
This voice that made the will collapse shook the sky and the earth. Ke Hanlin, Zhang Meng, Ruan Sihai and others had ugly expressions, and they looked at the void in front of them calmly.

"So it's Brother Huang Qi!"

That Wei Xing Taoist of Dao Dao Zong stepped out from among the strong men, silently cupped his hands towards the void, slowly opened his eyes, and a mist-like gaze shot straight at the void.

"Meet Guardian Kong!"

Elder Feng Xiao and the others, including Lan Tiandong, saluted Void with incomparable respect.

Thirty or so strong immortals, like a Mount Tai descended from the void, the leader is an old man in black robes, this person is in the reinforcement team of Lan Fengzong, the old man with the highest cultivation base, Kong Huangqi, Lan The Elder of the Fengzong Dharma Protector, the highest cultivation level of the eighth-level Immortal, an invincible powerhouse, is one of the Dharma Protectors of the Lanfeng Sect, with tyrannical strength and a reputation in China.

Kong Huangqi has the same cultivation level as Taoist Daoist of Wendao Zong Weixing. He is the eighth-level human immortal, the highest power in the human fairyland, and has practiced for at least tens of thousands of years. In the mainland of China, he is one of the few antique powerhouses.

"Time flies, Brother Weixing, the last time you and I met was 6000 years ago!" Kong Huangqi, the guardian elder of Lanfengzong, looked at Taoist Weixing and said with his forehead.

Taoist Weixing exudes an ancient and vain air, like a pine tree and a rock, unmoving: "Yes, it has been 6000 years. Brother Kong really has not lost his style in the past, but he passed away in a downwind, and he still has a breath. matter, move your compassionate heart!"

"6000 years..."

In the Shenluo domain, when Ye Yun heard this number, he almost fell down. He has only practiced for a long time, more than ten years, while the other party, 6000 years old, no, maybe tens of thousands of years old antique, only ten thousand years of cultivation. It's really not easy to be in a fairyland, Ye Yun really didn't want to believe it.

"Brother Ke, this is too bad. The Lan Feng Sect actually dispatched the elders to protect the law. If you want to force it, you and I will definitely not be able to take advantage of it!" At this time, Zhang Meng from the Haoyue League quietly sent a voice transmission to Ke Hanlin.

Ke Hanlin was very calm, and his mind kept moving: "Don't worry, the Elder Dharma Protector is dispatched. This matter is indeed not trivial, but it is really awkward. We are not afraid of him. Who is our leader, let alone an Elder Dharma Protector? Elder Dharma Guardian, there is only one way to die!"

The situation among the three parties is on the verge of breaking out, and even Daoist Weixing looked cold, not to mention other strong people. At this time, Kong Huangqi suddenly broke the embarrassment and said to Lantian: "Young master, we are the masters, they are guests, we cannot Lost the friendship of the landlord, come here!"

"Yes!" Lan Tiandong was stunned for a moment, his eyes puzzled, but thinking of Kong Huangqi's identity, even if he was the young master, he did not dare to neglect him.

Kong Huangqi turned around and saluted Taoist Weixing: "Brother Weixing, this place is the passageway of Heiwu territory. Now the whole space is completely refined by the person below. What you want to do with him is up to you!"

"Thank you, Brother Kong!" Taoist Weixing understood, knowing that it was Kong Huangqi who was giving in, he turned around and returned to the camp silently, as if he were an ordinary person, without seeing anything extraordinary.

Ke Hanlin, Zhang Meng, Ruan Sihai and others bowed to Kong Huangqi one after another: "Thank you, senior!"

"Elder, why did you hand over the treasure you got to them for nothing?"

As soon as he came to Kong Huangqi's side, Lan Tiandong couldn't wait to use his soul to communicate with Kong Huangqi. He was very puzzled, this was not a concession that a sect should make at all.

Kong Huangqi slowly closed his eyes, put the Buddha like a rock, and remained motionless, but Yuanshen was communicating: "Young master, don't panic, before the old man came, the suzerain has already explained that in tomorrow, we must give face to Dao Dao Zong and Haoyue League." , Wendaozong itself is strong, not comparable to this sect. Secondly, the Haoyue League is now in full swing, and its leader, Long Haoyue, is highly cultivated, and there are people behind him supporting him. It is not appropriate to offend the Haoyue League now, otherwise, in the future If disciples of the sect go out to practice in other star fields, they will be squeezed out by many parties, and the gains outweigh the losses!"

Lan Tian was furious and said: "But you can't give up the treasure you got in vain, right? Long Haoyue is not easy to deal with, but our Lanfeng Sect is not a soft persimmon. If it gets out, how will the disciples in the sect walk in the mainland in the future!"

