At that time, Ye Yun set up a trap to let Xuanwumen and Lanfengzong fight to the death, and both sides were hurt. In the end, Ye Yun mantis caught cicadas and orioles behind him, not only destroyed Xuanwumen, defeated Lanfengzong, but also obtained from Xuantianzu. A piece of constant crystal immortal jade from the mainland of China can be called the biggest winner.

The only shortcoming is that the Xuantian ancestor who was slaughtered is just a clone. No one knows where his real body is hidden and how powerful his cultivation is.

In just ten short years, Xuantianzu himself actually possessed the cultivation base of breaking the fairyland. Not only that, he is also Ye Yun's most troublesome enemy, a missionary of the Yan Sect, with dual identities and powerful strength, everything shocked Ye Yun How could a little Purple Jade Continent master become the supreme powerhouse of Breaking Immortal Realm in the blink of an eye.

In fact, this is easy to explain. It took several thousand years for Xuantianzu to become the head of Xuanwumen. During such a long period, no one knew whether Xuantianzu who stayed in Xuanwumen was the real body or a clone. It is not difficult for him to break through the Immortal Realm after thousands of years with the help of the Immortal Qiu Qianshang after he left the mainland of China, came to the Taixing plane, met Qiu Qianshang, and joined Yanjiao.

Of course, these are all Ye Yun's arbitrary judgments. Now that the matter is in front of him, Ye Yun has another powerful enemy, and he is a world enemy. If Xuan Tianzu knew that Ye Yun existed now, he would definitely deal with Ye Yun in the future.

The hatred between Ye Yun and Xuantianzu is deeper than the hatred of Ditian. Ye Yun designed to destroy the Xuanwu Sect and seize everything that Xuantianzu owns. This kind of deep hatred will never let it go. However, Ye Yun will make a name for himself sooner or later Huanyu will always have to face this deep hatred one day.

Everyone has their own adventures and practice paths, Ye Yun understands this truth, it is impossible for him to obtain all the benefits alone.

"If Xuan Tianzu can be beheaded's a pity that it's too unrealistic, and we can't avoid confronting him head-on in the future. At that time, let's meet again for real!"

The murderous aura was buried in an instant, and Ye Yun began to hide in the cracks of space again. Now, he can't take a step forward. Xuantianzu and Wang Chuantian, the supreme powerhouse of Tianjun Immortal Academy, are in a state of exuberant power. If they confront their strength head-on, only Will be reduced to cannon fodder, it is simply sent to seek death.

The best solution now is to wait for the opportunity, let Xuan Tianzu and Wang Chuantian fight to the death, and both sides will be hurt, and then catch him unawares, break the fairyland strong, cultivate the existence of the immortal physique, and move the world with every move, plus Xuantian Zu and Wang Chuantian's realm is so high, it cannot be underestimated.

There is no plan in the world that is foolproof. Ye Yun sat cross-legged in the cracks of the space, maintaining a state of balance, and began to sacrifice a Holy Spear of Light, and began to continuously bless it. The holy gun has not changed at all, like a bottomless pit.


A shocking explosion burst out of the central space. This wave, like a tsunami, suddenly exploded with the central space as the center, and rolled in all directions, destroying the power and smashing the power of space into pieces. Suddenly, Cracks appeared in the central space, and a dazzling aura rose from the cracks.

Looking at it suddenly, it looks like a broken mirror. At that moment, the aura is released from countless broken mirrors, presenting a wonderful scene of brilliance.

"What a powerful aura, comparable to the central holy place of Shenzhou Xianyuan. There is also an aura in it, which is comparable to the level of ordinary immortals. See, below are the seven spiritual veins!"

The cracks in the space were also violently affected by the explosion. The cracks swayed from side to side like distorted light. Ye Yun, who was sitting cross-legged in the sacred power of the Daqian Shentu, suddenly opened his eyes. With a sweep of light, from the shattered space, you can see the thing you have dreamed of under the space.

Under the solid space, pure spiritual energy was revealed in the broken cracks. When the spiritual light weakened, Ye Yun saw seven huge spiritual veins with a length of ten kilometers on the ancient land, forming the Big Dipper inlaid on the ground. In the earth, the roots are deep-rooted and solid as a rock.

Before Ye Yun could see clearly, the shattered space was completely healed. It turned out that Wang Chuantian, the giant of Tianjun Immortal Academy, struck out sharp palms with both palms and entered the shattered space, which seemed to activate the restriction, making the shattered cracks open. Once healed, the seven spiritual veins hidden deep in the earth disappeared in an instant.

