The Golden Scale Armor suffered a fierce blow from the Immortal Formation, and the surface was still filled with glazed brilliance, like a smooth colored silk, eye-catching and dazzling.

Seeing the huge oppressive force of the Forbidden Abyss, overwhelming him like mountains and seas, Ye Yun was really afraid of being attacked again, so he immediately used the Turing power of the Great Thousand Gods, and completely disappeared at the balance point where the Forbidden Abyss and the starry sky meet.

"It's really ferocious everywhere here... Well, there are still a few corpses that broke the fairyland, but it's a pity that they were destroyed by the formation long ago, leaving stumps..."

Use the Daqian Shentu to walk in the abyss of taboo, extending to the depths. On the way, I saw many corpses floating in different broken formation spaces. They were all powerful monks who had cultivated the strength to break the fairyland. Unfortunately, the corpses had been destroyed It cannot be destroyed, and beside the corpse, there are even pieces of fairy artifacts, fairy stones and so on.

There are also some strange fruits, pills, and talismans. These treasures are floating in a very dangerous depth.

The Abyss of Taboo is too mysterious. It is a fragment of a low-level plane in the fairy world. Monks cannot enter it at all.

Worthy of being a fairy dojo, there are at least a thousand kinds of fairy formations, and each kind of fairy formation is intertwined. Different formations evolve in the dojo. The taboo abyss is indeed a forbidden place for monks who break the fairyland, but the treasures obtained in it However, the high-level energy collected is priceless.

This is why a large number of cultivators who broke the fairyland came to the Abyss of Taboo to practice.

Even, when Ye Yun shuttled, he would meet some strong people from time to time, who were also trapped in the formation, or were looking for treasures. , All of them will follow Demon Venerable Scarlet Cloud to control the entire Abyss of Taboo, and all of them will be beheaded.

"It's better if all of them die, these corpses all become the cornerstone of my practice!"

Ye Yun's eyes flickered with a cold light. After getting Yan Chen's corpse with immortal energy, Ye Yun yearned for the immortal corpse even more.

"It's the breath of the elder sister..."

Arriving at the depths of the second floor, in a certain formation, just after entering, Ye Yun deeply felt the familiar aura, and the divine light shot out, seeing through the illusions of the fairy formation, and saw that in this formation, the elder sister With a slender woman in white, they are looking for it in the formation.

"That should be Senior Sister Seven!"

With a fixed gaze, she moved the light away from Yu Yunlan and concentrated on the woman in white. The woman in white has a pure appearance, her skin is as fair as jade, and she is holding a fairy sword in her hand. She is walking slowly in the fairy formation. This woman in white is none other than Seventh Senior Sister Richie.

"It seems that the second senior sister should be around this fairy formation, somewhere deep in time and space!"

I finally found the senior sister and the seventh senior sister, which proved that the second senior sister Huo Yingying was around, but the fairy formation is everywhere, unpredictable, and it is not very easy to find someone, and if you are not careful, you will fall into a trap.

Casting divine light, it turned into streaks of holy light and began to disperse towards the surroundings of the fairy formation, capturing where the second senior sister Huo Yingying was. Under the pressure of the huge power of the fairy formation, even Ye Yun's primordial spirit was threatened. It is very likely that Yuanshen will be wiped out by the power of the fairy array immediately.

Tens of thousands of divine lights penetrated into the depths of layers of formations. Suddenly, two jumping auras released huge destructive power, followed by a faintly familiar light.

"Oh, this genuine energy should belong to the Second Senior Sister, that's right, I finally found it!"

Exerting strength, he shuttled to the depths in an instant.

In the depths of the endless fairy formation, in the void of a purple formation, two purple rays of light kept flying back and forth, and a woman in female clothes was constantly casting her magic seal, one after another of true energy, tracking the two purple rays of light.

The woman in white is tall and tall, with delicate facial features, flawless white skin, small pink mouth, red lips and white teeth like shells, flying in the void, astonishing, like a fairy, waving the true energy of ice, catching two purple rays of light.

