"It is rumored that this Yaohuang star field is connected to the high-level plane Yaohuangshan. It is true. Once this tunnel is successfully established, Yaohuangshan will definitely invade the Taixing plane!"

"It doesn't matter to me. Maybe we can use Yaohuang Mountain to deal with the three great fairy schools and Yanjiao. Now my three senior sisters are trapped in this abyss of taboo. Let's go to the abyss of taboo to explore first, and then get them Save it, let's go to the Abyss of Taboo!"

Following Chiyun Demon Venerable's pointing, Ye Yun also saw the passage leading to the depths of the sky, which contained energy much higher than that of the Taixing plane, and it was also domineering and evil.

Seeing the tunnel for the first time, Ye Yun was still a little worried, but he suddenly smiled, and became more scheming. This tunnel is definitely not something that ordinary people who break the fairyland can build. From this point of view, Yaohuangshan will definitely enter the Taixing plane , the three major fairy schools bear the brunt first, followed by big names like Yanjiao, Taidayan, and Ditian.

At that time, the Taixing plane will be full of wars, and the heroes will fight for hegemony. Let them fight to the death. At that time, Ye Yun will destroy this tunnel and kill all the masters who descended from the Yaohuang Mountain. From then on, the Taixing plane will disappear , the Taiyi plane was born.

There is only one king, Ye Yun.

"Boss, what is the Yanjiao you are talking about, it seems very unusual!"

Traveling through the star field, constantly moving towards the high-level space below, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable thought of what Ye Yun said, and felt that there was something in it.

"Actually, I don't know. I was told by a person who used to be an enemy but not a friend. This Yanjiao is quite powerful in the fairy world, and it also sent missionaries to the lower realms to start preaching, spreading doctrines, and unifying beliefs. , seems to unify the entire lower realm, as for the missionary, I have seen it once, he is indeed a fairy, very powerful!"

Sitting in the holy light of the plane, facing Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable's questions, Ye Yun answered them one by one without hiding anything, and told Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable all the information he learned from Tai Dayan.

In the future, if he wanted to establish his roots on the Taixing plane, he had to rely on Chiyun Mozun. Ye Yun had no secrets about him. If this kind of invincible power was used properly, he would be like an invincible magic weapon, capable of overcoming thorns and thorns.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable is a thorn in the head, and also a magic weapon. If it is not used well, both parties will suffer. To Ye Yun, it is undoubtedly the greatest guarantee of success. Chiyun Demon Venerable is a peerless monster. There was a conspiracy, and it was easy to hide it from Ye Yun.

He even tried his best to cause Ye Yun to die, and maybe he was looking for a chance to survive. Anything could happen to the devil.

"Missionaries? Hehe, I didn't expect that after so many years, missionaries still exist. In my era, there were also missionaries, but they were regarded as cults by the immortal forces and killed them one by one. Now they are revived and want to conquer the lower realm!"

"The lower realm is so big, it's no smaller than the fairy plane. It's a fool's dream to conquer the entire lower realm. In the lower realm like countless constant sands, there must be peerless figures like the ancient immortal emperors lurking. If you anger such a person, you will be in the fairy plane. , will also be turned upside down!"

"Yanjiao, if you have the opportunity, you really want to go to the plane of the fairy world to see and see, what a bold tone!"

One after another was full of domineering, and he blurted out. Unlike Ye Yun, Chiyun Demon Venerable was not forbearing at all, he was eager to win, and his fighting spirit was released from between his eyes. His vertical eyes did not know where they were hidden.

After Ye Yun heard this, he was silent, but learned from the words of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable that religion has a long history in the fairy world, and it is not tolerated by the forces of the fairy world, but Yanjiao can gain a foothold in the fairy world. As far as I know, this Yanjiao must have the capital to fight against the forces of Immortal Dao.

Now the Yan Sect also sent missionaries to the lower realms in an attempt to unify the lower realms. It was really extremely arrogant, and all aspects showed that the Yan Sect was a rather mysterious organization.

"The advanced space crystal wall system defense is different, go in!"

Arriving at the border between Mengyuan Star and the Abyss of Taboo, Ye Yun saw that at the gap leading to the Abyss of Taboo on Mengyuan Star, there were many powerful auras dormant, most of them were righteous auras, and the strong ones of the evil way only occupied the gap. A very small part, but Ye Yun didn't sense that Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, the invincible giant of the monster clan whose cultivation was comparable to the fourth level of the broken fairyland.

