The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 220 Lan Tiandong's Strength

Death is the end, new life is the beginning.

The cycle of life and death is boundless.

The divine words floated from Ye Yun's mouth, like the supreme ruler, spreading the gospel, not controlling life and death, but destiny, as if all those who heard the divine words would change their fates, influenced by Ye Yun, the divine fist punched out , there is no turmoil, but it is as peaceful as the sacred light of the lake.

Lan Tiandong, Feng Xiao and the other seven people were in the void, which turned into a dazzling light, only the light, the darkness disappeared without a trace, and the divine words rolled in, impacting the soul and will.

"Heaven and Earth Soul Absorbing Immortality Technique!"

The ray of light in the void, like the dazzling sun, emits the most glaring sacred ray. Seeing that everything is going to disappear with the ray, Lan Tiandong suddenly heard an angry roar, and the sacred ray shrank and turned into the origin, and in that origin, Seven figures jumped out, looking a little embarrassed.

"It's worthy of being a sixth-level human immortal powerhouse. With my second level of heavenly immortality, when I cast the Good Fortune Fist, the power can only kill ordinary sixth-level human immortal powerhouses..."

Seeing Lan Tiandong and Feng Xiao appearing with the five powerhouses, Ye Yun's eyes shone with astonishment, and he was sweating profusely, as if he was going to collapse.

Exercising the Divine Fortune Fist twice in a row is already Ye Yun's limit, but unfortunately, the realm is too low, the second level of the Celestial Immortal, if the second level of the Human Immortal, even the high level of the Human Immortal can kill, but now, Ye Yun can only use the second level of the Celestial Immortal The sixth-level heavy beheading killer is still an ordinary strongman, but if it is a sixth-level peak powerhouse like Lan Tiandong, there is nothing he can do.

With Ye Yun's strength, without using Taiyi Divine Light, he can kill the fourth-level strongman of the Immortal, but when he uses the Divine Light of Taiyi, he can kill the sixth-level of the Immortal, and he is still at the second level of the Celestial Immortal. Basically, it is worthy of being a god-level qigong, the Divine Fist of Good Fortune.

"Young me!"

Escaping from the power of the deadly God Fist, Lan Tiandong and Feng Xiao seemed to be fine, but the other five were scarred, especially the three of them who were of the fifth rank of Human Immortal, whose skin, meridians, and bones were completely destroyed by the God Fist. It was shattered, and nothing could be seen from the outside, but the internal organs of the three people were completely shattered, and the key soul of the three people was almost completely deprived, and they were about to disappear into clouds and smoke.

"Heaven and Earth Soul Absorbing Immortality Art is also..."

Seeing the pain of the three elder disciples, Elder Feng Xiao shook his head helplessly. It was unbelievable that he could protect the lives of the three of them with his seventh-level immortal cultivation.


The bodies of the three of them trembled violently, and then their whole bodies turned into blood. The dantian, golden elixir, and primordial spirit disappeared one by one, leaving nothing behind, and even the Taoist robes turned into green smoke.

"What a weird qigong!"

Lan Tiandong watched the three die tragically, and was afraid in his heart. If it wasn't for his own strength, he might not be able to resist this attack. Lan Tiandong suddenly felt greedy, and secretly said in his heart: "Ye Yun really has extraordinary qigong on him, Tianxian The second level, can make the second level of Tianxian have the strength of the fifth-level powerhouse of killing immortals, it is incredible, it must be a high-level fairy-level qigong, I must get it, haha, Di Tian, ​​Zhai Xingyuan, Long Haoyue, when I get this set of qigong, you guys All bow down to me!"

Finally, he personally experienced the power of the Divine Fist of Good Fortune. Lan Tiandong has extraordinary insight. He has never seen such a god-defying skill. This kind of magical skill does not destroy or overbearing. Fist, Fang Buddha is not a divine fist, but a judge from heaven who harvests souls.

"My strength has also reached its limit. Next, I will kill one party. Anyone who blocks me will die!"

"It's finally here. Forty or so strong immortals, Utona, this time you never came back. Do you still think that I was the weak person who let you kill me?"

At this moment, Ye Yun released his divine thoughts, spreading the entire void, and suddenly felt more than forty powerful human immortals flying from the direction of the North Sea Continent. The most, and Ye Yun can kill as many of this kind of characters as they come.

"Huh? That's... Lan Fengzong sent dozens of human immortals, including eighth-level human immortals... eighth-level human immortals!"

