The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 307 Yan Sect Messenger, Xuan Tianzu

"Oh, the missionary leader also entered the secret space..."

Ye Yun also felt that this was an opportunity, and now he finally understood why Li Moran took the risk to come to the lowest level, to get the idea of ​​seven spiritual veins.

But things are not as simple as imagined. A person who is comparable to the head of Tianjun Xianyuan must be an old antique. His cultivation base may be the same level as Yu Xuanji. Ye Yun, together they are not opponents.

There is also a mysterious Yanjiao missionary who dared to go deep alone, facing the giant of the old antique of the Tianjun Immortal Academy. Needless to say, this kind of courage, apart from courage, his strength is definitely not weaker than the old antique.

It is simply impossible for these two peerless powerhouses to fight against each other to snatch the seven spiritual veins from them. It is tantamount to snatching food from a tiger's mouth, and the chances of success are too small.

"In the future, my biggest enemy will not be Ditian, nor Taidayan, nor the Three Great Immortals, but Yanjiao. If they want to unify the Taixing plane, then my family and friends will not be reduced to slaves. !"

Faced with Li Moran's urgent urging, Ye Yun remained calm and calm. He knew that if he didn't calm down now, he might lose his mind because of greed. Moreover, there are two peerless masters in the secret space. They will definitely not be able to tell the winner for a while, maybe they will fight It can last for months, or even years.

The situation is not optimistic for Ye Yun at all. On the surface, Ye Yun's biggest enemy is Ditian, not Taidayan, nor Yanjiao, but Ditian is just a person, no matter how strong he is, he is just a person , but the Yanjiao is different. Once the powerful forces from the fairy world let him grow up and start a war, even the three great fairy courtyards may not be able to stop him, no, they will definitely not be able to stop him.

People like the Three Great Immortals and Di Tian will become the dead souls of the Yan Sect, and Tai Dayan, so far, Ye Yun does not know what his goal is, but one thing, he must be targeting the Yan Sect, and Yan Sect. The confrontation between religions and the cooperative relationship with Tai Dayan mean that as long as there are no huge differences of interests, Ye Yun and Tai Dayan can always be in a cooperative relationship.

Apart from Di Tian and Tai Dayan, the only enemies Ye Yun still has are the Three Immortals.

The real development of the Taiyi Empire, standing at the top and overlooking all living beings, will certainly not be limited to a mere Chinese mainland. When it develops to a plane in the future, it will naturally be unavoidable to be hostile to the three great immortals. Stepping stones.

After counting, the Yan Sect is Ye Yun's biggest enemy. How powerful the power of the fairy world is, it can be seen from the abyss of taboos that a broken fairy world and low-level space can trap and kill any monk who breaks the fairyland. Then, when a huge religious force descends, let alone a plane, even the entire plane may not be able to stop it.

At that time, the Three Great Immortals and the Divine Land will all be destroyed, and there will be only one colossal beast in the world, and that is the Yan Sect.

Now that the Yan Sect is developing, it is actually the best time to destroy it. However, Ye Yun is too weak and does not have a strong and deep influence, so he cannot stop the development of the Yan Sect. At present, Ye Yun will definitely not confront the Yan Sect head-on It is an enemy, but in the future, it cannot be avoided.

Thinking of this, Ye Yun's expression was stern, and his pupils released an endless cold light: "This time it is a tiger's mouth, once you make a move, no matter whether it succeeds or not, you must evacuate as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Master!" Li Moranzhong finally got Ye Yun's consent and clapped his hands.

Afterwards, Li Moran told Ye Yun the distribution of the entire prison, specifically the secret space below, even Li Moran didn't know, but it was not difficult for Ye Yun at all. Li Moran slowly sneaked into the space below.

Li Moran had already experienced Ye Yun's powerful spatial supernatural powers, and was once again on the scene, amazed in his heart. This kind of supernatural powers is no longer the means of ordinary people, and it also makes him have no rebellious heart.