"What a Tianjun Immortal Academy, Wang Chuantian, with your cultivation, can you stop me for a while, can you stop me for the rest of your life? Let's just give up. I only want the spirit veins. If you fight with me, you will only lose!"

In the sky above the healing space, Xuan Tianzu saw the cracks disappearing one by one, he was very unwilling, his eyes flashed with anger, but he forced a smile on his face and said to Wang Chuantian, this feeling is as casual as treating friends for many years.

Wang Chuantian is not as leisurely as he is, but treats it as a life-and-death battle: "Xuantianzu, you instigated a riot and killed many college students. You Yanjiao are now the great enemy of this college, and you will never die!"

"Don't be a saint in front of me, student? You still value the student's life? Haha, don't be joking, I don't know how many restrictions have been set by the Three Immortal Academy, and how many students have been eliminated!"

Hearing those words, Xuantianzu burst out laughing, Fangfo understood all the regulations of the Three Great Immortals very clearly: "You and I are very clear, what kind of students, what kind of human nature, in the eyes of us monks, sesame and mung beans are all Not to mention, if you are fettered by these trivial matters, how to break through the immortals and enter the Tao, the universe, the universe, the heavens, the earth and the stars, cultivation is to obliterate emotions, cut off the calamity of love, and only then can you break through the immortal way!"

"Hmph, Tianjun Immortal Academy is a well-known decent sect, and the righteous way of the world is not something that a cult like yours can blaspheme. Xuantianzu, if he knew the ending, why would he bother to provoke a powerful enemy like us?"

Wang Chuantian laughed loudly. Although he was full of benevolence and morality, he was really despicable and sinister. Compared with Xuantian Zu, who was bright, upright, sinister and cunning, Wang Chuantian's so-called righteous ways were the real evil.

He is full of righteousness and benevolence, but behind his back is deceitful and insidious. He does all kinds of evil, is selfish, and does what others do before others. This kind of person is even more hateful than a villain like Xuan Tianzu.

"Wang Chuantian, just watch, how this seat devours you and seizes the spiritual vein!"

Xuan Tianzu finally couldn't bear it any longer, and kept making mysterious magic seals with both hands. Immediately, in the depths of space and void, a piece of upright and bright fingers formed. come.

"The ax splits mountains and rivers!"

Raising the black-bright axe, Wang Chuantian released powerful true energy, which turned into a series of air blades and went against the sky. With the axe, he went up to the sky, releasing the divine power of opening up the world.

Boom boom boom!

An incomparably sharp ax blade directly broke through the finger world, but the ten thousand fingers did not stop. Except for the ruins destroyed by the ax, other forces instantly bombarded the space below.

It feels like a demon with thousands of hands, constantly waving sharp fingertips, slamming at the space, fingertips, once again scratching the space into cracks.

"Xuantianzu's power is really terrifying. With such an attack from him, even all the monks in the entire Shenzhou Continent combined would not be able to withstand this move. Even the entire continent will be severely injured. This kind of attack is no longer a mortal's method!"

"Wang Chuantian is not a simple person either. The big ax is a fairy weapon, and it is extremely aggressive. A single strike of the ax is enough to split the mainland of China into an abyss. Shatter!"

"These two masters are stronger than the other. They are a hundred times stronger than Yan Chen, Yan Chengfeng, Yelu Hongjin and other first- and second-level immortals. They may be on the same level as Yu Xuanji and Bai Wudao. ... Now that Ditian has also broken through to the Immortal Realm, with his talent, he will grow into a sturdy figure like Xuan Tianzu in the near future!"

Witnessing the fight between Xuantianzu and Wang Chuantian, two peerless powerhouses, Ye Yun felt that he was so insignificant. Any powerhouse, even 1 Ye Yuns combined, would not be an opponent. Heavenly Bow, Immortal Artifact Formation, Good Fortune Divine Fist and other extraordinary means.

Leaving aside characters like Xuantianzu and Wang Chuantian, even people like Ling Daozi and Hua Jingyu, who are first-level Immortal-breaking characters, ten Ye Yuns combined are no match for them. Gap, a giant standing in heaven, and a mortal standing on earth.

To Ye Yun, the Realm of Breaking the Immortal is still very far away. The Realm of Reaching the Heaven is a big hurdle that Ye Yun needs to pass at present. The strong, however, can fight against the strong who break the fairyland, and they won't wait to die like people in the fairyland.

