"It is indeed very powerful. As expected of the chief executive of Tianjun Immortal Academy, Wang Chuantian, today I will let you know what is beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people!!"

"Thirty-six sky marks, what are they, a shield of melting flames!"

Xuantianzu's body was straight and steel-like. Facing the 36 huge sky marks that meandered and stretched continuously and shattered the space, he let out a big mouth suddenly, and slowly pushed out his hands, spinning mysterious flames one after another, and began to wrap his hands. On the ground, there are actually a series of fire star talismans erected.

The number of starburst talismans is increasing, and as the mysterious flames continue to increase, at this moment, in front of Xuantianzu, a shield with a diameter of one mile and composed of mysterious flames appears, and on the shield, the countless starbursts The talisman actually started to explode, releasing streams of scorching lava, which immediately covered the shield.

At first glance, the shield turned into lava, and the scorching magma flowed slowly on it. Mysterious runes were fused into the lava, telling ancient flame spells.

Chi Chi!

The huge scorching lava shield emitted scorching flames, and the flames released directly melted the space. At this moment, the 36 sky marks extended with shattered space, like a broken mirror, destructively.

bang bang bang!

The 36 skylines brought broken space, and bombarded the lava shield violently like the destruction of heaven and earth. However, the shattered 36 skylines suddenly stopped around the lava shield. Devoured, a total of 36 sky marks became 36 flame dragons.

"This... What kind of flame is this? It is impossible to exist in this world. Why can the entire space be turned into flames? Why doesn't the space burn?"

Wang Chuantian looked at this scene in shock and disbelief, his body trembling slightly. He concealed the peerless means for thousands of years, but it had no effect on Xuan Tianzu. Fight against each other, never lose.

A mysterious Yanjiao missionary suddenly appeared. Not only did he have a peerless fourth-level cultivation base, but he also possessed a mysterious method, which made Wang Chuantian speechless, especially the mysterious flame, which was not only flame, but not crazy burning. , but can fuse the space.

"This is definitely not the power of the mortal realm... completely suppressing the laws of the lower realm, this flame of will can not only dominate the space, but also absorb the space..."

Seeing this scene, Ye Yun was also surprised. The power displayed by Xuan Tianzu was completely natural, completely above the lower laws of the lower realm, and it was not suppressed by the laws of heaven and earth. These are enough to show that this power should come from the fairy world. The mysterious Yanjiao was then refined by Xuantianzu, and then absorbed the laws of the lower realm, fused to the extreme, almost balanced with the laws of the lower realm.

This kind of power is almost invincible.

This is the tyranny of the Yanjiao forces from the plane of the fairy world. A Xuantian ancestor actually possesses such power. Who knows how many strong people of this level are still under Qiu Qianshang's command.

"Wang Chuantian, in front of me, you have only one dead end, there is no way out, let me show you, what is peerless power, merged with the swastika!"

Xuan Tianzu suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed, one after another mysterious mantra power began to inject blessings into the 36 flames, and in an instant, the 36 flames merged into the entire space, and the 36 flames disappeared instantly, and the entire space suddenly disappeared. Turning into countless flames, it moved directly towards Wang Chuantian, and then suddenly wrapped.


At the moment of space movement, Wang Chuantian felt that this supernatural power was no longer something he could compete with. To move space, only Ye Yun with the Great Thousand God Map could do it.

Wang Chuantian wanted to fly out from the moment surrounded by the moving space, but the entire scorching space was moving, coupled with the fast speed, and the powerful oppressive force, so that Wang Chuantian had no time to escape, and was melted by the high temperature. Surrounded by an instrument-like space.

Moreover, after the space was closed and surrounded, it actually began to take the form of lava, and the huge space turned into a dazzling sea of ​​hot lava.

In the cracks in the space, Ye Yun was sweating profusely, and his heart beat faster: "It seems that this Wang Chuantian will peel off his skin even if he is not dead. This move of Xuan Tianzu completely kills him!"

"Tianjun strike!"

