The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 2592 Strong against the Empress

Airflow sound?Everyone raised their heads slowly. Although they couldn't see the catastrophe of fate, some dust still fell slightly. It seemed that the power of catastrophe had not completely disappeared.

At least Yu Wei is still descending in the void.

"What's the sound?"

Everyone speculated and worried that it would be a catastrophe again. If this was the case, then with the state of the world at this time, they could not resist the power of the catastrophe, and they would all be turned into dust.

Ye Yun immediately released the Heavenly Hearer, he wanted to find the source of the movement.

"Swish! Swish!"

Yes, he heard some sounds traveling through deep space.

Immediately, his expression was extremely serious, and he immediately conveyed his thoughts to the gods: "Dark Race, it should be the Dark Race monsters approaching!"

Monster!The expressions of the gods have also changed. They have just passed the power of the catastrophe of the heavenly law. The gods have given everything for this. The aftermath of the catastrophe is still going on. Why did the dark race come?And the dark race is also a living body, they should be destroyed under the power of the catastrophe of heaven, why can they still survive?When human beings are exhausted, it is difficult to deal with the dark race.

The masters gathered together again, and now they are the only ones who can deal with the Dark Race, and the gods below have long lost most of their energy.


After a while, less and less dust and matter will come down from the void. It seems that the power of catastrophe is disappearing, and human beings are about to welcome the arrival of a new era. In this case, the master is sure to gain a foothold in the void.

Suddenly, a black hole turned over in the void in front of it, and a bolt of lightning burst out of it.

The lightning struck the barrier of the hell world where the gods lived with lightning speed.


Almost instantly, in the state where the hell world barrier was corroded by the catastrophe dust, lightning easily smashed the world barrier, and a large number of fragments began to fall, smashing down on humans.

"I'll deal with these fragments, everyone, release the enchantment, protect all living beings, and don't let the power of the catastrophe hurt everyone!"

Ye Yun stood up. At this time, he was the most powerful existence among the gods, surpassing the ancient times.

The high priest immediately retreated downwards with most of the masters, and at the same time, the seal released the defensive layer.

Chi Yun and Longlong stayed behind, and they followed Ye Yun to look at the falling world barrier matter, Ye Yun made a move, and cast a small divine movement.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

A vortex force, when a large number of falling debris in the empty scroll, one after another, and some individuals fell, they were all crushed by Chi Yun and Longlong.

"go with!"

Ye Yun gave a loud shout, and transferred the countless fragments through the vortex created by the small divine movement technique to the deep void on the right, from which they emerged one after another.

In an instant, the hell world that helped mankind survive the catastrophe disappeared completely at this moment. There were no barriers, formations, or any defensive power. Countless beings appeared in the cold void out of thin air, and there was no trace of material to rely on.

And the aftermath of the catastrophe is still going on. Although it is the aftermath, it is only a small amount of dust, except for the ruler and a few old antiques, no gods or immortals can resist it. Fortunately, the high priest and others are the masters at this time, and the defensive power is condensed in time , blocking all beings above.

Under the rulers, mortals, immortals, gods, and gods of hell all approached. In particular, there were too many creatures and monks in hell, which generally surpassed mortals, immortals, and gods.

When they merged together, there was no estrangement or hatred between them. The war between hell and the gods, the confrontation between light and darkness, everything disappeared as the four worlds were broken. They were united together and watched tremblingly. With the aftermath of the catastrophe, if it is not for the master, none of them can survive.

The master not only condenses the defense to protect all living beings, but also takes out various materials to refine energy and absorb it for all living beings. Even in the catastrophe without energy, everyone can only be consumed and die.

For the masters, they have collected all kinds of substances. Although they no longer have pills and other energy that can be used directly, they still have a large number of sacred stones, spiritual objects, and sacred objects, which can be refined into energy and barely supply the vast Beings absorb.

"Boss, that fellow Empress has come out!"

After a while, Chi Yun's eyes were kept open between his brows.

If Lord Luo Fu had special eyes, it was still much worse than Chi Yun's heavenly eyes. Chi Yun saw the vast and catastrophic sky, and his murderous intent began to erupt.

A large black hole reappeared.

When the three masters saw the black hole, they also saw the familiar peerless giant monster.

The Empress appeared, and she emerged from the black hole with only a few hundred monsters left. These monsters are no longer so ferocious. It seems that the power of the catastrophe of heaven has also brought great damage to them. Even the Demon Emperor seems to be injured up.

The Queen Mother was still cruel, domineeringly overlooking the three masters: "Human beings, you are still able to survive this cataclysm. It just so happens that my Dark Clan is almost wiped out. My descendants need energy, so let's use you as food!"

Ye Yun asked coldly: "Mother, the four realms are still perishing. Look at this world. There is no past. Is it necessary to continue fighting with us humans?"

"Human beings are immortal, and the emperor is always uneasy. Only my dark race can exist here!"

After the empress finished speaking, she let the hundreds of monsters stay where they were. It seems that she also wanted to save the remaining dark monsters, so she quickly shuttled towards Ye Yun and the others regardless of the dust from the heavens.

Only a small part of the dust from the catastrophe fell on the empress, who was burned by flames from time to time, but to her, this fire was nothing, she only had one thought of devouring human beings.

"Swish! Swish!"