Ye Yun was really surprised. He sensed that there was a change in Lan Fengzong's side. After careful investigation, there were actually a large number of human immortals rushing towards the Ziyu Continent. He didn't need to think about it, it must be Lan Tiandong, Feng Xiao, etc. People, ask for help from Lan Fengzong, or, Lan Fengzong sensed the aura of Utona, Haoyuemeng and others, and sent people to reinforce Lan Tiandong and others.

"It's almost there, these people are enough to make me murderous!" Ye Yun pondered secretly, and secretly sacrificed the holy beast scepter, and the constant crystal immortal jade, while preparing, absorbing the power of the mainland, and at the same time, the entire dark space, It is also absorbing the origin of the mainland.

"Elder Feng, it turns out that people from the Haoyue League have arrived, and the sect has also sent several elders to reinforce him, so I'll take care of him!" Lan Tiandong took a step forward and waved Zhu Yi's servant Tai Dayan to stay where he was.

Feng Xiao knew that it would be easy to kill Ye Yun with Lan Tian's strength, so he nodded: "Young master, be careful!"

Ye Yun condensed his breath in the dark, seeing Lan Tiandong flying towards him, he wasn't surprised at all: "Lan Tiandong, with your cultivation level, fight me personally, if you tell it, you won't let the world laugh at you!"

"Boy... Broken Yuan Palm"

When Lan Tiandong heard it, he was furious, regardless of his identity, his eyes showed murderous intent, he waved his arm, and grabbed it vigorously, his right hand seemed to grasp the entire void, facing Ye Yun, he smashed the air with his palm.

"What a terrible power..."

Boom, the void in front of Ye Yun actually separated from other voids, and was torn apart by Lan Tiandong's astonishing means, and then separated, and crazily suppressed towards Ye Yun. The huge void palm print came overwhelmingly with a rolling momentum.

"As expected of the sixth rank of human immortality, Lan Tiandong is as powerful as the seventh rank of human immortality. The son of Lan Yi, the lord of the Lanfeng Sect, has obtained a supernatural power... Traveling through the void, the source is one!"

Faced with Lan Tiandong's heaven-defying attack, Ye Yun felt powerless. He knew very well that even if he used the strongest blow, the Divine Fist of Good Fortune, he could not kill Lan Tiandong. The difference is not a star and a half. Since ancient times, Taixu opened up wasteland, chaos is clear, and the creation of the world. In countless myths, Ye Yun has never been born.

It is the first-level human immortal strongman, or a genius. At the first level of human immortality, he can only leapfrog the third-level and fourth-level human immortals. Killing powerhouses of the fifth or even sixth ranks, such as Di Tian, ​​is such a character, who is in the fairyland, but possesses the strength of the heavenly realm.

And like Ye Yun, who can kill the sixth-level human immortal with the second level of the immortal, is really unheard of, even Ditian can't compare, but Ditian is now extraordinary, it is really unbelievable to have the strength of the heavenly realm in the human fairyland The sky exists, and Ditian is the goal that Ye Yun can use to practice.

Ahead, Lan Tiandong saw that Ye Yun didn't move, and he was very puzzled, but after thinking about it, with Ye Yun's second level of immortality, and the fact that he seemed to be on the verge of strength, he couldn't use the supernatural power comparable to the Good Fortune Fist. Tiandong suddenly let out a long cry: "You can't block my attack!"


The entire fragment of the void turned into a palm print that reached the sky, and with the force of Mount Tai, it rushed towards the void where Ye Yun was, and at this critical juncture, Ye Yun and the surrounding void turned into a starlight, vividly crossing the space barrier, In a blink of an eye, it moved directly a thousand meters away.

boom boom boom

In Ye Yun's original space, he was suppressed and bombarded by the large palm prints of void fragments, and suddenly the entire space exploded violently, and the space began to sink inch by inch, instead of being shattered in general, it was truly destroyed, and was destroyed by the power of the black space. Inhaled into the mysterious vast star field.

"It's terrible... This is the method of high-level immortals. It's incredible. The power of high-level immortals completely domains the law of space. One attack can use the law to destroy all matter in the law, including space. If the power of the heaven-reaching realm , I am afraid that a single attack can destroy the huge space of the entire Shenzhou Continent!"

Looking at the disappearing space, Ye Yun felt lingering fear, his eyes fell on Lan Tiandong, and he found that this person was not only powerful, but also quite scheming, and he was indeed difficult to deal with.

"You can't escape, Soul Chaser!"

