Holy furnace

Chapter 798 Collecting the Stone Spear

The Mad God Art is worthy of being the supreme secret art created by a generation of saints. It is really too powerful and heaven-defying. Now, as soon as it is used, Li Haoxuan's combat power has changed drastically. At Li Haoxuan's level, every time his strength provides The first level is even more difficult, not to mention doubling the overall strength?It's really against the sky!Now after he used the Mad God Art, he was like a supreme fairy king, his combat power soared, and nothing could stop him, whether it was the ancient bronze sword or other magical weapons, they were all smashed to pieces by one blow!

Although the young man in the black armor was not turned into ashes because of the defense of the armor, Li Haoxuan's fist still shattered his internal organs through the armor. Although he is not dead now, death has already passed. It is a foregone conclusion, unless there is an immortal pill, the resurrection of the ancient emperor will not be able to save him!

Then, Li Haoxuan took a step forward and directly slapped the only two people left!Immediately, there were two loud bangs, and the two people were directly beaten into a blood mist without any suspense. Even though they had ancient treasure body protection, they still couldn't escape the catastrophe of physical collapse.

After killing everyone with overwhelming momentum, Li Haoxuan stopped, carefully comprehending this sudden surge of power!He had to admit that the power of this ancient secret technique was beyond imagination. It was really called a holy technique, which surprised Li Haoxuan himself. After truly feeling the benefits of the Mad God Art, he was still extremely happy.At this time, the strength of his physical body has also doubled, and he even feels that he has an eternal body!

Now he really wants to know how powerful the Mad God Art will be if it is combined with the supremely strong and powerful Shattering God Fist, it will definitely exceed everyone's imagination!At this moment, he is no longer afraid to fight the real heartbeat, and even has a faint desire!

Then, Li Haoxuan grasped it with his right hand, and directly caught Bengfei's stone spear in his hand with a bang.Now, although there is a tiny crack on the stone spear, it still exudes a strong aura. Although it has stopped devouring the spirit of the ten directions because of the lack of leadership of the young man in black, the ancient aura is still there. It exists, moreover, part of the dao pattern on the stone spear is still clear, and it can be seen at a glance that it has existed for endless years. This is a middle-grade magic weapon. In the hand, it will definitely bloom with stronger power than before!Because a medium-grade magical weapon needs a monk in the heart-beating state to fully activate it, otherwise it is not enough to see. With Li Haoxuan's current divine power, he can barely exert [-]% of the combat power of this stone spear, but even so is enough Let him sweep all the opponents under the heartbeat, even if he encounters the real heartbeat, he will not be afraid, because the sunset mountain range has restrictions on the strong heartbeat, and the law of heartbeat cannot be used!

"Boom!" The divine power in Li Haoxuan's body erupted suddenly at this moment, and all of it sank into the stone spear. Immediately, the entire stone spear shone brightly, and all kinds of brilliance surrounded the stone spear. Swallowing it, a terrifying coercion appeared, which made Lin Rongrong and the others change their faces. Such a stone spear in the hands of Li Haoxuan definitely has the ability to threaten the strong in the heartbeat!

hum!The next moment, the stone spear trembled slightly, Li Haoxuan dissipated the divine power in it, and did not strike a shocking blow!Because this spear can be used for a limited number of times, he doesn't want to waste it in such a place, but the power of this spear makes him very satisfied, extremely terrifying and powerful!If this stone spear was in the hands of a strong man with a strong heart, I am afraid that even if he uses the Mad God Art, it may not be able to turn the world around!Then, after the stone spear regained its calmness, Li Haoxuan made a seal with his right hand, using the innate avenue to build a corner of the big circle pattern and seal it on the stone spear!Naturally, Li Haoxuan's formation patterns cannot be compared with those of his predecessors, and it is impossible to truly seal the decay of this stone spear, but his big Luo formation pattern can suppress his body within a certain period of time, achieve immortality, and seal the number of stone spears. Time is not a problem, he only needs to use this stone spear to deal with some bigger threats in the Sunset Mountains, this is a powerful treasure, especially in his hands, it can exert infinite power, because his The divine power is almost endless, and the two complement each other!

"With such strength, how could you hang out with a low-level guy like Lei Tian?" At this moment, Lin Rongrong, who was covered in blood all over her body, came over and said to Li Haoxuan.After a brief breath adjustment, Lin Rongrong's injuries have recovered a bit. Although she still looks embarrassed, and even her hair is soaked in blood, her spirit has begun to recover. The pressure dispersed from her body as if there was nothing, making Gongsun Bubai feel the pressure!

Li Haoxuan glanced at her in surprise when he heard the words, then turned his head to look at Lei Tian, ​​saw that the other party looked embarrassed, so he nodded slightly, put away the stone spear in his hand, and didn't say much.

Although Li Haoxuan didn't respond to Lin Rongrong's words, his heart was still shocked. It's only been a while, and the opponent's combat strength has begun to recover. Engage in non-stop battles!Looking at the dozens of corpses in all directions, Li Haoxuan sighed in his heart, if word of today's battle spreads, Lin Rongrong's name will definitely shake the five domains, and at least a few ranks will rise in the ranking of the five domains' young generation!

"It is said that the ancestors of the Lin family produced a Zhundi. Lin Rongrong must have practiced the Zhundi's ancient scriptures. The Zhundi's inheritance is already so powerful, so how terrible are Duanmuyu and Zhang Wudao who have the great emperor's inheritance?" Li Haoxuan thought involuntarily. In the whole world, the unrivaled sacred arts are really limited, and the ancient scriptures of the great emperor and the supernatural powers of the quasi-emperor are even rarer. Each of them is so powerful that it is hard to guess. Now he has not really encountered it yet, and when he really encounters it, he will definitely be A battle of life and death!

"What's your name?" Lin Rongrong asked calmly, with a calm expression and watery eyes.As a descendant of the Lin family, one of the Nine Gods Palace, she has long been used to being strong. Even in the face of Li Haoxuan who has such combat power, she did not show much respect, nor was she grateful for the other party who saved her life. As far as she is concerned, it is a great recognition for her to take the initiative to ask the other person's name, otherwise, if it is an ordinary person, she will feel that it is a waste of time to even take a look at it, and she will not take the initiative to speak to him.

"It's just a chance meeting, so there's no need to reveal the name." Li Haoxuan glanced at the other party, and said lightly.Although the five domains are very large, for these holy land families, it is only the distance between several domain gates, and he does not want to cause any trouble for the future.

"I really hope your surname is Feng." Lin Rongrong raised her head proudly and said with a sneer.

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