Suddenly, the lava space shook violently, and the entire underground space was shaken at this moment. The dazzling, burning lava space erupted with a dazzling ancient sacred red light.

Sheng Hong's light was like a big hand, directly tearing open the lava space, grabbing a big hole, and then, the entire lava space was swallowed inch by inch by Sheng Hong's light, disintegrated, and riddled with holes, and Wang Chuantian screamed, the whole person felt like The sharp sword directly ascended to the sky from the big hole.

Xuan Tianzu's pupils were condensed into a gloomy light, his brows were frowned, he was quite astonished, and suddenly sneered: "Wang Chuantian, I knew you would not be easily defeated. Could it be that the spell just now is the most powerful in Tianjun Immortal Academy? Is it the 'Tianjun Zhenyuandao' of the real fairy-level qigong?"

"It is indeed the most advanced Taoism in this academy. Tianjun Zhenyuan Dao is only qualified to practice at the master level. How about it, your unworldly magic is nothing in front of the highest qigong in this academy!"

Completely releasing the miraculous move, disintegrating Xuantianzu's strange supernatural powers, Wang Chuantian was full of pride, high-spirited, much younger than Fangfo, he swung the immortal axe, injected the mysterious magic seal into it again, and was ready to launch an attack.

"Tianjun Zhenyuandao is indeed one of the top qigong in the Taixing plane and even in the entire lower realm. Wang Chuantian, it seems that I really underestimated you, but I will let you bow your head and bow your head to fate!"

In the violent lava space that disintegrated, mysterious flames formed into talismans again, which were absorbed by Xuantianzu's lava shield.

"Tianjun Zhenyuan Dao... Tianjun Immortal Academy actually has this peerless qigong, only the master can practice it. It seems that Tianjun Zhenyuan Dao is not only a fairy-level qigong, but also a very extraordinary qigong!"

Tianjun Immortal Academy has stood on the Taixing plane for millions of years, and its history is even longer than that of the Emperor Tai. It is conceivable that to be able to stand for so many years, there must be a powerful means.

Ye Yun is confident that he also knows Tianjun Xianyuan very well, but now he has never heard of Tianjun Zhenyuan Dao, even Li Moran has never heard of it. It seems that Tianjun Zhenyuan Dao has only real giants who break the fairyland. For example, Yu Yunlan, Yu Xuanji, and Bai Wudao are qualified to know.

Moreover, Ye Yun also believed that Tianjun Immortal Academy could compete with Shenzhou Immortal Academy and Gutuo Immortal Academy for so long, and that Yiding still has many unique methods unknown to the world.

"Xuantianzu, just now the 36 Tianheng techniques can't help you, now try this move..."

"Earth Fiend Cleave Axe, 72 Heavenly Balance Techniques!"

Although Wang Chuantian was not at a disadvantage, he was consuming a lot of true energy in cracking Xuantianzu's strange lava space. It seemed that Tianjun Zhenyuandao's qigong required strong and thick true energy to cultivate.

During the breath, Wang Chuantian was a little out of breath, his breath was extremely uneven, but at this moment, he burst into an astonishing momentum again, and countless true qi poured into the fairy axe, and the ancient mantras appeared in the fairy axe, one after another The fairy pattern was released and penetrated into the depths of the space.

"Earth Fiend Cleave Axe's 36 Heavenly Balance Techniques are so powerful, and now Wang Chuantian has performed 72 Heavenly Balance Techniques... This will definitely shake the world!"

The tyrannical aura emanating from the immortal ax made Ye Yun, who was hiding in the cracked space, uncontrollably release even more powerful true energy to protect his surroundings.


In that entire space, cracks appeared again, one after another, the entire space cracked open instantly, and 72 shattered sky marks appeared.

"It is indeed very powerful, but, Wang Chuantian, the qigong I practice is definitely beyond your imagination. I will let you completely give up resistance and melt!"

When 72 shocking skylines appeared in the void, the breaking speed was about to attack the space where Xuantianzu was. He suddenly pushed out the lava shield and turned it into a series of fire talismans. into the depths of space.

