"In the realm of Shenluo, ten thousand laws cannot be broken!"

In the dark space, the floating ice ball in the void turned into an ice ball that was about to shatter at any time, full of dense cracks and cracks, and at the center of the ice ball, a steaming sword intent intertwined with the power of the ice ball, forming a strangulation path. Qi, began to pounce on Ye Yun.

Ye Yun sacrificed the constant crystal immortal jade, using the original power of the mainland, instantly formed a seal, condensed a powerful defense like the Shenluo domain, protected it outside the body, formed a layer of blood color with a sacred silver crystal wall, and a series of terrifying swords Unconscious force, began to hit the crystal wall fiercely.

clang clang clang~~

The two forces collided together, making a metal-like crisp sound. The two great immortals exerted the most powerful force of the fourth level, constantly compressing, and the crystal wall defense outside Ye Yun's body was continuously backlogged and collided by the two forces. It turned from a circle to an oval slowly, as if it was about to be crushed at any moment.

Once it ruptures, Ye Yun will definitely die violently.

After the fusion of the two kingdoms of infinite ice power and unpredictable sword intent, ice hockey has become a domain controlled by the will of the two fourth-order powerhouses. Generally, the fifth-order powerhouse is almost the same, and can even kill the fifth-order powerhouse.

Today, the combined power of the two supreme powerhouses can be imagined. The kingdom controlled by the two masters is combined into one, which is comparable to the fifth-level domain of human immortals, and Ye Yun is now quite surrounded by a fifth-level invincible powerhouse. Taking control of it, one can imagine how dangerous Ye Yun's situation is.

"Damn it, this kid actually fused the constant crystal immortal jade, using the original power, after blessing, condensed such a strong enchantment..."

Apart from the ice hockey, seeing this scene, the two masters and fourth-rank powerhouses sighed, shocked and angry. They combined their strongest forces, but they still couldn't take down Ye Yun. Of course, they also understood that the reason why Ye Yun could There is only one main reason for resistance, and that is the original power of the mainland.

"Upright and bright use their true strength to fight against the fourth-order human immortals... Sure enough, the human fairyland is an insurmountable gap. The reason why I was able to imprison Zhang Kun, Huangfu Fei, Zhang Kun, Yuan Haiteng and other human immortals in the past, Gathering, relying entirely on means such as Great Thousand Gods Turing, Constant Crystal Immortal Jade, Sacred Beast Scepter, etc. If I use my own strength, it is difficult to do it, but now, I want to develop my most powerful power, take a look, How deep is my potential!"

Being squeezed by the two kingdoms of ice and sword intent, Ye Yun also felt powerless. If he hadn't used the constant crystal jade to absorb the original power to create a defense, he might be seriously injured if he didn't die now. Ye Yun's own strength is at the fourth level of human immortality Up and down, this has exceeded his burden.

"The origin of the mainland, the Holy Spear of Light, combined into one!"

With a grasping hand, a mysterious power that does not belong to the dark space is the power of heaven and earth. If the world is in turmoil, the mysterious power will continue to emerge. Gradually, a different holy gun of light will be condensed, which reveals the original power of the mainland. After merging with Taiyi True Qi, the Holy Lightning Spear has an aura that can control all continental forces.

"What a brilliant method. He can constantly grasp the origin of the mainland, and he can also fuse the origin with his own power. Ye Yun... two juniors, this person has some tricks. Now he has to use his murderous intentions. I will help you!"

"The world is infinite!"

I have been watching the fifth-level human immortal strong man, and with a sweep of his spiritual sense, he can see the difference in Ye Yun's time, especially the strong will of the Holy Spear of Light. He immediately sent a sound transmission to the other two strong men, and then, both hands Slowly lift it up, and suddenly, a terrifying invisible kingdom is slowly brewing, and the space around the strong man has stagnated at this moment.

"Oops, Human Immortal Fifth Rank..."

Inside the ice hockey puck, Ye Yun is controlling the constant crystal jade to absorb the original power of the continent, bless the defensive crystal wall outside him, and keep making the Holy Light Spear stronger. However, the powerful breath on one side made Ye Yun frown immediately.