Now facing such strong men as Xuan Tianzu and Wang Chuantian who are comparable to immortals, Ye Yun feels like he is in a vast ocean, and he is like a small boat. In the deep belly of the sea.

"Earth Fiend Axe!"

After a full month, Wang Chuantian was weaker than Xuantianzu in any attack. The two fought against each other no less than a thousand times in the underground space, and countless Taoism skills were wonderfully presented, but neither of them gained a clear advantage. Strong people like them , It is simply unrealistic to want to defeat the opponent in a short time.

Now, in the depths of the void, Wang Chuantian's domineering and old voice came out. Two figures flew out from the depths. Wang Chuantian was gnashing his teeth. Between the fingers, one by one shot, Wang Chuantian waved two fingers, and lightly stroked on the big axe.


A dazzling and sharp force shot out from the black-bright axe. Deep within the axe, it seemed as if some energy was awakening. The axe was trembling, and the entire space was shaking slightly.

"It seems that Wang Chuantian can't stand still, and he wants to use powerful spells to deal with Xuantianzu... It seems that the time is coming, and Li Moran is always lurking, let's fight, fight to the death!"

In the cracks in the space, Ye Yun was still refining the Holy Spear of Light. Now, this Holy Spear of Light is like a shining golden holy spear, invincible.

Ye Yun suddenly looked towards the central space, feeling the breath changing rapidly, releasing the divine light just as he saw Wang Chuantian displaying his peerless supernatural powers, he finally had a mental head, his hands also stopped condensing the Holy Spear of Light, and put it into his body.

"Wang Chuantian, since you want to die, let me show you, you and I are both the fourth-order supreme realm of Poxian, standing at the pinnacle of this world, how big is the gap between you and me!"

Facing Wang Chuantian's first show of power, Xuan Tianzu retreated [-] meters, and slightly released mysterious flames with both hands. Although this flame is not overbearing, it runs very regularly.

"Earth Fiend Cleave Axe, 36 Heavenly Balance Techniques!"

Grabbing the handle of the ax violently, Wang Chuantian struck a series of dharma seals, and the black ax in his hand released the aura of destruction and destruction. Wang Chuantian waved the ax with both hands, facing the sky from the bottom, and slashed out the ax against the sky with a force that defied the sky.


Looking around, with Wang Chuantian as the center, facing the entire void of Pingxuan Tianzu in a straight line, there was a clear and crisp sound of shattering, and there was no space change, nor any power. The vast void of stars, tens of thousands m, without any singular changes.

"It's not right... Wang Chuantian's ax is really earth-shattering, the real magical power of immortality, I feel... the whole void is shattering!"

At this moment, although there was no movement in the void, Ye Yun felt a destructive aura that was constantly extending in the cracks of the space, which could not be seen with the flesh, only with the feeling and induction.

"It is worthy of being the former master of Tianjun Immortal Academy, good means, this qigong should be realized from that immortal axe, and it is worthy of being a fourth-order powerhouse of breaking immortals!"

As the most powerful person in the Immortal Realm, Xuan Tianzu had already penetrated the secrets of the heavens, realized the magic of immortals, and mastered thousands of spells. In an instant, his expression changed instantly.


Sure enough, in the tens of thousands of meters of galaxy space, starting from Wang Chuantian's end, cracks appeared in the entire space, and the broken traces continued to extend rapidly, like lightning and thunder blasting towards Xuantianzu, the cracks that were broken The space was completely destroyed and became a series of afterglows.

Looking around, the entire space of stars turned into star marks in an instant, riddled with holes, countless space fragments turned into afterglow one by one, and finally 36 cracks appeared, like 36 giant beasts winding and entrenched, rushing fiercely To the space where Xuantianzu was.

"Awesome! It's really amazing!"

Witnessing the star marks all over the sky, Ye Yun exclaimed and praised: "The so-called opening up the world is nothing more than that, this is the real method of breaking the fairyland monk!"

Wang Chuantian chopped down tens of thousands of meters of void with one axe, destroying such a huge space matter, this method is beyond Ye Yun's reach.

"Xuantianzu, this immortal ax is extremely powerful, it is the best of the first-grade immortal weapons, and this old man's spell is also enlightened from the immortal axe. For many years, the old man has not used it, because there has never been an opponent worthy of it. I used this peerless attack spell, Xuantianzu, today is your destruction!"