"Now the two will fight endlessly, whoever is weaker will be beheaded by the other party!"

Ye Yun was always prepared, in the next fight between Xuantianzu and Wang Chuantian, it would definitely be a shocking match, and the opportunity was in the blink of an eye.

"The heavens and the earth are for my use!"

Xuan Tianzu stood in front of the entire 72 skylines that were rapidly shattering, and suddenly released dazzling flames from his body. The flames instantly spread and shattered the void. Before the 72 skylines arrived at all, all the skylines stopped with the scorching space .


This time, Xuan Tianzu deflected Wang Chuantian's attack which was ten times more violent, and he finished it with just one breath, and, standing on the peak, he punched directly at the frozen 72 flame space, and with a violent explosion, the whole Space is reduced to fragments.


Teng Teng Teng... Wang Chuantian couldn't help it suddenly, he was shocked by the shattering aura and retreated again and again. When his body stopped for a moment, he had no choice but to protrude a stream of blood, but he immediately released the deep true energy, blocking Xuantian Zu's powerful energy aura around him, Then he flipped the immortal axe, destroying all momentum domineeringly.

"Wang Chuantian, go to hell, it's all up to you!"

When Xuan Tianzu saw Wang Chuantian vomiting blood, he knew that Wang Chuantian had suffered a certain injury. He immediately opened his mouth and inhaled, instantly solidifying all the flame fragments, which were as long as [-] meters in the void, completely controlled by Xuan Tianzu. His eyes widened and he was about to shatter. , and squirted at Wang Chuantian.


Ten thousand meters of vast and shattered flame void, at this moment condensed into a big flame hand with five fingers spread out, and as Xuantianzu opened his mouth to spray, he instantly suppressed Wang Chuantian.

"Tiangang 36 sky marks, supreme defense!"

Swinging the immortal axe, Wang Chuantian faced the oppressive flaming five-fingered hands of heaven and earth, and immediately slashed a series of powerful axes into the void. A series of heaven and earth qi were shot out, and along with the axes, a group of qi formed, and then turned into a The light curtain is getting thicker and thicker.

And at this moment, the Huoyan five-fingered hand directly suppressed the light curtain.

chug chug...boom boom boom

Huoyan's big hand directly bombarded and suppressed the Gang Qi light curtain, and continued to suppress it. The powerful force, like the collapse of the sky, oppressed everything, and the pressure made the Gang Qi light curtain sink continuously. As for Wang Chuantian inside the light curtain, He didn't know whether he was dead or alive, under such a powerful attack from Xuantianzu, even if he didn't die, he would be plucked into skin.


When the radiance of the stellar energy was suppressed above the stable and firm space of the space, the entire space, like a mirror, shattered instantly, revealing seven spiritual veins and the endless underground world.

"Haha, I didn't get it in the end, Wang Chuantian, when I get the seven spiritual veins, it's time to completely kill you!"

When Xuan Tianzu saw the broken seven spiritual veins, he spread his arms, like a falcon, and threw himself down.

"Tiangangdisha, one hundred and eight sky marks, let them all be shattered!"

At the moment when Xuantian Zu flew up, within the light curtain of stellar energy that had been completely suppressed by Huoyan's five fingers, a force that tore apart the sky suddenly burst out, and the cracks directly shattered Huoyan's five-fingered hand, crushing all Huoyan, Moreover, one hundred and eight sky marks appeared.

One hundred and eight skylines rushed out angrily like a beast, completely tearing and destroying the space, like one hundred and eight big hands, directly grabbing Xuantianzu.

A black shadow suddenly turned back in the void, it was Xuantian Zu who was about to fly into the underground world to snatch the seven spiritual veins, he was so angry that he gritted his teeth and flew into a rage: "It's really hard to deal with, Wang Chuantian, you still have a chance to survive, but you still have a chance to live?" If you dare to resist, you are looking for death, and I will send you to hell!"


