The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2591 The final realm, surpassing the gods

Chi Yun was the first to react, and after going through the catastrophe, he returned to his previous evil appearance: "Boss, are you going to break through the last realm?"

When everyone heard this, they were all horrified.

Ye Yun, the realm has not yet reached the masters like them, but the strength far surpasses them. If he breaks through to the last realm, how terrifying will his strength be?

For the human beings who have just survived the catastrophe, Ye Yun's breakthrough has brought them new hope, because only Ye Yun has the possibility, with strength, to create a new world.

"should be……"

After Ye Yun nodded to everyone, he immediately flew to the sky of the hell world!

Arriving at the top of the sky, Wanhai and Qingming also came to the side and waited.

Ye Yun sat down cross-legged slowly, and checked his own body first.

This check is very strange. First of all, he was fighting against this catastrophe. Most of his energy was consumed, and his remaining strength was not much, but his whole body had a...a sense of breakthrough.

According to the normal state, if the energy does not reach a sufficient and vigorous height in the body, it is impossible to break through!

But his current situation broke this rule!



This made Ye Yun think of something instead, looked at the surrounding hell world, and then looked at the cold void outside: "The catastrophe of the Heavenly Dao shattered all the previous laws, as well as the era... The disappearance of the era naturally also means the disappearance of the previous laws. Could it be that without the law, the body does not need to be bound by the law, so the body can break through in a state of weak energy?"

The catastrophic power of Heaven's Dao and Fate has broken everything, especially everything in the past. A new era is coming, is it because of this?

But Ye Yun was not sure, since he couldn't figure it out, he didn't think about it anymore, anyway, the power of catastrophe is still going on, which means that the new world has not yet arrived.

A breakthrough is a breakthrough, and Ye Yun continued to check the situation in his body with a smile.

Suddenly, the body is filled with the breath of various special life forces, the Void, the Five Elements, the Dao, the Sky Pattern, the Unbounded...

The power of these special physiques is constantly running, perfectly fused with the power in the body, and fused with Taiyi Chaos True Qi to form a change again, forming a brand new Taiyi Chaos True Qi.

And his meridians and physical body, in the process of absorbing the power of all living beings, unknowingly repurified the physical body, accommodated the majestic power, and made the physical body reach an unprecedented height.

Even he himself could not explain this change.

Then he began to look at the nine divine sources in Dantian.

The nine gods quietly absorb all kinds of wonderful powers in the whole body, and form some golden patterns with each other. The golden patterns connect the nine gods together, and the power between the gods is mutual.

"I have a lot of resources left in my body, but I still need to save them for future use in building a new world. Energy, energy, the abundance of preparations before the catastrophe, is still not enough!"

Sighing helplessly, he began to control the nine divine sources, slowly breaking through!

Under the control of the nine gods, they began to rotate at an accelerated speed, and the rotation speed became more and more pleasant. Under Ye Yun's control, the seals on the surface of each god's source turned into gods, and began to separate layer by layer.

After stripping for a long time, the energies of the divine sources began to disappear.

Because the energy is fused in the golden core.

The nine divine sources are not controlled by seals, and the energy is in a free state in the dantian. Ye Yun fuses the energy of his whole body into the golden elixir, slowly merging.

After merging for a long time, a large amount of impurities began to burn, and the energy turned into chaotic true energy, which became a crystal state, and almost changed from a liquid to a crystal state.

After several years of fusion and precipitation, Ye Yun's whole body was purified again, and he began to re-integrate with Shenyuan.

The dantian immediately differentiated into nine groups of divine essence oceans. Under Ye Yun's condensation, the nine groups of energy oceans gradually shrunk, and the big and small seals began to wrap up groups of energy.

Gradually, the energy ocean is shrinking, and finally reduced to the size of a fist.


With a loud shout, countless divine seals covered the nine divine sources, and in an instant, nine divine sources formed in the dantian, a golden divine source.

All the energy in the whole body has a crystal chaotic luster, as if it is about to turn into a crystal state.


The familiar physical shattering begins.

To Ye Yun, there is no pain at all, he enjoys this kind of pain, because of the pain, he is alive and knows that he is living well.

After experiencing this catastrophe, he has never felt so tired, so tired that it is indescribable. He sacrificed a Tongxin body, lost his avatar, lost the miracle of light, and turned the old antiques into dust one by one.

Now, instead, everything has been liberated, and the burdens and responsibilities entrusted to him by the gods can finally be let go, so he feels very tired, and he has never felt so relaxed like now.

The physical body shattered and exploded wildly, and even the other rulers in the distance heard the sound of shattering. They really didn't know how powerful Ye Yun would be when he stepped into the Hunyuan Transformation Shangyuantian Realm.

This is also the most gratifying thing for the gods. The power of the catastrophe has not really passed, and Ye Yun's strength has increased greatly, which has increased the confidence of all living beings.

The shattering lasted for a long time, without the law of time, Ye Yun didn't know how long it would be.

After the physical body is broken, the physical body ushered in the reorganization, but unfortunately there is no power, superfluous power!

Suddenly, he released the Nine Dragons God Ring, which still contained vast energy from the God Realm, but to Ye Yun now, it was no longer vastness, but only a part of the energy.