The fourth level of Breaking Immortal Realm, the cultivation base is really too high, much higher than the senior sister Yu Yunlan, Ye Yun has cultivation base, and can't sense the existence of such a strong person.

"These orthodox monks should all come to the Abyss of Taboo to practice treasure hunting..."

The ear-piercing sound of breaking the crystal wall like cutting made Ye Yun very uncomfortable, but Chiyun Mozun did not respond. Seeing Ye Yun forcibly tearing the crystal wall of the forbidden abyss, he was very surprised. This kind of ability can only be achieved by immortals, even if it breaks the fairyland, it is difficult to achieve.

Otherwise, the masters of Yaohuangshan will directly tear apart the plane and land on the Taixing plane.

Only a true immortal giant like Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable can do it easily, even asking for Qianshang and Tai Dayan is not easy.

"Sure enough, it's the breath of the fairy world!"

The crystal wall system was forcibly torn apart by Ye Yun in three breaths, and was sucked in by a huge suction force at the same time. Immediately, a high-level energy ten times higher than that of the Thai star plane directly blasted Coming, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable looked at the void in surprise: "Yes, it is indeed a broken space that descended from the fairy world. Looking at the energy breath, it should be the lowest plane space among the countless planes in the fairy world."

Ye Yun took a deep breath: "What a pure fairy nature, more pure than any fairy artifact!"

"It's a pity that this space has been corrupted by the lower realm for too long. In addition, when it landed in the lower realm, it was squeezed by the low-level and high-level planes at the same time. A lot of energy has been consumed. The remaining energy of the fairy world is only enough for one fairy. One year of practice, for me, one year can swallow them all..."

Chiyun Mozun licked his tongue again, like a viper letter that made people's hair tremble, his eyes shot out the faint space-time, and looked to the top: "This space is divided into five layers, and the top layer has the purest energy. , there should be infinite immortal treasures, and there are many treasures in the lower floors, but they are nothing compared to the fifth floor!"


Ye Yun immediately released his divine light, and looked up from the bottom. Sure enough, he saw layers of formation-like spaces, dividing the abyss of taboo into five spaces. However, Ye Yun couldn't see through the fourth layer. The fifth floor, and the fifth floor seems to have never been entered, and the fourth floor is a little loose, it seems that some individuals have entered.

As for the first and second floors, almost all of them have been opened, but there are also some deep spaces that have not been discovered. As for the third floor, most of them have not been developed, and there are also a lot of immortal energy floating, and the entire Abyss of Taboo is indeed divided into On the fifth floor, there are five fairy formations that imprison each other.

The Immortal Formation, the Abyss of Taboo is actually imprisoned by the Immortal Formation, no wonder a large number of powerful people who broke the Immortal Realm died here.

"Senior Senior Sister and Seventh Senior Sister have breaths on the second floor. It seems that Second Senior Sister is trapped on the second floor. With the cultivation of Senior Sister, there shouldn't be much danger on the second floor!"

Release your true energy, sense it, then calm down, and look at Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable: "The entire Abyss of Taboo is yours, but you need to save some power for the moment when you are promoted to the mainland. Can you think about it?" The method is to remove the Abyss of Taboo!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable nodded: "Boss, you want to be promoted to the mainland, and it's very difficult to do it with your cultivation base. With me, there is hope. Well, I will absorb a lot of energy, and then wipe out the entire Abyss of Taboo." In the field of income, wait until the moment you are promoted to the mainland, and then move it out, in my field, it is still possible to make income in such a small space!"

"Well, let's go to the fifth floor to see what surprises there are!"

Ye Yun no longer hesitated, and flew towards the highest point of the taboo abyss with Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable.

The time and space at the top of the taboo abyss is purer than the energy of the time and space below. Moreover, the oppressive force of this pure energy makes it difficult for those who break the fairyland to reach it. Therefore, the second senior sister Huo Yingying can only go to the first floor. ,Second floor.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable is worthy of being an ancient Demon Venerable. He protected Ye Yun, and he was like a broken bamboo all the way, devouring any high-level energy in an instant. Just to suppress the energy of Abyss of Taboo.