Wang Chuantian stared at the world with contempt, raised the corners of his mouth into a disdainful smile, looked down at the common people from a high position, and held a huge axe. He was like an invincible god of war, making the common people fear.At that time, Ye Yun set up a trap to let Xuanwumen and Lanfengzong fight to the death, and both sides were hurt. In the end, Ye Yun mantis caught cicadas and orioles behind him, not only destroyed Xuanwumen, defeated Lanfengzong, but also obtained from Xuantianzu. A piece of constant crystal immortal jade from the mainland of China can be called the biggest winner.

The only shortcoming is that the Xuantian ancestor who was slaughtered is just a clone. No one knows where his real body is hidden and how powerful his cultivation is.

In just ten short years, Xuantianzu himself actually possessed the cultivation base of breaking the fairyland. Not only that, he is also Ye Yun's most troublesome enemy, a missionary of the Yan Sect, with dual identities and powerful strength, everything shocked Ye Yun How could a little Purple Jade Continent master become the supreme powerhouse of Breaking Immortal Realm in the blink of an eye.

In fact, this is easy to explain. It took several thousand years for Xuantianzu to become the head of Xuanwumen. During such a long period, no one knew whether Xuantianzu who stayed in Xuanwumen was the real body or a clone. It is not difficult for him to break through the Immortal Realm after thousands of years with the help of the Immortal Qiu Qianshang after he left the mainland of China, came to the Taixing plane, met Qiu Qianshang, and joined Yanjiao.

Of course, these are all Ye Yun's arbitrary judgments. Now that the matter is in front of him, Ye Yun has another powerful enemy, and he is a world enemy. If Xuan Tianzu knew that Ye Yun existed now, he would definitely deal with Ye Yun in the future.

The hatred between Ye Yun and Xuantianzu is deeper than the hatred of Ditian. Ye Yun designed to destroy the Xuanwu Sect and seize everything that Xuantianzu owns. This kind of deep hatred will never let it go. However, Ye Yun will make a name for himself sooner or later Huanyu will always have to face this deep hatred one day.

Everyone has their own adventures and practice paths, Ye Yun understands this truth, it is impossible for him to obtain all the benefits alone.

"If Xuan Tianzu can be beheaded's a pity that it's too unrealistic, and we can't avoid confronting him head-on in the future. At that time, let's meet again for real!"

The murderous aura was buried in an instant, and Ye Yun began to hide in the cracks of space again. Now, he can't take a step forward. Xuantianzu and Wang Chuantian, the supreme powerhouse of Tianjun Immortal Academy, are in a state of exuberant power. If they confront their strength head-on, only Will be reduced to cannon fodder, it is simply sent to seek death.

The best solution now is to wait for the opportunity, let Xuan Tianzu and Wang Chuantian fight to the death, and both sides will be hurt, and then catch him unawares, break the fairyland strong, cultivate the existence of the immortal physique, and move the world with every move, plus Xuantian Zu and Wang Chuantian's realm is so high, it cannot be underestimated.

There is no plan in the world that is foolproof. Ye Yun sat cross-legged in the cracks of the space, maintaining a state of balance, and began to sacrifice a Holy Spear of Light, and began to continuously bless it. The holy gun has not changed at all, like a bottomless pit.


A shocking explosion burst out of the central space. This wave, like a tsunami, suddenly exploded with the central space as the center, and rolled in all directions, destroying the power and smashing the power of space into pieces. Suddenly, Cracks appeared in the central space, and a dazzling aura rose from the cracks.

Looking at it suddenly, it looks like a broken mirror. At that moment, the aura is released from countless broken mirrors, presenting a wonderful scene of brilliance.

"What a powerful aura, comparable to the central holy place of Shenzhou Xianyuan. There is also an aura in it, which is comparable to the level of ordinary immortals. See, below are the seven spiritual veins!"

The cracks in the space were also violently affected by the explosion. The cracks swayed from side to side like distorted light. Ye Yun, who was sitting cross-legged in the sacred power of the Daqian Shentu, suddenly opened his eyes. With a sweep of light, from the shattered space, you can see the thing you have dreamed of under the space.

Under the solid space, pure spiritual energy was revealed in the broken cracks. When the spiritual light weakened, Ye Yun saw seven huge spiritual veins with a length of ten kilometers on the ancient land, forming the Big Dipper inlaid on the ground. In the earth, the roots are deep-rooted and solid as a rock.

Before Ye Yun could see clearly, the shattered space was completely healed. It turned out that Wang Chuantian, the giant of Tianjun Immortal Academy, struck out sharp palms with both palms and entered the shattered space, which seemed to activate the restriction, making the shattered cracks open. Once healed, the seven spiritual veins hidden deep in the earth disappeared in an instant.