And those two purple lights are actually two fairy swords, only about one foot long. The shape and length of the two purple fairy swords are exactly the same, without any difference. They release dazzling purple energy, just like Haotian purple light. The breath, at first glance, is an extraordinary fairy weapon.

The purple fairy sword seemed to be playing hide-and-seek with the woman in white. No matter how hard the woman in white tried, she couldn't catch it. The speed of the two fairy swords was so fast that it was impossible to catch them with the naked eye.

It is very dangerous for the woman in white to be in this fairy formation, this fairy formation is about to be broken, most of the formations are swallowed by some unknown force, and the remaining incomplete formations, once broken, will destroy any matter in the fairy formation, All must be strangled, unless it is a very high-quality fairy weapon. If it is a monk, it will definitely be strangled.

Immortal formations are generally destroyed, and they will collapse soon after. Just like a house, if it is destroyed, it will collapse after a long period of wind and sun. The reason is the same.

So this fairy formation is very dangerous, and it will collapse at some point, and now the woman in white wants to get two purple fairy swords, ignoring any danger, she is crazy about the fairy swords.

"She is Second Senior Sister Huo Yingying... I didn't expect Second Senior Sister to major in sword qi, no wonder she wanted to get those two purple fairy swords so much. This fairy weapon is indeed very good. Second Senior Sister will definitely be like a tiger with wings if she gets it!"

Passing through layers of fairy formations, Ye Yun finally found the second senior sister, standing in the power of the Daqian Shentu, Ye Yun locked his eyes on the woman in white, and was about to fly forward.

"Haha, Fairy Huo, do you want me to help you refine this fairy artifact? As long as you hand over the 'Chijing Xiaotu', everything will be easy to say. This fairy array space will collapse. With you alone, it will be completely destroyed. Can't hold back the fairy sword!"

Suddenly, a silver-robed, middle-aged man with silver hair flew out from the depths of the incomplete formation like a silver flying star, showing a cold smile, and his eyes were extremely coquettish.

"This is a monster master!"

Ye Yun, who was about to show up, suddenly disappeared. When he saw the silver-haired strong man appear, he immediately hid his aura. From the amazing aura of the other party, he instantly saw that it was a strong man from the monster clan. Moreover, he released the aura of a leader all over his body. Yaohuang Starfield is also a strong side.

"Oh, in Yan Chen's memory, he has an impression of this person, but in comparison, it should be 'Chi Feng Ting', a high-ranking demon general in the Yaohuang Star Region, the second-level supreme immortal, and the rumor is still Yaohuang The real king of the star field, 'Meng Yuanying', is one of the three great monster generals, together with the 'Poison Toad King' and 'Tubala', he is also known as the three big monster generals, and he sits in the Monster Desolation Star Field!"

Scanning the silver-haired middle-aged man's appearance, aura, and cultivation level and other characteristics, Ye Yun was startled when suddenly the memory of this person emerged from his memory. He did not expect to meet Chi Fengting, the demon The most powerful person in the Desolate Star Territory, it is rumored that this person once beheaded a third-order powerhouse who broke the immortal.

Often, some powerhouses of the Yaozu have very high cultivation bases, and they are even more powerful with the addition of supernatural powers. For example, King Poison Toad just used his supernatural powers, and just a single supernatural power swallowed the first-order powerhouse of Poxian alive.

There is no doubt that the Chi Fengting in front of him, who is as famous as the king of poisonous toads, also possesses terrifying innate supernatural powers. Even the elder sister, he is definitely not an opponent.

"Fairy Huo, why are you doing this? With your cultivation base, it is very difficult to get this fairy artifact. As long as you give me the 'Chijing Xiaotu', I will help you subdue this fairy artifact, 'Chijing Xiaotu' It's useless to you!"

Chi Fengting's gestures showed the king's aura. Although he was a demon, his demon aura was not very amazing. Moreover, his aura seemed to be different from the power of ordinary demons. He looked like a fairy. In the formation, any power is blocked by his powerful aura.

Although the Abyss of Taboo is located in the Monster Desolation Starfield, it is not controlled by the powerful monsters. Anyone can enter it to practice and win treasures. For a strong person like Chi Fengting, it is easy to enter the second floor, and even enter the second floor. The third layer is not difficult either.