Lan Tiandong's external expression was very normal, but his heart was shocked to the extreme. He thought that Ye Yun would never be able to escape his blow, but Ye Yun actually used the constant crystal jade to travel through space. Lan Tiandong couldn't do it himself, even Feng Xiao's seventh-level powerhouse couldn't shuttle and cross the space.

Immortals can leap through space at extreme speed, but space is the gateway to the continent, protecting the existence of the continent, possessing the mighty power of low-level time and space, any human immortal, once facing the space, will be crushed by the space immediately , only those who are strong in the sky-reaching realm can leap through space in a short time.

And Ye Yun can do it now, not because of Ye Yun's own strength, but because of the Hengjing Immortal Jade. The Hengjing Immortal Jade itself is the essence of the Purple Jade Continent. Jade can be said to be like a fish in water in the Ziyu Continent.

"A little celestial monk can actually fuse the constant crystal jade to such a perfect level..." Lan Tiandong was shocked, but in exchange for it, he looked angry. In front of Feng Xiao and others, he didn't get it. Ye Yun, this made him lose face, Lan Tian was so angry that he just grabbed Ye Yun.


In the parallel space where Ye Yun and Lan Tiandong are located, Lan Tiandong scratched through the air, and a big hole was opened in the space. There was a strange thunder-like sound in the hole, and a big hand suddenly came out of the broken hole. Stretch out and condense into claws, just like a giant winged beast flying in the dark star field, crossing the void, breaking the space, stretching out its sharp claws towards Ye Yun, intending to put Ye Yun to death.

"Traveling through the void, the source is one!"

Looking at the huge shattered space hole in front of him, Ye Yun was frightened. This is really unbelievable. The sharp claws are so overbearing that they don't take space seriously. Crazy, thirsty for power even more, but rationality told Ye Yun that escape is the most important thing now, so he immediately used the Constant Crystal Immortal Jade to control the space, and moved away again.


The big hand landed on Ye Yun's space crazily, and with five fingers grabbing it, the space was shattered into powder, and the space moved. At this moment, it seemed that the world was in turmoil and was about to collapse.

"Senior Brother Feng, I didn't expect Ye Yun to push us to this point..."

In the void in the distance, four people including Tai Dayan and Feng Xiao, Zhu Yi's servants, opened their eyes wide and watched Lan Tian's fierce attacks again and again, which greatly increased their knowledge, and Lan Tian's methods left a deep impression on them. Yin Hen, and Ye Yun, were able to escape again and again under the help of Lan Tiandong's peerless powers, which surprised several people even more, and even felt a sense of great disappointment towards Lan Tiandong.

Feng Xiao and Tai Dayan, Zhu Yi's servant, are the calmest. Tai Dayan is a low-level human immortal. I don't know whether it's because of being a servant or other reasons, but there is no expression on his face. Those eyes are terribly quiet, but he As a servant, Feng Xiao and the others also paid attention to him at all.

Feng Xiao frowned and said: "You have all experienced Ye Yun's methods just now. If the old man hadn't taken action to protect you, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to survive now!"

"Yes, yes, my primordial spirit has been severely injured, especially the life energy in my body, it seems to have been drained, if it wasn't for my senior brother to save me, I would have waited..." Two strong people of the sixth rank of Lanfeng Sect , being scolded by Feng Xiao, the two immediately saluted Feng Xiao respectfully.

Boom boom boom... Explosions continued to come from the void below, and the space was shattering like an earthen jar.

"Lan Tiandong, he really deserves to be an amazing character, a set of supernatural powers come in an endless stream, and his moves are extraordinary, I don't know how many supernatural powers he has mastered!"

Under Lan Tiandong's powerful methods, Ye Yun ran away in embarrassment again and again, and Lan Tiandong continued to use various methods to attack Ye Yun, which was simply heartbreaking.

"Sword Dance Nine Heavens!"

I don't know if it's because Ye Yun flew around, dazzled Lan Tiandong, or he lost his patience, raised his hands up high, and then split suddenly, his pupils erupted with frightening sword lights, and when the sword lights came out , the space is actually shaking, as if it is about to shatter.

It's just a look that makes the space vibrate, so how terrifying is Lan Tian's attack?

"No, Lan Tiandong is going crazy!"

With a sweep of his spiritual thoughts, Ye Yun saw that the space he was in was completely controlled and independent, and Fangfo became a country controlled by Lan Tiandong. Moreover, a tyrannical sword energy that cut through the ages was condensing.

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