The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 319 Moving the Continent

With the death of the giant ancestor, the war emperor, the entire dynasty star began to usher in interstellar storms. Destruction storms poured out continuously along the cracks in the crystal wall system, criss-crossing, and the world ushered in a dust-like silence. In an instant, it is about to freeze.

"Please save us!"

The sky and the earth changed, and fell with the fall of the war emperor, destroying all phenomena. Seeing the turmoil of the sky and the earth, Princess Shengtian walked up to Ye Yun with firm steps, and instantly bowed her body.

"it is good!"

Ye Yun also didn't want to watch so many people die. Although there were tens of thousands of monks in the Holy Heaven Dynasty, their energy had been exhausted long ago. Now each of them is at most a low-level power of the sky. It is impossible to repair such a dynasty's star crystal wall. Impossible, even Ye Yun is not easy to do it.

But fortunately, Ye Yun has the Daqian Shentu, not only can freely travel through the crystal wall system, but also repair and create the crystal wall system.


The two figures immediately soared into the sky, straight into the sky, at such a height and speed, Princess Shengtian and countless giants and monks who watched were amazed.

"Spirit stone!"

Over the faint, phantom-like crystal wall system of Dynasty Star, Ye Yun and Chiyun Demon Venerable stood on it, watching the cracks appear in the crystal wall system. Under the pressure of the star field, there are more and more cracks. , the interstellar power will instantly pounce on the dynasty star, and any plants, life, and people will die instantly.

The interstellar power is like a scourge. Once released, it will instantly sweep the Dynasty Star like a beast. Any matter will be destroyed and eventually become a grain of constant sand in the interstellar.

Countless spirit stones flew out from the Great Luo Ring and continuously merged into the broken crystal wall system.

"I thought the spirit stones I stored would last a long time... It would cost nearly one-fifth of the spirit stones to repair the dynasty star crystal wall system!"

Continuously releasing spirit stones, Ye Yun made one after another seals, and the power of the mysterious plane of the Great Thousand Gods Chart gradually penetrated into the entire broken crystal wall system, and Ye Yun continued to cast spells, repair cracks, and provide a steady stream of magic seals in a large number of spirit stones. Energy, the huge crystal wall system of Dynasty Star, began to heal slowly.

Ye Yun is still adding spirit stones, moreover, the spirit stones are constantly integrated into the crystal wall system, and they have also entered the time and space deep in Dynasty Star. With the energy of spirit stones, they will actively accelerate the energy condensation of the star field of Dynasty Star.

The energy of the holy sky star field has long been swallowed by the plane storm, and it is almost completely swallowed. Now even if there is no plane storm, the entire holy sky star field needs to recover energy and brew spiritual quality. It is impossible to complete it overnight. Such a large star field Whether Bai Wannian can recover is still a question.

Now with two spirit stone inlays, the energy of the dynasty star will recover faster, condensing the energy of the plane, and Ye Yun can inject new power into the Shengtian dynasty for free.

"Boss, it's almost there. No matter how many spirit stones you put in, it will take a process for this star field to recover. Moreover, you still need to be promoted to the mainland of China. You need at least ten times as many spirit stones as you do now!"

About three days later, Ye Yun was still standing in the sky above the crystal wall system, continuously bless the magic seal, and penetrated into the spirit stone, and the Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord suddenly appeared beside Ye Yun and said.

Ye Yun immediately withdrew his hands, scanned the past, and found that the dynasty star crystal wall system is solid, ten times stronger than the war emperor's crystal wall system, the dynasty star does not need to worry about the crystal wall system, and the holy sky star field will slowly Restore energy.

"Boss, it is not easy to move the mainland of China into this star field. Next, we have to discuss carefully and move a piece of continent. Only a real fairy, a virtual fairyland fairy can do it. With my current strength, it will take a lot of money." strength!"

Floating in the calm starry sky, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was dressed in a black robe and stood still. He looked at the empty starry sky ahead and was choosing a star field with a good location.

"At that time, I will inject the power of the Great Thousand Gods into your body, use your supernatural powers, and move the continent. Moreover, the 33 days of vines in my body have also absorbed a lot of energy. With the energy of the Abyss of Taboo, it should not be difficult. It took several years of work to move the mainland here!"

