The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 222 Three parties exchange fire

"The Haoyue League and Daoist sect..."

In the dark space, Elder Feng Xiao withdrew his divine thoughts, and felt that the aura of Ziyu Continent was completely chaotic, with dozens of powerful auras spreading like ripples between the sky and the earth.

"Oops, it's the breath of Ke Hanlin and others from the Haoyue League, they really rushed over, no, Ye Yun must be killed now, otherwise..."

Lan Tiandong suddenly lost all breath, and no longer jumped like a thunder, but pointed at Ye Yun's Kingdom of Swords, and stretched out ten fingers, each fingertip shot out ten thousand sword qi, fused with the Kingdom of Swords, Lan Tiandong pointed to the sky and struck : "Heaven-breaking sword sprout!"

"All the people who should come have finally come. The underground ghost city encloses the seven kings of Utona, ten people from the Haoyue League, and even a deputy leader Ke Hanlin, more than [-] people from the Daoist Sect, and even one who is a human immortal." An eighth-level powerhouse..."

Among the Kingdom of Swords, the Shenluo Domain was constantly attacked and submerged in explosions. At this moment, the violent sword energy was like fierce waves rushing onto the beach. Wave after wave, they bombarded the Shenluo Domain. Who is really strong, but now, Lan Tiandong suddenly changed, and a strange sword energy suddenly burst out from under the Shenluo domain, Ye Yun was shocked: "What a tyrannical sword energy, piercing the sky! "

"The master only cultivated the supreme swordsmanship..." Above the void, Tai Dayan, the servant in Zhuyi, sighed in shock, and Feng Xiao and others looked at the place below the kingdom of swords in amazement, seeing the strange changes.

At this moment, the lower part of the kingdom of swords actually shattered into a net shape, countless cracks creaked open, and a powerful sword energy rushed straight into the galaxy from the dark void to pierce the power of the sky and make the cracks continue Expand, and in the cracks, there are countless sprout-like sword qi. Wherever the sprouts go, let the Buddha overcome thorns and thorns, as if entering the land of no one.

Germinating sword energy, releasing new life, and an incomparably strong desire for life, just like the loess that has been drought for many years, after a spring rain, countless lives are springing up like bamboo shoots after rain.

Any magic, any qigong, is often dead, but once it is developed by a genius, it contains infinite changes, and after it contains the mysteries of the heavens, it will produce unfathomable power, germinate sword energy, and contain abundant vitality, which has surpassed ordinary qigong supernatural powers , has the meaning of the sky, and its power can be imagined.

Above the sky, Lan Tiandong's eyes were like swords, and his whole body exuded a straight sword aura, as if he was full of sword aura, reaching straight up to the sky: "Ye Yun, this is the supreme sword way that my master took thousands of years to realize, can you It is your honor to die under my self-created supernatural power!"

Creak... The kingdom of swords cracked layer by layer, and a strange sound spread throughout the space.

Sigh... The low and sharp sound of sword energy breaking through the air meanders, shaking the sky and earth, not only rising upward, but also spreading layer by layer towards the Shenluo domain.


With a buzzing sound, the Shenluo Domain shook violently. Ye Yun, who was entrenched in the center of the interior, suddenly bowed forward, protruding a streak of silver blood, and his eyes flashed with astonishment. Looking down, the area below the Shenluo Domain was like ice At the level, there are dense ice cracks connected end to end, which are constantly merging with the cracks in the kingdom of swords.

Sure enough, under Lan Tiandong's shocking supernatural power, the Shenluo domain began to be broken one by one by the sword energy. Moreover, an invisible control force allowed the power of the Shenluo domain to merge with the kingdom of swords. Swallowing, at that time, the Shenluo domain will not only be no longer the Ye Yun protection center, but will become the country controlled by Lan Tiandong.

"It's so heaven-defying sword spirit, Lan Tiandong, I will not let you control my Shenluo Domain at will, Hengjing Xianyu, the blessing of infinite origin comes from my real body, Taiyi Divine Furnace, burn it for me!"

Once again, he was shocked by the strange sword energy and spit out a stream of blood. Now, with Ye Yun's power, he might not be able to resist Lan Tian's power for three seconds when he used the Shenluo domain. , only by using the Taiyi Divine Furnace to burn the Constant Crystal Immortal Jade to absorb the continuous source power of the mainland.


The terrifying sword energy pierced the Shenluo domain once again, and the dense cracks had risen to half of the domain. Looking down, the upper part of the Shenluo domain was a bronze crystal wall, while the lower part was a blurred and broken ice ball, revealing colorful pearls, and the sky-defying The sword qi, that continuous sword qi is about to pierce the Shenluo domain at any moment, it seems to be crumbling.

"That kid is finally going to die..."

Above the void, a sixth-order disciple of the Lanfeng Sect gazed at the Shenluo domain from a distance, and deeply felt that the heaven-defying sword energy was constantly encroaching on the Shenluo domain, and the sword energy was about to spread and destroy all directions at any time.