Huo Yingying gave up the purple fairy sword temporarily, and watched the fairy sword fly into another formation. Huo Yingying faced Chi Fengting coldly: "Chijing Xiaotu is a thing in the fairy world. For you, it is like adding wings to a tiger. Give it to you. Don't you want me to have an extra superpower on the right path, Chi Fengting, do you think I will hand over Chi Jing Xiaotu to you?"

"It seems that you still haven't figured it out. This king has given you many opportunities to prevent the immortal students of Gutuo Immortal Academy from poisoning you, but you still don't appreciate it. Hmph, then don't blame me for taking action and suppressing you!"

Chi Fengting was full of arrogance, and the air of a king erupted along with the robes: "I am short of a wife, and you are the only one, haha!"

"After all, you are the overlord of a party, and you are so frivolous when you speak!" Huo Yingying shouted angrily, and grabbed a snow-white fairy sword.


The moment Huo Yingying sacrificed the fairy sword, she mobilized her true energy and poured it into the fairy sword. With a whistling sound, the fairy sword stabbed at Chifengting like a broken bamboo.


Who would have thought that Chi Fengting was not careless at all, but instead regarded Huo Yingying as an enemy, waved a hand to block, a Fang Tian painted halberd brazenly collided with the fairy sword, Chi Fengting waved his arms, and tightly held Fang Tian, ​​who was a foot long Huaji: "It is rumored that your master, Yu Xuanji, has a high level of cultivation. Unexpectedly, your cultivation level is not weak. Although your cultivation level is at the first level of Poxian, it is comparable to the second level!"

"My master's morality is profound, and even your demon lord Meng Yuanying is no match. Hmph, as a closed disciple of the master, how can he obliterate the power of the master!"

Huo Yingying grabbed back the fairy sword and struck Chifengting head-on, slightly at a disadvantage, but suddenly she clasped her hands together, her expression became serious, and she released a solemn and inviolable holy breath.

Chi Fengting frowned, his eyes focused on the magic seals that Huo Yingying kept making with both hands, one after another thunder light began to flicker, and he was suddenly startled: "Huh? Could it be the 'Destroying Heavenly Thunder Jue' from Shenzhou Xianyuan?"

"That's right, this is one of the highest Taoist methods of our court, the Extinction of Heavenly Thunder Jue, Chi Feng Ting. Although I am only at the first level of cultivation, the Extinction of Heavenly Thunder Jue is the greatest Taoist law of this court. You have to be careful Already!"

Huo Yingying's hands were still making seals one after another. In the void, a thunderous thunder light began to gather fiercely from the void. Above or above Huo Yingying, the range of several miles was filled with thunderous thunder. The world is full of world-destroying power.

"You'd better not use it properly. This fairy formation is about to shatter. It can't bear the power of the Extinct Heavenly Thunder Art. You and I may be strangled with the collapse of the fairy formation at any time!"

On Chi Fengting's face, there was a hint of worry. Looking at the world of thunder all over the sky, he knew how amazing Huo Yingying's attack was. Moreover, the entire broken fairy formation was beginning to vibrate and crumbling. The trick really comes, and the collapse is no longer a hypothesis.

"The collapse is the collapse. Anyway, with my strength, it is difficult to get out of this fairy formation. If I can kill you, it is considered that the master did not train me in vain! Extinguish the Heavenly Thunder Art, let it go!"

Huo Yingying's face was decisive, she didn't think about her situation at all, and she was not afraid of life and death. Regardless of Chi Fengting's persuasion, she separated her hands instantly under the world of Thunder.

"You crazy woman, if you want to die, that's your business!"

Seeing Huo Yingying release the seal, she knew that it was impossible to stop it. The Chifeng Ting turned into a giant silver shadow. The giant shadow was some kind of furry monster.


Huo Yingying didn't seem to have thought that Chi Fengting would be afraid to run away. It was too late to stop the thunder from coming. In the sky, Senior Sister Lei Ting, lightning and thunder, howling storms, countless wonders of beating drums, golden waves, and magic hammers appeared one after another. In order to destroy the world of heaven and earth, the thunder world instantly stomped down.