The eyes are like stars, shuttling in the calm interstellar space, looking straight ahead, through the storms of countless planes, you can see the Shenzhou Starfield. For a small star field, it will take a long time to move the mainland of China.

"Haha, if the power of the Great Thousand God Map is on me, boss, it will be a hundred times, a thousand times stronger than yours. To be honest, only when the Great Thousand God Map is on me can I display my true ability!"

Hearing Ye Yun's words, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable laughed happily, and he was much more confident than before, not as worried as before, and then entered Dynasty Star with Ye Yun.

On the ancient altar of the stalwart city of Wang Chaoxing, on the stone pillars hundreds of feet high, sat giants and elders of the dynasty. A skeleton remained, and tens of thousands of people sat quietly and prayed silently under the altar.

Now the entire Chaoxing aura is no longer lifeless, but full of vitality, the clouds have become clear, and there is a strong vitality in the sky and earth, which is always growing.

And all the people and monks of the Shengtian Dynasty, including the giants, have also undergone tremendous changes. They are no longer tired from the vicissitudes of life, but their bodies have been injected with vitality. The complexion has changed, and the dantian in the body has been exhausted for a long time, and there is also a trace of true energy circulating, which is completely different from before.

Everyone, like after a drought, ushered in the heavy rain, got a taste, and started a new life.

"On behalf of all of me, thank you!"

Princess Shengtian suddenly flew out from the temple beside the altar, accompanied by several maidservants. She was still in a blue dress, flying in the air like a blue elf, and the maidservants behind her were holding an ancient Inside the box was a ten foot long golden scroll.

Coming in front of Ye Yun, Princess Shengtian was generous and decent, and introduced to the golden ancient scroll: "This decree is the belief and will of the masters of the Shengtian Dynasty, and only the king of the Shengtian Dynasty can have it. You Save the Shengtian dynasty, you are the king of the dynasty!"

"This decree condensed with will and faith is indeed a peerless treasure. However, I am not here for the Holy Heaven Dynasty. To me, it has no meaning. I will move the continent I am on. Embedded in this star field, now, in the future, in the future, your Shengtian Dynasty will still be the Shengtian Dynasty, I will not interfere with you, but this star field will be my world, you will not belong to me, but Be constrained!"

Facing Princess Shengtian's request, Ye Yun refused in person. A declining dynasty is nothing. Moreover, Ye Yun's mind is not in a small star field, but if that decree is refined by Ye Yun, it will have a huge power. energy.

"Master, subordinate, Fang Sheng, lead all the warriors of the giant tribe to meet the master!"

At this time, a menacing force rushed towards Ye Yun. Fang Sheng, the patriarch of the royal family and the supreme powerhouse of the giant clan, led Fang Hong and more than seventy young giant warriors to the front of Ye Yun. Tongtong knelt down, kowtowed to Ye Yun, cheered, and surrendered.

There were 72 giant warriors in total, ranging from young to middle-aged giant warriors, exuding the aura of tearing the sky, and a wave of fighting spirit was released from their eyes.

"Okay, I have already accepted your soul, Fang Sheng, your cultivation is the highest, reaching the tenth level of the sky, you giants will practice here first, build the spirit gathering array, and then move to the Taiyi Continent after I move the mainland here !"

Ye Yun was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the tyrannical Fang Sheng, the most powerful giant of the giant clan, who awakened part of his genes by himself, would honestly submit to him. Will leave him alive.

Although Fang Sheng is arrogant, he is also a member of the giant clan. He also respects the supreme ancestor, the war emperor. Submit to Ye Yun.

"This space ring has hundreds of millions of spirit stones. Use it to build the spirit gathering array, and at the same time replenish a lot of energy for the Holy Heaven Dynasty. Wait for me to come back!"


Resolutely took out a storage ring and threw it to Fang Sheng, Ye Yun turned around and disappeared with Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable in an instant.

"Hundreds of millions of spirit stones!"

Fang Sheng kept silent, his hands trembling constantly, hundreds of millions of spirit stones, even the total number of spirit stones in the entire dynasty now is less than one percent, so many spirit stones were easily taken out by Ye Yun, which shows how rich the resources are .