Below the iron barrel-like prison on the 108th floor, there is a mysterious space sealed by a huge array, which connects to the origin of the entire planet and is filled with a lot of aura. Passing through the seal, an underground space tens of thousands of meters deep, emerges a mysterious space with sparkling stars and stars. At first glance, it looks like a part of a starry sky.

In the starlight space, there is a majestic stellar energy. In the depths, two destructive forces are constantly rubbing against each other, setting off a storm of earth star energy that sweeps across the entire space, almost shattering the entire space. Gangfeng, some mysterious stars and thunder lights are also flickering deep in the center.

"Master, it seems that they are in the center of the formation, and they are starting to fight. With such momentum, I am afraid that we will be bombarded and killed by the momentum before we get close!"

As soon as he entered the abyss space, Li Moran was shocked by the strong wind and retreated again and again. Fortunately, Ye Yun released a powerful qi to protect him, but Ye Yun was also very uncomfortable. His protective qi was almost shattered by the fierce impact.

Just the aura released by the two peerless masters fighting is so domineering. If they go deep into the center, they will definitely be strangled to the bone.

If it is an ordinary person, when encountering such a scene, it is too late to avoid disasters, for fear of harming the fish pond.

Ye Yun held his breath, looked at the end of the chaotic space of destructive power, and said slowly: "We can't come here in vain. With our strength, once we go deep, we will surely die. We can only use opportunistic opportunities. Attract their attention, you grab the spirit veins the moment I make a move, don't be too greedy, if you can take one away, it's a good thing!"

"Master... Doing this is indeed too dangerous and uncertain, it is better to leave, there will be many opportunities in the future!"

At this moment, Li Moran also felt that it was really risky. At first, he asked Ye Yun to come and seize the spirit veins, but he didn't understand the whole situation. Now, when he entered the inner space and saw this scene, he immediately let Li Mo Ran gave up the idea of ​​winning the treasure, risking his life for the treasure is really not worth it.

"It's okay, plus I have a golden scale armor on my body, so it's a first-grade fairy weapon. As long as I'm not a high-ranking high-level person who defies the sky, there shouldn't be much danger. I got an ancient talisman before. The magic talisman can kill any strong person who breaks the fairyland, for the seven spiritual veins, it is worth it!"

Ye Yun said categorically, with a resolute attitude, he had no worries about Li Moran, but he didn't show it at all. In fact, he knew better than Li Moran that this was simply gambling with his life. Li Moran was hopeless, while Ye Yun Different, he has hidden all kinds of peerless means, so his confidence has doubled.

How valuable is a heavenly spirit vein, a royal spirit vein? Even a few planets can’t be exchanged for it. Send out old-fashioned characters to guard the punishment planet.

In addition, Ye Yun currently has a lot of powerful enemies, and the situation is extremely urgent. If he can get these seven spiritual veins, it will not be difficult to advance to the Divine Land. As long as Ye Yun can unify the Divine Land, and then promote the Divine Land, then Ye Yun's overall cultivation , it will skyrocket, and it will be infinitely blessed by the power of the entire continent, and the power will continue to flow. This may be the reason why Di Tian can shake the entire Shenzhou Xianyuan at the first level of Poxian.

Ditian refined the Emperor Star. This method can only be done by a master-level person. Refining the planet, gaining the right to control the planet, can use the original energy of the entire planet at will, so that Ditian's power will never be exhausted, and he can fight against any master. , has nothing to fear from him.

Sensing Ye Yun's firm and unshakable determination, Li Moran had guessed something, patted his chest and said confidently: "If the master has confidence, it is death, and I am worth it!"

"Don't worry, I won't do things that I'm not sure about. You are the key to this plan. We only have one chance to snatch the food. Once we fail, there will be no second chance. Six heavenly spirit veins, plus A peerless royal vein..."

Said to Li Moran in an honest tone, these few words are quite coercive, once they come out of Ye Yun's mouth, it is the will to kill the gods, and Li Moran is not allowed to resist.