The entire fairy formation was trembling, and all kinds of attacks were also breaking out in the void of the surrounding fairy formations.

"Second Senior Sister, don't worry, I am the Ninth Junior Brother just accepted by Master!"

Suddenly, at the moment when the thunder world descended, when the destruction fell, a big hand suddenly stretched out from the void, hugged the terrified Huo Yingying's slender waist, and dragged it directly into the holy light.

Huo Yingying didn't expect someone to hide in the depths. Her first reaction was a strong enemy. She was just about to launch an attack, but she saw Ye Yun walking from the void, and took out the Shenzhou student token, and immediately asked Huo Yingying to stop attacking. Instead, she was extremely shocked .

"Junior Brother Ninth, I heard Senior Sister talk about it not long ago..."

Facing Ye Yun who appeared from the void like a celestial being, Huo Yingying did have information about Ye Yun in her mind. After comparing and confirming, it proved that everything Ye Yun said was true, but she was extremely shocked. A new student who just started, To have such a god-like astonishing means.

Back then, when Huo Yingying was accepted by Yu Xuanji, she was a low-level girl, pitifully weak, but Ye Yun's methods completely surpassed her imaginable height.

"let's go!"

Seeing the destructive thunder light erupting, Ye Yun immediately unleashed the power of the Great Thousand Gods Map, enveloping Huo Yingying and traveling through the space in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he left the taboo sea and came to the vast and mysterious star field in the void. Huo Yingying was dumbfounded. Even if she has a first-level cultivation base, she hasn't seen a real interstellar for such a long time.


The taboo sea, the second floor, the fairy formation where Ye Yun and Huo Yingying left, soon collapsed and was shattered by the power of lightning.

"Damn it... Chi Jing Xiaotu, that is my best hope to break through to the third level... I didn't expect it to be on the second level!"

Amidst the explosion and destruction, a silver phantom shuttled from the depths. It was Chifengting. Seeing that the entire fairy formation was destroyed, he shook his head in disappointment: "It's a pity that Huo Yingying died in the fairy formation..." The golden scale armor endured Immortal Formation was struck fiercely, but the surface was still filled with glazed brilliance, like a smooth colorful silk, eye-catching and dazzling.

Seeing the huge oppressive force of the Forbidden Abyss, overwhelming him like mountains and seas, Ye Yun was really afraid of being attacked again, so he immediately used the Turing power of the Great Thousand Gods, and completely disappeared at the balance point where the Forbidden Abyss and the starry sky meet.

"It's really ferocious everywhere here... Well, there are still a few corpses that broke the fairyland, but it's a pity that they were destroyed by the formation long ago, leaving stumps..."

Use the Daqian Shentu to walk in the abyss of taboo, extending to the depths. On the way, I saw many corpses floating in different broken formation spaces. They were all powerful monks who had cultivated the strength to break the fairyland. Unfortunately, the corpses had been destroyed It cannot be destroyed, and beside the corpse, there are even pieces of fairy artifacts, fairy stones and so on.

There are also some strange fruits, pills, and talismans. These treasures are floating in a very dangerous depth.

The Abyss of Taboo is too mysterious. It is a fragment of a low-level plane in the fairy world. Monks cannot enter it at all.

Worthy of being a fairy dojo, there are at least a thousand kinds of fairy formations, and each kind of fairy formation is intertwined. Different formations evolve in the dojo. The taboo abyss is indeed a forbidden place for monks who break the fairyland, but the treasures obtained in it However, the high-level energy collected is priceless.

This is why a large number of cultivators who broke the fairyland came to the Abyss of Taboo to practice.

Even, when Ye Yun shuttled, he would meet some strong people from time to time, who were also trapped in the formation, or were looking for treasures. , All of them will follow Demon Venerable Scarlet Cloud to control the entire Abyss of Taboo, and all of them will be beheaded.

"It's better if all of them die, these corpses all become the cornerstone of my practice!"

Ye Yun's eyes flickered with a cold light. After getting Yan Chen's corpse with immortal energy, Ye Yun yearned for the immortal corpse even more.

"It's the breath of the elder sister..."