Shenzhou Continent, crystal wall system.

About ten days later, Ye Yun and Chiyun Mozun came from the Holy Sky Starfield and finally came to the Divine Continent. The two of them are now standing in the sky above the crystal wall system. A little above is the Skymans star and many other planets that are higher than the Divine Continent. , all kinds of things, floating in the starry sky like stars.

Ye Yun immediately communicated with the avatar, and through the avatar, told Ye Yuan, Zhang Kun, Huangfufei and the others that they were about to start moving the mainland. Then, Ye Yun sacrificed a mysterious and powerful seal, and after about a day of concentration, he finally put the A share of the sealing power was handed over to Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable: "There is more than half of the power of the Great Thousand God Map in it!"

"The Great Thousand God Map is the supreme fairy weapon in space. In my hands, the power will be released 100%. Boss, don't worry, I will start to imprison the entire continent now!"

Inhaling the sealed holy light, one after another planes of void power spread across the body of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, especially in the pupils, releasing the sacred luster of stars.

As if getting powerful energy, Chiyun Demon Venerable was so excited that he laughed fiercely. He spread his arms and suddenly sat cross-legged on the top of the crystal wall system in the Divine Land. When he pressed his hands, a huge black net slowly spread Extending, gradually wrapping the mainland of China, at a glance, it seems that there are countless black cracks in the mainland of China.

"Taking advantage of this time, I will destroy several teleportation arrays leading to the mainland of China, and try to spare time. When they build the teleportation arrays again, I will never feel the origin of the mainland of China again!"

Utilizing the power of the Daqian Shentu, Ye Yun returned to the familiar Skymans star with a flash of his figure, and sensed three teleportation formations fused with the breath of the mainland of China. It only takes ten breaths, and all three transmission formations After being destroyed, he left Sky Mang star and destroyed the teleportation arrays on other planets one by one.

He kept destroying the teleportation array, and took advantage of it, snatching away all the spiritual stones owned by the empires in several planets, not a single one was left.

Planets like Amascus, which are on the edge of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy, among them, the realm of the monks is too low, all of them are in the heaven-reaching realm. Although there are also immortals, there are only a handful of them, and they are all first-order. They found that Ye Yun stole all the treasures.

Now, the mainland of China is completely isolated from the outside world. No monk can cross the starry sky and enter the mainland of China. Unless he is a peerless genius like Ditian, ordinary people who break the fairyland will never even think about entering the mainland of China.

The mainland of China has become a complete isolated island.


In the mid-to-high end of the crystal wall system in the Divine Land, a void space is tightly embedded in the crystal wall system, combining the two into one, and is surrounded by a huge magic pattern.

An ancient voice woke up slowly, and then, the projection of the ancestor of the beast appeared from the mysterious space again, with a height of thousands of feet. For a while, the projection of the beast ancestor almost disappeared.

"It's such a strong demonic energy...or pure fairy spirit...Could it be that the person next to Ye Yun is also a fairy...?"

The projection of the ancestor of the beast, gradually calmed down, kept a certain distance from the magic pattern, and looked at the top of the crystal wall system in the mainland of China, but he was shocked suddenly, and he saw Demon Lord Chiyun, who was like an ancient demon god, controlling the entire mainland of China Energy: "Impossible, it's not the power of a virtual fairy at all, could it be a real fairy? Impossible, a real fairy can't exist in the lower realm!"

The Beast Ancestor was deeply shocked by the mighty power of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable.

"Hmph, fortunately, you are a little spirit beast, otherwise, the deity just opened his mouth and swallowed you..."

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable also opened his eyes, and smiled heavily. The moment the Beast Ancestor touched the magic pattern, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable deeply sensed the power of the Beast Ancestor, but he didn't make a sound. Anyone else would have been swallowed by him long ago .

"Chi Yun, how are you getting ready?"

After a few more days, Ye Yun cleaned up his tail one by one, from a planet directly from top to bottom, landed on the mainland of China, and landed beside Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable.

"Almost, the entire continent has been controlled, now, you can start moving the continent!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable slowly opened his eyes, and his robes rattled. The moment he opened his eyes, a beam of magic light shot out from his pupils, shaking the starry sky violently.With the death of the giant ancestor, the war emperor, the entire dynasty star began to usher in interstellar storms. Destruction storms poured out continuously along the cracks in the crystal wall system, criss-crossing, and the world ushered in a dust-like silence. In an instant, it is about to freeze.