If there is no Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord, it is impossible for Ye Yun to enter the fifth floor, unless he uses the Great Thousand Gods Map. No matter what the cultivation level is, one will die one by one, or a group of people will die. Unless it is a peerless person like Di Tian who can barely step into the first floor, it is impossible to win the supreme magic weapon.

Ye Yun felt the oppressive force of high-level energy. It would take a whole year for the Chiyun Demon Venerable to refine this power, ten years for an immortal, and at least a hundred years or even hundreds of years for Ye Yun to refine the entire Abyss of Taboo. Years, this is the difference in cultivation base, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable is an ancient demon fairy, refining a space is easy.

Thinking of this, if the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable wanted to refine Piao Miao Xing, wouldn't it only take about ten years? It doesn't take long for Misty Star.

"Haha, not bad formation, it seems that the master of this taboo abyss can be regarded as a real immortal, master, this is the fifth layer of immortal formation!"

The highest level of the Abyss of Taboo is almost on the top of the balance, a demonic flame envelops the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, and Ye Yun descends slowly. In front of them, there is a huge fairy array space, which looks like a bubble from the outside, covered with crystal lines, A striped road, full of sacred and ancient atmosphere.

It contains countless sharp fingerprints and palm prints, which seem to be sealing and suppressing, all kinds of restrictions are about to come out, and mysterious talismans hang in the crystal lines.

The whole formation is as solid as gold, it is a fortress, people feel that once they step into it, they will be imprisoned forever, the fifth floor of the taboo abyss, since history, only two people have been there, namely Ye Yun and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable.

"What an ancient great immortal formation, boss, once this immortal formation is touched, it will explode with the killing power of the immortal formation, and all materials will be destroyed. You'd better let the person you are looking for leave first, otherwise disaster will happen." And the fish pond!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was about to attack the Immortal Formation, and before doing so, he cautiously told Ye Yun, and Ye Yun suddenly remembered that if he killed Senior Sister, Second Senior Sister, and Seventh Senior Sister by mistake, how would he explain it when he went back, not to mention the Shenzhou Immortals? If the courtyard can't go back, even the principal Yu Xuanji won't let her go easily.

"You wait for my signal first!"

Exerting the power of the Daqian Shentu, Ye Yun immediately disappeared through the air, leaving Chiyun Mozun sitting cross-legged on the peak, opened his mouth and sucked in the power of the fairy formation continuously into his belly.

Abyss of Taboo, the second floor.

"Although the second layer of fairy formations has long been riddled with holes, some of the fairy formations still exist. The second senior sister is still in it, touched the fairy formations, and was trapped by the formations. The senior sister and the seventh senior sister are also inside. !"

"As long as the second senior sister is moved out, with the cultivation of the senior sister, she will definitely take the seventh senior sister away safely!"

In an instant, a figure broke through the air and entered the second floor.

Ye Yun stepped into the second floor, and found that the power of terror participating in the fairy formation was comparable to that of a master of the fairy position, and even the oppressive force of the entire taboo abyss was pressing on Ye Yun. In addition, Ye Yun's appearance changed the fairy world. The formation was balanced, and it was impossible to defend against it, and the power of the fairy formation directly bombarded Ye Yun.


The ferocious and vast power of the Immortal Formation, like a large piece of irresistible world, turned into a big hand, which was placed heavily on Ye Yun's back, and there was a huge explosion sound.

Ye Yun felt that his body was numb from the shock, and he felt nothing. With the explosive force, his whole body was thrown thousands of meters away, his muscles, bones, and meridians were almost shattered. Fortunately, the fairy weapon that turned into a robe, the golden scale armor tyrannically blocked the fairy Otherwise, Ye Yun might be seriously injured even if he is not dead.

Although the golden scale armor blocked most of the frontal force, the huge gravity brought by the fairy array still passed through the golden scale armor and shook Ye Yun's body. Not only was the body numb, but it was almost destroyed by gravity.

"It's so scary. If it wasn't for the golden scale armor, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to stand up now. As expected of the Immortal Formation, I still have to use the power of the Great Thousand Gods Map Turing to protect it. Otherwise, if I do it again, I'm afraid I won't be so lucky!"

Facing the power of the fairy formation, he felt like a strong fairy, directly attacking himself. Under this kind of majestic power, Ye Yun felt that he was too small and weak.

