The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 318 The Descendants of God

Princess Shengtian's words from the bottom of her heart really penetrated into their hearts.

For tens of thousands of years, the Shengtian Dynasty had been so prosperous, powerful, and famous, but under the slowly swallowed and weathered by the storm of the plane, even the giant Shengtian Dynasty began to sink.

How many ancestors of the dynasty, generation after generation, worked for the welfare of the future descendants of the Shengtian Starfield, so that the descendants would have a future and not go to a dead end.

In the heart that has been imprisoned for many years, the words of Princess Shengtian seem to have the power of incitement and magic. There are so many wild monks present, no longer divided into dynasties, tribes, commoners, and nobles. Now they only want to live for the next generation. Go on, there is no way to survive, and you will never give up.

The shackles of the seal were all released at this moment.

Countless dynasty monks, elders, and common people burst into tears in an instant, hugging each other, crying, happy, excited and reluctant.

"We want to live, live well!"

Represented by the elders, the tens of thousands of people in the dynasty immediately looked at Princess Shengtian, this slender woman, the master in their hearts, completely dedicated their beliefs to her, and dedicated their hearts without reservation.

"Boss...I have a deep understanding of this desire to break through the shackles. How many grievances are buried in this star field. As the storm of the plane moves away, the grievances of thousands of years will turn into a driving force. Strength can be used to advance to the mainland!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly remembered that he was suppressed in the ancient continent, how many years had passed, and the days when the sky and the earth could not be seen in darkness, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable gritted his teeth with hatred when he thought of it.

"My vassals, my relatives, now, I will hand over the control of the Shengtian Dynasty to the new king!" Princess Shengtian sacrificed a seal in front of the heavens and all the people of the dynasty, and there were lines of ancient souls on it. , guarding the decree, closely connected with the entire Holy Sky Starfield.

"Wait a minute!"

Suddenly, when Princess Shengtian was about to hand over the power to Ye Yun, when all the people of the dynasty were really looking forward to this moment, a thunderous, earth-shattering roar came domineeringly from the depths of the dynasty star.

When everyone heard this voice, they all trembled in fear, and their eyes appeared terrified.


About forty giant warriors flew aggressively towards the ruins of the ancient city, and there were thousands of normal human monks behind them. Among the giant warriors, there was a middle-aged giant king who was ten feet tall.

This king, sitting on a throne inlaid with the bones of ancient giant beasts, is flying in the air. The giant king's hands are squared on both sides, he is wearing a helmet, and he is wearing a golden battle armor. This is an extraordinary set. Immortal artifacts, moreover, the giant king's cultivation base is very deep, and it is much stronger than some elders as a whole.

The giant king, Fang Buddha, has great prestige. As soon as he came, all the people of the dynasty dared not speak loudly, but many guards formed a human wall and began to intercept the giant team.

"See Holy King!"

Although he was afraid of the giant king, all the people and guards still bowed to him. It seemed that the status of the giant king was very high in the dynasty.

"This giant's body genes are more pure than those of ordinary giants like Fang Hong, so he can evolve faster, and he is born with supernatural power. If it wasn't for the exhaustion of the aura in the Holy Sky Starfield, this person's tenth-level cultivation base and the giant's natural supernatural power , Absolutely surpass Ling Daozi, Hua Jingyu and those first-order Poxian experts!"

With the appearance of the giant warrior, Ye Yun didn't react much, and remained calm. His eyes kept falling on the giant king, which surprised Ye Yun. The king in front of him could actually wake up his body's genes by himself. not simple.

What's more, with a tenth-level cultivation base, even in the Taixing plane, he can be regarded as a supreme being. With the natural power of the giants and the descendants of the gods, the strength is even more terrifying.

At this time, Fang Hong stepped forward and introduced to Ye Yun: "Master, this giant king is the patriarch of our standing royal family. Fang Sheng is also a member of our human race. He was born earlier and belongs to the giant generation." The longest character, usually, we have to listen to his orders, and he is the orphan of the previous generation of elders, and he has a high status in the dynasty, comparable to the elders. In addition, standing in the royal family, he has always been the most powerful weapon of the dynasty. He has won many people Acknowledge, follow!"

