Holy furnace

Chapter 801

This Taoist platform is about three feet high, half of it has sunk to the bottom of the mountain stream, and only a corner is exposed. If Gongsun Bubai hadn't seen a messy symbol engraved on it, he might have missed it again. Afterwards, Li Haoxuan made a move. Carefully cut open the ground, and then took out the platform intact. .

"It's just a corner." After seeing the platform clearly, the three of them were a little disappointed, because the platform was not complete, only about one-third, and the rest was not here. Judging from the traces of the break, it should be Those that were shattered by external force may have already become dust.

Although there is only one corner of the Dao platform, there are Dao patterns engraved on it, and part of this Dao pattern contains the sages' perception of Dao, which is of great use to Gongsun Bubai!It's a pity that after all, it's only a small piece, not complete, otherwise Gongsun Bubai might be able to pass the level immediately!But even so, Gongsun Bubai has benefited a lot, the breath of law in his body is more condensed, his understanding of mana is more profound, and he has a vague understanding of breaking through the level. Even if he does not find other opportunities in the future, he will soon A few days, slowly more than a month will eventually cross this level!

A day later, Gongsun Bubai had almost comprehended the sentiments on the platform and was about to turn around and leave. At this moment, a stone horse came from the sky, and a gray-clothed man sat cross-legged on the stone horse. Young man, about 23 or [-] years old, with messy black hair and dark skin!

Two days ago, the Forbidden God Formation disappeared, and everyone regained the ability to fly!No one knows why, but some people speculate that some kind of secret treasure has been confiscated, which makes the forbidden space array invalid.Because the God Formation of Forbidden Space needs the formation eye, once the formation eye does not exist, then the God Formation will also lose its due divine power.

The stone horse with the blood of the holy spirit stepped across the void, and finally turned around and walked towards Li Haoxuan and the others.The young man sitting on the horse got up and walked down from the sky, his eyes were as sharp as lightning, and he went straight to the Taoist platform that Li Haoxuan and others found, without squinting, he never even glanced at Li Haoxuan and the three of them. Her conceit and dominance are even worse than that of Lin Rongrong!

"I want this Taoist platform, you leave immediately." The young man said indifferently with his back to Li Haoxuan and the three of them. It was the other corner of the platform. In the end, he pieced together the two pieces of the platform, making some mysterious stone carvings come alive.

The next moment, the true meaning of the Dao emerged from the young man, and he began to realize the Dao at this time!Li Haoxuan glanced at each other in surprise, daring to enter the realm of enlightenment in front of the three of them, the conceit of the young master of the dead can be seen, he simply did not regard the three of them as opponents, as if he could easily crush them to death like ants , even Lin Rongrong doesn't have this kind of conceit!

But what is strange is that Li Haoxuan didn't feel weird at all because of this, indeed, it seemed that the other party was born with such a temperament, although there was no expression, and there was no murderous look in his tone, but it revealed an undeniable The taste can make people surrender unconsciously.Li Haoxuan took a look at Gongsun Bubai, and asked what the other party meant. This Taoist platform didn't mean much to him, but it was important for Gongsun Bubai to break through. His glance was also to ask Gongsun Bubai Opinion, go or stay.After all, the young master of the undead controls the other corner of the Taoist platform. If Gongsun Bubai can carefully observe it, he might be able to pass the level.

Gongsun Bubai shook his head, he felt that his breakthrough was a foregone conclusion, but it was only a matter of time, there was no need to start a war with the young master of the dead at this time just to advance a few days.The young master of the undead has no survivors. Although he also recognizes Li Haoxuan's strength, he doesn't want the other party to put his life in danger for himself.

Seeing this, Li Haoxuan nodded, he respected Gongsun Bubai's decision, and at the same time he really believed that there was no need to fight because of it.The young master of the undead is a terrible person. Even Lin Rongrong has said this himself. He doesn't want to fight with him unless it is absolutely necessary. The key is that they are planning to leave now, but if it involves a matter of principle, he will not Concession, Li Haoxuan has never been afraid of fighting, this time he came to the Nanling Conference for many talented people, and he will find time to fight with them one by one!

After making the decision, the three of Li Haoxuan left and flew towards a hill not far away.According to their experience these days, the more inconspicuous these places are, the more likely there are ancient relics and even immortal medicines. A few days ago, a monk picked up a tattered branch on the trunk of a hillside. As a result, after identification, the branch was a severed limb of the legendary Qibao Miaoshu. Although it withered, it still had magical effects. If it was watered by a divine spring, it might be revived again. This is a supreme treasure, so it was picked up like this It made many people almost go crazy with envy!

Not long after the three of Li Haoxuan entered the small mountain range, many people entered this mountain range one after another, basically all of them were outstanding people from the younger generation, and each of them was above the seventh level of bigu. Only luck can get this far.The environment in the Sunset Mountain Range is almost the same as that of the big waves washing the sand, and the rest are basically elite talents, and those who are slightly worse can't get here.

Among this group of people, many people found the dilapidated altar. Seeing that a man and a horse were standing quietly in front of the altar without any action, one of the monks suddenly boldly went up to it, and he also wanted to Observing the Dao rhyme on the stone carvings is a great opportunity for him. If there are ancient scriptures engraved in it, it would be like a dream. Thinking of this, he ignored the big taboo and strode up directly!He is also an outstanding person of the generation, a strong man of the Bigu Yae, even if the other party does not want to share with him, what can he do if he leaves after the other party speaks?

However, just when the cultivator was about to get close to the body of the young undead master, the eyes of the young undead master who had fallen into enlightenment suddenly opened, and without a word, a palm came down. The monk named Bigu Yae was slapped into a meat paste by one of his palms, and his whole body disappeared between heaven and earth!

Afterwards, the young master of the undead looked at everyone with icy eyes, which immediately made everyone feel cold physically and mentally. All the hairs on his body suddenly stood up in an instant, as if he felt the threat of death!Everyone retreated at this moment, and all kinds of magical powers and secret techniques were displayed, all of which were blessed by themselves, and they only hoped that they could be as far away from each other as possible!

That was a great master of Bigu Yae, who was slapped to death by the opponent, like an ant, the bloody scene made everyone feel chills, for fear that the big hand would descend on their heads in the next moment and slap themselves. Into a pile of blood mud!They are all monks who have come up through hard work, and they cherish everything they have, and they dare not risk their lives at all!

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