Li Moran nodded immediately, and released a silver sacred 'Mi Jing Pot', which was an extraordinary fairy artifact he got at the grand event of the new students of the Three Immortal Academy. He introduced to Ye Yun: "Master, with it , you can instantly put the seven spiritual veins into it, and with the addition of 'Silver Sand Jiedou', it is not difficult to leave the sight of the strong in an instant, but with their means, they will definitely find me in the first time. , I will be beheaded!"

"The Mi Jing Pot is a good treasure, it can absorb spiritual veins!"

Staring at the crystal-clear silver glazed Mijing Pot, Ye Yun couldn't help praising it. Although he didn't touch the Mijing Pot, he could feel its deep and mysterious aura as deep as the ocean. The pot is still mysterious, you haven't completely refined it, otherwise, it will be difficult for even a fairy to find your traces, then I will protect you to leave after you seize the spirit veins, and act!"

After Ye Yun finished speaking, his whole body disappeared into the void. Li Moran was stunned for a while, and then used the Silver Sand Boundary Fight. A silver light enveloped him, turning into a silver star light, slowly drifting to the central space with the airflow .

One after another space travels, rubbing against two destructive colliding forces from time to time, making a hissing sound, which makes Ye Yun almost vomit blood several times. Fortunately, these forces are blocked by the golden scale armor, otherwise, Ye Yun would have been seriously injured.

"Be very careful next time... hmm?"

In an instant, Ye Yun used the power of the Great Thousand Gods to approach the central space, and the power of the Great Thousand Gods also stacked several layers, otherwise, with the powerful momentum of breaking the fairyland, Ye Yun would be seriously injured in an instant. Under the double protection of armor, Ye Yun entered the central space, and was no longer threatened by the aura of destruction. Instead, he finally saw two peerless masters.

In the center of the vast space of stars, a strong man in a black robe of Fire Cloud and an old man in a dark red ancient Taoist robe confront each other in the center. The strong man in black robe Fire Cloud is holding two huge The burning flame beast, while the old man in the crimson Taoist robe was holding a big axe, constantly fighting in the void.

The strong missionary of the Yan Sect waved his hands, and the two flaming giant beasts were [-] meters long, fiercely pounced on the antique-level strong man of Tianjun Immortal Academy, attacking continuously from both sides, while the old man wielded a big axe, When the ax is struck out, it is like cutting off the galaxy, cutting off several sections of the burning monster.

An unbelievable scene appeared, the severed burning beast actually started to heal, and turned into two burning sacred fire dragons, which rushed towards the old man even more unstoppably.

The two peerless powerhouses fought fiercely. Every time they confronted, the space vibrated violently again and again, as if the whole space was about to shatter and collapse like a crock pot.

"These two are really perverted. Their cultivation base is more than a hundred times higher than that of the senior sister Yu Yunlan. It seems that they may be the third-level Poxian, or even the fourth-level supreme powerhouse!"

Seeing the scene of earth shaking, mountains falling and earth cracking, Ye Yun took a breath, he continued to lean towards the two peerless powerhouses, and gradually saw the face of the peerless old man in Tianjun Immortal Academy.

This old man is almost a hundred years old, with a withered appearance, it seems that the whole person is just a piece of wrinkled human skin. His cheekbones are extremely high, and the main hall is bright and intimidating. His breath connects the whole space, and he seems to be able to use The power of space, confronting the equally powerful missionaries.

"I don't know if this missionary is asking for Qianshang?"

After figuring out the appearance of the old man, Ye Yun flashed lightly, and appeared in the messy and destroyed space on the other side. At this moment, Ye Yun had an incredible expression on his face, and his eyes were deeply fixed on the face of the Yanjiao missionary, surprised Shouted out three words extremely: "Xuan-Tian-Zu!"

This is not an illusion. Standing high in the void, the missionary who controlled the [-]-meter huge fire dragon with both hands and fought against the hundred-year-old invincible old man of Tianjun Immortal Academy was actually the head of the Xuanwu Sect, Xuantianzu.

Although the current Xuantianzu looks only 25 years old, much younger than the head of the Xuanwu Sect that Ye Yun saw back then, Ye Yun can be sure that the young and powerful missionary of the Yan Sect in front of him is the same person from the Ziyu Continent back then. The first sect, the head of Xuanwumen, Xuantianzu.