"So that's how it is!" After Fang Hong's explanation, Ye Yun understood why the people of the dynasty were so jealous and passionate about the giant king Fang Sheng.

The strong are respected everywhere.

"Princess Shengtian, you actually united with outsiders to occupy the relics left by the invaders. You are not filial, you are not from the dynasty, and you are even more unworthy to be a dynasty princess!"

The giant Fang Sheng had nearly 10 people in front of the dynasty, and he didn't give the Princess Shengtian anything. Elders, try your best to stop them, your wolfish ambitions are clearly revealed, now, Princess Shengtian is connecting with outsiders, colluding with the elders, and wants to use the power of foreigners to control everyone and make you slaves!"

"Slaves! Let's not be slaves!"

A large number of people and soldiers began to cheer and shout together with the militants of the station royal family, opposing the rule of Princess Shengtian and the elders.

Standing in the void, Princess Shengtian looked down at the giant Fang Sheng, and looked at those excited vassals. Princess Shengtian began to persuade: "Holy King, haven't you discovered that the Shengtian Starfield has changed, this king , the plane storm has been removed, our holy sky star field will slowly recover, we will multiply again in this star field left by our ancestors, and walk on the road to revival!"

"Only by them..."

The corners of his mouth curled up, and a disdainful smile was wiped away. Fang Sheng's eyes lingered on Ye Yun and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable for less than three seconds, and he immediately stood up, reaching a height of ten feet: "The plane storm has indeed changed its position. , and the way of heaven is open, the way of heaven is the blessing of our ancestors, don't believe Princess Shengtian's one-sided words, she is a traitor, the real traitor, damn it!"

"Wang, let's take down Princess Shengtian now, imprison her, and leave here with the king!"

The two giants came out suddenly. Their bodies were also four to five feet high. Compared with Fang Hong's twenty or so giants, they seemed to have more extraordinary divine power.

"Whoever dares to hurt the master today will die!"

Fang Hong and more than twenty giant warriors, ten feet tall, suddenly flew out and intercepted in the void. Each of them was extremely tall, and their bodies contained a supreme aura. As soon as they appeared, this aura was released and swept the world.

The other party came out of a giant who was nearly fifty years old. He looked quite tall and looked at Fang Hong and the others in shock. His eyes were full of incredulity: "Fang juniors, why did your body genes become so pure? ?”

Fang Hong saluted respectfully, and then said loudly: "My clansmen, this master, named Ye Yun, comes from an alien domain. It is his power that wakes us up, and he also told us the origin of the giant clan!"

"What? He knows the origin of our giant race?"

At this time, from the ancient territory of Dynasty Star, a series of sleeping ancient voices suddenly appeared, and then giants appeared. There were nearly a hundred of these giants, and most of them were 60 to [-] years old. woman.

Although these old giants are huge, they are skinny, their muscles have disappeared, and they are only covered with a piece of human skin. They are just a group of desperate giants waiting to die, and they are the longest of the giant family.

"Who knows the origin of our giant family, please tell the old man?"

Suddenly, a shocking voice shook the sky and even the entire planet. As soon as this voice came out, all the giants respected it, and all the people of the dynasty knelt down, including giants like Fang Hong. Fang Sheng also said without hesitation. Kneel down, and finally, even Princess Shengtian also knelt down.

"Welcome to the Patriarch of the Battle Emperor!"

All the people saluted with great reverence toward the distance and the depths.

"Get up, the old man has already stepped half of his foot into the loess..."

A meteorite slowly flew out of a wonderful space in the vast territory behind Dynasty Star. Above the meteorite sat a white-haired giant in a rotting coarse cloth. He sat alone on the meteorite, slightly closed. Eyes squinted, hands limply on his knees, like a living dead.

I don't know how long he has been sleeping. This giant old man has no vitality in his body. There is only a little skin left in his whole body, and even his white hair is rotting little by little.