"The powerful seal that seals the underground world can't be opened at all with my strength. Even if I use the Great Thousand God Map to enter, it is also very dangerous. When Wang Chuantian finds out, it will activate the prohibition. The entire space formation will be a big explosion. There is no dregs left!"

"The Burial Bow!"

Ye Yun stood up suddenly, sent a message to Li Moran at the first time, and then grabbed it with his backhand, and a ten-foot long burial bow appeared in his right hand, and then, a golden holy light ten feet long that had been condensed for several days The gun suddenly appeared, and was thrown into the mouth of the funeral bow by Ye Yun.

Now, the space of the sealed seven spirit vein formations is completely destroyed under the powerful power of Xuantianzu. This is the best moment. Before long, Wang Chuantian will use the restraint to repair the formations. At that time, he wants to win the seven without a sound. Spiritual veins are almost impossible.

The destructive breath of the Burial Sky Bow is continuously added to the Holy Light Spear. A huge force wants to shoot the Holy Light Spear. Once it is fired, the Holy Light Spear that combines the Divine Light of Taiyi and the ninth-grade fairy weapon of the Sky Burial Bow itself is powerful. how big.

"Death to me!"

Extremely angry Xuantianzu, facing Wang Chuantian's most powerful attack, sacrificed a destructive talisman. This talisman contained mysterious black and bright flames, and it shot out towards Wang Chuantian instantly.

"This is the time!"

Ye Yun suddenly stepped into the underground space and appeared behind Xuantianzu, and in front of Xuantianzu was Wang Chuantian. Three points formed a line. The Holy Spear of Light shot out, and then, Ye Yun disappeared!

"What breath!"

Xuan Tianzu just shot out the fire talisman that sealed the powerful power, suddenly, he felt hairs on his back, this feeling, like someone holding a knife behind his back to stab him.

He turned around abruptly, and suddenly stared at a ray of sacred golden light, which pierced through the void and directly annihilated the figure of Xuantian Zu, and then shot toward Wang Chuantian with a rainbow piercing the sun. "It is indeed very powerful. As expected of the chief executive of Tianjun Immortal Academy, Wang Chuantian, today I will let you know what is beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people!!"

"Thirty-six sky marks, what are they, a shield of melting flames!"

Xuantianzu's body was straight and steel-like. Facing the 36 huge sky marks that meandered and stretched continuously and shattered the space, he let out a big mouth suddenly, and slowly pushed out his hands, spinning mysterious flames one after another, and began to wrap his hands. On the ground, there are actually a series of fire star talismans erected.

The number of starburst talismans is increasing, and as the mysterious flames continue to increase, at this moment, in front of Xuantianzu, a shield with a diameter of one mile and composed of mysterious flames appears, and on the shield, the countless starbursts The talisman actually started to explode, releasing streams of scorching lava, which immediately covered the shield.

At first glance, the shield turned into lava, and the scorching magma flowed slowly on it. Mysterious runes were fused into the lava, telling ancient flame spells.

Chi Chi!

The huge scorching lava shield emitted scorching flames, and the flames released directly melted the space. At this moment, the 36 sky marks extended with shattered space, like a broken mirror, destructively.

bang bang bang!

The 36 skylines brought broken space, and bombarded the lava shield violently like the destruction of heaven and earth. However, the shattered 36 skylines suddenly stopped around the lava shield. Devoured, a total of 36 sky marks became 36 flame dragons.

"This... What kind of flame is this? It is impossible to exist in this world. Why can the entire space be turned into flames? Why doesn't the space burn?"

Wang Chuantian looked at this scene in shock and disbelief, his body trembling slightly. He concealed the peerless means for thousands of years, but it had no effect on Xuan Tianzu. Fight against each other, never lose.

A mysterious Yanjiao missionary suddenly appeared. Not only did he have a peerless fourth-level cultivation base, but he also possessed a mysterious method, which made Wang Chuantian speechless, especially the mysterious flame, which was not only flame, but not crazy burning. , but can fuse the space.