"What is the origin of your Yan Sect, and why are you making an enemy of my Tianjun Immortal Academy!"

Just as Ye Yun was immersed in unbelievable memories, the old man of Tianjun Immortal Academy, who had a bit of aura, was holding down the two flame dragons with a big ax now. The old man swept his eyes and suppressed the momentum , asked coldly.

The young missionary looked calm, but beads of sweat were dripping from his forehead, which was flickering. Under the suppression of the old man's big axe, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, looking at the old man like a falcon: "The Yan Cult is a great and supreme The Immortal Sect, Wang Chuantian, although you are a giant of the Tianjun Immortal Academy, you have been arranged to suppress here, you should follow this envoy to join the Yan Sect, get the blessing of the supreme teaching, and break through the high level of the Immortal Realm, it is not difficult!"

"I am the envoy of the Yan Sect, Xuan Tianzu, representing the entire Yan Sect. If you are still obsessed with your obsession, then don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless and killing you completely. Then you will pay for the powerful cultivation that you have spent tens of thousands of years cultivating." flow!"

Xuan Tianzu waved his hand suddenly, and the two flaming dragons stopped moving. Under the pressure of the giant ax that opened the sky, his aura gradually changed, and an aura that did not belong to the mortal world burst out from his pupils.

The old man 'Wang Chuantian' was furious, his eyes were like lightning, and his murderous aura was against the sky: "What Yan Cult... It's alarmist, my Tianjun Xianyuan is one of the three orthodox orthodoxy on the Taixing plane, you cults, if you are against us, you are seeking your own death! "

"It really is Xuantianzu!"

Hearing the conversation between the two supreme powerhouses, even though Ye Yun didn't believe his eyes, he still believed in his ears. Xuan Tianzu, who had become ten years younger, was the head of an unknown sect in the mainland of China. In just a few years, Ye Yun became the most mysterious Yan Sect missionary, which shocked Ye Yun greatly. "Oh, the missionary leader also entered the secret space..."

Ye Yun also felt that this was an opportunity, and now he finally understood why Li Moran took the risk to come to the lowest level, to get the idea of ​​seven spiritual veins.

But things are not as simple as imagined. A person who is comparable to the head of Tianjun Xianyuan must be an old antique. His cultivation base may be the same level as Yu Xuanji. Ye Yun, together they are not opponents.

There is also a mysterious Yanjiao missionary who dared to go deep alone, facing the giant of the old antique of the Tianjun Immortal Academy. Needless to say, this kind of courage, apart from courage, his strength is definitely not weaker than the old antique.

It is simply impossible for these two peerless powerhouses to fight against each other to snatch the seven spiritual veins from them. It is tantamount to snatching food from a tiger's mouth, and the chances of success are too small.

"In the future, my biggest enemy will not be Ditian, nor Taidayan, nor the Three Great Immortals, but Yanjiao. If they want to unify the Taixing plane, then my family and friends will not be reduced to slaves. !"

Faced with Li Moran's urgent urging, Ye Yun remained calm and calm. He knew that if he didn't calm down now, he might lose his mind because of greed. Moreover, there are two peerless masters in the secret space. They will definitely not be able to tell the winner for a while, maybe they will fight It can last for months, or even years.

The situation is not optimistic for Ye Yun at all. On the surface, Ye Yun's biggest enemy is Ditian, not Taidayan, nor Yanjiao, but Ditian is just a person, no matter how strong he is, he is just a person , but the Yanjiao is different. Once the powerful forces from the fairy world let him grow up and start a war, even the three great fairy courtyards may not be able to stop him, no, they will definitely not be able to stop him.

People like the Three Great Immortals and Di Tian will become the dead souls of the Yan Sect, and Tai Dayan, so far, Ye Yun does not know what his goal is, but one thing, he must be targeting the Yan Sect, and Yan Sect. The confrontation between religions and the cooperative relationship with Tai Dayan mean that as long as there are no huge differences of interests, Ye Yun and Tai Dayan can always be in a cooperative relationship.

