The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 219 The Power of Creation

This person has an ordinary face, about 40 years old, with a square face, thick eyebrows like swords, and dark skin, giving people an unpretentious, late-blooming look. Although he is at the fifth level of human immortality, his strength is the strongest among the five. Yes, the fifth-level cultivation base is bottomless, almost twice as powerful as Zhang Kun who broke through the fifth level. This kind of character is really terrifying.

"Senior Brother Yuan, Junior Brother Yan and others..."

The five masters descended into the space, making Void feel uneasy all the time. The five surrounded Ye Yun, and one of them, an old man in his sixties, stared blankly at the middle-aged man who made the attack.

'Senior Brother Yuan' is called Yuanwei, and he is not impressive in appearance, but he is one of the masters of the Lanfeng Sect's Punishment Hall, and he is also a well-known master, even in the mainland of China, he is also well-known.

Yuan Wei waved his hand and grabbed it, the air suddenly clinged tight, and as his breath spread, everything became natural, Yuan Wei's aura was like a nail, sharp and aggressive: "there are six of them, two are already, four are trapped deep in the space, Everyone, don't be careless, the cultivator named Ye Yun in front of you, although his realm is not high, but he has extraordinary means, and his physical body is as hard as mine, let's kill this person with all our strength!"

"Hehe, Yuanwei, the head of Lanfeng Sect's all-powerful Punishment Hall, doesn't even bother to attack me behind my back. It's ridiculous, you idiot!"

Facing the siege of five people, and his right chest was cut open by true energy, this is the first time Ye Yun has been in such a mess since he practiced and experienced countless life and death hurdles. However, under the supernatural powers of the fifth-order human immortal, it will also be broken. Fortunately, if you have cultivated the invincible blood body, if you are someone else, you will not only break a hole, but die violently.

Yuanwei vowed, and shouted coldly: "You are already a strong bow, yet you dare to be presumptuous, and your mouth is not forgiving, Ye Yun, what is the relationship between Xuantianzu and you, he would put the constant crystal jade on you?" body!"


Hearing Yuanwei's question, Ye Yun was taken aback for a moment, and then he figured it out. It seems that the master of the Lanfeng Sect still thinks that he has something to do with the Lanfeng Sect. , now appearing in Ye Yun's hands, no matter who it is, they will think that Xuan Tianzu has a lot of connection with Ye Yun.

Ye Yun thought about it carefully, but his body was using the constant crystal celestial jade to crazily absorb the original power of the mainland. Since his body blessed the original power of the mainland, Taiyi Zhenqi once again purified the body and improved. Now Ye Yun's cultivation speed has increased. Faster than doubling, Ye Yun slowly looked at Yuan Wei: "I don't need to tell you about the relationship between me and Xuan Tianzu, now we are swearing to death, let's do it, the fifth-level human immortal, I want to Challenge your limits!"

"Arrogant little thief, if you don't hand over the Eternal Crystal Immortal Jade, then don't blame me for being rude!" Yuan Wei seemed too lazy to waste time with Ye Yun, waved his hand slightly, his sleeves swayed slowly, and the four strong men around took a step forward, Ready to attack Ye Yun.

"The five great immortals..."

"Single-handedly, one by one, it is no longer enough. Now, it is as difficult as the sky to deal with one of them with the Holy Spear of Light. With my own strength and the means I have, the power of Tianhuang's death-killing hand is even less powerful. fist!"

"Since practicing Good Fortune Fist, I have never used the first form against the enemy. I was born, except for the magic weapons such as the Holy Beast Scepter, the Great Thousand God Map, and the Constant Crystal Immortal Jade. Today, I will use my own strength to kill these people! "

What is birth... Life is birth. At this moment, Ye Yun has abandoned himself in his mind and immersed himself in the ancient past of Good Fortune Fist.

"Senior Brother Yuan, hmph, I don't believe it. He is a celestial being, and he would kill so many immortal masters in this sect. I will personally go forward and arrest him!"

"No, let's hear what the senior brother has a plan. The young master said just now that this space is very strange. If you are not careful, you will fall into the other party's trap, and then you will be thrown into the black area. You and I will see the light of day again? "

"Junior Brother Nian's words are correct. Xiao Huan, Yuan Haiteng and others are just too careless. Think about it, the strength of the two of them is not much different from mine, but they both stumbled here. It is enough to show that there must be some Deceitful, if you are not careful, you will fall into a boundless hell!"