"This is definitely not the power of the mortal realm... completely suppressing the laws of the lower realm, this flame of will can not only dominate the space, but also absorb the space..."

Seeing this scene, Ye Yun was also surprised. The power displayed by Xuan Tianzu was completely natural, completely above the lower laws of the lower realm, and it was not suppressed by the laws of heaven and earth. These are enough to show that this power should come from the fairy world. The mysterious Yanjiao was then refined by Xuantianzu, and then absorbed the laws of the lower realm, fused to the extreme, almost balanced with the laws of the lower realm.

This kind of power is almost invincible.

This is the tyranny of the Yanjiao forces from the plane of the fairy world. A Xuantian ancestor actually possesses such power. Who knows how many strong people of this level are still under Qiu Qianshang's command.

"Wang Chuantian, in front of me, you have only one dead end, there is no way out, let me show you, what is peerless power, merged with the swastika!"

Xuan Tianzu suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed, one after another mysterious mantra power began to inject blessings into the 36 flames, and in an instant, the 36 flames merged into the entire space, and the 36 flames disappeared instantly, and the entire space suddenly disappeared. Turning into countless flames, it moved directly towards Wang Chuantian, and then suddenly wrapped.


At the moment of space movement, Wang Chuantian felt that this supernatural power was no longer something he could compete with. To move space, only Ye Yun with the Great Thousand God Map could do it.

Wang Chuantian wanted to fly out from the moment surrounded by the moving space, but the entire scorching space was moving, coupled with the fast speed, and the powerful oppressive force, so that Wang Chuantian had no time to escape, and was melted by the high temperature. Surrounded by an instrument-like space.

Moreover, after the space was closed and surrounded, it actually began to take the form of lava, and the huge space turned into a dazzling sea of ​​hot lava.

In the cracks in the space, Ye Yun was sweating profusely, and his heart beat faster: "It seems that this Wang Chuantian will peel off his skin even if he is not dead. This move of Xuan Tianzu completely kills him!"

"Tianjun strike!"

Suddenly, the lava space shook violently, and the entire underground space was shaken at this moment. The dazzling, burning lava space erupted with a dazzling ancient sacred red light.

Sheng Hong's light was like a big hand, directly tearing open the lava space, grabbing a big hole, and then, the entire lava space was swallowed inch by inch by Sheng Hong's light, disintegrated, and riddled with holes, and Wang Chuantian screamed, the whole person felt like The sharp sword directly ascended to the sky from the big hole.

Xuan Tianzu's pupils were condensed into a gloomy light, his brows were frowned, he was quite astonished, and suddenly sneered: "Wang Chuantian, I knew you would not be easily defeated. Could it be that the spell just now is the most powerful in Tianjun Immortal Academy? Is it the 'Tianjun Zhenyuandao' of the real fairy-level qigong?"

"It is indeed the most advanced Taoism in this academy. Tianjun Zhenyuan Dao is only qualified to practice at the master level. How about it, your unworldly magic is nothing in front of the highest qigong in this academy!"

Completely releasing the miraculous move, disintegrating Xuantianzu's strange supernatural powers, Wang Chuantian was full of pride, high-spirited, much younger than Fangfo, he swung the immortal axe, injected the mysterious magic seal into it again, and was ready to launch an attack.

"Tianjun Zhenyuandao is indeed one of the top qigong in the Taixing plane and even in the entire lower realm. Wang Chuantian, it seems that I really underestimated you, but I will let you bow your head and bow your head to fate!"

In the violent lava space that disintegrated, mysterious flames formed into talismans again, which were absorbed by Xuantianzu's lava shield.

"Tianjun Zhenyuan Dao... Tianjun Immortal Academy actually has this peerless qigong, only the master can practice it. It seems that Tianjun Zhenyuan Dao is not only a fairy-level qigong, but also a very extraordinary qigong!"

Tianjun Immortal Academy has stood on the Taixing plane for millions of years, and its history is even longer than that of the Emperor Tai. It is conceivable that to be able to stand for so many years, there must be a powerful means.

