Holy furnace

Chapter 655 Repel

hum!With a wave of Li Haoxuan's hand, a spear of divine light came through the air, and it was in Li Haoxuan's hand in an instant. In the next instant, the divine voice resounded loudly, shaking the world!

This is an extremely powerful magic weapon!It was only when Li Haoxuan held the spear that he truly understood how powerful this divine weapon is, it is definitely a top-grade spiritual weapon. Moreover, Li Haoxuan felt some kind of mysterious fluctuations from this divine weapon. The spear can evolve, even if he is not too far away from the magic weapon at this time!

"No!" When the magic soldier broke through the air, the young man in the distance suddenly let out a heart-piercing roar, and was instantly overwhelmed by endless monsters, turning into a piece of dry bones!There is not much difference between the Changqing King without the magic weapon and the Gibbon King and others. After all, they have not broken through to another level, and it is impossible to stop the siege of monsters. Moreover, the monsters that survived at this time are extremely A powerful, king-level existence is not an opponent at all.

"Many acts of unrighteousness will lead to self-death. King Changqing probably didn't expect that he would end up like this!" Looking at King Changqing who was devoured by monsters below, King Nine Arrows couldn't help but said happily.

"After all, King Changqing once gained a great reputation, who would have thought that he would die in Wuliang Mountain so silently?" Wan Qianqiu sighed, "If there are such powerful monsters everywhere in Wuliang Mountain With the opponent, what should we do in the road ahead? Except for the immortals of the Immortal Sword Sect, can anyone really break through this mountain range?"

"Why not?" Chunyangzi smiled slightly, looked at Li Haoxuan in the distance and said, "The hope he brought us, we should follow the hope! Even if we can't do anything, it will be a waste if we look up like this. A power!"

Everyone trembled slightly when they heard the words, and then showed firmness, looking at Li Haoxuan who was shining in the distance.

"I know you can understand my words, retreat or die!" Li Haoxuan held a spear, golden light and seven-color divine light coexisted, and forced towards the unicorn monster in the distance. , "Roar!" The unicorn monster roared after hearing the words, showing an extremely ferocious color, and the purple light on its body was even worse, making a crackling sound.

The unicorn monster is psychic, so he naturally knows how terrifying Li Haoxuan's combat power is. The technique of descending from the gods is one of his most powerful secret techniques, but now the person in front of him can actually fight from the descending of the gods, which is enough It shows that the opponent's combat power is definitely not inferior to his own!Moreover, Li Haoxuan's Destruction Fist made him feel terrified, that kind of rotten power seemed to be able to erode his body and soul!

"Get lost!" Li Haoxuan's expression changed when he saw this, and a resounding syllable was uttered from his mouth. The unicorn beast in the distance showed a look of pain.

However, the unicorn beast did not give in, but became even more vicious!The next moment, the unicorn monster let out a long howl, and its hundreds of feet tall body instantly shrank to almost the same size as Li Haoxuan, and the huge divine power spread out from its body, making it even stronger than before!

"Compress mana through shape change?" Li Haoxuan frowned, the opponent's aura became extremely terrifying after shrinking, which made him afraid!

boom!At this time, the unicorn monster suddenly made a move, and its body as big as Li Haoxuan passed through the void in an instant, and appeared directly behind Li Haoxuan, kicking Li Haoxuan's back!The void was shaken, when the unicorn monster appeared behind Li Haoxuan, a huge sonic boom sounded in the void!

"Hmph!" Li Haoxuan's long hair fluttered in high spirits, he turned around and punched out, fighting against the unicorn monster!Li Haoxuan has the Skyline Sacred Art, and has received the Yubu inheritance from the Feng Clan of the Southern Region. He has few opponents in terms of speed, and even unicorn monsters cannot have any advantage in speed!

As the unicorn monster became more and more powerful, Li Haoxuan's fighting spirit also began to slowly recover, and the feeling of boiling blood reappeared, making him extremely eager for a hearty battle!

"Cut!" Li Haoxuan yelled loudly, sweeping his spear, the magic power in his body was continuously poured into the magic weapon in his hand, and there was an endless burst of divine light immediately, it would be heaven and earth shattering!

The seven-color divine light swept across, cracking the void and scarring the earth!Facing this kind of supernatural power, even a unicorn monster has to retreat. The magic weapon itself cannot cause damage to it, but in Li Haoxuan's hands, it can cause great damage to him!

hum!Seeing the unicorn retreat, Li Haoxuan took a step and instantly covered a distance of several miles. At the same time, he handed out the spear and pointed it at the opponent's head!

Li Haoxuan's speed was extremely fast, so fast that he didn't even leave an afterimage!However, the unicorn monster is a thunder-type monster, and it also has super speed. For him, speed is instinct. Seeing Li Haoxuan approaching, there was a loud thunderbolt, and his unicorn began to glow, and another blue electric light turned into Huge, knocked Li Haoxuan out of the void and trapped him in the electricity!

break!Li Haoxuan's black hair fluttered, and the eight sounds of the dragon came out again. The terrifying waves spread out layer by layer, and with a roar, the mountains and rivers collapsed, instantly shattering the electric light, and charged towards him!

This is an unequal battle. Li Haoxuan's own power is unmatched, and now he is armed with the supreme magic weapon. Every attack can cause mountains and rivers to collapse. After all, he is injured now!He was already at his weakest after the technique of descending the gods, and he was hit by Li Haoxuan's Destruction Fist. Although he did not suffer fatal injuries, his soul was inevitably affected by the Destruction Fist!

As the war continued, this influence was expanded without limit, and the gap between the two sides became wider and wider!

Boom!A terrifying loud noise came from a large mountain, and then the mountain collapsed, countless stones were blasted towards the sky with great force, and one piece after another of the ancient trees was directly shattered into dust!Followed by an incomparably stern scream, the unicorn beast finally started to get tired after fighting until now, when it was swept by Li Haoxuan's gun light, a huge gash opened in its abdomen, and large pieces of blood spilled from the sky , corrupt all things.

The blood of the unicorn monster possesses extremely powerful thunder power, a single drop of blood can kill Feng Wang, and only Li Haoxuan and the magic weapon in his hands can fight to such an extent, it is impossible for others!

Roar!The unicorn monster roared up to the sky, and the dark clouds reappeared, wanting to borrow the power of thunder from the Great Dao. However, Li Haoxuan struck the fire dragon and burned the city, burning the endless dark clouds into nothingness. The avenue of heaven and earth gathered by unicorn monsters!

Scoff!Li Haoxuan walked forward with Yu steps, the sky was full of Li Haoxuan's shadow, and he swung out one after another, almost trapping the unicorn monster in this void!

Facing the invincible Li Haoxuan, the unicorn monster finally backed away. After roaring, it swelled its body instantly, and after suffering dozens of Li Haoxuan's shattering afterimages, it flew towards the terrifying land in the distance with a bang. Among the vast mountains!

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