"Brother Yuan, we listen to you!"

At this moment, among the five masters of the Lanfeng Sect, four of them kept arguing, but in the end, they all set their sights on Yuanwei. After all, among the four, Yuanwei not only had the highest status, but was also the most powerful of the four. In Lanfengzong, everyone obeys Yuanwei's words, and no one dares to resist.

Yuanwei listened to everyone's words. After his analysis, these people reminded him, and he suddenly called out a black evil spirit gourd: "Let's use the black evil spirit gourd to control this space first, and make sure to control it." Afterwards, deal with him again, so that he won't use the space to play tricks!"

"As expected of Senior Brother Yuan, good!" The four of them nodded quickly when they heard that, yes, this method is the most appropriate, long-range attack, control this weird dark space, and then make a move, it will be safe.

"What's going on? Everyone, look at the top!"

After the five people summoned the five great black evil spirit gourds, they found that in the sky and around them, there were bubbles and phantom-like light curtains. A layer of light curtains was constantly floating up and down, and there was a will in the light curtains. In this will, the five members of Yuanwei unexpectedly had a sense of time and space disorder, such as deep sleep, restlessness, tranquility as empty, and all phases returning to one.

From the deep sleep, the five people felt that their bodies were light and exhausted, and they wanted to sleep for thousands of years.

Irritable and restless, a force that controls the will is slowly encroaching on the five powerhouses. Whether it is breath or space, darkness or light, the five people are full of fear.

Tranquility is like nothingness, all phases return to one, let the five people let go of the Buddha and give up themselves, a piece of emptiness, no skin, no thoughts, naked when you come, return to the dust.

"Everyone be careful... This is a set of boxing techniques, such a weird qigong, it can use illusions to dominate the will..."

At the moment when the five powerhouses were about to close their eyes, suddenly, from the outside world, Elder Feng Xiao heard a loud bell, shaking the five of them immediately to wake up, and lowered their heads.

What is birth, death, tolerance, mutual generation, and mutual assistance!

At this moment, Ye Yun felt the future in the creation, and his eyes suddenly shot out a divine light that pierced through the ages. In reincarnation, light is light, water and fire are incompatible, wind and fire complement each other, yin and yang coexist..."

"The breath is so strong, call out the magic weapon, attack!"

Yuanwei pointed vigorously, and an invisible force shocked him, dispelling the terrifying light curtain of will. However, the light curtain penetrated deep into the sea, no matter how it was dispelled, it would condense again.

"The Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory, suppress the universe, and purgatory is boundless!"

Suddenly, Ye Yun's voice of nothingness came from the sky, and then a half-shaped tower thundered down from the sky, controlling the entire space ability, and locked the five Yuanwei in an instant.

"No, the Heiwu region has such a powerful aura. I didn't expect Ye Yun to use the original power of the constant crystal immortal jade to control such a large amount of evil power. Everyone, break through, or you will only die!" When the Tower of Absolute Yin landed, he was lost.

A second-level monk of the Celestial Immortal can actually achieve such an unbelievable level of control over such a large and boundless force of alien time and space. Even high-level human immortals cannot do it. Controlling the force of alien time and space is the supernatural means of a true immortal giant. Even the ability of the strong in the sky-reaching realm.

Moreover, Yuanwei originally thought that a small Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin would not be able to trap him at all, but who knew that after the arrival of the Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower, he was imprisoned instantly, and he was shocked to find that the Purgatory Absolute Yin Tower turned out to be the core power of the entire dark space , that is to say, the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory dominates the entire dark space, and the dark space is the Tower of Absolute Yin in Purgatory.

Yuan Wei is very self-aware, even with his level of cultivation, it is impossible to control such a large amount of space, and it is a space force from a foreign land. Now it is controlled by the Purgatory Yin Tower, and Yuan Wei can't struggle to escape at all. Tower Force couldn't do anything to him, and there were four other people.

"Use the black evil spirit gourd to guard the deity quickly, and don't let the power of space control us!" Yuanwei really has no other plan, and he is sweating profusely. For the present plan, he can only use the black evil spirit gourd as a defense to guard the deity.

But at this moment, Yuanwei suddenly opened his eyes wide, and watched in disbelief that the strange light curtain suddenly rose like steam, roaring, giving Yuanwei the illusion of being reborn from the ashes. People feel very comfortable taste, put the Buddha under this power, you can be baptized, just like being passed down from heaven.

