Holy furnace

Chapter 654 Divine Power

Rumble!Just as Li Haoxuan raised his right fist, there was a thunderous roar from his body. The mana in his dantian seemed to explode like a universe suddenly. The powerful and unimaginable mana passed through The eight meridians converge towards his right fist!Just raising his hand, the Thunder God Pillar seemed to have been hit by a powerful impact, and the endless sea of ​​thunder around him rolled wildly, as if it was about to spread for three thousand miles under Li Haoxuan's pressure!

Looking at his right fist, which was crystal clear like jade, Li Haoxuan thought of the battle with the Sun God Body in the Small Universe Realm a few months ago!That battle was the most difficult battle he had faced so far, and it was also the battle in which he raised his combat power to the peak. Since that battle, he has never shown his true strength again!It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he hasn't met someone worthy of his full strength!

Shangguanyi can't do it, Shen Langtao can't do it, Nine Arrows King can't do it, the ancestor of Demon Saber can't do it, and of course the unicorn beast in front of him can't do it either!However, looking at the endless thunder world around him, Li Haoxuan couldn't help recalling the battle that day, and that battle was as bright as today. As his thoughts wandered, Li Haoxuan's aura became more and more intense. Qiang, the golden light on his body instantly reached ten thousand feet, straight into the sky!

Boom!In the eyes of the Gibbon King and others, a golden light suddenly shot straight into the sky, breaking through the black clouds in the sky in an instant, rendering this black void into a piece of red gold, and then, the dark clouds were shaken away, and the sky The great sun reappeared in the world, and the blazing light shone down, making this world return to a bright and bright universe!Although the Thunder God Pillar still existed, it looked extremely fragile under the rich golden light, as if it would melt away at any moment.

In the next moment, the golden light on Li Haoxuan's body suddenly subsided, all of it concentrated on his right fist, and punched in front of him!

boom!A terrifying and unimaginable explosion exploded, as if the entire void was blown up!The unicorn monster standing in front of the Thunder God Pillar was the first to bear the brunt, and immediately let out an incomparably stern scream, and was directly blasted away by a powerful fist, bleeding profusely, and countless gaps opened on its strong body Suddenly, large flakes of blood fell down, and there was a screeching sound when it landed on the ground.

When this punch came out, the whole world fell into absolute silence!A rotten power is spreading, and once countless thunder, lightning and lightning encounter this rotten divine power, they will suddenly become dim, and in an instant, the powerful thunder power will be transformed into an invisible and intangible law of heaven and earth!In Li Haoxuan's delusion-shattering silver eyes, everything in the world is the Dao, and so is the Heaven, Earth, and Thunder here. Moreover, the Dao here is incomplete, and the same is true for the power of thunder, which has great flaws. With Li Haoxuan's ability Even in the face of Wuque Thunder, he is not afraid at all, let alone these Wuque Thunders?

After experiencing the two great catastrophes of Consecration and Lingxu, Li Haoxuan's body has already possessed extremely strong lightning resistance. Unless there is a thunder catastrophe that is stronger than when he broke through, it is impossible to hurt him at all!That day when Li Haoxuan crossed the Yuan Tribulation, he was already able to perform a half-stretch of Xingyuesha, but now he has already mastered the fourth form of the Shattering God Fist to the point of being as innocent as a fire, and the world will be shattered immediately with one punch, even if there is really a big star In front of me, I will smash you into pieces with one punch. This is the faith to move forward bravely, this is the invincible combat power of Bigu!

The terrifying big bang is constantly spreading, and the void is filled with the power of decay and destruction, which is enough to wipe out everything!At this moment, Li Haoxuan, who was rippling with golden light, really looked like a god of war, exuding invincible majesty, which made the Gibbon King and others in the distance couldn't help but knelt and kowtowed!This is a kind of coercion, not from Li Haoxuan's coercion over everyone, but from You Que Dao's yearning and awe for Wu Que Dao!

The strong power of the Dao radiated from Li Haoxuan, making him almost a place of harmony within a radius of tens of feet, filled with the rich and perfect Dao, enough to make all living beings surrender!

The rumbling voice kept whispering, and the consequences of Li Haoxuan's punch exceeded everyone's expectations. This seemed to be a chain reaction. One mountain after another collapsed, and one piece after another of ancient forests turned into nothingness. Li Haoxuan has brought his fighting spirit to the extreme, and he is not afraid of anyone or any monsters. At this time, he has changed back to the invincible Li Haoxuan who dared to fight against the world, whether it is a unicorn monster or a fairy sword standing on the top of the mountain. Zong Xin is moved, whoever stands in front of me, I will kill him!

When the roar finally dissipated, the entire sea of ​​thunder hanging in the sky had been completely blown up by him, turning into nothingness, a little faint thunder and lightning made a chichi sound in the void, and soon fell silent Destroy!

Forced to retreat dozens of miles away, Chun Yangzi and the others turned pale, and looked at the tall man like the god of war in the distance with great horror. At this moment, they began to doubt whether what they were witnessing was true. Reality is still a dream, if the unicorn monster can be so strong, they can understand it, after all, it is a monster from the first Jedi Wuliang Mountain, it is nothing to be stronger, but why can Li Haoxuan also have such a powerful combat power?Each of them began to suspect, was this the Li Haoxuan they knew?And how strong will the real Li Haoxuan be?

"Can he instantly kill the Immortal Sword Sect's immortals?" The heavy stick king shook his head, tried his best to regain his consciousness, and murmured.

"If everyone in the outside world is as powerful as the leader, will it really be a good thing for us people to enter the outside world?" The Gibbon King looked at Li Haoxuan's invincible figure and thought silently. He had to think about this problem. If Everyone in the outside world is such a strong man, how should he deal with himself as a king?Moreover, the Gibbon King knows a lot. He knows that there are heartbeats above Bigu, and there are eight small realms such as Yuanhua.

Roar!In the distance, the unicorn monster that was covered in its own blood roared loudly, and a powerful coercion surged from him, pressing heavily on Li Haoxuan!He is the king of all demons, with the blood of the prehistoric beasts flowing, his physique is unimaginably strong, even after suffering the aftermath of Li Haoxuan's Xingyue shattering, he did not die, he just suffered some skin trauma, and now his blood is surging The body has already healed in a short time, and the combat power has returned to its peak in an instant!

Looking at the unicorn monster in the distance, Li Haoxuan frowned slightly.Although this monster was nothing to him, he felt that there was a more powerful existence dormant in the mountains in the distance. Once that existence woke up, even he would be powerless against the sky!After all, this is Wuliang Mountain, which has been passed down for thousands of years, and no one knows what kind of monster will jump out the next moment!

Suddenly, Li Haoxuan turned his head to look at the ground not far away, where several powerful monsters were attacking a young man around him, and the young man was holding a powerful spear. Although the young man's face was pale and exhausted, whenever he swiped the spear in his hand, there would be divine light gushing out, and each divine light could easily break through the flesh of the monster beasts, making these monsters appear one after another. A terrifying scar!

Looking at the young man who was fighting hard, Li Haoxuan shook his head slightly and stretched out his hand.

Immediately, the spear in the young man's hand suddenly trembled violently, he broke free from his palm with a bang, and flew away in an instant.

And the next moment, a divine light spear appeared in Li Haoxuan's hand!

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