Although it is difficult for a strong immortal to kill Ye Yun, they can cause huge damage. "It is rumored that this Yaohuang star field is connected to the high-level plane Yaohuangshan. It is true. Once this tunnel is successfully established, Yaohuangshan will definitely invade the Taixing plane!"

"It doesn't matter to me. Maybe we can use Yaohuang Mountain to deal with the three great fairy schools and Yanjiao. Now my three senior sisters are trapped in this abyss of taboo. Let's go to the abyss of taboo to explore first, and then get them Save it, let's go to the Abyss of Taboo!"

Following Chiyun Demon Venerable's pointing, Ye Yun also saw the passage leading to the depths of the sky, which contained energy much higher than that of the Taixing plane, and it was also domineering and evil.

Seeing the tunnel for the first time, Ye Yun was still a little worried, but he suddenly smiled, and became more scheming. This tunnel is definitely not something that ordinary people who break the fairyland can build. From this point of view, Yaohuangshan will definitely enter the Taixing plane , the three major fairy schools bear the brunt first, followed by big names like Yanjiao, Taidayan, and Ditian.

At that time, the Taixing plane will be full of wars, and the heroes will fight for hegemony. Let them fight to the death. At that time, Ye Yun will destroy this tunnel and kill all the masters who descended from the Yaohuang Mountain. From then on, the Taixing plane will disappear , the Taiyi plane was born.

There is only one king, Ye Yun.

"Boss, what is the Yanjiao you are talking about, it seems very unusual!"

Traveling through the star field, constantly moving towards the high-level space below, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable thought of what Ye Yun said, and felt that there was something in it.

"Actually, I don't know. I was told by a person who used to be an enemy but not a friend. This Yanjiao is quite powerful in the fairy world, and it also sent missionaries to the lower realms to start preaching, spreading doctrines, and unifying beliefs. , seems to unify the entire lower realm, as for the missionary, I have seen it once, he is indeed a fairy, very powerful!"

Sitting in the holy light of the plane, facing Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable's questions, Ye Yun answered them one by one without hiding anything, and told Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable all the information he learned from Tai Dayan.

In the future, if he wanted to establish his roots on the Taixing plane, he had to rely on Chiyun Mozun. Ye Yun had no secrets about him. If this kind of invincible power was used properly, he would be like an invincible magic weapon, capable of overcoming thorns and thorns.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable is a thorn in the head, and also a magic weapon. If it is not used well, both parties will suffer. To Ye Yun, it is undoubtedly the greatest guarantee of success. Chiyun Demon Venerable is a peerless monster. There was a conspiracy, and it was easy to hide it from Ye Yun.

He even tried his best to cause Ye Yun to die, and maybe he was looking for a chance to survive. Anything could happen to the devil.

"Missionaries? Hehe, I didn't expect that after so many years, missionaries still exist. In my era, there were also missionaries, but they were regarded as cults by the immortal forces and killed them one by one. Now they are revived and want to conquer the lower realm!"

"The lower realm is so big, it's no smaller than the fairy plane. It's a fool's dream to conquer the entire lower realm. In the lower realm like countless constant sands, there must be peerless figures like the ancient immortal emperors lurking. If you anger such a person, you will be in the fairy plane. , will also be turned upside down!"

"Yanjiao, if you have the opportunity, you really want to go to the plane of the fairy world to see and see, what a bold tone!"

One after another was full of domineering, and he blurted out. Unlike Ye Yun, Chiyun Demon Venerable was not forbearing at all, he was eager to win, and his fighting spirit was released from between his eyes. His vertical eyes did not know where they were hidden.

After Ye Yun heard this, he was silent, but learned from the words of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable that religion has a long history in the fairy world, and it is not tolerated by the forces of the fairy world, but Yanjiao can gain a foothold in the fairy world. As far as I know, this Yanjiao must have the capital to fight against the forces of Immortal Dao.

Now the Yan Sect also sent missionaries to the lower realms in an attempt to unify the lower realms. It was really extremely arrogant, and all aspects showed that the Yan Sect was a rather mysterious organization.

"The advanced space crystal wall system defense is different, go in!"

Arriving at the border between Mengyuan Star and the Abyss of Taboo, Ye Yun saw that at the gap leading to the Abyss of Taboo on Mengyuan Star, there were many powerful auras dormant, most of them were righteous auras, and the strong ones of the evil way only occupied the gap. A very small part, but Ye Yun didn't sense that Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, the invincible giant of the monster clan whose cultivation was comparable to the fourth level of the broken fairyland.