The giant old man was greeted by tens of thousands of people from afar, and slowly flew towards him. He didn't open his eyes, but his body didn't move. A vicissitudes of life came out of his body: "My descendants of giants are luckier than their ancestors!" , the body genes actually wake up..."

"Patriarch Zhanhuang, I am your descendant, Fang Hong, I met this master, he told us the origin of the giant race, his power, let my body genes awaken and transform!"

The giant Fang Hong raised his head tremblingly with great excitement, and said to the old man.

The misty voice of the ancestor of the war emperor came out slowly: "Young man, I feel that there is indeed an aura in you that can revive our giant genes. Please tell me, please tell us the countless gods of the giant race. Our giant race comes from Where, where in the future!"

That void voice was extremely desolate, vicissitudes, and loneliness. Ye Yun moved and looked at Chi Yun Mozun: "Chi Yun, tell them, you know these things better than me!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable nodded slightly. Although he is an immortal emperor, a Demon Venerable, a supreme powerhouse who once stood at the apex of the Immortal World, he took a step slowly and faced the Patriarch Zhanhuang. The momentum was still nothing, and he slowly looked towards the sky: "The giant race is a huge race that existed in the age of the gods according to legend. Unfortunately, in that era, I don't know what happened. Countless ancient gods fell, and countless gods disappeared... According to According to the ancient books of the fairy world, you giants are the descendants of gods. You are the real gods. There are gods in your body. Once your genes are fully awakened, the blood of the gods in your body will also be awakened. Then , you will find the supreme existence of your giant race, as descendants of gods, your giant race will not easily disappear into the long river of history!"

"Descendants of God!"

All the giant warriors stood up in an instant. Their tall bodies stood upright, each with the momentum to pierce the sky. Their blood was surging and rhythmic with the sky and the earth.

"It turns out... our giants are descendants of gods, from the age of ancient mythology..."

The war emperor, who was covered in ashes, slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were completely dark, without eyeballs, and lost their light. He slowly spoke: "The stars in the universe, the heavens and the earth... My ancestors, I and I The clansmen of the clan are actually descendants of the age of mythology. We... Countless ancestors, have you heard... Young man, thank you, you are indeed the king of the giant clan, you are the one chosen by the greatest god of our giant clan, you Your power, let me get the decree of the gods, you will lead the giants to glory... Thank you!"



The moment the Emperor of War finished speaking, he smiled, and a mysterious luster appeared in those empty and dark pupils. Unfortunately, his body made a sound of breaking, and then flames gushed out from the body of the Emperor of War, and began to burn from the inside out.

"The Emperor of War...has fallen!"

All the people in the Shengtian Dynasty, seeing the war emperor who was gradually turning into ashes in the burning, were heartbroken and cried loudly, especially the warriors of the giant clan, who were more lost and hurt than one another.

"Such a giant who broke the fairyland... was imprisoned alive and died of old age..."

Seeing this scene, Ye Yun was also quite moved. The giant, who has cultivated to break through the fairyland, has such incredible strength. How desolate it is for such a strong man to die of old age under the oppression of the realm.


Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly looked at the sky of Dynasty Star, as if he could see through the boundless stars, and immediately said to Ye Yun: "No, it turns out that the Dynasty Star Crystal Wall System was independently supported by the War Emperor. Now that the War Emperor has fallen, the crystal wall system also Lost power, now the crystal wall system is shattering, once it is completely shattered, all living things on the entire dynasty star will be obliterated by the power of the starry sky, and no grass will grow!"

"No grass grows!"

At this moment, Ye Yun also felt the star power of Dynasty Star, and a large number of Dynasty Star's original power was disappearing, which meant that the crystal wall system protecting the planet was disappearing.

"Please save us!"

All the people in the Holy Sky Starfield heard the conversation between Chiyun Demon Venerable and Ye Yun, and now they also saw starry sky storms appearing on the top of the sky. Although they are not as good as plane storms, they can also destroy everything. Tens of thousands of people, at this moment, were powerless to resist, and they all looked at Ye Yun and Chiyun Mozun in fear and eagerness.