Arriving at the depths of the second floor, in a certain formation, just after entering, Ye Yun deeply felt the familiar aura, and the divine light shot out, seeing through the illusions of the fairy formation, and saw that in this formation, the elder sister With a slender woman in white, they are looking for it in the formation.

"That should be Senior Sister Seven!"

With a fixed gaze, she moved the light away from Yu Yunlan and concentrated on the woman in white. The woman in white has a pure appearance, her skin is as fair as jade, and she is holding a fairy sword in her hand. She is walking slowly in the fairy formation. This woman in white is none other than Seventh Senior Sister Richie.

"It seems that the second senior sister should be around this fairy formation, somewhere deep in time and space!"

I finally found the senior sister and the seventh senior sister, which proved that the second senior sister Huo Yingying was around, but the fairy formation is everywhere, unpredictable, and it is not very easy to find someone, and if you are not careful, you will fall into a trap.

Casting divine light, it turned into streaks of holy light and began to disperse towards the surroundings of the fairy formation, capturing where the second senior sister Huo Yingying was. Under the pressure of the huge power of the fairy formation, even Ye Yun's primordial spirit was threatened. It is very likely that Yuanshen will be wiped out by the power of the fairy array immediately.

Tens of thousands of divine lights penetrated into the depths of layers of formations. Suddenly, two jumping auras released huge destructive power, followed by a faintly familiar light.

"Oh, this genuine energy should belong to the Second Senior Sister, that's right, I finally found it!"

Exerting strength, he shuttled to the depths in an instant.

In the depths of the endless fairy formation, in the void of a purple formation, two purple rays of light kept flying back and forth, and a woman in female clothes was constantly casting her magic seal, one after another of true energy, tracking the two purple rays of light.

The woman in white is tall and tall, with delicate facial features, flawless white skin, small pink mouth, red lips and white teeth like shells, flying in the void, astonishing, like a fairy, waving the true energy of ice, catching two purple rays of light.

And those two purple lights are actually two fairy swords, only about one foot long. The shape and length of the two purple fairy swords are exactly the same, without any difference. They release dazzling purple energy, just like Haotian purple light. The breath, at first glance, is an extraordinary fairy weapon.

The purple fairy sword seemed to be playing hide-and-seek with the woman in white. No matter how hard the woman in white tried, she couldn't catch it. The speed of the two fairy swords was so fast that it was impossible to catch them with the naked eye.

It is very dangerous for the woman in white to be in this fairy formation, this fairy formation is about to be broken, most of the formations are swallowed by some unknown force, and the remaining incomplete formations, once broken, will destroy any matter in the fairy formation, All must be strangled, unless it is a very high-quality fairy weapon. If it is a monk, it will definitely be strangled.

Immortal formations are generally destroyed, and they will collapse soon after. Just like a house, if it is destroyed, it will collapse after a long period of wind and sun. The reason is the same.

So this fairy formation is very dangerous, and it will collapse at some point, and now the woman in white wants to get two purple fairy swords, ignoring any danger, she is crazy about the fairy swords.

"She is Second Senior Sister Huo Yingying... I didn't expect Second Senior Sister to major in sword qi, no wonder she wanted to get those two purple fairy swords so much. This fairy weapon is indeed very good. Second Senior Sister will definitely be like a tiger with wings if she gets it!"

Passing through layers of fairy formations, Ye Yun finally found the second senior sister, standing in the power of the Daqian Shentu, Ye Yun locked his eyes on the woman in white, and was about to fly forward.

"Haha, Fairy Huo, do you want me to help you refine this fairy artifact? As long as you hand over the 'Chijing Xiaotu', everything will be easy to say. This fairy array space will collapse. With you alone, it will be completely destroyed. Can't hold back the fairy sword!"

Suddenly, a silver-robed, middle-aged man with silver hair flew out from the depths of the incomplete formation like a silver flying star, showing a cold smile, and his eyes were extremely coquettish.

"This is a monster master!"

Ye Yun, who was about to show up, suddenly disappeared. When he saw the silver-haired strong man appear, he immediately hid his aura. From the amazing aura of the other party, he instantly saw that it was a strong man from the monster clan. Moreover, he released the aura of a leader all over his body. Yaohuang Starfield is also a strong side.