"Young master, this is what the suzerain is about. Don't worry, the suzerain has already made preparations in secret. They want to take the Hengjing Immortal Jade away from Beihai. It's impossible, do you understand?"

"So that's the case. Doing this will stop the mouths of Haoyue League and Dao Dao Zong. We will first show weakness in the open, let outsiders know that Lan Feng Sect has made concessions, and then do it secretly. Meng knows that we did it, and he can't find excuses to make things difficult for the sect!"

Lan Tiandong raised his eyebrows, and immediately understood Kong Huangqi's intentions. Sure enough, he knew that the school would never let go of what he got in vain. Fighting is not good for anyone, and it is definitely not the best policy to fight hard. It is false to think that snakes are the best way.

"Long Haoyue, you think that if you gain power in Shenzhou Xianyuan, you can let Haoyue League rule the mainland, hmph, one day, I will make you and Ditian bow down to my strength!"

Lan Tiandong held his breath, remained calm, looked down, then stared at Ke Hanlin and Ruan Sihai and other strong men, and smiled evilly: "Do you think Ye Yun is easy to bully, I'm just waiting for you to fight to the death!"

"Utona, you and I will join forces to take down this kid, without the seniors of Daoist sect doing it!"

Ke Hanlin, Zhang Meng, and Wang Yue led more than a dozen people from the Haoyue League to fly out in a majestic manner, and Utona led the six kings, and they also flew towards the void below one by one.

"Brother Ke, you are too far-fetched, we are all brothers, why bother!" Ruan Sihai led several Daoist sect disciples, and immediately followed.

"Brother Ruan, well, it just so happens that the structure of this void is very strange. You are a sixth-level powerhouse, several times stronger than us. With you here, we are more sure!" Ke Hanlin said politely, of course he hoped to ask Daozong made a move, and sure enough, Ruan Sihai, a smart man, brought people here immediately.

"Everyone, I have dealt with Ye Yun before. To be honest, although this kid is a second-level immortal, his cultivation is very strange. I am afraid that this kid has already fused the constant crystal jade and used the constant crystal jade to decorate the space. , forming a unique defensive space!"

Utona and the king of the six ghost towns flew in the forefront. Utona began to collect information about himself and told everyone one by one. Everyone sighed, but most of them looked disdainful and didn't believe Ye He is as supernatural as Utona said.

People from three parties gathered together, a team composed of more than [-] human immortal giants, there are all kinds of figures from three religions and nine streams, and their strengths vary. Soon, a large number of people rushed towards the space where Ye Yun was.

"These people are not enough to watch, but now the group of masters of Dao Dao Zong don't know my real method. After I get rid of Ke Hanlin and Ruan Sihai by surprise, I will deal with Dao Dao Zong and Lan Feng Zong!"

"I didn't expect that Lan Tiandong would bow his head under the tyranny of Haoyue League and Wendaozong. This is not his style at all, nor is Lanfengzong's style of handling things. It must be weird... Now that several parties have finally arrived, all my enemies , are all here, no matter what price I pay, I will kill you all!"

At this moment, Ye Yun's eyes were sharp and steely, he gritted his teeth fiercely, and made up his mind, the next step is destined to be a bloody battle, victory or defeat depends on life and death, control the Taiyi Divine Furnace to crazily absorb the original essence of the mainland of China, and the Taiyi Divine Furnace is raging to refine it, Turned into Taiyi Zhenqi, it was directly absorbed by Ye Yun's dantian, continuously blessed and restored his strength.


The broken cracks in the Shenluo domain, at this moment, Ye Yun made a series of seals, using the essence of the mainland to repair the domain, the cracks on the bronze crystal wall quickly healed, and the huge life marks in the inner wall space of the domain exuded the will of immortals The stalwart, the Shenluo domain is completely a human immortal level domain.

"The more immortals you kill, the stronger your life marks will be. Come on, Utona, Ke Hanlin, you are just cannon fodder. If you act as a tonic for me, it will only make me stronger. If you want to kill me, Let me see if you have any skills!" Ye Yun waved his hand, and the cracks in the entire Shenluo domain completely healed, becoming chaotic and ancient, filled with the breath of ancient nothingness.

"What Brother Wu said is true. Everyone, although Ye Yun is at the second level of the Celestial Immortal, his domain is indeed in the Immortal Realm, full of the will of the Immortal, and it is around the third level of the Immortal, which is unbelievable!"

The mighty descended to the front of the three parties, the strong man of the Haoyue League, Zhang Meng's divine light suddenly swept across the Shenluo domain, and his expression changed instantly, he was extremely surprised.