Apart from Di Tian and Tai Dayan, the only enemies Ye Yun still has are the Three Immortals.

The real development of the Taiyi Empire, standing at the top and overlooking all living beings, will certainly not be limited to a mere Chinese mainland. When it develops to a plane in the future, it will naturally be unavoidable to be hostile to the three great immortals. Stepping stones.

After counting, the Yan Sect is Ye Yun's biggest enemy. How powerful the power of the fairy world is, it can be seen from the abyss of taboos that a broken fairy world and low-level space can trap and kill any monk who breaks the fairyland. Then, when a huge religious force descends, let alone a plane, even the entire plane may not be able to stop it.

At that time, the Three Great Immortals and the Divine Land will all be destroyed, and there will be only one colossal beast in the world, and that is the Yan Sect.

Now that the Yan Sect is developing, it is actually the best time to destroy it. However, Ye Yun is too weak and does not have a strong and deep influence, so he cannot stop the development of the Yan Sect. At present, Ye Yun will definitely not confront the Yan Sect head-on It is an enemy, but in the future, it cannot be avoided.

Thinking of this, Ye Yun's expression was stern, and his pupils released an endless cold light: "This time it is a tiger's mouth, once you make a move, no matter whether it succeeds or not, you must evacuate as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Master!" Li Moranzhong finally got Ye Yun's consent and clapped his hands.

Afterwards, Li Moran told Ye Yun the distribution of the entire prison, specifically the secret space below, even Li Moran didn't know, but it was not difficult for Ye Yun at all. Li Moran slowly sneaked into the space below.

Li Moran had already experienced Ye Yun's powerful spatial supernatural powers, and was once again on the scene, amazed in his heart. This kind of supernatural powers is no longer the means of ordinary people, and it also makes him have no rebellious heart.

Below the iron barrel-like prison on the 108th floor, there is a mysterious space sealed by a huge array, which connects to the origin of the entire planet and is filled with a lot of aura. Passing through the seal, an underground space tens of thousands of meters deep, emerges a mysterious space with sparkling stars and stars. At first glance, it looks like a part of a starry sky.

In the starlight space, there is a majestic stellar energy. In the depths, two destructive forces are constantly rubbing against each other, setting off a storm of earth star energy that sweeps across the entire space, almost shattering the entire space. Gangfeng, some mysterious stars and thunder lights are also flickering deep in the center.

"Master, it seems that they are in the center of the formation, and they are starting to fight. With such momentum, I am afraid that we will be bombarded and killed by the momentum before we get close!"

As soon as he entered the abyss space, Li Moran was shocked by the strong wind and retreated again and again. Fortunately, Ye Yun released a powerful qi to protect him, but Ye Yun was also very uncomfortable. His protective qi was almost shattered by the fierce impact.

Just the aura released by the two peerless masters fighting is so domineering. If they go deep into the center, they will definitely be strangled to the bone.

If it is an ordinary person, when encountering such a scene, it is too late to avoid disasters, for fear of harming the fish pond.

Ye Yun held his breath, looked at the end of the chaotic space of destructive power, and said slowly: "We can't come here in vain. With our strength, once we go deep, we will surely die. We can only use opportunistic opportunities. Attract their attention, you grab the spirit veins the moment I make a move, don't be too greedy, if you can take one away, it's a good thing!"

"Master... Doing this is indeed too dangerous and uncertain, it is better to leave, there will be many opportunities in the future!"

At this moment, Li Moran also felt that it was really risky. At first, he asked Ye Yun to come and seize the spirit veins, but he didn't understand the whole situation. Now, when he entered the inner space and saw this scene, he immediately let Li Mo Ran gave up the idea of ​​winning the treasure, risking his life for the treasure is really not worth it.

"It's okay, plus I have a golden scale armor on my body, so it's a first-grade fairy weapon. As long as I'm not a high-ranking high-level person who defies the sky, there shouldn't be much danger. I got an ancient talisman before. The magic talisman can kill any strong person who breaks the fairyland, for the seven spiritual veins, it is worth it!"