Ye Yun is confident that he also knows Tianjun Xianyuan very well, but now he has never heard of Tianjun Zhenyuan Dao, even Li Moran has never heard of it. It seems that Tianjun Zhenyuan Dao has only real giants who break the fairyland. For example, Yu Yunlan, Yu Xuanji, and Bai Wudao are qualified to know.

Moreover, Ye Yun also believed that Tianjun Immortal Academy could compete with Shenzhou Immortal Academy and Gutuo Immortal Academy for so long, and that Yiding still has many unique methods unknown to the world.

"Xuantianzu, just now the 36 Tianheng techniques can't help you, now try this move..."

"Earth Fiend Cleave Axe, 72 Heavenly Balance Techniques!"

Although Wang Chuantian was not at a disadvantage, he was consuming a lot of true energy in cracking Xuantianzu's strange lava space. It seemed that Tianjun Zhenyuandao's qigong required strong and thick true energy to cultivate.

During the breath, Wang Chuantian was a little out of breath, his breath was extremely uneven, but at this moment, he burst into an astonishing momentum again, and countless true qi poured into the fairy axe, and the ancient mantras appeared in the fairy axe, one after another The fairy pattern was released and penetrated into the depths of the space.

"Earth Fiend Cleave Axe's 36 Heavenly Balance Techniques are so powerful, and now Wang Chuantian has performed 72 Heavenly Balance Techniques... This will definitely shake the world!"

The tyrannical aura emanating from the immortal ax made Ye Yun, who was hiding in the cracked space, uncontrollably release even more powerful true energy to protect his surroundings.


In that entire space, cracks appeared again, one after another, the entire space cracked open instantly, and 72 shattered sky marks appeared.

"It is indeed very powerful, but, Wang Chuantian, the qigong I practice is definitely beyond your imagination. I will let you completely give up resistance and melt!"

When 72 shocking skylines appeared in the void, the breaking speed was about to attack the space where Xuantianzu was. He suddenly pushed out the lava shield and turned it into a series of fire talismans. into the depths of space.

"Now the two will fight endlessly, whoever is weaker will be beheaded by the other party!"

Ye Yun was always prepared, in the next fight between Xuantianzu and Wang Chuantian, it would definitely be a shocking match, and the opportunity was in the blink of an eye.

"The heavens and the earth are for my use!"

Xuan Tianzu stood in front of the entire 72 skylines that were rapidly shattering, and suddenly released dazzling flames from his body. The flames instantly spread and shattered the void. Before the 72 skylines arrived at all, all the skylines stopped with the scorching space .


This time, Xuan Tianzu deflected Wang Chuantian's attack which was ten times more violent, and he finished it with just one breath, and, standing on the peak, he punched directly at the frozen 72 flame space, and with a violent explosion, the whole Space is reduced to fragments.


Teng Teng Teng... Wang Chuantian couldn't help it suddenly, he was shocked by the shattering aura and retreated again and again. When his body stopped for a moment, he had no choice but to protrude a stream of blood, but he immediately released the deep true energy, blocking Xuantian Zu's powerful energy aura around him, Then he flipped the immortal axe, destroying all momentum domineeringly.

"Wang Chuantian, go to hell, it's all up to you!"

When Xuan Tianzu saw Wang Chuantian vomiting blood, he knew that Wang Chuantian had suffered a certain injury. He immediately opened his mouth and inhaled, instantly solidifying all the flame fragments, which were as long as [-] meters in the void, completely controlled by Xuan Tianzu. His eyes widened and he was about to shatter. , and squirted at Wang Chuantian.


Ten thousand meters of vast and shattered flame void, at this moment condensed into a big flame hand with five fingers spread out, and as Xuantianzu opened his mouth to spray, he instantly suppressed Wang Chuantian.

"Tiangang 36 sky marks, supreme defense!"