Ke Hanlin's robe swayed in the void, and he released his leader's will, pointing with a big hand: "There are so many beautiful mountains and rivers, and heroes emerge from ups and downs. Ditian back then, and Xue Mengyao today, everyone, you must not let this person grow up, otherwise , is the next giant, and we enemies, he will definitely kill them one by one!"

"What kind of genius, can't you just get a piece of constant crystal jade, but everyone, if you can refine constant crystal jade with the second level of Tianxian, there must be a secret in this person. place!" Ruan Sihai looked arrogant and supreme, among the crowd, he had the highest cultivation, if there was no Haoyue League, he would be considered a hero among men, but in front of Haoyue League, not to mention Ruan Sihai, even Taoist Wei Xing would not dare to be presumptuous, This is the power of leader Long Haoyue.

There are many magnificent and amazing heroes in the mainland of China. Ditian is the one who is looking forward, Long Haoyue is the representative, and Xue Mengyao is the future. Apart from Ditian, Long Haoyue has already been strong enough to overwhelm the heroes. Establish the Haoyue League, an existence that stands side by side with the Shenzhou Gate in the Shenzhou Continent.

"Utona, you are here!"

When the three parties were a thousand meters away from the Shenluo Domain, Ye Yun's cold and proud voice suddenly came from the dark space: "Haoyuemeng, Wendaozong, I once said, if you dare to offend me, I will uproot you."

"Haha, brat, I finally found you. Today, I'm going to beat you to ashes, peel off your skin and cramps, to relieve the hatred in my heart!" Upon hearing Ye Yun's familiar and arrogant voice, Great Lord Utona was immediately furious. Jumping like a thunder, he let out a domineering roar at the Shenluo Domain.

A hole suddenly appeared in the Shenluo domain, and below was Ye Yun. Standing in the void of the domain, he disdainfully faced Ke Hanlin, Ruan Sihai, Utona, Wang Yue and other powerhouses without any fear. On the contrary, he said confidently: " Utona, that day I was able to slay your will projection in the fairyland, and not long ago, I refined your Kaluo City and killed the three kings, and today, you automatically sent me to your door, and took the initiative to seek death!"

"Damn it, what kind of a hero are you to attack Kaluo City while this deity is away!" Utona's eyes were bloodshot as if Ye Yun said that he was in pain, and he wanted to tear Ye Yun to pieces.

"Utona, you really have face, your old nest has been taken away by someone, haha!"

Quite a few people from Wendaozong and Haoyue League heard it, and immediately burst into laughter, as if wishing that others would not hear it, making Utona really want to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.

"Don't fight among yourself!"

Ke Hanlin glanced at Hanfeng, and shouted loudly, shocking everyone so that they dared not speak up, and were presumptuous, Ke Hanlin focused his eyes on Ye Yun, and frowned: "I can't see through his true strength..."

"This kid named Ye Yun is even more difficult than what Utona said. No wonder Lan Tiandong didn't even take him down. His cultivation base is bottomless and very strange. It seems that his body contains infinite power!" Ruan Sihai also let out a long sigh in secret, but he did not let others see the abnormality. Otherwise, a strong man of the sixth level of human immortality would not be able to see through the second level of cultivation of the first level of immortality. Filling teeth is even more of a joke.

"What an arrogant boy, I'll meet you!"

From the Haoyue League, a middle-aged man of the third rank of Human Immortal flew out. His eyes flickered with disdain, and he didn't pay attention to Ye Yun at all. This kind of person can kill a large number of people casually. The young man shot out suddenly, as if deliberately showing himself in front of everyone. The third-level powerful true energy swept across the void, and the black clouds pressed down on the top of the Buddha. palm!"

Boom boom boom!

The entire void is actually collapsing. Fang Buddha has a big foot, stomping through the air, smashing the space layer by layer, turning the entire void into Ju Da palm prints and destroying it.

"Where did the trash come from, Tianhuang's killer!"

Facing the huge palm prints coming from above the Shenluo Domain, Ye Yun felt that the Shenluo Domain was trembling slightly, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and grabbed the middle-aged man from the air.


First, the huge palm print was instantly breached and turned into fragments, causing the entire void to move. Then, before the void was quiet, a big hand burst out suddenly, and grabbed the third-level middle-aged man suddenly. He turned pale with shock, he didn't expect his strongest attack to be easily broken by Ye Yun, on the contrary, the other party used methods to make his whole body go numb, and immediately, the third-tier powerhouse turned around and fled.


The big hand swept across the air, and tightly grasped the third-tier powerhouse. The third-tier powerhouse was spitting out blood, unable to struggle at all, like a mouse caught by a cat, and asked Haoyue League for help: "Quick, save me!"

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