Unexpectedly, when the Queen Mother was about to fight Ye Yun and the three of them, a green awn appeared in the void of hundreds of monsters deliberately left by the Queen Mother, and then a large amount of green monster energy spread across the void, and countless green vines The tentacles came out and attacked the monster.

The Empress immediately stopped, seeing the green glow, and yelled angrily in the air: "Damn demon tree, you are not dead yet!"

"Haha, you old monster is not dead, how can I die? Empress, do you think you can kill me with the power of catastrophe?" In the green light, there is actually an extremely huge 33-day vine.

The demon tree is here!

No wonder they dared to directly attack hundreds of monsters. It turned out to be the peerless tree monster 33 Tianvine. Both the Anzu and 33 Tianvine survived this catastrophe.

Ye Yun's Anzu smiled proudly: "Boss, the 33-day vine has also come to interfere... Do you have a way to suppress it? If you can suppress it, we will swallow it this time. Its power is enough for us to build a new world." , I can no longer find this kind of material!"

"I have five points of confidence. I am going to deal with the demons of the 33-day vine, and the greatest power is the power of belief of all living beings, that is, the power of my gods. Generally speaking, I have seven points of confidence!" Ye Yun was very confident. Confidently sent a message to Chi Yun and Long Long: "But there must be one condition, that is, we must get rid of the Queen Mother first. If these two peerless monsters come to deal with us at the same time, then we can easily deal with them!"

"It's really not possible, then we will deal with the queen mother, and then you can concentrate on dealing with the demon tree!" Longlong put forward her own opinion.

Ye Yun nodded: "If there is really no choice, we can only do this. We will deal with the two monsters separately, but now it's too good. There are hundreds of monsters left in the Anzu, which is just a headache for us. In the end, the 33-day Vine Killer came , is dealing with them, just buying time for us to deal with the Empress!"

As soon as Chi Yun heard this, he immediately caught the eye-catching sword, and sneered unceremoniously: "Emperor Mother, you monster, I will swallow you up!"

"Damn tree demon, I will destroy the human beings first, and then I will deal with you!"

It seems that the empress is also very afraid of the current 33 vines. If she is not afraid, she can use the power of the dark race to kill the demon tree in this catastrophe.

But the demon tree has not only survived the catastrophe of heaven and law, but it is even more enjoyable to be alive now. Taking advantage of the empress's dealing with humans, the demon tree has the idea of ​​​​starting to fight monsters.

"Presumptuous, even your God of Creation has to be polite in front of me!"

The queen mother was furious, her body rolled up and turned into a terrifying big black hole, directly suppressing Ye Yun, Chi Yun and Longlong Dangkong.

This attack was too terrifying. Such a huge black hole fell down, making all living beings feel that human beings are going to be swallowed by the Queen Mother just by looking at it.

"Well done, empress, I want to show you the power of human beings, the law of the great way!"

Suddenly, Ye Yun activated his own perfect special physical strength. Although the energy in his body was very scarce, the perfect special physical strength made up for it.

In an instant, under the black hole, the familiar yet unfamiliar Dao Law appeared. The familiar thing was still the chaotic Pisces, but the strange thing was that the entire void was covered by the Dao Law, and even the catastrophe dust was involved in it, becoming a terrifying attacking force together. .

The law of the avenue rolled up, and immediately collided with the big black hole.

chug chug!The empty and cold sky was shaken by two vortex forces. The big black hole and the Dao law attacked each other in different directions and forces. At this time, Ye Yun was alone at the same height as the empress.

This is Ye Yun's strength. He has already surpassed all human beings. Of course, the God of Creation is not counted. The God of Creation is originally a peerless existence from the dark race.

The human beings created by the God of Creation were originally weaker than the existence of the dark race, but after the past civilization was broken and disappeared, the strength of human beings has reached unprecedented heights.

The Empress can no longer suppress and deal with humans at will, and humans finally have the strength to gain a foothold in deep space.

"The light of the eye of the sky!"

"Nine-turn Linglong Dao Seal!"

Taking advantage of Ye Yun's full strength to fight against the Queen Mother, Chi Yun and Longlong seized this hard-won opportunity. The two flew into the sky, and at the same time launched their most powerful attacks, turning into two beams of brilliance and sweeping towards the Queen Mother.

The empress has 33 demon bodies, and her strength and ability are still terrifying. Several monster bodies opened their mouths, releasing a large amount of suction to dissolve the two dominant forces.

Chi Yun and Longlong entangled the Queen Mother continuously in order to distract the Queen Mother, so that Ye Yun could finally surpass the Queen Mother and completely kill the Queen Mother.

"The Great Dao Flood Emperor!"

The situation has completely changed. In the past, it was the Queen Mother who suppressed the humans to fight. In any case, the Queen Mother had the upper hand, and she could fight however she wanted. The Queen Mother is evenly matched, and with the addition of Chi Yun and Longlong, the Queen Mother no longer has the slightest advantage.

Especially after Ye Yun's various special physiques were perfected, he was the empress' nemesis. Before the catastrophe, the abilities of the Anzu had no effect on Ye Yun. Now that he has surpassed all human beings, the empress' abilities are even more harmful to Ye Yun. Uniform has no effect.

Chi Yun was overjoyed, and while releasing his supernatural powers, he laughed loudly: "Hey, it's so cool, it's never been so cool, these beasts of the Anzu have devoured countless of my human beings, they should be taught a lesson!"

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