"Oh, in Yan Chen's memory, he has an impression of this person, but in comparison, it should be 'Chi Feng Ting', a high-ranking demon general in the Yaohuang Star Region, the second-level supreme immortal, and the rumor is still Yaohuang The real king of the star field, 'Meng Yuanying', is one of the three great monster generals, together with the 'Poison Toad King' and 'Tubala', he is also known as the three big monster generals, and he sits in the Monster Desolation Star Field!"

Scanning the silver-haired middle-aged man's appearance, aura, and cultivation level and other characteristics, Ye Yun was startled when suddenly the memory of this person emerged from his memory. He did not expect to meet Chi Fengting, the demon The most powerful person in the Desolate Star Territory, it is rumored that this person once beheaded a third-order powerhouse who broke the immortal.

Often, some powerhouses of the Yaozu have very high cultivation bases, and they are even more powerful with the addition of supernatural powers. For example, King Poison Toad just used his supernatural powers, and just a single supernatural power swallowed the first-order powerhouse of Poxian alive.

There is no doubt that the Chi Fengting in front of him, who is as famous as the king of poisonous toads, also possesses terrifying innate supernatural powers. Even the elder sister, he is definitely not an opponent.

"Fairy Huo, why are you doing this? With your cultivation base, it is very difficult to get this fairy artifact. As long as you give me the 'Chijing Xiaotu', I will help you subdue this fairy artifact, 'Chijing Xiaotu' It's useless to you!"

Chi Fengting's gestures showed the king's aura. Although he was a demon, his demon aura was not very amazing. Moreover, his aura seemed to be different from the power of ordinary demons. He looked like a fairy. In the formation, any power is blocked by his powerful aura.

Although the Abyss of Taboo is located in the Monster Desolation Starfield, it is not controlled by the powerful monsters. Anyone can enter it to practice and win treasures. For a strong person like Chi Fengting, it is easy to enter the second floor, and even enter the second floor. The third layer is not difficult either.

Huo Yingying gave up the purple fairy sword temporarily, and watched the fairy sword fly into another formation. Huo Yingying faced Chi Fengting coldly: "Chijing Xiaotu is a thing in the fairy world. For you, it is like adding wings to a tiger. Give it to you. Don't you want me to have an extra superpower on the right path, Chi Fengting, do you think I will hand over Chi Jing Xiaotu to you?"

"It seems that you still haven't figured it out. This king has given you many opportunities to prevent the immortal students of Gutuo Immortal Academy from poisoning you, but you still don't appreciate it. Hmph, then don't blame me for taking action and suppressing you!"

Chi Fengting was full of arrogance, and the air of a king erupted along with the robes: "I am short of a wife, and you are the only one, haha!"

"After all, you are the overlord of a party, and you are so frivolous when you speak!" Huo Yingying shouted angrily, and grabbed a snow-white fairy sword.


The moment Huo Yingying sacrificed the fairy sword, she mobilized her true energy and poured it into the fairy sword. With a whistling sound, the fairy sword stabbed at Chifengting like a broken bamboo.


Who would have thought that Chi Fengting was not careless at all, but instead regarded Huo Yingying as an enemy, waved a hand to block, a Fang Tian painted halberd brazenly collided with the fairy sword, Chi Fengting waved his arms, and tightly held Fang Tian, ​​who was a foot long Huaji: "It is rumored that your master, Yu Xuanji, has a high level of cultivation. Unexpectedly, your cultivation level is not weak. Although your cultivation level is at the first level of Poxian, it is comparable to the second level!"

"My master's morality is profound, and even your demon lord Meng Yuanying is no match. Hmph, as a closed disciple of the master, how can he obliterate the power of the master!"

Huo Yingying grabbed back the fairy sword and struck Chifengting head-on, slightly at a disadvantage, but suddenly she clasped her hands together, her expression became serious, and she released a solemn and inviolable holy breath.

