Holy furnace

Chapter 799

"It's just a chance meeting, so there's no need to reveal the name." Li Haoxuan glanced at the other party, and said lightly.Although the five domains are very large, for these holy land families, it is only the distance between several domain gates, and he does not want to cause any trouble for the future.

"I really hope your surname is Feng." Lin Rongrong raised her head proudly and said with a sneer.

Li Haoxuan narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and immediately knew that Lin Rongrong had seen the origin of his Yubu, but he was not afraid, his Yubu was not learned by stealing, but was inherited in a legitimate way, left by Fenghuangxu Obsession and ancient scriptures can prove it. Strictly speaking, the Feng family still owes him a favor, so it is useless for Lin Rongrong to use this to beat him.

"You shouldn't have to worry about this kind of thing." Li Haoxuan said lightly.

"Don't ask any more questions, let's go! You are carrying the Enlightenment Stone, and if you are in this state, you will not be so lucky if you are watched by others!" At this time, Lei Tian spoke and waved to Lin Rongrong. Said impatiently.As the descendant of the Holy Land, even though Lin Rongrong despised his combat prowess, he also has the qualifications to point fingers at Lin Rongrong.

"You dare to order me?" Lin Rongrong narrowed her eyes and said calmly with her snow-white chin facing Lei Tian.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you!" Lei Tian was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and greeted Li Haoxuan, "Let's go."

"Wait!" Seeing the three of them turn and leave, Lin Rongrong said again.

"What? Have you figured it out and want to repay our life-saving grace?" Lei Tian stamped his feet and turned around to ask.

"Go away!" Lin Rongrong frowned beautifully, and said coldly, "Only you are qualified to say save me?"

"Tsk!" Lei Tian blinked his mouth, and said disdainfully, "If the tiger doesn't show its power, you will treat me as a three-legged cat? Sooner or later, you will be beaten on your knees and begging for mercy!"

"If you have such strength in the future, I welcome you to come to me, otherwise I will make you kneel every time I see you in the future!" Lin Rongrong said calmly.

"Crazy!" Lei Tian turned around immediately upon hearing this, unable to argue with the other party anymore.

"Although you can't talk about saving my life, you are doing me a small favor." After Lei Tian turned around, Lin Rongrong looked at Li Haoxuan and said slowly, "Although you may be doing it because of Lei Tian, ​​a trash, but Anyway, I owe you a favor."

"You don't need to say more if you owe me a favor. I don't think I will need your favor in the future." Li Haoxuan smiled and said casually, "If you really want to thank me, just give me a copy. The Great Emperor’s Ancient Sutra is ready, if there is no Emperor’s Sutra, the Quasi-Emperor’s Sutra is fine, if there is no such thing, both the Great Sage’s Handbook and the Saint’s Secret Art are fine, I’m not picky!”

"I don't have the ancient scriptures of the Great Emperor." To Li Haoxuan's surprise, Lin Rongrong didn't run away because of this. Instead, she smiled at this moment, smiling like a flower, and said, "If you want to read the ancient scriptures of the Great Emperor, you can go to the Liuli Palace and the Ice Palace to try your luck." ! As for the Zhundi ancient scriptures, I have them, if you want, I can give them to you!"

"Really?" Li Haoxuan's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, and he couldn't help asking in surprise.

"Hmph! I, Lin Rongrong, am such a character, and if I say what I say, it is naturally true!" Lin Rongrong snorted disdainfully.

"Then bring it, you give me Zhundijing, and let's forget about our karma." Li Haoxuan took a step forward, stretched out his hand and said.

"Things of a kind gather and people are divided into groups. This sentence is indeed true. Those who can mix with Lei Tian are indeed brazen!" Lin Rongrong sneered, "If you do someone a small favor and ask the other party to hand over the quasi-divine scriptures, you Why don't you grab it?"

"What do you mean? You're kidding me? You said you would give it to me!" Li Haoxuan said angrily.

"If you're serious, you'll lose." Lin Rongrong smiled again when she saw this, like a great devil, and said, "But it's okay if you really want it. Promise me a condition, and I will give it to you with both hands!"

"What conditions?" Li Haoxuan asked.

"Join my Lin family and change my surname to Lin! But don't worry, you are a talent, and I will not treat you badly. I can even betroth you with the most beautiful pearl of my Lin family. At the same time, I will also send you the Zhundijing. I will provide you with sufficient and rich cultivation resources! If you can become a saint in the future, I can even assist you to become the head of the Lin family, how about that?" Lin Rongrong said seriously.

"Not so good." Li Haoxuan smiled disdainfully upon hearing the words, and said bluntly, "Who is the most beautiful pearl in your Lin family? If it's you, you can consider it."

"Oh? If that's the case, you can ask Lei Tian if he agrees." Lin Rongrong smiled.

"En?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback for a moment, he thought that the other party would get angry but he didn't expect that Lei Tian would be involved. Could there be something tricky between them?Li Haoxuan thought of this and was about to turn his head to look, but at this moment he suddenly heard Lei Tian's loud cry.

"I agree, of course I agree, only an idiot would disagree!" Lei Tian was so excited that he almost knelt down to Li Haoxuan on the spot, saying, "Brother Li, you married him, I beg you, you must marry her Ah! I believe that apart from you, no one in the entire southern region can surrender to her!"

"Looking for death!" Seeing this, Lin Rongrong's face was covered with black lines. She is the daughter of the Lin family, and she has always been the only one who dislikes others.

"Forget it." At this moment, Lei Tian's expression suddenly changed, he straightened up and turned into a gentleman, and said to Li Haoxuan seriously, "The Lin family is also a family of the Holy Land, Brother Li, you are too much to cheat like this, Our Jiushen Palace has always been in the same spirit, advancing and retreating together, you saved Lin Rongrong is equivalent to saving me, let's go, after the Nanling Conference is over, I will treat you to a drink to express my gratitude!"

After finishing speaking, Lei Tian pulled Li Haoxuan up and left, wishing he could fly away, if there was no God Formation of Forbidden Space here.

"Did I let you go?" Lin Rongrong refused to let her go, and Lei Tian stunned once again when she said a word.

"I really want to give you the quasi-dijing, you can seriously consider it. Don't worry, the most beautiful pearl of my Lin family is definitely worthy of you, and will not humiliate your identity." Lin Rongrong said again.

"Thank you for your kindness, I'm afraid I won't be able to accept it." Li Haoxuan responded.

"Think about it." Lin Rongrong continued as if she didn't hear Li Haoxuan's response.

"I only care about the ancient scriptures of the great emperor, and I'm not interested in the quasi-emperor scriptures!" Li Haoxuan shook his head helplessly.

"Then go fight for the Qiankun Fan. If you win the fight, you will have the Great Emperor's Classic." Lin Rongrong was silent for a moment, and then said.The Qiankun Fan is the final Taoist artifact of this Nanling Conference. If you get the Qiankun Fan, you can enter the Glazed Palace or the Ice Palace to have a glimpse of the ancient scriptures of the Great Emperor!

"Everyone knows this, I don't need you to remind me." Li Haoxuan turned around and was about to leave. Facing the powerful Lin Rongrong made him very uncomfortable. The other party was used to dominating everything, whether it was talking or other things, and he hardly allowed others to violate it. Act on your own will.

"Then tell me something you don't know." Seeing that Li Haoxuan was about to leave, Lin Rongrong said, "The quasi-emperor scripture you want is not available here, but the sage's secret technique may not be available."

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