Holy furnace

Chapter 652

"Roar!" Seeing the prey in front of him disappear suddenly, the unicorn beast roared loudly, its huge hooves stomped down from the sky, and there was a bang, the ground that was already full of cracks suddenly opened a deep hole. In the bottomless huge chasm, dozens of monsters bear the brunt of the torrent and fall directly into the chasm. After a long time, there is a dull sound, and they have been smashed into flesh!

After one foot shattered the ground, the unicorn monster flew into the sky instantly, and a huge purple thunder shot out from above the unicorn, blasting towards the big golden hand with a bang!

The crackling sound can be heard endlessly in the void, rendering the entire sky blue and purple, and the endless electric light evolves from that ray of divine light, wrapping the sky and covering the sky towards the big golden hand, wanting to refine it alive In the endless thunder and lightning.

"It's over!" The eight people who had just escaped from birth found that they were surrounded by endless thunder and lightning before they had time to catch their breath. Even the black hair on their bodies was standing on end, and a tingling feeling flowed all over their bodies. Gradually transforming towards stinging pain, his complexion suddenly changed, knowing that this time he might really be doomed!

The power of thunder can be said to be the nemesis of all monks!But all those who break through the world have to pass the test of this world. It is for the catastrophe. If they can survive the catastrophe, they will succeed in breaking through the world. Each of these people has experienced their own bigu catastrophe, and they have all faced the catastrophe, but when they feel the catastrophe of thunder in all directions, they have different expressions, because this field of lightning is much stronger than their catastrophe up!

Even with their current fighting power at the peak of Bigu, there is no possibility of confrontation at all. If they are hit by this lightning, they will die.

Chun Yangzi stood up in the big golden hand, intending to use the long sword to build a defensive method again, but this time it was useless, the gap between the two sides was too great, he was almost blown away on the spot, coughing up blood, if it wasn't for the gibbon king general If he held on, he might have fallen into the sea of ​​thunder.

As the endless electric light approached, the light of the big golden hand also began to dim, as if it would go out at any moment!At the same time, the layer of defensive aura surrounding them also began to fall off, and the power of lightning began to invade, making the surface of their skin start to emit the sound of electric light!

"Boom!" Wan Qianqiu teamed up with the Gibbon King, and the two of them simultaneously punched out a peerless divine fist and blended with each other, finally punched a gap in the Endless Thunder Sea, and saw the world beyond the Thunder Sea!

However, just when they were about to escape from this gap, a disdainful unicorn appeared in their sight!

The unicorn monster has been psychic before it can cultivate to this level, and its thinking wisdom is not even half weaker than that of humans. He was not at all surprised to see Wan Qianqiu teamed up with the Gibbon King to break his lightning field. With a disdainful snort, endless electric lights shot out from his body immediately, crackling and intertwining a dense electric field, enveloping the eight people!

With the integration of this electricity, the field of lightning became stronger and stronger, and there was even a muffled sound of thunder coming from this field. At this time, the Gibbon King and others seemed to be facing the punishment of the whole world, faintly Even felt the coercion of the catastrophe!This field of lightning is evolving towards a catastrophe. Once it is completed, it will become a field of catastrophe. It can bring catastrophe to the world at any time, and kill everything!

Maybe it's because the fighting power of the seven kings is really vulnerable, the extremely humane expression of the unicorn monster slowly changed from joking to indifferent!With the growth of this kind of indifference, an endless sea of ​​thunder exploded in his eyes at the same time, like a great destruction of the universe!

Boom!In the next moment, the field of lightning shrank in an instant, smashing the big golden hand into pieces in an instant, and then, the endless thunder and lightning rushed towards Chunyangzi and others crazily without hindrance, intending to kill them in the roaring sound. Within the thunder.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly appeared in the purple sea of ​​thunder, and then there was a loud bang, a gap was suddenly opened in the endless sea of ​​thunder, and eight people including Chun Yangzi rushed in this gap. Flying out, he stayed in the void not far away in a state of embarrassment, with a look of horror on his face.At this time, the eight of them had already been injured, and each of them was covered with a large amount of blood. The Charming King couldn't even keep flying. Her soul and body were already extremely weak. In order to stand in the void without being affected.

"Hiss..." After seeing the endless sea of ​​thunder in front of them clearly, the Gibbon King and the others couldn't help but gasp at the same time!Only by truly jumping out can one clearly feel the powerful power contained in this sea of ​​thunder!

Only then did they realize that the coercion they felt in the sea of ​​thunder was probably less than one-tenth of the real coercion. At this time, the entire world was covered with thunder and lightning, and the sun in the sky had long been obscured. Pieces of dark clouds straddle extremely high places, and one after another terrifying thunderbolts run through the sky and earth, connecting this thunder world with the extremely high dark clouds. There is a loud thunder!

thunderbolt!A bolt of lightning pierced through the void, lighting up the world that suddenly turned into night. Everyone looked at their pale faces and was speechless for a long time!Under this sea of ​​thunder, no matter whether it is the big bird with scales or the endless monsters on the ground, they are all prostrate on the ground, and no one dares to challenge the majesty of the unicorn monsters at this time!At this moment, the existence of the unicorn monster seems to have represented the will of the entire world. To disobey him is to disobey the entire world and disrespect the sky. Disaster!

Seeing the ray of golden light appearing from the sea of ​​thunder, the corner of the unicorn monster's mouth showed a mocking smile. Human beings are as ignorant as he expected, even the most powerful human beings, but for the sake of eight Just an ant, put your real body in a desperate situation!

In fact, the unicorn monster never cared about the escape of the Gibbon King and others, and from the very beginning his goal was only Li Haoxuan!As a monster with an extremely high realm and the blood of the primordial, he felt Li Haoxuan's strength from the first time he saw Li Haoxuan. Divine art!

In the eyes of the unicorn monster, no matter how powerful Li Haoxuan is at this time, he still can't escape the evaluation of the word stupid, but he still has to thank the other party for his stupidity, because otherwise, he might not be able to keep Li Haoxuan, and now, Li Haoxuan has already Entering the game, he has already entered the place where he descended, so the next moment, it will naturally be thunder!

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