Ye Yun said categorically, with a resolute attitude, he had no worries about Li Moran, but he didn't show it at all. In fact, he knew better than Li Moran that this was simply gambling with his life. Li Moran was hopeless, while Ye Yun Different, he has hidden all kinds of peerless means, so his confidence has doubled.

How valuable is a heavenly spirit vein, a royal spirit vein? Even a few planets can’t be exchanged for it. Send out old-fashioned characters to guard the punishment planet.

In addition, Ye Yun currently has a lot of powerful enemies, and the situation is extremely urgent. If he can get these seven spiritual veins, it will not be difficult to advance to the Divine Land. As long as Ye Yun can unify the Divine Land, and then promote the Divine Land, then Ye Yun's overall cultivation , it will skyrocket, and it will be infinitely blessed by the power of the entire continent, and the power will continue to flow. This may be the reason why Di Tian can shake the entire Shenzhou Xianyuan at the first level of Poxian.

Ditian refined the Emperor Star. This method can only be done by a master-level person. Refining the planet, gaining the right to control the planet, can use the original energy of the entire planet at will, so that Ditian's power will never be exhausted, and he can fight against any master. , has nothing to fear from him.

Sensing Ye Yun's firm and unshakable determination, Li Moran had guessed something, patted his chest and said confidently: "If the master has confidence, it is death, and I am worth it!"

"Don't worry, I won't do things that I'm not sure about. You are the key to this plan. We only have one chance to snatch the food. Once we fail, there will be no second chance. Six heavenly spirit veins, plus A peerless royal vein..."

Said to Li Moran in an honest tone, these few words are quite coercive, once they come out of Ye Yun's mouth, it is the will to kill the gods, and Li Moran is not allowed to resist.

Li Moran nodded immediately, and released a silver sacred 'Mi Jing Pot', which was an extraordinary fairy artifact he got at the grand event of the new students of the Three Immortal Academy. He introduced to Ye Yun: "Master, with it , you can instantly put the seven spiritual veins into it, and with the addition of 'Silver Sand Jiedou', it is not difficult to leave the sight of the strong in an instant, but with their means, they will definitely find me in the first time. , I will be beheaded!"

"The Mi Jing Pot is a good treasure, it can absorb spiritual veins!"

Staring at the crystal-clear silver glazed Mijing Pot, Ye Yun couldn't help praising it. Although he didn't touch the Mijing Pot, he could feel its deep and mysterious aura as deep as the ocean. The pot is still mysterious, you haven't completely refined it, otherwise, it will be difficult for even a fairy to find your traces, then I will protect you to leave after you seize the spirit veins, and act!"

After Ye Yun finished speaking, his whole body disappeared into the void. Li Moran was stunned for a while, and then used the Silver Sand Boundary Fight. A silver light enveloped him, turning into a silver star light, slowly drifting to the central space with the airflow .

One after another space travels, rubbing against two destructive colliding forces from time to time, making a hissing sound, which makes Ye Yun almost vomit blood several times. Fortunately, these forces are blocked by the golden scale armor, otherwise, Ye Yun would have been seriously injured.

"Be very careful next time... hmm?"

In an instant, Ye Yun used the power of the Great Thousand Gods to approach the central space, and the power of the Great Thousand Gods also stacked several layers, otherwise, with the powerful momentum of breaking the fairyland, Ye Yun would be seriously injured in an instant. Under the double protection of armor, Ye Yun entered the central space, and was no longer threatened by the aura of destruction. Instead, he finally saw two peerless masters.

In the center of the vast space of stars, a strong man in a black robe of Fire Cloud and an old man in a dark red ancient Taoist robe confront each other in the center. The strong man in black robe Fire Cloud is holding two huge The burning flame beast, while the old man in the crimson Taoist robe was holding a big axe, constantly fighting in the void.

