very jealous!Because although he has increased his combat power countless times with the magic weapon in hand, and even uses a kind of strong confidence that I have in the world with a gun in his hand, his speed has not improved at all because of this. If he is close to his back, his speed is definitely much stronger than his own!

"En?" Suddenly, Changqing Wang's face became extremely weird, and he said to himself, "Aren't there nine people? Why are there only eight people left? Could it be that one has already escaped? Hmph, it's his fate!" While speaking, Changqing Qing Wang once again looked at the unicorn beast with great fear, and instantly flew into the air, the powerful mana fluctuations dispersed, and flew towards the direction where it was fleeing before.

"Go back!" However, when he just flew into the air, the previous feeling reappeared, and his stamina was pinched again, like a duck being held in the hand!

"Roar!" This time, the Changqing King had been prepared for a long time, and the spear in his hand swept out from under his shoulder in an instant, and the powerful spear light swept across the sky, almost tearing the sky into a black hole!However, this blow was useless at all, because when he hadn't really swept away this blow, he found that he had been smashed into the ground again!

The behavior of the other party drove him crazy!This is not a fight at all, but a humiliation!

"Come out for me, and fight me fair and aboveboard! What are you sneaking around like this!" King Changqing roared loudly, his thick black hair fluttering in the wind, and the spear in his hand was jet-black. The halo of the body is slowly flowing, rippling with terrifying and powerful fluctuations of divine power, like a god and demon appearing in the world!

In the distance, the Gibbon King and Chun Yangzi are attacking and defending, and they are breaking out towards the distance!

This is the first time that the Gibbon King has shown his strength in front of everyone. He has truly demonstrated the old brand of "King King" to the fullest. Killing the monster with one punch can make the monster lose its combat power in a short time, buying precious time for everyone to break through!

And beside him is Chun Yangzi!Chunyangzi's Chunyang Sword Jue masters the way of high mountains. Now that he is in Wuliang Mountain, he feels like a fish in water. He naturally borrows the momentum of this mountain as a defense. With a long sword, he can defeat the monster's attack. Unload all the cuttings into the ground, and use your strength to fight!

Chunyangzi's defensive method surprised all the kings present. They did not expect that Chunyangzi, the only person who was not in the kingship realm, could have such strength. If everyone acted separately, they believed that Chunyangzi would definitely be the last one to die. The person who was late, his defense method is close to absolute defense, no monsters can invade their backs, it is the existence of Chunyangzi that enables the Gibbon King and others to concentrate on dealing with the enemy and open a bloody path !

"What is Changqing King talking about? Are you going crazy? Could it be the Charming King, you are making a move?" The Nine Arrow King has already recovered some of his strength, and he restrained the aura of heaven and earth as Dao arrows, continuously drawing his bows and strings, killing monsters one after another. shoot back.

"I am now a mud bodhisattva crossing the river and I can't protect myself. How can I still have the energy to deal with King Changqing? Moreover, he has that supreme weapon in his hand. If I go up, I'm afraid I'll be killed in an instant. That's not suicide. ?” The Charming King said with a wry smile.At this time, she was surrounded by everyone in the middle, constantly wandering among the crowd as support, except for Tian Mowu, her strength is not enough to stand alone!

"Ask many times! Who else can make Evergreen King like this?" Wan Qianqiu heard the words and said, "The leader helped us hold back Evergreen King. We have to break out quickly, otherwise it will be true. It’s dangerous! The Evergreen King holds the supreme magic weapon, which can destroy everything with one blow, and even the big bird will be repelled by him, I’m afraid the leader won’t be able to hold on for too long!”

"Okay, let's go out in one go! We'll talk about King Changqing's account later. It's best for the leader to show his power and kill him on the spot, otherwise I can't swallow the bad breath in my heart!" Nine Arrows King said angrily.All of his nine divine arrows were destroyed by King Changqing, which made his hatred for King Changqing reach its peak!

While speaking, several of them exerted their strength at the same time, increasing their forward speed by two points again!However, even though the seven kings and Chunyangzi have fully fired, there are too many monsters in front of and around them, almost endless, and it is impossible to kill them all. Moreover, all of these monsters are made of copper skin and iron bones, except for the gibbon Wang and Wan Qianqiu have a way to make them temporarily lose their fighting power, and the attacks of other people can't cause effective damage to them at all. Even the flames of the Scarlet Flame King can't burn these monsters to death. Will extinguish itself!

From the beginning of breaking through to the present, the total number of monsters killed by Gibbon King and others is less than ten, but almost all eight of them have been injured!

"Roar..." A loud and violent roar came from behind, and countless monsters were rioting, rushing in like a tide, because the unicorn monster king was getting closer!In fact, the unicorn king at this time is simply teasing everyone, trying to drive them into a desperate situation slowly, otherwise, if he wants to kill the gibbon king and others with his power, I am afraid that one layer of Daobo will be enough, and there is no need to really do it. After all, they don't have a peerless magic weapon like King Changqing in their hands!

puff!When all the monsters started to riot, Chun Yangzi's defense suddenly exploded, and he coughed up blood on the spot. He couldn't stop the bombardment of so many monsters at all, and he had reached his limit!Almost in the blink of an eye, each of the seven kings coughed up blood, and the king of charm was the weakest, with dozens of bones broken, and his face was as pale as paper!

"Boom..." Seeing that the seven kings and Chunyangzi were about to die, the unicorn monster suddenly yelled, and its huge body like a hill rose into the air, splitting the void, and rushed down towards them!At this time, the huge unicorn monster looked like a supreme monster, and its terrifying aura stunned the gibbon king and others, making each of them almost breathless.

When the unicorn fell, the purple lightning around its body became even brighter, and the huge hoof, which was several feet in size, cracked the ground with one step, causing the mountains in all directions to collapse one after another!A powerful aura spread out from under his feet like ripples, and if the countless monsters around him encountered this ripple, they would all be shaken into bloody mud. Thousands of monsters were unstoppable!

"It's over!" Looking at the tragic scene in front of them, everyone's faces were ashen, and they said in a voice.

At this moment, when everyone was in despair, a big golden hand suddenly descended from the sky, grabbed the eight of them and flew up into the sky, narrowly avoiding the wave of killing gods. !

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