No one knows whether the catastrophic power of Heaven's Dao and Fate is still in danger, so he ignored other things, absorbed a large amount of energy from the Nine Dragons God Ring, and began to integrate into his body. Besides, there were still some pills, hell seeds, and evil fruits left before. He also inhaled all the flowers into his body.

It feels like a drop in the bucket, because his current physical body is unimaginable, and the energy needed is a thousand times, or even ten thousand times that of before.

The speed of reorganization is very slow, but even if the reorganization is not completed, he can still display peerless supernatural powers now.

"Great, the special physiques of the Five Elements, the Void, and the Dao have finally reached the Dzogchen one by one. No wonder the physical body is still reorganizing, and you can feel the powerful breath!"

After reorganizing for a period of time, Ye Yun was pleasantly surprised to find that his state had become a state of perfect nothingness. He had absorbed a lot of energy, but he still had no real feeling.

After careful inspection of the body, he saw an astonishing change. It turned out that after the reincarnated person reached the peak, now with the stepping into the realm of Hunyuan Transformation, all special physiques have reached a perfect state.

Tongxinti, Void, Daoist, Unbounded, Skymark, Curse-Curse, Heaven Listener, Five Elements... and Ye Yun's own gods.

No wonder, during the process of reorganizing his physical body, he felt a strong aura. It turned out that his various special physiques had reached a perfect state.

It is unbelievable that a variety of special physiques are condensed in his body, not to mention energy, but the strength of the body itself has reached unprecedented heights.

At this time, he has surpassed the gods and everything!

"It turns out that the sense of emptiness before was a kind of soaring breath..."

He looked at the endless void world of catastrophe, and raised doubts: "Could it be that there are more incredible civilizations in that more distant world? Or a more powerful cultivation world?"

Feisheng felt that he actually had the taste of Feisheng.

Is this an illusion?

Obviously not, and the four worlds were destroyed, everything disappeared. This should be the end of the world, but how could there still be a feeling of ascension?

Could it be that there are really other civilized worlds in the infinite universe?

What kind of world is that?

Could it be that this is the way of creation?

He couldn't figure it out, and this sense of nothingness disappeared again, could it be an illusion?

Unable to think clearly, he continued to reorganize, and at the same time tried to use energy outside the hell world. As a result... only the power of catastrophe was sensed, and there was no power of chaos.

It seems that if the power of the catastrophe does not disappear, it will never be able to absorb energy from the void outside. You must know that he absorbed some energy in the void before.

Qing Ming suddenly looked at Ye Yun: "Just now I felt that the barriers outside the hell world were covered by a large amount of dust. These dust from the catastrophe covered the world and melted most of the barriers of the world into ruins!"

"In this way, the barriers of the hell world will eventually disappear?"

Opening his eyes slowly, Ye Yun was also slightly taken aback. Unexpectedly, the power of the ruins of the catastrophe is so terrifying, not only can incinerate any living beings, but even the barriers outside the world can be corroded and turned into ruins.

"It won't be broken at the moment, but it can continue. When the catastrophe ends, the barriers and defenses of our world will also disappear. Everyone will lose material protection and enter the cold and deep space where there is nothing!"

"This is not a big problem. As long as the power of the catastrophe disappears completely, I can absorb the power in the chaotic void. In this way, it is not difficult for everyone to survive in the deep space, and a new world can also be built!"

After Ye Yun finished speaking, Qing Ming was no longer worried, and so was Wan Hai.

Ye Yun looked at the masters, they were all sitting quietly, and they were always paying attention to the changes in the catastrophe of heaven and law. All the beings below were also waiting silently, and the time was silent.

Looking at the deep space outside the world, the billowing storm and lightning have disappeared. It seems that most of the catastrophe has passed, and the remaining power of the catastrophe is still going on.

From this point of view, human beings have completely overcome the power of catastrophe and began to wait for the arrival of the new era.

The reorganization is still going on, and the speed is too slow. Fortunately, the world is not in danger now, otherwise it would be too much.

The nine gods in the dantian are like nine stars releasing their gods, the energy of the whole body is flowing slightly, and various perfect special physical forces are running.

"Now Taiyi Shenguang Dao, Wuji Bahuang Sun Moon Shen Lei and other qigong have become the past tense. Only my Sky Divine Dao exists. If there is really a higher civilization, then my Sky Divine Dao also exists. It is a new beginning to really step into the avenue!"

Although unable to absorb the energy of the world, a lot of energy has already appeared in the body, and it seems that no matter how much energy is practiced now, it can't increase the energy.

Taiyi Shenguang Dao is not good, and Wuji Eight Desolation Sun Moon God Thunder is also not good.

These are the exercises of the past era. In the new era, and reached the highest level of cultivation, everything has become the past, only the new qigong can adapt to the new world.

Fortunately, Ye Yun created the Divine Dao of the Sky back then, and instead of following the footsteps of old antiques, he practiced according to his own path. Finally, he was able to adapt to the new era.

"Swish! Swish!"

I don't know how long it has passed!

Suddenly, in the world of emptiness and silence that was restored to silence, the sound of air currents appeared.

Breaking sound.

This is to explain what kind of power or matter is traveling through the void to cause such a movement.

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