Chi Fengting frowned, his eyes focused on the magic seals that Huo Yingying kept making with both hands, one after another thunder light began to flicker, and he was suddenly startled: "Huh? Could it be the 'Destroying Heavenly Thunder Jue' from Shenzhou Xianyuan?"

"That's right, this is one of the highest Taoist methods of our court, the Extinction of Heavenly Thunder Jue, Chi Feng Ting. Although I am only at the first level of cultivation, the Extinction of Heavenly Thunder Jue is the greatest Taoist law of this court. You have to be careful Already!"

Huo Yingying's hands were still making seals one after another. In the void, a thunderous thunder light began to gather fiercely from the void. Above or above Huo Yingying, the range of several miles was filled with thunderous thunder. The world is full of world-destroying power.

"You'd better not use it properly. This fairy formation is about to shatter. It can't bear the power of the Extinct Heavenly Thunder Art. You and I may be strangled with the collapse of the fairy formation at any time!"

On Chi Fengting's face, there was a hint of worry. Looking at the world of thunder all over the sky, he knew how amazing Huo Yingying's attack was. Moreover, the entire broken fairy formation was beginning to vibrate and crumbling. The trick really comes, and the collapse is no longer a hypothesis.

"The collapse is the collapse. Anyway, with my strength, it is difficult to get out of this fairy formation. If I can kill you, it is considered that the master did not train me in vain! Extinguish the Heavenly Thunder Art, let it go!"

Huo Yingying's face was decisive, she didn't think about her situation at all, and she was not afraid of life and death. Regardless of Chi Fengting's persuasion, she separated her hands instantly under the world of Thunder.

"You crazy woman, if you want to die, that's your business!"

Seeing Huo Yingying release the seal, she knew that it was impossible to stop it. The Chifeng Ting turned into a giant silver shadow. The giant shadow was some kind of furry monster.


Huo Yingying didn't seem to have thought that Chi Fengting would be afraid to run away. It was too late to stop the thunder from coming. In the sky, Senior Sister Lei Ting, lightning and thunder, howling storms, countless wonders of beating drums, golden waves, and magic hammers appeared one after another. In order to destroy the world of heaven and earth, the thunder world instantly stomped down.

The entire fairy formation was trembling, and all kinds of attacks were also breaking out in the void of the surrounding fairy formations.

"Second Senior Sister, don't worry, I am the Ninth Junior Brother just accepted by Master!"

Suddenly, at the moment when the thunder world descended, when the destruction fell, a big hand suddenly stretched out from the void, hugged the terrified Huo Yingying's slender waist, and dragged it directly into the holy light.

Huo Yingying didn't expect someone to hide in the depths. Her first reaction was a strong enemy. She was just about to launch an attack, but she saw Ye Yun walking from the void, and took out the Shenzhou student token, and immediately asked Huo Yingying to stop attacking. Instead, she was extremely shocked .

"Junior Brother Ninth, I heard Senior Sister talk about it not long ago..."

Facing Ye Yun who appeared from the void like a celestial being, Huo Yingying did have information about Ye Yun in her mind. After comparing and confirming, it proved that everything Ye Yun said was true, but she was extremely shocked. A new student who just started, To have such a god-like astonishing means.

Back then, when Huo Yingying was accepted by Yu Xuanji, she was a low-level girl, pitifully weak, but Ye Yun's methods completely surpassed her imaginable height.

"let's go!"

Seeing the destructive thunder light erupting, Ye Yun immediately unleashed the power of the Great Thousand Gods Map, enveloping Huo Yingying and traveling through the space in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he left the taboo sea and came to the vast and mysterious star field in the void. Huo Yingying was dumbfounded. Even if she has a first-level cultivation base, she hasn't seen a real interstellar for such a long time.


The taboo sea, the second floor, the fairy formation where Ye Yun and Huo Yingying left, soon collapsed and was shattered by the power of lightning.

"Damn it... Chi Jing Xiaotu, that is my best hope to break through to the third level... I didn't expect it to be on the second level!"

Amidst the explosion and destruction, a silver phantom shuttled from the depths. It was Chifengting. Seeing that the entire fairy formation was destroyed, he shook his head in disappointment: "It's a pity that Huo Yingying died in the fairy formation..."

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