The fourth level of Breaking Immortal Realm, the cultivation base is really too high, much higher than the senior sister Yu Yunlan, Ye Yun has cultivation base, and can't sense the existence of such a strong person.

"These orthodox monks should all come to the Abyss of Taboo to practice treasure hunting..."

The ear-piercing sound of breaking the crystal wall like cutting made Ye Yun very uncomfortable, but Chiyun Mozun did not respond. Seeing Ye Yun forcibly tearing the crystal wall of the forbidden abyss, he was very surprised. This kind of ability can only be achieved by immortals, even if it breaks the fairyland, it is difficult to achieve.

Otherwise, the masters of Yaohuangshan will directly tear apart the plane and land on the Taixing plane.

Only a true immortal giant like Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable can do it easily, even asking for Qianshang and Tai Dayan is not easy.

"Sure enough, it's the breath of the fairy world!"

The crystal wall system was forcibly torn apart by Ye Yun in three breaths, and was sucked in by a huge suction force at the same time. Immediately, a high-level energy ten times higher than that of the Thai star plane directly blasted Coming, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable looked at the void in surprise: "Yes, it is indeed a broken space that descended from the fairy world. Looking at the energy breath, it should be the lowest plane space among the countless planes in the fairy world."

Ye Yun took a deep breath: "What a pure fairy nature, more pure than any fairy artifact!"

"It's a pity that this space has been corrupted by the lower realm for too long. In addition, when it landed in the lower realm, it was squeezed by the low-level and high-level planes at the same time. A lot of energy has been consumed. The remaining energy of the fairy world is only enough for one fairy. One year of practice, for me, one year can swallow them all..."

Chiyun Mozun licked his tongue again, like a viper letter that made people's hair tremble, his eyes shot out the faint space-time, and looked to the top: "This space is divided into five layers, and the top layer has the purest energy. , there should be infinite immortal treasures, and there are many treasures in the lower floors, but they are nothing compared to the fifth floor!"


Ye Yun immediately released his divine light, and looked up from the bottom. Sure enough, he saw layers of formation-like spaces, dividing the abyss of taboo into five spaces. However, Ye Yun couldn't see through the fourth layer. The fifth floor, and the fifth floor seems to have never been entered, and the fourth floor is a little loose, it seems that some individuals have entered.

As for the first and second floors, almost all of them have been opened, but there are also some deep spaces that have not been discovered. As for the third floor, most of them have not been developed, and there are also a lot of immortal energy floating, and the entire Abyss of Taboo is indeed divided into On the fifth floor, there are five fairy formations that imprison each other.

The Immortal Formation, the Abyss of Taboo is actually imprisoned by the Immortal Formation, no wonder a large number of powerful people who broke the Immortal Realm died here.

"Senior Senior Sister and Seventh Senior Sister have breaths on the second floor. It seems that Second Senior Sister is trapped on the second floor. With the cultivation of Senior Sister, there shouldn't be much danger on the second floor!"

Release your true energy, sense it, then calm down, and look at Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable: "The entire Abyss of Taboo is yours, but you need to save some power for the moment when you are promoted to the mainland. Can you think about it?" The method is to remove the Abyss of Taboo!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable nodded: "Boss, you want to be promoted to the mainland, and it's very difficult to do it with your cultivation base. With me, there is hope. Well, I will absorb a lot of energy, and then wipe out the entire Abyss of Taboo." In the field of income, wait until the moment you are promoted to the mainland, and then move it out, in my field, it is still possible to make income in such a small space!"

"Well, let's go to the fifth floor to see what surprises there are!"

Ye Yun no longer hesitated, and flew towards the highest point of the taboo abyss with Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable.

The time and space at the top of the taboo abyss is purer than the energy of the time and space below. Moreover, the oppressive force of this pure energy makes it difficult for those who break the fairyland to reach it. Therefore, the second senior sister Huo Yingying can only go to the first floor. ,Second floor.

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable is worthy of being an ancient Demon Venerable. He protected Ye Yun, and he was like a broken bamboo all the way, devouring any high-level energy in an instant. Just to suppress the energy of Abyss of Taboo.