"What a Tianjun Immortal Academy, Wang Chuantian, with your cultivation, can you stop me for a while, can you stop me for the rest of your life? Let's just give up. I only want the spirit veins. If you fight with me, you will only lose!"

In the sky above the healing space, Xuan Tianzu saw the cracks disappearing one by one, he was very unwilling, his eyes flashed with anger, but he forced a smile on his face and said to Wang Chuantian, this feeling is as casual as treating friends for many years.

Wang Chuantian is not as leisurely as he is, but treats it as a life-and-death battle: "Xuantianzu, you instigated a riot and killed many college students. You Yanjiao are now the great enemy of this college, and you will never die!"

"Don't be a saint in front of me, student? You still value the student's life? Haha, don't be joking, I don't know how many restrictions have been set by the Three Immortal Academy, and how many students have been eliminated!"

Hearing those words, Xuantianzu burst out laughing, Fangfo understood all the regulations of the Three Great Immortals very clearly: "You and I are very clear, what kind of students, what kind of human nature, in the eyes of us monks, sesame and mung beans are all Not to mention, if you are fettered by these trivial matters, how to break through the immortals and enter the Tao, the universe, the universe, the heavens, the earth and the stars, cultivation is to obliterate emotions, cut off the calamity of love, and only then can you break through the immortal way!"

"Hmph, Tianjun Immortal Academy is a well-known decent sect, and the righteous way of the world is not something that a cult like yours can blaspheme. Xuantianzu, if he knew the ending, why would he bother to provoke a powerful enemy like us?"

Wang Chuantian laughed loudly. Although he was full of benevolence and morality, he was really despicable and sinister. Compared with Xuantian Zu, who was bright, upright, sinister and cunning, Wang Chuantian's so-called righteous ways were the real evil.

He is full of righteousness and benevolence, but behind his back is deceitful and insidious. He does all kinds of evil, is selfish, and does what others do before others. This kind of person is even more hateful than a villain like Xuan Tianzu.

"Wang Chuantian, just watch, how this seat devours you and seizes the spiritual vein!"

Xuan Tianzu finally couldn't bear it any longer, and kept making mysterious magic seals with both hands. Immediately, in the depths of space and void, a piece of upright and bright fingers formed. come.

"The ax splits mountains and rivers!"

Raising the black-bright axe, Wang Chuantian released powerful true energy, which turned into a series of air blades and went against the sky. With the axe, he went up to the sky, releasing the divine power of opening up the world.

Boom boom boom!

An incomparably sharp ax blade directly broke through the finger world, but the ten thousand fingers did not stop. Except for the ruins destroyed by the ax, other forces instantly bombarded the space below.

It feels like a demon with thousands of hands, constantly waving sharp fingertips, slamming at the space, fingertips, once again scratching the space into cracks.

"Xuantianzu's power is really terrifying. With such an attack from him, even all the monks in the entire Shenzhou Continent combined would not be able to withstand this move. Even the entire continent will be severely injured. This kind of attack is no longer a mortal's method!"

"Wang Chuantian is not a simple person either. The big ax is a fairy weapon, and it is extremely aggressive. A single strike of the ax is enough to split the mainland of China into an abyss. Shatter!"

"These two masters are stronger than the other. They are a hundred times stronger than Yan Chen, Yan Chengfeng, Yelu Hongjin and other first- and second-level immortals. They may be on the same level as Yu Xuanji and Bai Wudao. ... Now that Ditian has also broken through to the Immortal Realm, with his talent, he will grow into a sturdy figure like Xuan Tianzu in the near future!"

Witnessing the fight between Xuantianzu and Wang Chuantian, two peerless powerhouses, Ye Yun felt that he was so insignificant. Any powerhouse, even 1 Ye Yuns combined, would not be an opponent. Heavenly Bow, Immortal Artifact Formation, Good Fortune Divine Fist and other extraordinary means.

Leaving aside characters like Xuantianzu and Wang Chuantian, even people like Ling Daozi and Hua Jingyu, who are first-level Immortal-breaking characters, ten Ye Yuns combined are no match for them. Gap, a giant standing in heaven, and a mortal standing on earth.

To Ye Yun, the Realm of Breaking the Immortal is still very far away. The Realm of Reaching the Heaven is a big hurdle that Ye Yun needs to pass at present. The strong, however, can fight against the strong who break the fairyland, and they won't wait to die like people in the fairyland.

