
Destroying the eternal sword intent, condensing the sky, and burning the space with immortal sword energy, descending directly from the void, a kingdom of swords suddenly transformed into form.

"Jade Bamboo Sword Qi, Sword Song Changhong!"

Lan Tian moved his backhand finger, and instantly made a series of imprints. Layers of true qi shot out from his body, and became one with the space. .

The sapphire sword qi is like being carefully polished and carved with blue jade, and there are hundreds of millions of them. Each piece of sapphire sword qi is about a foot long. The thousand-meter-long kingdom of swords directly locked the space around Ye Yun instantly.

So many sword qis stand out, combined into the kingdom of swords, it has the power to divide, divide the space and the void into countless fragments, and recombine them again, making the kingdom of swords instantly become thousands of meters huge, and the entire dark space, almost Destroyed by the kingdom of swords.

"Supernatural powers are mysterious, interpreting the sky, moving the sky, he is indeed a genius, such supernatural powers have surpassed ordinary giants of immortals... the Shenluo domain!"

Surrounded by the kingdom of swords, Ye Yun could no longer move out, because the entire void was the kingdom of sword energy cast by Lan Tiandong, and now he could only sacrifice the Shenluo domain to protect himself.

Since breaking through the Celestial Immortal Realm, Ye Yun has never used the Shenluo Domain. In the Earth Immortal Realm, the domain has always been Ye Yun's must-kill method, and now the domain has been promoted to the strength of the immortal. Compared with before, the Shenluo Domain is many times stronger.

chug chu...

In the natural kingdom of swords, suddenly, a sacred light erupted in the center, and then, a domain slowly expanded, descended, turned into bronze and silver, and suddenly stopped expanding at a diameter of [-] meters. In the center of the domain, Ye Yun Sitting cross-legged in the center, he is absorbing the original power of the Ziyu Continent and insisting on the Shenluo domain.

"Hmph, how can a small domain compete against it?"

The aloof Lan Tiandong thought that Ye Yun would have some means, but he didn't expect to sacrifice the domain, the domain, even Lan Tiandong, would not sacrifice it at will, only in the battle of life and death would he use the domain to carry out a desperate counterattack, And Ye Yun is only at the second level of the Celestial Immortal. His domain, in the eyes of ordinary people, can be so tyrannical.

Dangdang Dangdang!

Lan Tiandong waved his sleeves, and in an instant, the Shenluo domain surrounded by the kingdom of swords began to be attacked by hundreds of millions of Yuzhu sword energy, shaking the sky and shaking the sea, shaking the sky and the earth, the Shenluo domain is equal to Locked in the kingdom of Lantian moving sword energy, being attacked and suppressed by the kingdom at will, and countless sword energy destructively bombarded the Shenluo domain, and there was a deafening metal sound, the sound of metal was like thunder and thunder, and gradually came from the dark space , Straight into the sky above the Xuanwu Gate, shooting straight into the sky, and resounding across the continent.

At this moment, the entire Purple Jade Continent, be it mortals, monks, animals, or monsters, was shaken by the sudden sound of metal thunder, their internal organs were shaken upside down, their hearts beat faster, their spirits were restless, and there was an endless wave of human immortals. Anger, along with the sound of metal, spread to every corner of Ziyu Continent.

It's heartbreaking for the listener and heartbreaking for the listener.

"Such a strong will... It turned out to be a sixth-level human immortal, such a strong person, comparable to a seventh-level strong man, the master's own strength, challenging the Lan Fengzong, is really a heroic spirit!"

"This kind of willpower is inferior to you and me. The qigong that this person has cultivated is very extraordinary. General, will the master be in danger? Why don't we help out?"

In the northern part of the Ziyu Continent, Taiyi City, at this time, all urban construction in the entire city was completely stopped. In the Taiyi Wangcheng Square, Huangfu Fei and Zhang Kun stood at the forefront, and behind them were Xiao Huan, Yuan Haiteng, Luo Chen, and Liu Fengyang. It was Ye Yuan and his wife, and then Yue Li, Ye Yu, Jing Wuming, Yin Yuanchu and others. Almost all the core figures of Taiyi City gathered in the square. At this moment, the safety of the entire Taiyi City was related, but although everyone Worried, but full of confidence in Ye Yun.

Although full of confidence, everyone present could feel that the entire Purple Jade Continent was permeated with the angry will of immortals, and everyone was overwhelmed. Fortunately, Taiyi City was protected by the heaven, earth, universe, and heaven, and many monks below the Heavenly Immortal Realm , Everyone will be injured to varying degrees.