How many planets in the holy sky star field, and even the entire star field, were destroyed little by little like this.Princess Shengtian's words from the bottom of her heart really penetrated into their hearts.

For tens of thousands of years, the Shengtian Dynasty had been so prosperous, powerful, and famous, but under the slowly swallowed and weathered by the storm of the plane, even the giant Shengtian Dynasty began to sink.

How many ancestors of the dynasty, generation after generation, worked for the welfare of the future descendants of the Shengtian Starfield, so that the descendants would have a future and not go to a dead end.

In the heart that has been imprisoned for many years, the words of Princess Shengtian seem to have the power of incitement and magic. There are so many wild monks present, no longer divided into dynasties, tribes, commoners, and nobles. Now they only want to live for the next generation. Go on, there is no way to survive, and you will never give up.

The shackles of the seal were all released at this moment.

Countless dynasty monks, elders, and common people burst into tears in an instant, hugging each other, crying, happy, excited and reluctant.

"We want to live, live well!"

Represented by the elders, the tens of thousands of people in the dynasty immediately looked at Princess Shengtian, this slender woman, the master in their hearts, completely dedicated their beliefs to her, and dedicated their hearts without reservation.

"Boss...I have a deep understanding of this desire to break through the shackles. How many grievances are buried in this star field. As the storm of the plane moves away, the grievances of thousands of years will turn into a driving force. Strength can be used to advance to the mainland!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly remembered that he was suppressed in the ancient continent, how many years had passed, and the days when the sky and the earth could not be seen in darkness, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable gritted his teeth with hatred when he thought of it.

"My vassals, my relatives, now, I will hand over the control of the Shengtian Dynasty to the new king!" Princess Shengtian sacrificed a seal in front of the heavens and all the people of the dynasty, and there were lines of ancient souls on it. , guarding the decree, closely connected with the entire Holy Sky Starfield.

"Wait a minute!"

Suddenly, when Princess Shengtian was about to hand over the power to Ye Yun, when all the people of the dynasty were really looking forward to this moment, a thunderous, earth-shattering roar came domineeringly from the depths of the dynasty star.

When everyone heard this voice, they all trembled in fear, and their eyes appeared terrified.


About forty giant warriors flew aggressively towards the ruins of the ancient city, and there were thousands of normal human monks behind them. Among the giant warriors, there was a middle-aged giant king who was ten feet tall.

This king, sitting on a throne inlaid with the bones of ancient giant beasts, is flying in the air. The giant king's hands are squared on both sides, he is wearing a helmet, and he is wearing a golden battle armor. This is an extraordinary set. Immortal artifacts, moreover, the giant king's cultivation base is very deep, and it is much stronger than some elders as a whole.

The giant king, Fang Buddha, has great prestige. As soon as he came, all the people of the dynasty dared not speak loudly, but many guards formed a human wall and began to intercept the giant team.

"See Holy King!"

Although he was afraid of the giant king, all the people and guards still bowed to him. It seemed that the status of the giant king was very high in the dynasty.

"This giant's body genes are more pure than those of ordinary giants like Fang Hong, so he can evolve faster, and he is born with supernatural power. If it wasn't for the exhaustion of the aura in the Holy Sky Starfield, this person's tenth-level cultivation base and the giant's natural supernatural power , Absolutely surpass Ling Daozi, Hua Jingyu and those first-order Poxian experts!"

With the appearance of the giant warrior, Ye Yun didn't react much, and remained calm. His eyes kept falling on the giant king, which surprised Ye Yun. The king in front of him could actually wake up his body's genes by himself. not simple.

What's more, with a tenth-level cultivation base, even in the Taixing plane, he can be regarded as a supreme being. With the natural power of the giants and the descendants of the gods, the strength is even more terrifying.

At this time, Fang Hong stepped forward and introduced to Ye Yun: "Master, this giant king is the patriarch of our standing royal family. Fang Sheng is also a member of our human race. He was born earlier and belongs to the giant generation." The longest character, usually, we have to listen to his orders, and he is the orphan of the previous generation of elders, and he has a high status in the dynasty, comparable to the elders. In addition, standing in the royal family, he has always been the most powerful weapon of the dynasty. He has won many people Acknowledge, follow!"