Now facing such strong men as Xuan Tianzu and Wang Chuantian who are comparable to immortals, Ye Yun feels like he is in a vast ocean, and he is like a small boat. In the deep belly of the sea.

"Earth Fiend Axe!"

After a full month, Wang Chuantian was weaker than Xuantianzu in any attack. The two fought against each other no less than a thousand times in the underground space, and countless Taoism skills were wonderfully presented, but neither of them gained a clear advantage. Strong people like them , It is simply unrealistic to want to defeat the opponent in a short time.

Now, in the depths of the void, Wang Chuantian's domineering and old voice came out. Two figures flew out from the depths. Wang Chuantian was gnashing his teeth. Between the fingers, one by one shot, Wang Chuantian waved two fingers, and lightly stroked on the big axe.


A dazzling and sharp force shot out from the black-bright axe. Deep within the axe, it seemed as if some energy was awakening. The axe was trembling, and the entire space was shaking slightly.

"It seems that Wang Chuantian can't stand still, and he wants to use powerful spells to deal with Xuantianzu... It seems that the time is coming, and Li Moran is always lurking, let's fight, fight to the death!"

In the cracks in the space, Ye Yun was still refining the Holy Spear of Light. Now, this Holy Spear of Light is like a shining golden holy spear, invincible.

Ye Yun suddenly looked towards the central space, feeling the breath changing rapidly, releasing the divine light just as he saw Wang Chuantian displaying his peerless supernatural powers, he finally had a mental head, his hands also stopped condensing the Holy Spear of Light, and put it into his body.

"Wang Chuantian, since you want to die, let me show you, you and I are both the fourth-order supreme realm of Poxian, standing at the pinnacle of this world, how big is the gap between you and me!"

Facing Wang Chuantian's first show of power, Xuan Tianzu retreated [-] meters, and slightly released mysterious flames with both hands. Although this flame is not overbearing, it runs very regularly.

"Earth Fiend Cleave Axe, 36 Heavenly Balance Techniques!"

Grabbing the handle of the ax violently, Wang Chuantian struck a series of dharma seals, and the black ax in his hand released the aura of destruction and destruction. Wang Chuantian waved the ax with both hands, facing the sky from the bottom, and slashed out the ax against the sky with a force that defied the sky.


Looking around, with Wang Chuantian as the center, facing the entire void of Pingxuan Tianzu in a straight line, there was a clear and crisp sound of shattering, and there was no space change, nor any power. The vast void of stars, tens of thousands m, without any singular changes.

"It's not right... Wang Chuantian's ax is really earth-shattering, the real magical power of immortality, I feel... the whole void is shattering!"

At this moment, although there was no movement in the void, Ye Yun felt a destructive aura that was constantly extending in the cracks of the space, which could not be seen with the flesh, only with the feeling and induction.

"It is worthy of being the former master of Tianjun Immortal Academy, good means, this qigong should be realized from that immortal axe, and it is worthy of being a fourth-order powerhouse of breaking immortals!"

As the most powerful person in the Immortal Realm, Xuan Tianzu had already penetrated the secrets of the heavens, realized the magic of immortals, and mastered thousands of spells. In an instant, his expression changed instantly.


Sure enough, in the tens of thousands of meters of galaxy space, starting from Wang Chuantian's end, cracks appeared in the entire space, and the broken traces continued to extend rapidly, like lightning and thunder blasting towards Xuantianzu, the cracks that were broken The space was completely destroyed and became a series of afterglows.

Looking around, the entire space of stars turned into star marks in an instant, riddled with holes, countless space fragments turned into afterglow one by one, and finally 36 cracks appeared, like 36 giant beasts winding and entrenched, rushing fiercely To the space where Xuantianzu was.

"Awesome! It's really amazing!"

Witnessing the star marks all over the sky, Ye Yun exclaimed and praised: "The so-called opening up the world is nothing more than that, this is the real method of breaking the fairyland monk!"

Wang Chuantian chopped down tens of thousands of meters of void with one axe, destroying such a huge space matter, this method is beyond Ye Yun's reach.

"Xuantianzu, this immortal ax is extremely powerful, it is the best of the first-grade immortal weapons, and this old man's spell is also enlightened from the immortal axe. For many years, the old man has not used it, because there has never been an opponent worthy of it. I used this peerless attack spell, Xuantianzu, today is your destruction!"

Wang Chuantian stared at the world with contempt, raised the corners of his mouth into a disdainful smile, looked down at the common people from a high position, and held a huge axe. He was like an invincible god of war, making the common people fear.

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