"Boundless cold!"

"Huang Yuan Sword Qi!"

Almost at the same time, after receiving the voice transmission from the fifth-level human immortal, the two great immortals released the power of the golden core in their dantians, and their hands kept forming seals, and the power of the golden core entered the ice puck. Inside, the ice ball began to freeze again, and began to compress, fused with the sword intent of destruction, and deformed Ye Yun's outer crystal wall again.

But at this moment, an invisible colossal force gushed out from within the ice ball, instantly merging the two kingdoms of ice and sword intent like an ocean, and with a click, the ice ball and the dark space stopped, turning into boundless darkness, and Lan Feng Zong San, a strong immortal, stood still at this moment, Fang Buddha dominated the entire space, the space was three people, and the three controlled the entire dark space.


Swish... A strange sound sounded around Ye Yun. When Ye Yun saw it, his face changed suddenly. It turned out that under the completely controlled space power, the defense formed by using the original power of the mainland began to appear cracks. This is arranged using the original power of the mainland. It is conceivable how strong it is, but the combination of the three masters of the Lanfeng Sect can actually break the defense, which is really unimaginable.

"Unable to break, dominate everything!"

Knowing that it can't be delayed any longer, the defense will be shattered with the entire ice puck space at any time, and Ye Yun will also shatter and fall together.

Icicle breathed, Ye Yun stretched out his left hand, and suddenly released dazzling light. This light is sacred, bright, warm, and majestic. The sacred golden light was blessed by Ye Yun into the holy gun of light, and this sacred power , it is Ye Yun's most cherished Taiyi Divine Light.

"What kind of anger is that?"

"Advanced zhenqi is extraordinary. Even the zhenqi cultivated in the realm of the suzerain is not as pure and holy as the zhenqi he released!"

"I never expected that Ye Yun, the Earth Immortal who made such a big disturbance in Shenzhou's Shengzhou City and became famous all over the world, now possesses such incredible means. He is truly an unprecedented genius... However, the genius will eventually fall on you!" In my hands, kill!"

The three masters of the Lanfeng Sect were shocked. They could not believe Ye Yun released the aura of Taiyi's divine light. A heavenly immortal possessed such a high-level true energy. At any rate, he is also a human immortal strongman, so he has naturally seen many strong men, even those in the heaven-reaching realm. However, even the true qi cultivated by the invincible powers in the heaven-connecting realm is not as powerful and mysterious as Ye Yun Taiyi's divine light.

At this moment, the three released their strongest power again, raised their hands high, stretched out their ten fingers, and grabbed the ice ball violently shaking in the void of space. At this moment, a tsunami-like churning suddenly occurred in the still space momentum.


In an instant, the ice puck began to completely compress, frantically shaking in the void, and the moment it was about to shatter, Ye Yun's earth-shattering roar came from Ye Yun.

Click... At this moment, the ice hockey country is broken!


At this moment, the ice hockey country exploded, releasing bright light in the void. At the moment of the explosion and shattering, a huge circular fiery red explosion space appeared in the void. Looking at it suddenly, the broken ice ball and crystal fragments appeared continuously in the explosion space. Dancing and spinning with the light of the explosion in the space, they were finally reduced to ashes one by one.


At the same moment, a sacred light that looks like heaven bursts out from above the exploding ice puck space, pointing to the sky, like a burning light rising into the sky, the fierce and domineering power of the holy gun of light pierces everything, and it contains the divine light of Taiyi, everything Power, all matter, whether it is a real object, an element, or nothingness, is all destroyed by Taiyi's divine light.

The space of the exploding ice ball in the void shattered like an earthen jar, and exploded. The pieces of the ice ball, the sword intent, and the mysterious power disappeared with the force of the explosion. The earth disappeared into the depths of space, just like a meteorite disappeared into the boundless interstellar space.

"Damn it, he's still alive..."

A fourth-order powerhouse who released a faint cold ice true energy, at the moment when the exploding ice puck disappeared, he was shocked suddenly, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was blown away by a hundred meters, while the other two were also in a state of embarrassment. The fifth-order powerhouse also gushed out blood.

