Holy furnace

Chapter 800

"Oh?" Li Haoxuan's heart moved, and he asked with great interest.He knew that the news was indeed true, because he himself had obtained the saint's secret technique a few days ago, and Lin Rongrong said so, which means that there are at least some saint relics in the sunset mountain range, and it is impossible to exist as simple as one place, otherwise it should be Nobody knows.

"The Sunset Mountains are not that simple. The Sunset Mountains from 10 years ago were not ranked among the top ten in the Nanling Mountains. It was only later that a meteorite fell from outside the region and hit here, and then joined the Sunset Mountains. Make the Sunset Mountains rank high! The Sunset Mountains got their name because the star that fell that year looked like a falling sun!"

"In the countless years since then, many powerful monks have entered it to explore, and found that this meteorite is actually a battlefield of saints. It was smashed from outside the territory, and then fell down! However, the ruins of saints in it have been destroyed. It’s almost there, and it didn’t cause much of a stir, not to mention beings who are also saints, even monks in the power realm are rarely interested in this mountain range!”

"It should be very meaningful for the two major shrines to put the location of the Nanling Conference here. They don't care about the incomplete sage rhyme, but it doesn't mean we don't care. If you want the sage's ancient scriptures, you need to carefully go to every corner. I am not the only one who knows this. Many sages have been discovered so far, and you may not see anything if you are later. However, according to my guess, the first fairy mansion world was born It’s not far away, and it will be opened in seven days at the fastest and ten days at the slowest, whether to seek the Taoist artifact or to comprehend the sage’s Dao rhyme, you can’t have both, how to choose is up to you.”

"Thank you for telling me!" Li Haoxuan cupped his hands and said after listening to Lin Rongrong's story.The other party's words were indeed of great help to him, and he also knew that what the other party said was true, and he could not have both. Once he chose a Taoist weapon, he would immediately become the target of public criticism. It's really too difficult, and once you go after the sage's Dao Yun, the Dao Artifact is destined to miss him!

"One more friendly reminder." Lin Rongrong raised her head proudly, and continued, "There are a lot of strong people who came to the Sunset Mountains this time, and there are many powerful people, especially the reincarnated son, who has few undead. Lord, Zhang Weiyi and others are even afraid of me! Also, I don’t know the whereabouts of Zhang Wudao and Duanmuyu, but I know that the Son of Samsara and the Young Master of the Undead are all looking for the Dao Yun of the Saint, if they meet, I can do it myself!” Said After finishing, Lin Rongrong floated away directly. Although there is a magical array here, Lin Rongrong obviously has some kind of secret method that can make it stay in the void for a short time, similar to the lightness skill in the common world!

"It makes Lin Rongrong fearful. It seems that the powerful people in the world should not be underestimated!" Hearing this, Li Haoxuan had to take it seriously. Except for the West Desert, the younger generation of strong people from the other four regions are almost all here, and there are definitely some who can compete with him. Fighting strong!

After Lin Rongrong left, Li Haoxuan and the other three left as well!Before leaving, Li Haoxuan did not forget to slap the young man in armor into ashes, destroying the body and destroying the traces. The other party is from the Cangfu of Zhongzhou. Although it is not a holy place, it has a great background, and he does not want to be missed by the other party. , As for the black battle armor, Li Haoxuan gave it to Gongsun Bubai. Lei Tian has no shortage of battle armor, but Li Haoxuan doesn't need it. Only Gongsun Bubai is more suitable!However, after this battle armor was put away by Gongsun Bubai, it would rarely show up in the world, unless it was a last resort, because it was afraid that people in Zhongzhou would recognize its origin.

"What's your relationship with Lin Rongrong?" After leaving, Li Haoxuan asked Lei Tian.Gongsun Bubai was also very curious, he also sensed a special connection between the two.

"Hey, I can't bear to look back on the past!" Lei Tian suddenly revealed pain on his face, and said angrily, "It's all my damn father's fault! Our Lei family and Lin family are family friends, and we were destined to be babies before we were born." Dear, who would have thought that the Lin family would give birth to such a female devil! Moreover, she has amazing talent, and I was beaten by her since I was a child! I can't live!"

"Hahahaha!" Li Haoxuan and Gongsun Bubai burst out laughing when they heard the words. It is indeed a great tragedy for life to have the Lion's Roar at home!However, the two of them also comforted Lin Rongrong, no matter in terms of beauty or combat power, she is definitely a monster, and she is destined to revitalize the two families in the future!

"If I knew she was a younger brother and sister, I should have pried some treasures out of her. I missed this rare opportunity, what a pity!" Li Haoxuan regretted endlessly, causing Lei Tian to roll his eyes.

In the next few days, the three of Li Haoxuan kept wandering around in various places in the Sunset Mountain Range, where dangers and opportunities coexisted, and many people came to meet their destiny. Although Lingzhen was born every day, there were also strong people who died every day.Li Haoxuan has already decided to give up the Taoist weapon first, after all there are four Taoist tools, and the Taoist tool is really not as important to him as the sage's secret art, as long as the realm rises, is it afraid that there will be no magic weapon?If one day he can become a saint, Li Vulcan Furnace will definitely be the most powerful killer!

The three of Li Haoxuan have been operating at the outermost edge of the Sunset Mountain Range, and have not gone deep, because that area is very likely to be the location of the Immortal Mansion, and there are countless strong people gathered in it, and entering it may attract other people's attacks!Li Haoxuan is not afraid of fighting, but at this moment he is unwilling to waste time on the battle.

The hard work paid off, and three days later, Li Haoxuan and the others finally discovered something again. They found a dilapidated stone tablet on the top of a dilapidated hill!This stele was buried under a large piece of withered and yellow leaves. If the three of them hadn't searched carefully, they might have missed it. When the stele was unearthed, everyone saw some supernatural powers engraved on the front of the stele, but However, these spells are not the secret arts of saints, they should come from the power of the lack of crime. If they are perfect, they will be of great use to the three of them. Unfortunately, they are already dilapidated, and the key parts of them have been corroded. There is only a small part left, which can only be used as a reference and is of little use to them.

Gongsun Bubai has been searching carefully, and now he is only one step away from breaking the barrier. If he can find the traces of enlightenment of a strong man, even if it is just a lack of crime, or even the traces of enlightenment of a monk in the Yuanhua realm, because it is extremely powerful. It may be the opportunity for him to break through the level. Once he breaks through the level, his combat power will increase a lot, and he can really compete against the Bigu Nine Heavens.

After studying in front of this stele for half a day, Li Haoxuan set off again in three days to find other immortal fates!Four days later, according to Lin Rongrong's guess, the Immortal Mansion will be opened in these few days, and everyone can clearly feel the chilling intent in the void is stronger.

And just today, the three of Li Haoxuan found a dilapidated altar in a mountain stream!

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