The strong missionary of the Yan Sect waved his hands, and the two flaming giant beasts were [-] meters long, fiercely pounced on the antique-level strong man of Tianjun Immortal Academy, attacking continuously from both sides, while the old man wielded a big axe, When the ax is struck out, it is like cutting off the galaxy, cutting off several sections of the burning monster.

An unbelievable scene appeared, the severed burning beast actually started to heal, and turned into two burning sacred fire dragons, which rushed towards the old man even more unstoppably.

The two peerless powerhouses fought fiercely. Every time they confronted, the space vibrated violently again and again, as if the whole space was about to shatter and collapse like a crock pot.

"These two are really perverted. Their cultivation base is more than a hundred times higher than that of the senior sister Yu Yunlan. It seems that they may be the third-level Poxian, or even the fourth-level supreme powerhouse!"

Seeing the scene of earth shaking, mountains falling and earth cracking, Ye Yun took a breath, he continued to lean towards the two peerless powerhouses, and gradually saw the face of the peerless old man in Tianjun Immortal Academy.

This old man is almost a hundred years old, with a withered appearance, it seems that the whole person is just a piece of wrinkled human skin. His cheekbones are extremely high, and the main hall is bright and intimidating. His breath connects the whole space, and he seems to be able to use The power of space, confronting the equally powerful missionaries.

"I don't know if this missionary is asking for Qianshang?"

After figuring out the appearance of the old man, Ye Yun flashed lightly, and appeared in the messy and destroyed space on the other side. At this moment, Ye Yun had an incredible expression on his face, and his eyes were deeply fixed on the face of the Yanjiao missionary, surprised Shouted out three words extremely: "Xuan-Tian-Zu!"

This is not an illusion. Standing high in the void, the missionary who controlled the [-]-meter huge fire dragon with both hands and fought against the hundred-year-old invincible old man of Tianjun Immortal Academy was actually the head of the Xuanwu Sect, Xuantianzu.

Although the current Xuantianzu looks only 25 years old, much younger than the head of the Xuanwu Sect that Ye Yun saw back then, Ye Yun can be sure that the young and powerful missionary of the Yan Sect in front of him is the same person from the Ziyu Continent back then. The first sect, the head of Xuanwumen, Xuantianzu.

"What is the origin of your Yan Sect, and why are you making an enemy of my Tianjun Immortal Academy!"

Just as Ye Yun was immersed in unbelievable memories, the old man of Tianjun Immortal Academy, who had a bit of aura, was holding down the two flame dragons with a big ax now. The old man swept his eyes and suppressed the momentum , asked coldly.

The young missionary looked calm, but beads of sweat were dripping from his forehead, which was flickering. Under the suppression of the old man's big axe, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, looking at the old man like a falcon: "The Yan Cult is a great and supreme The Immortal Sect, Wang Chuantian, although you are a giant of the Tianjun Immortal Academy, you have been arranged to suppress here, you should follow this envoy to join the Yan Sect, get the blessing of the supreme teaching, and break through the high level of the Immortal Realm, it is not difficult!"

"I am the envoy of the Yan Sect, Xuan Tianzu, representing the entire Yan Sect. If you are still obsessed with your obsession, then don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless and killing you completely. Then you will pay for the powerful cultivation that you have spent tens of thousands of years cultivating." flow!"

Xuan Tianzu waved his hand suddenly, and the two flaming dragons stopped moving. Under the pressure of the giant ax that opened the sky, his aura gradually changed, and an aura that did not belong to the mortal world burst out from his pupils.

The old man 'Wang Chuantian' was furious, his eyes were like lightning, and his murderous aura was against the sky: "What Yan Cult... It's alarmist, my Tianjun Xianyuan is one of the three orthodox orthodoxy on the Taixing plane, you cults, if you are against us, you are seeking your own death! "

"It really is Xuantianzu!"

Hearing the conversation between the two supreme powerhouses, even though Ye Yun didn't believe his eyes, he still believed in his ears. Xuan Tianzu, who had become ten years younger, was the head of an unknown sect in the mainland of China. In just a few years, Ye Yun became the most mysterious Yan Sect missionary, which shocked Ye Yun greatly.

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