"Everyone, Guardian Huang Qi personally came to reinforce, many brothers are already on their way into the space, don't worry!"

Elder Feng Xiao suddenly opened his eyes, and the void in front of him was pierced. A faint smile appeared on his face, and he turned sideways and said to several sixth-level powerhouses who were physically and mentally injured.

"Yes, it's Guardian Kong..." When they heard this, their bodies shook, and expressions of surprise appeared on their faces. It was great news that a guardian, with a high status and strength, came personally.

"Lan Fengzong, don't get too complacent, Elder Dharma Protector, hmph, the eighth-level human immortal, I have Hengjing Immortal Jade, even the eighth-level Dharma Protector can do anything to me!"

In the Shenluo Domain, Ye Yun waved his hand and grabbed at the void of the Shenluo Domain. The Taiyi God Furnace, which was tens of feet high, burst through the air and floated in front of Ye Yun. Ye Yun immediately sacrificed the Shenzhou Constant Crystal Immortal Jade , Throwing it into the Taiyi Divine Stove, suddenly, the flames in the Sacred Stove billowed and roared crazily, the flames were like an immemorial monster, threatening to rip apart the sky and destroy the stars.


At the moment when the Taiyi Divine Furnace was burning, the Hengjing Immortal Jade was completely opened, releasing its powerful power, frantically absorbing the boundless and endless power of the Shenzhou Continent, and countless original powers came directly through the sky, regardless of the kingdom of swords, and did not take Shenluo Putting the domain in his eyes, he directly stepped through the void and frantically poured into the Taiyi God Furnace.

"what happened?"

Lan Tiandong's body shook, he took a step back, his face was startled, and he shot out his divine thoughts in an incredible sweep: "Then what kind of divine cauldron can absorb the origin of the mainland endlessly... No, how could this kid have such a rebellious body? God's means, no, give him a fatal blow while he is not on his feet!"

"Destroy it for me!" Lan Tiandong stretched out his arms, and slammed a terrifying force at the Shenluo domain, as if he wanted to tear the Shenluo domain apart with his own hands.


With Lan Tiandong's crazily blessed power, the sprout of sword energy suddenly accelerated, like an ancient demon opening its mouth, crazily nibbling away at Shenluo's domain, and all substances would be digested.

"Lan Tiandong, you are high above you, Venerable Human Immortal, when you meet me, your glory will become dim, and your great luck will slowly transfer to me!"

Under the attack of the ferocious budding sword energy, Ye Yun sat still, and even had the intention to smile, but Ye Yun was also uncomfortable. Although he had absolute confidence in defending the Shenluo domain, that sword energy kept encroaching on the domain, Let Ye Yun's body continue to suffer heavy injuries.

The domain and the cultivator have long been one, and the destruction of the domain means that the cultivator is also full of scars. Ye Yun has been able to survive until now and has created a miracle.

"It feels really perfect. Use the Taiyi God Furnace to burn the constant crystal immortal jade, inhale a large amount of the essence of the mainland of China, bless my body, and transform it into Taiyi True Qi and Taiyi Divine Light. After a while, I will be able to return to the period of complete victory. Moreover, I have to break through again, with my current state, it is really difficult to display the true power of Taiyi Shenguangdao!"

Sitting in the center of the field, Ye Yun looks embarrassed and is struggling to support himself, but all this is appearance, and the situation is constantly changing towards Ye Yun. Now his body is frantically absorbing the original power of the mainland, and he is using the Taiyi Divine Light to practice one by one. Transformation, the exhausted Taiyi True Qi in the body is constantly recovering, and no longer hides the aura of the golden elixir, allowing the golden elixir that can only be cultivated by human immortals to release the terrible law of oppression, oppressing Ye Yun's own celestial breath.

Originally, Ye Yun's realm was at the second level of the Celestial Immortal, but his physical body and strength could only break through the Immortal Realm. It would be easy to suppress the laws of the Celestial Immortal Realm with the power of a Human Immortal, because the Immortal Law is above the Human Immortal Law, and it can be suppressed with the Supreme Law. Low-level rules are naturally easy.

"Haha, let's see how long you can last!"

Lan Tiandong, floating in the void, looked up to the sky frantically and screamed, watching the continuous cracks in the Shenluo domain, and his sword energy had already gained the upper hand. Soon, he would completely destroy the Shenluo domain and kill Ye Yun. He was naturally happy I can't stop, I'm in a good mood, I can finally release my stomach full of suffocation.

You must know that Lan Tiandong is a high-ranking powerhouse in the Immortal Realm, and everyone in the Shenzhou Continent doesn't know who doesn't know, but now he has nothing to do with a weak celestial being, if it gets out, it will definitely make Lan Tiandong feel bad.

"Brother Lan, why should you be so angry with a celestial being? Why don't you let me help you!"


Seeing that Lan Tiandong is about to completely destroy the Shenluo domain, who knows, a hearty laughter suddenly floated in a void, and then, a wisp of true energy came through the air, bombarding Lan Tian with lightning speed Above the sword domain that was under his control, there was a bang, and the sword domain shook violently.