Swinging the immortal axe, Wang Chuantian faced the oppressive flaming five-fingered hands of heaven and earth, and immediately slashed a series of powerful axes into the void. A series of heaven and earth qi were shot out, and along with the axes, a group of qi formed, and then turned into a The light curtain is getting thicker and thicker.

And at this moment, the Huoyan five-fingered hand directly suppressed the light curtain.

chug chug...boom boom boom

Huoyan's big hand directly bombarded and suppressed the Gang Qi light curtain, and continued to suppress it. The powerful force, like the collapse of the sky, oppressed everything, and the pressure made the Gang Qi light curtain sink continuously. As for Wang Chuantian inside the light curtain, He didn't know whether he was dead or alive, under such a powerful attack from Xuantianzu, even if he didn't die, he would be plucked into skin.


When the radiance of the stellar energy was suppressed above the stable and firm space of the space, the entire space, like a mirror, shattered instantly, revealing seven spiritual veins and the endless underground world.

"Haha, I didn't get it in the end, Wang Chuantian, when I get the seven spiritual veins, it's time to completely kill you!"

When Xuan Tianzu saw the broken seven spiritual veins, he spread his arms, like a falcon, and threw himself down.

"Tiangangdisha, one hundred and eight sky marks, let them all be shattered!"

At the moment when Xuantian Zu flew up, within the light curtain of stellar energy that had been completely suppressed by Huoyan's five fingers, a force that tore apart the sky suddenly burst out, and the cracks directly shattered Huoyan's five-fingered hand, crushing all Huoyan, Moreover, one hundred and eight sky marks appeared.

One hundred and eight skylines rushed out angrily like a beast, completely tearing and destroying the space, like one hundred and eight big hands, directly grabbing Xuantianzu.

A black shadow suddenly turned back in the void, it was Xuantian Zu who was about to fly into the underground world to snatch the seven spiritual veins, he was so angry that he gritted his teeth and flew into a rage: "It's really hard to deal with, Wang Chuantian, you still have a chance to survive, but you still have a chance to live?" If you dare to resist, you are looking for death, and I will send you to hell!"


"The powerful seal that seals the underground world can't be opened at all with my strength. Even if I use the Great Thousand God Map to enter, it is also very dangerous. When Wang Chuantian finds out, it will activate the prohibition. The entire space formation will be a big explosion. There is no dregs left!"

"The Burial Bow!"

Ye Yun stood up suddenly, sent a message to Li Moran at the first time, and then grabbed it with his backhand, and a ten-foot long burial bow appeared in his right hand, and then, a golden holy light ten feet long that had been condensed for several days The gun suddenly appeared, and was thrown into the mouth of the funeral bow by Ye Yun.

Now, the space of the sealed seven spirit vein formations is completely destroyed under the powerful power of Xuantianzu. This is the best moment. Before long, Wang Chuantian will use the restraint to repair the formations. At that time, he wants to win the seven without a sound. Spiritual veins are almost impossible.

The destructive breath of the Burial Sky Bow is continuously added to the Holy Light Spear. A huge force wants to shoot the Holy Light Spear. Once it is fired, the Holy Light Spear that combines the Divine Light of Taiyi and the ninth-grade fairy weapon of the Sky Burial Bow itself is powerful. how big.

"Death to me!"

Extremely angry Xuantianzu, facing Wang Chuantian's most powerful attack, sacrificed a destructive talisman. This talisman contained mysterious black and bright flames, and it shot out towards Wang Chuantian instantly.

"This is the time!"

Ye Yun suddenly stepped into the underground space and appeared behind Xuantianzu, and in front of Xuantianzu was Wang Chuantian. Three points formed a line. The Holy Spear of Light shot out, and then, Ye Yun disappeared!

"What breath!"

Xuan Tianzu just shot out the fire talisman that sealed the powerful power, suddenly, he felt hairs on his back, this feeling, like someone holding a knife behind his back to stab him.

He turned around abruptly, and suddenly stared at a ray of sacred golden light, which pierced through the void and directly annihilated the figure of Xuantian Zu, and then shot toward Wang Chuantian with a rainbow piercing the sun.

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