But outside Taiyi City, Ziyu Continent, Sifang Continent, many cities, a large number of low-level monks and common people feel uneasy. Some old people or sick people died directly, and some newborn babies were also oppressed by the will of immortals. He had to lose his life force and suffered a sudden cardiac arrest. In many wastelands and forests in the mainland, various animals and beasts were running wildly, looking for shelter.

The will of the Immortal Realm is too strong. If it is not bound by Ye Yun's dark space, I am afraid that Lan Tiandong's strong will will have already killed most of the mortals and monks in the Ziyu Continent. I don't know how many people will be killed or injured.

This is the will of the high-level immortals. Countless lives, including the entire Ziyu Continent, can be killed and destroyed in a single thought. There is even a winner who can directly destroy a planet. Imagine how many lives there are on a planet. The world is not benevolent and everything is a straw dog. This is the will of the strong and destroys human nature.

"Brother Zhang, don't worry, the master has already prepared everything, and the master has not used the Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin, we are waiting carefully!" In Taiyi City Square, facing Zhang Kun's worried look, Huangfufei was shocked.

Compared to the two of them, there are hundreds of thousands of monks in Taiyi City, who is not frightened. These people were all subdued by Ye Yun. Once Ye Yun fails, they will not survive.

"That is……"

Over the southern sea area of ​​the Ziyu Continent, Ke Hanlin, Zhang Meng, Wang Yue, Utona, and more than [-] Taoist sect powerhouses and a group of more than forty people suddenly stopped in their tracks. , it is the Ziyu Continent floating on the boundless sea, it is just a floating island, and the island is shaking violently at this moment, and a wave of human immortal will continues to roar in the Ziyu Continent.

Zhang Meng looked at the deputy leader of the Haoyue League beside him, and Ke Hanlin said: "Brother Hanlin, with an incredible will, such a strong cultivation base, and a very familiar aura, he should be a strong man of the Lanfeng Sect!"

"Brother Zhang, you guessed right. It is Haoyue League. Just now, Zhai Xingyuan sent me a voice transmission. The disciples of the Lanfeng Sect discovered Ye Yun's whereabouts and are sending people to arrest him!"

As the leader of this group of members of the Haoyue League, Ke Hanlin showed his demeanor and talked eloquently: "This will is indeed very familiar, and everyone knows it. It is the young lord of the Lanfeng Sect, Lan Tiandong!"

Utona came to the two of them and asked the other six ghost city kings to stay where they were: "Brother Ke, this Lan Tiandong is not a soft persimmon, his body is earth-shattering, and it is rumored that Lan Tiandong is not compatible with Zhai Xingyuan in the Lanfeng Sect." In this way, the relationship between Lan Tiandong and your Haoyue League is also normal!"

Ke Hanlin glanced at Utona, and cast a cold look: "Brother Zhai is now one of the deputy leaders of our Haoyue League, and his status is prominent. How can Lan Tiandong be compared? Hmph, Lan Tiandong relies on his father being Lan Yi. He was trained by the Lanfeng Sect since he was a child, and brother Zhai is the favored son of Lanfeng Zong, and he has won the support of countless people, even surpassing Lan Tiandong. Therefore, Lan Tiandong has a grudge against Brother Zhai. Once again, he failed to apply for Shenzhou Xianyuan, and Brother Zhai, this time he was recommended by the leader, so it must not be difficult to join Shenzhou Xianyuan, but he is so crazy that he wants to fight against Haoyuemeng with me?"

"That's good, I'm also worried, what should I do if I see Lan Tiandong later and hinder my actions, since Brother Ke has made a decision long ago, naturally I will save me from worrying about the future!"

Utona looked far-sighted, and smiled at everyone in Haoyue League: "Brother Ke, Ye Yun is really not a simple kid. Although his aura is faint, I can feel that Lan Tian's opponent is precisely Ye Yun!"

"So tyrannical?"

Ke Hanlin, Zhang Meng, Wang Yue and others were shocked. Many people looked into the depths of the Ziyu Continent with their spiritual thoughts, and their faces changed drastically. They found that Lan Tiandong was fighting against a breath. Tiandong's aura is completely dominant, but that aura is extremely strong.

"what is that?"

Suddenly, an astonishing brilliance entered Yunxiao from the depths of the Ziyu Continent. It was a high-level aura. The ancient power was even above Lan Tiandong's will. Many people showed greedy eyes when they saw that power. .

Zhang Meng came back to his senses and said to Ke Hanlin in surprise: "It's the breath of Shenzhou Hengjing Immortal Jade. Brother Hanlin, this time is really lucky. I didn't expect that there would be fragments of Hengjing Immortal Jade on a small island!"