The eyes of the fifth-level powerhouse were full of disbelief, and he stretched out his fingers to touch several places on his body one after another, and his whole breath gradually returned to calm. He looked up at the high place in the sky, and with that dazzled light, he said in surprise: "Ye Yun...how can there be such a thing?" Humans, at the second level of the Celestial Immortal, you can compete with me, no difference between the top and bottom, the full twelve levels, and the second level of the Celestial Immortal against the fifth level of the Human Immortal, how can there be such a character since Taixu opened up the wasteland!"

"Brother, his aura has weakened, the best time to officially kill him!"

The Tier [-] powerhouse exuding infinite sword energy stabilized his true energy, swept Ye Yun with divine light, and found that Ye Yun's aura was not as strong as before, as if seeing hope, he immediately sent a voice message to the other two powerhouses .

"it is good!"

The two powerhouses nodded, and after several fights, they gradually broke the strong will of the three immortal powerhouses, and even made them breathless. Up to now, the three of them have no confidence in Ye Yun at all. , Ye Yun stood in front of them, Fang Buddha was a giant beast, a demon.


Just when the three powerhouses were about to join forces to instigate true qi, suddenly, above the three of them, a illusory Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower appeared, only three feet high, but it happened to suppress the three of them. At that time, three bright holy spears with a length of one foot shot out of the air, piercing the heads of two human immortal fourth-order powerhouses in an instant.


Seeing the moment when the third holy spear of light pierced the head of the fifth-rank human immortal, suddenly the eyes of the fifth-rank powerhouse widened in horror, and a bronze chest mirror stood in front of him, blocking the fierce attack of the holy spear of light. The strong man's body shook, and a lot of blood seeped out of his body, as if the Holy Spear of Light shattered his whole body's bones and tendons.


Ye Yun, whose mouth was overflowing with silver blood, secretly controlled the three strongmen of the Lanfeng Sect with the Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin, and then used the holy spear of light to kill two of them by surprise. All his strength was controlled by the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory, but he didn't expect that he would sacrifice a breast shield to block the attack of the Holy Spear of Light, and even the Holy Spear of Light was shattered by the chest shield, and even Ye Yun was shocked. Being pulled and bleeding from the shock.

With a fixed gaze, Ye Yun suddenly felt the extraordinaryness of the breast shield. With a wave of his hand, the fifth-level powerhouse was immediately sucked into the endless space by the Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin, and the fast chest shield was also in Ye Yun's hand: "It really is! Immortal Artifact, study it slowly afterward!"


Just grabbed the breast shield, before he had time to take a closer look, he immediately frowned, put the breast shield into the big Luo ring, and there were layers of ripples in the dark space: "Could it be that another master of the Lanfeng sect entered? "


In an instant, a long scar pierced the void behind Ye Yun very abruptly. The speed was so fast that when Ye Yun reacted, that force had already pierced through the air, and a sharp true energy appeared.


The zhenqi burst out of the void, its strength can be seen how terrifying, coupled with the speed, and it was so ghostly, Ye Yun just wanted to dodge, but it was still too late, the zhenqi directly passed through Ye Yun's right chest, stabbing nearly half of it out. The scar was a foot long, and Ye Yun's chest could be seen from behind, and blood flowed for a while, and Ye Yun also pedaled and wobbled a few steps, and then slowly insisted on standing still.

"It's such a powerful method. If it wasn't blocked by my body-protecting true qi outside my body and Taiyi true qi inside my body before the true qi entered my body, I'm afraid that true qi could kill me in an instant!"

Ye Yun slowly stood upright, protecting the wound with luck, and the silver donated blood flowing out turned into true energy automatically, and entered the body along the wound.


At this moment, around Ye Yun, a thousand meters away, five figures appeared. Under the dark light and shadow, the five figures gradually became five human immortals wearing dark green robes. They were the five masters sent by Feng Xiao. !

These five people are not only human immortal fifth-order powerhouses, but each of them is almost the fifth-order peak, and one of them is slowly waving his right hand, and at his fingertips, a wisp of true energy is dissipating.

It seems that the person who attacked Ye Yun just now was precisely this person.

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