"There is no birth, where is death, where there is no soil, where is water, death is the end, new life is the beginning, the cycle of life and death... Birth, the beginning of cycle..."

"The power of good fortune, born!"

Ye Yun looked up to the sky and screamed, every word was like the Gospel of Creation, there was no judgment, no despair, let alone destruction, only boundless hope, new life, and the future. , the entire dark space appeared a bright and holy light of light.

"Ah... what's going on!"

"The whole space is still, that light, no, that's not light, what is that?"

"It's over..."

The five Yuanwei were using the black evil spirit gourd to protect their deity. Suddenly, they found that the dark space they were in was replaced by light in an instant. No matter it was any material, including their own flesh, it was extremely transparent under the light of the divine light , and at the same time, the divine light suddenly breathed like a heart, and rushed through the space.


The five people were instantly annihilated in the impacting light. Looking at it suddenly, the entire void turned into a fist of light, impacting the space, and then disappeared instantly like light, and there were several screams in the air.

There is no explosion, no destruction, only the Holy Gospel, the Divine Fist of Creation, the first form, birth, not destruction, so there is no domineering, only hope.


Four copies of the black evil spirit gourd landed in the void, and there were four storage rings. Ye Yun's face was pale, but he would not let go of the black evil spirit gourd. With a slight wave of his hand, he grasped the black evil spirit gourd and the storage ring in his hand , inhalation is missing.

"Yuanwei, you should feel lucky that someone will save you!"

Ye Yun slowly looked towards the void, the light disappeared, and that Yuanwei was actually entangled by a tyrannical qi, but although Yuanwei was not dead, his whole person was almost as dead. Light, like a lost soul in the air, seems to be floating with the wind.

"Ye Yun...!"

Swish~~ Seven figures descended into the dark void, and now the dark void seems to be much weaker. The seven figures directly descended into the dark space, as if all the formations had no effect on the seven.

The leader was Lan Tian who moved Feng Xiao, and Feng Xiao shot a burst of true energy in his hand, sucking Yuan Wei over in an instant, Feng Xiao wiped it with one hand, but Yuan Wei was still lifeless, Feng Xiao had a murderous look on his face: "Young master, Not good, Yuanwei Yuanshen has become broken and incomplete, and it will take at least several thousand years to recover its strength!"

"Inhale him into the domain first, and guard the primordial spirit..."

Lan Tiandong said indifferently, and immediately his eyes fell on Ye Yun, swept up and down, and smiled faintly: "Ye Yun, good guy, the trouble is almost over, hand over the constant crystal jade, so you won't die!"

"Lan Tiandong, the young master of the Lanfeng Sect, is really like thunder, but your tone makes me very uncomfortable. If you have the ability, come to the mountain to get it yourself!" Ye Yun adjusted his breathing, and he didn't have any fear of Lantiandong, but, He felt that Lan Tiandong was very extraordinary, and his cultivation had reached the sixth level of human immortality, which was truly bottomless.

As soon as Lan Tiandong came up, Fangfo was an old man, and Ye Yun was a junior. Fangfo had already controlled everything. He smiled disdainfully: "I think highly of you, so I'll give you one chance. Since you don't want it, just disappear completely!"

"One birth move cost me one-third of my strength, and now I have the rest of my strength, so I can only use birth twice..." Facing Lan Tiandong's dominance, Ye Yun already knew that he had to fight to the death.

"Young master, elder, I'm coming!"

Another fifth-level human immortal came out. After saluting Lan Tiandong and Feng Xiao, he waved his hand. Immediately, two old men flew out. One of them was an invincible existence who broke through the sixth-level human immortal.

"Birth, death, tolerance, mutual generation, mutual assistance... Death is the end, rebirth is the beginning, life and death reincarnation... Birth, creation of reincarnation... Good fortune is invincible!"

Suddenly, when the three masters joined forces to give Ye Yun a fatal blow, Ye Yun waved his hands, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed the power of the dark space, and he directly unleashed the Divine Fortune Fist, the first move, birth.

"This is... what kind of qigong is this..."

Lan Tiandong felt that there was only light in the dark space he was in. His own aura was completely obliterated by the light, and all aura was gone. Moreover, this light made him feel no destruction, strong, but boundless surrender.

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