"Just now I was still thinking, why did Lan Tian set out to deal with a celestial boy as a sixth-level powerhouse? Unexpectedly, it was for Hengjing Xianyu. Over the years, Lan Fengzong has obtained a lot of fragments everywhere. It must be to brew spiritual veins , to prepare for his future advancement to the Heaven-reaching Realm, brothers, we must capture Ye Yun this time, he is a celestial being, the reason why he fought against Lantian Kinetic Energy was all because of the Hengjing Immortal Jade, once we get the Hengjing Immortal Jade, Hand it over to the leader, then it is possible for us to enter the Shenzhou Xianyuan!" Ke Hanlin's eyes were like torches, as if he could see through the depths of time and space.


At this time, on the left side of Ke Hanlin's camp, suddenly there was a large aura of a strong man, flying directly through the air, this aura was simply earth-shattering.

Utona turned pale with shock: "Brother Ke, it seems that reinforcements from the Lanfeng Sect have arrived, Lan Tiandong must have sensed us, and he doesn't want us to discover the aura of the Constant Crystal Immortal Jade, let him alone! "

"Everyone, let's go!"

Under the sweep of Ke Hanlin, more than forty people flew towards the Ziyu Continent in a mighty manner. This momentum directly opened up the space, and the Ziyu Continent was close at hand.


In the depths of time and space in the Ziyu Continent, Lan Tiandong controls the kingdom of majestic swords, and is breaking through Ye Yun's stable Shenluo domain, with powerful sword intent, suppressing the Shenluo domain, it will be broken several times, but Ye Yun maintains it , but Lan Tiandong suddenly discovered something, and stared directly at Shenluo Domain: "Ye Yun, you actually infiltrated the breath of Hengjing Immortal Jade, saying, what conspiracy do you have?"

"Compared to the Lanfeng Sect, the Haoyue League seems to be stronger than the Lanfeng Sect. You want to get the constant crystal jade, and the Haoyue League also wants this treasure, and they come straight to me. Why do I use the constant crystal jade to get it? , Let the two of you fight to the death, you have a good plan and I have a wall ladder!"

Facing Lan Tiandong, who had gone mad for a long time, Ye Yun was very calm. Using the original power of Hengjing Immortal Jade this time, and under the power of the Purgatory Tower of Absolute Yin that had been arranged long ago, Ye Yun can use too much power, although It is impossible to increase the strength to kill Lan Tiandong and others, but to remain undefeated, but it is full of confidence.

Lan Tiandong said coldly: "Stinky boy, don't be arrogant too early. With your strength, you will be exhausted sooner or later. In the end, Hengjing Xianyu needs strong power as its source. You have no qualifications and strength!"

"That will really disappoint you. I don't have your advanced level of cultivation, but I have inexhaustible power. If you don't believe me, let's try again next time!" Ye Yun sat cross-legged in the Shenluo domain The center not only controls the Shinra domain, but also the entire dark space outside the Shinra domain.

"Break it for me!"

Lan Tiandong got angry again, and waved his big hand crazily at the Shenluo Domain again and again. Suddenly, the kingdom of swords seemed to be boiling, and there were continuous sounds of metal explosions and impacts. A steady stream of rumors spread from the Purple Jade Continent.

"The source is united, and the Qi guards the universe!"

The realm of Shenluo was shaken layer by layer by the kingdom of swords, and the bronze crystal wall cracked again and again, but it cracked again and again. With the double strength of Ye Yun and Tianxian, it was not enough to compete with Lan Tiandong to this point. If If it weren't for the continuous blessing of the original power of Hengjing Xianyu, I am afraid that the Shenluo domain would have shattered like glass.

And in the depths of the dark space, the battle is raging, while the outside world is ushering in a fierce collision.

"The young master has already taken control of the overall situation. Junior brothers, the experts from the Haoyue League and Daoist sect are coming soon. Get ready. The remaining people will immediately enter the depths of time and space to help the young master!"

Thirty or so immortals from the Lanfeng Sect stopped on the ruins of the Xuanwu Gate. The leader was an old man in a gray robe. He was over eighty years old and looked like a piece of rotten wood. However, he has the ability to reach the sky. This person's cultivation has already reached the point of frightening.

Whoosh whoosh!

More than a dozen disciples of the elders of the Lanfeng Sect broke through the air one by one, and their cultivation bases were all within the fifth and seventh ranks of Human Immortals, especially the seventh-rank powerhouses, each of whom was as terrifying as Feng Xiao. figure.

Up to now, Feng Xiao has never really made a move. The seventh-level power of human immortals is probably several times higher than that of Lan Tiandong, and Feng Xiao has never made a move against Ye Yun because he found that the entire dark space is very strange. You have to sit in front of the law to protect the Dharma, and if there is a change, you can respond to all changes with the same.

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