Lan Tian moved back a few steps, her long hair was disheveled, the kingdom of swords below slowly disappeared, and the sprouting sword energy suddenly disappeared, leaving only Ye Yun's Shenluo domain floating alone in the void .

"Ruan Sihai... you are so despicable, show yourself, fellow Taoists of Daoist Sect!"

Lan Tiandong stabilized his figure, as if he already knew who made the shot, looked at the void in front of him on the left, frowned, pointed at the sky, and suddenly countless figures appeared one by one.

First was a young man in yellow robes, then several Daoist sect experts also wearing yellow robes, then Haoyuemeng Ke Hanlin, Zhang Meng and others, and finally the seven kings of Utona, the underground ghost city, led by the yellow robes. The young man 'Ruan Sihai' had a strange light in his eyes, and looked down on Lan Tiandong from a high position: "Brother Lan, I just met in Shenzhou Xianyuan not long ago, and I didn't expect to meet again so soon!"

"Waodaozong... actually sent a Daoist Wei Xing, this person is the elder of the Dharma protector of Wendaozong, and Wendaozong is really rich and powerful, no wonder Ruan Sihai is such a villain!"

Lan Tiandong glanced at nearly fifty human immortals without saying a word. He knew all of these 50 people, and almost all the human immortals in the entire Chinese mainland had met each other. After all, the human fairyland was a big watershed. Only those who are on the threshold of the human fairyland will be respected. Lan Tiandong's eyes swept across a trace of disdain, and his eyes fell on the middle of the Wendaozong team. He immediately saluted a sixty-year-old man in yellow robes politely: "Tiandong has seen Senior Wei Xing !"

"You're welcome!" An empty voice came from the old man.

However, Ruan Sihai smiled and cupped his hands towards Lan Tian: "Brother Lan, the person below once beheaded a disciple of our sect, Chu Wan, today, our sect came here to arrest this man and go back in front of the people of the world. We must use him as a memorial service to our disciple, Heroic Spirit!"

"He also killed many disciples of this sect. This young master must personally understand this blood feud!" Lan Tiandong was alone, facing the entire group of hundreds of thousands of strong men, without changing his face.

At this time, Ke Hanlin, the deputy leader of the Haoyue League, waved his sleeves and said politely to Lan Tian: "Brother Lan, Chu Wan is a member of my Haoyue League, and I am one of the deputy leaders of the Haoyue League. I am here today for this person , Brother Lan must have heard the rumors, because this person, my Haoyue League has been making a lot of noise recently, if you take him away, how will the world think of my Haoyue League?"

"Ke Hanlin, I don't care about the matter of your Haoyue League, and I can't control it, but this person killed countless disciples of my Lanfeng Sect. This blood feud is much more serious than losing only one member of your Haoyue League. ?" Lan Tiandong didn't want to give up the fat in his mouth.

Ruan Sihai suddenly came to Ke Hanlin's side, and smiled strangely at Ke Hanlin: "Brother Ke, no matter what, today I Daozong and you Haoyue League will definitely take that person away, and we can't discuss it!"

"Instead, I became the meat on the chopping board, and I was divided at will..." In the Shenluo domain, Ye Yun heard the dialogue between the three parties above, and at this moment, he deeply understood that there is no great power, only being slaughtered, The truth of being at the mercy of others, if you want to survive, you can only guarantee it with great power.

The cold wind was whistling, and the robes were fluttering. Facing the endless chatter between Haoyue League and Dao Dao Zong, Lan Tiandong said angrily: "Then, you two definitely want to be an enemy of me for the sake of a celestial being?"

Ke Hanlin said unhurriedly: "This is not a matter between you and me, but a matter of honor. Brother Lan, you know Haoyue's leader's temper, and your relationship with the leader is fine, so why fall out!"

"Ke Hanlin, you are only at the fifth rank of Immortal, what qualifications do you have to negotiate with me!"

Lan Tiandong suddenly pointed at Ke Hanlin with a loud voice, his aura was overwhelming and extremely arrogant, the sixth-level power surpassed the fifth-level power, completely suppressing Ke Hanlin's aura at this moment.

"Brother Lan, do you want to use your cultivation to suppress you?" Ke Hanlin's body shook, his soul shook, and his face was very ugly. He was so angry that Lan Tiandong dared to ignore his existence, although his state was not as good as Lan's. The sky is moving, but he is the deputy leader of the Haoyue League.

"This...Brother Lan, I'm afraid you won't have the advantage!" Ruan Sihai took a step forward to protect Ke Hanlin. The elders were all of the sixth and seventh ranks of Human Immortals, and Lan Tiandong was not worth mentioning in front of them.

"Brother MSI, long time no see!"

Just when Lan Tiandong, Haoyue League, and Daoist sect were in conflict, suddenly behind Lan Tiandong, there was a hollow and deep voice, and then, a dark figure descended.

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