Holy furnace

Chapter 802 Strong Counterattack

"If you want to die, just come here!" The young master of the dead said, and a sound wave rolled out, spreading in all directions, making all the monks who were rushing here not far away stifled in their footsteps, and immediately turned to go to other places Go, the young master of the undead has a vicious reputation, enough to shock a generation!

"Let's go! Hurry up, I didn't expect the young master of the dead to be here. If I'm a step late, I'm afraid there will be a catastrophe."

"That's an unrivaled murderer, who would immediately start a massacre if he didn't agree with each other! I heard that nearly 30 people were slaughtered for an ancient stone mirror three days ago. don't go!"

"What! He killed all the monks in the Heartbeat Realm? How is it possible, is it a half-step heartbeat?"

"It's true that you are a cultivator in the heartbeat state! Don't forget, the law of heartbeat here has been sealed, and the strong mana of heartbeat is just stronger than our mana. It's not surprising to be killed by the young master of the dead! I heard that The fight didn't take long, and within an hour, he was chopped off, fell directly from the sky, and was beaten into mud!"

"Hiss... is worthy of being one of the strongest evildoers in the Northern Territory. Even if he reaches Nanling, he can still dominate one side. Even if he walks with so many evildoers, can it be difficult to cover up his brilliance?"

"I heard that a few days ago he had a small battle with Zhang Weiyi of the Natural Taoist School, but it was nothing in the end! I heard that many evildoers made an agreement, saying that the strongest should not act without authorization. Only when the weapons are fighting for!"

"This is just a piece of paper! If there are really rare treasures in front of you, do you think they can bear it? Song Yunxuan of Xuanmiaozong once fought with the descendant of Misty Peak, for a fairy flower, and finally Xuanmiaozong Winning, the battle was earth-shattering, even attracted monsters to watch, and even took advantage of it to loot, if it wasn't for Zhang Weiyi and Song Yunxuan's friendship, Song Yunxuan would be in danger that time!"

"Hey, all of them are god-defying evildoers! It is a miracle that one of these people appeared thousands of years ago, but now why so many appear all of a sudden? We were born in the same era as them, so I don't know if it is a kind of sadness! "

"Don't sigh, can't you afford to hide if you can't provoke it? Besides, the attack between evildoers is more terrifying than we imagined. Maybe they will all die in the end. As long as we practice hard, we may not have opportunities in the future Get ahead! Let's go, leave here first, if it affects the young master of the undead's enlightenment, all of us will die."

Although these young people are all talented and intelligent, and have already possessed a good cultivation level at a young age, they still can't help but change their faces when they talk about the young master of the undead. This is a taboo existence, and what they do It's hard to guess with common sense, killing people like hemp, even monks of the same level dare not take advantage of him, especially after he beheaded a strong man with a strong heart, his reputation has reached its peak, and everyone is in danger for a while, The color of the talk has changed!

Li Haoxuan and the others also heard many people's comments while walking in the mountains, and they couldn't help but be greatly surprised. Unexpectedly, in just a few days, the young master of the dead has gained such a reputation, even stronger than the local monsters in Nanling. Being so powerful made all the geniuses in the Four Regions so fearful, which made him affirm Lin Rongrong's advice that the young master of the dead must be extremely dangerous.

Not long after, when Li Haoxuan walked out of this small mountain, he immediately saw auspicious energy lingering on the side of the Taoist platform before, wisps of divine light shot up into the sky, and the rich charm of the Tao spread out in the void. The long distance also made him feel the charm of the Dao, and there is no doubt that the young master of the dead has entered into the samadhi again, entered the realm of enlightenment, and realized his own Tao and Dharma.

The three of Li Haoxuan didn't say much when they saw this, since they had chosen to give up temporarily, there was nothing to worry about, they turned around and walked in another direction.In the process of moving forward, he found that there were a lot fewer monks around, and he must have gone to the Immortal Mansion. According to the time calculation, the first Immortal Mansion should also be born!

With less prying eyes from monks, the speed of Li Haoxuan's three people was improved a bit. They didn't want to start a massacre, and tried to avoid some populated areas to find their own Taoism.

Another day passed, and this time the three of Li Haoxuan found a purple cave. Although the surface of the cave was extremely old, they all felt an extraordinary aura from it!

They began to go deep into it, and finally came out from another exit. What they saw was a place with extraordinary weather. There were many immortals and elixir growing in a flat area, and there was even a fairy flower that was more than ten thousand years old. Blooming infinite divine light!

And behind these fairy treasures, there is a huge smooth cliff, on which there are many dao pattern-like brand marks, exuding a mysterious aura!

"It's here!" The three of Li Haoxuan were overjoyed, they were all excited to find such a fairy cave, the Dao pattern here is very complete, let alone Gongsun Bubai, even if it is of great use to him and Lei Tian!

While talking, the three of Li Haoxuan rolled up their hands and put away all the rare and rare flowers nearby. These are of great use. They can be used to make alchemy in the future and have infinite medicinal effects. One of them can even be used to refine the magic pill of enlightenment. It can make people quickly comprehend the Dao and break through the realm, which is countless times more advanced than the Biluo Great Pill!

"Heaven, there is a fairy mansion here!" At this moment, a voice sounded, and someone entered this place through another passage, and said in surprise when he saw the dazzling array of immortal medicines and ancient treasures in front of him!It turns out that this Immortal Mansion has more than one entrance, and it extends in all directions. There are historic sites in many places, which can be accessed here. This place is definitely a treasure, and it can be confirmed from then on.

Afterwards, more and more monks entered it, but most of them saw that the stone carvings had been occupied and kept silent, they were earnestly collecting the fairy grass, and did not disturb the three of Li Haoxuan's enlightenment, because Li Haoxuan exuded a powerful aura , shocked everyone!

"Boom!" At this moment, a big black hand suddenly came down, and with a puff, it directly smashed the person who spoke earlier into a blood mist. here!

"Get out!" The young master of the undead descended and said coldly, warning with iron and blood methods, if he didn't leave, he would die in both body and spirit.

"Let's go!" Although many monks were very upset, they all left immediately after seeing that the other party was the young master of the undead. It is really not worthwhile to risk their lives for a fairy mansion. The other party is a monster, and they cannot compete. can only leave.

"Are you looking for death?" Finally, the young master of the undead turned his head, looked at Li Haoxuan and the three of them coldly, and said, "I won't kill you because I thought it was the young master of the Lei family?"

"Hey!" Li Haoxuan smiled plainly when he heard the words, stepped forward and punched the young master of the dead!It was nothing more than the last time we met, but now this time they were the first to discover the Immortal Mansion here, and the other party would force them to leave as soon as the other party came. It was impossible for him to accept this kind of request, not to mention that Gongsun Bubai is currently on the verge of breaking the barrier. At critical moments, one must not be disturbed. In this case, there is only one battle.

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