"So that's how it is!" After Fang Hong's explanation, Ye Yun understood why the people of the dynasty were so jealous and passionate about the giant king Fang Sheng.

The strong are respected everywhere.

"Princess Shengtian, you actually united with outsiders to occupy the relics left by the invaders. You are not filial, you are not from the dynasty, and you are even more unworthy to be a dynasty princess!"

The giant Fang Sheng had nearly 10 people in front of the dynasty, and he didn't give the Princess Shengtian anything. Elders, try your best to stop them, your wolfish ambitions are clearly revealed, now, Princess Shengtian is connecting with outsiders, colluding with the elders, and wants to use the power of foreigners to control everyone and make you slaves!"

"Slaves! Let's not be slaves!"

A large number of people and soldiers began to cheer and shout together with the militants of the station royal family, opposing the rule of Princess Shengtian and the elders.

Standing in the void, Princess Shengtian looked down at the giant Fang Sheng, and looked at those excited vassals. Princess Shengtian began to persuade: "Holy King, haven't you discovered that the Shengtian Starfield has changed, this king , the plane storm has been removed, our holy sky star field will slowly recover, we will multiply again in this star field left by our ancestors, and walk on the road to revival!"

"Only by them..."

The corners of his mouth curled up, and a disdainful smile was wiped away. Fang Sheng's eyes lingered on Ye Yun and Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable for less than three seconds, and he immediately stood up, reaching a height of ten feet: "The plane storm has indeed changed its position. , and the way of heaven is open, the way of heaven is the blessing of our ancestors, don't believe Princess Shengtian's one-sided words, she is a traitor, the real traitor, damn it!"

"Wang, let's take down Princess Shengtian now, imprison her, and leave here with the king!"

The two giants came out suddenly. Their bodies were also four to five feet high. Compared with Fang Hong's twenty or so giants, they seemed to have more extraordinary divine power.

"Whoever dares to hurt the master today will die!"

Fang Hong and more than twenty giant warriors, ten feet tall, suddenly flew out and intercepted in the void. Each of them was extremely tall, and their bodies contained a supreme aura. As soon as they appeared, this aura was released and swept the world.

The other party came out of a giant who was nearly fifty years old. He looked quite tall and looked at Fang Hong and the others in shock. His eyes were full of incredulity: "Fang juniors, why did your body genes become so pure? ?”

Fang Hong saluted respectfully, and then said loudly: "My clansmen, this master, named Ye Yun, comes from an alien domain. It is his power that wakes us up, and he also told us the origin of the giant clan!"

"What? He knows the origin of our giant race?"

At this time, from the ancient territory of Dynasty Star, a series of sleeping ancient voices suddenly appeared, and then giants appeared. There were nearly a hundred of these giants, and most of them were 60 to [-] years old. woman.

Although these old giants are huge, they are skinny, their muscles have disappeared, and they are only covered with a piece of human skin. They are just a group of desperate giants waiting to die, and they are the longest of the giant family.

"Who knows the origin of our giant family, please tell the old man?"

Suddenly, a shocking voice shook the sky and even the entire planet. As soon as this voice came out, all the giants respected it, and all the people of the dynasty knelt down, including giants like Fang Hong. Fang Sheng also said without hesitation. Kneel down, and finally, even Princess Shengtian also knelt down.

"Welcome to the Patriarch of the Battle Emperor!"

All the people saluted with great reverence toward the distance and the depths.

"Get up, the old man has already stepped half of his foot into the loess..."

A meteorite slowly flew out of a wonderful space in the vast territory behind Dynasty Star. Above the meteorite sat a white-haired giant in a rotting coarse cloth. He sat alone on the meteorite, slightly closed. Eyes squinted, hands limply on his knees, like a living dead.

I don't know how long he has been sleeping. This giant old man has no vitality in his body. There is only a little skin left in his whole body, and even his white hair is rotting little by little.