If there is no Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord, it is impossible for Ye Yun to enter the fifth floor, unless he uses the Great Thousand Gods Map. No matter what the cultivation level is, one will die one by one, or a group of people will die. Unless it is a peerless person like Di Tian who can barely step into the first floor, it is impossible to win the supreme magic weapon.

Ye Yun felt the oppressive force of high-level energy. It would take a whole year for the Chiyun Demon Venerable to refine this power, ten years for an immortal, and at least a hundred years or even hundreds of years for Ye Yun to refine the entire Abyss of Taboo. Years, this is the difference in cultivation base, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable is an ancient demon fairy, refining a space is easy.

Thinking of this, if the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable wanted to refine Piao Miao Xing, wouldn't it only take about ten years? It doesn't take long for Misty Star.

"Haha, not bad formation, it seems that the master of this taboo abyss can be regarded as a real immortal, master, this is the fifth layer of immortal formation!"

The highest level of the Abyss of Taboo is almost on the top of the balance, a demonic flame envelops the Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, and Ye Yun descends slowly. In front of them, there is a huge fairy array space, which looks like a bubble from the outside, covered with crystal lines, A striped road, full of sacred and ancient atmosphere.

It contains countless sharp fingerprints and palm prints, which seem to be sealing and suppressing, all kinds of restrictions are about to come out, and mysterious talismans hang in the crystal lines.

The whole formation is as solid as gold, it is a fortress, people feel that once they step into it, they will be imprisoned forever, the fifth floor of the taboo abyss, since history, only two people have been there, namely Ye Yun and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable.

"What an ancient great immortal formation, boss, once this immortal formation is touched, it will explode with the killing power of the immortal formation, and all materials will be destroyed. You'd better let the person you are looking for leave first, otherwise disaster will happen." And the fish pond!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was about to attack the Immortal Formation, and before doing so, he cautiously told Ye Yun, and Ye Yun suddenly remembered that if he killed Senior Sister, Second Senior Sister, and Seventh Senior Sister by mistake, how would he explain it when he went back, not to mention the Shenzhou Immortals? If the courtyard can't go back, even the principal Yu Xuanji won't let her go easily.

"You wait for my signal first!"

Exerting the power of the Daqian Shentu, Ye Yun immediately disappeared through the air, leaving Chiyun Mozun sitting cross-legged on the peak, opened his mouth and sucked in the power of the fairy formation continuously into his belly.

Abyss of Taboo, the second floor.

"Although the second layer of fairy formations has long been riddled with holes, some of the fairy formations still exist. The second senior sister is still in it, touched the fairy formations, and was trapped by the formations. The senior sister and the seventh senior sister are also inside. !"

"As long as the second senior sister is moved out, with the cultivation of the senior sister, she will definitely take the seventh senior sister away safely!"

In an instant, a figure broke through the air and entered the second floor.

Ye Yun stepped into the second floor, and found that the power of terror participating in the fairy formation was comparable to that of a master of the fairy position, and even the oppressive force of the entire taboo abyss was pressing on Ye Yun. In addition, Ye Yun's appearance changed the fairy world. The formation was balanced, and it was impossible to defend against it, and the power of the fairy formation directly bombarded Ye Yun.


The ferocious and vast power of the Immortal Formation, like a large piece of irresistible world, turned into a big hand, which was placed heavily on Ye Yun's back, and there was a huge explosion sound.

Ye Yun felt that his body was numb from the shock, and he felt nothing. With the explosive force, his whole body was thrown thousands of meters away, his muscles, bones, and meridians were almost shattered. Fortunately, the fairy weapon that turned into a robe, the golden scale armor tyrannically blocked the fairy Otherwise, Ye Yun might be seriously injured even if he is not dead.

Although the golden scale armor blocked most of the frontal force, the huge gravity brought by the fairy array still passed through the golden scale armor and shook Ye Yun's body. Not only was the body numb, but it was almost destroyed by gravity.

"It's so scary. If it wasn't for the golden scale armor, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to stand up now. As expected of the Immortal Formation, I still have to use the power of the Great Thousand Gods Map Turing to protect it. Otherwise, if I do it again, I'm afraid I won't be so lucky!"

Facing the power of the fairy formation, he felt like a strong fairy, directly attacking himself. Under this kind of majestic power, Ye Yun felt that he was too small and weak.

Although it is difficult for a strong immortal to kill Ye Yun, they can cause huge damage.

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