The giant old man was greeted by tens of thousands of people from afar, and slowly flew towards him. He didn't open his eyes, but his body didn't move. A vicissitudes of life came out of his body: "My descendants of giants are luckier than their ancestors!" , the body genes actually wake up..."

"Patriarch Zhanhuang, I am your descendant, Fang Hong, I met this master, he told us the origin of the giant race, his power, let my body genes awaken and transform!"

The giant Fang Hong raised his head tremblingly with great excitement, and said to the old man.

The misty voice of the ancestor of the war emperor came out slowly: "Young man, I feel that there is indeed an aura in you that can revive our giant genes. Please tell me, please tell us the countless gods of the giant race. Our giant race comes from Where, where in the future!"

That void voice was extremely desolate, vicissitudes, and loneliness. Ye Yun moved and looked at Chi Yun Mozun: "Chi Yun, tell them, you know these things better than me!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable nodded slightly. Although he is an immortal emperor, a Demon Venerable, a supreme powerhouse who once stood at the apex of the Immortal World, he took a step slowly and faced the Patriarch Zhanhuang. The momentum was still nothing, and he slowly looked towards the sky: "The giant race is a huge race that existed in the age of the gods according to legend. Unfortunately, in that era, I don't know what happened. Countless ancient gods fell, and countless gods disappeared... According to According to the ancient books of the fairy world, you giants are the descendants of gods. You are the real gods. There are gods in your body. Once your genes are fully awakened, the blood of the gods in your body will also be awakened. Then , you will find the supreme existence of your giant race, as descendants of gods, your giant race will not easily disappear into the long river of history!"

"Descendants of God!"

All the giant warriors stood up in an instant. Their tall bodies stood upright, each with the momentum to pierce the sky. Their blood was surging and rhythmic with the sky and the earth.

"It turns out... our giants are descendants of gods, from the age of ancient mythology..."

The war emperor, who was covered in ashes, slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were completely dark, without eyeballs, and lost their light. He slowly spoke: "The stars in the universe, the heavens and the earth... My ancestors, I and I The clansmen of the clan are actually descendants of the age of mythology. We... Countless ancestors, have you heard... Young man, thank you, you are indeed the king of the giant clan, you are the one chosen by the greatest god of our giant clan, you Your power, let me get the decree of the gods, you will lead the giants to glory... Thank you!"



The moment the Emperor of War finished speaking, he smiled, and a mysterious luster appeared in those empty and dark pupils. Unfortunately, his body made a sound of breaking, and then flames gushed out from the body of the Emperor of War, and began to burn from the inside out.

"The Emperor of War...has fallen!"

All the people in the Shengtian Dynasty, seeing the war emperor who was gradually turning into ashes in the burning, were heartbroken and cried loudly, especially the warriors of the giant clan, who were more lost and hurt than one another.

"Such a giant who broke the fairyland... was imprisoned alive and died of old age..."

Seeing this scene, Ye Yun was also quite moved. The giant, who has cultivated to break through the fairyland, has such incredible strength. How desolate it is for such a strong man to die of old age under the oppression of the realm.


Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly looked at the sky of Dynasty Star, as if he could see through the boundless stars, and immediately said to Ye Yun: "No, it turns out that the Dynasty Star Crystal Wall System was independently supported by the War Emperor. Now that the War Emperor has fallen, the crystal wall system also Lost power, now the crystal wall system is shattering, once it is completely shattered, all living things on the entire dynasty star will be obliterated by the power of the starry sky, and no grass will grow!"

"No grass grows!"

At this moment, Ye Yun also felt the star power of Dynasty Star, and a large number of Dynasty Star's original power was disappearing, which meant that the crystal wall system protecting the planet was disappearing.

"Please save us!"

All the people in the Holy Sky Starfield heard the conversation between Chiyun Demon Venerable and Ye Yun, and now they also saw starry sky storms appearing on the top of the sky. Although they are not as good as plane storms, they can also destroy everything. Tens of thousands of people, at this moment, were powerless to resist, and they all looked at Ye Yun and Chiyun Mozun in fear and eagerness.

How many planets in the holy sky star field, and even the entire star field, were destroyed little by little like this.

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