"Please save us!"

The sky and the earth changed, and fell with the fall of the war emperor, destroying all phenomena. Seeing the turmoil of the sky and the earth, Princess Shengtian walked up to Ye Yun with firm steps, and instantly bowed her body.

"it is good!"

Ye Yun also didn't want to watch so many people die. Although there were tens of thousands of monks in the Holy Heaven Dynasty, their energy had been exhausted long ago. Now each of them is at most a low-level power of the sky. It is impossible to repair such a dynasty's star crystal wall. Impossible, even Ye Yun is not easy to do it.

But fortunately, Ye Yun has the Daqian Shentu, not only can freely travel through the crystal wall system, but also repair and create the crystal wall system.


The two figures immediately soared into the sky, straight into the sky, at such a height and speed, Princess Shengtian and countless giants and monks who watched were amazed.

"Spirit stone!"

Over the faint, phantom-like crystal wall system of Dynasty Star, Ye Yun and Chiyun Demon Venerable stood on it, watching the cracks appear in the crystal wall system. Under the pressure of the star field, there are more and more cracks. , the interstellar power will instantly pounce on the dynasty star, and any plants, life, and people will die instantly.

The interstellar power is like a scourge. Once released, it will instantly sweep the Dynasty Star like a beast. Any matter will be destroyed and eventually become a grain of constant sand in the interstellar.

Countless spirit stones flew out from the Great Luo Ring and continuously merged into the broken crystal wall system.

"I thought the spirit stones I stored would last a long time... It would cost nearly one-fifth of the spirit stones to repair the dynasty star crystal wall system!"

Continuously releasing spirit stones, Ye Yun made one after another seals, and the power of the mysterious plane of the Great Thousand Gods Chart gradually penetrated into the entire broken crystal wall system, and Ye Yun continued to cast spells, repair cracks, and provide a steady stream of magic seals in a large number of spirit stones. Energy, the huge crystal wall system of Dynasty Star, began to heal slowly.

Ye Yun is still adding spirit stones, moreover, the spirit stones are constantly integrated into the crystal wall system, and they have also entered the time and space deep in Dynasty Star. With the energy of spirit stones, they will actively accelerate the energy condensation of the star field of Dynasty Star.

The energy of the holy sky star field has long been swallowed by the plane storm, and it is almost completely swallowed. Now even if there is no plane storm, the entire holy sky star field needs to recover energy and brew spiritual quality. It is impossible to complete it overnight. Such a large star field Whether Bai Wannian can recover is still a question.

Now with two spirit stone inlays, the energy of the dynasty star will recover faster, condensing the energy of the plane, and Ye Yun can inject new power into the Shengtian dynasty for free.

"Boss, it's almost there. No matter how many spirit stones you put in, it will take a process for this star field to recover. Moreover, you still need to be promoted to the mainland of China. You need at least ten times as many spirit stones as you do now!"

About three days later, Ye Yun was still standing in the sky above the crystal wall system, continuously bless the magic seal, and penetrated into the spirit stone, and the Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord suddenly appeared beside Ye Yun and said.

Ye Yun immediately withdrew his hands, scanned the past, and found that the dynasty star crystal wall system is solid, ten times stronger than the war emperor's crystal wall system, the dynasty star does not need to worry about the crystal wall system, and the holy sky star field will slowly Restore energy.

"Boss, it is not easy to move the mainland of China into this star field. Next, we have to discuss carefully and move a piece of continent. Only a real fairy, a virtual fairyland fairy can do it. With my current strength, it will take a lot of money." strength!"

Floating in the calm starry sky, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was dressed in a black robe and stood still. He looked at the empty starry sky ahead and was choosing a star field with a good location.

"At that time, I will inject the power of the Great Thousand Gods into your body, use your supernatural powers, and move the continent. Moreover, the 33 days of vines in my body have also absorbed a lot of energy. With the energy of the Abyss of Taboo, it should not be difficult. It took several years of work to move the mainland here!"

The eyes are like stars, shuttling in the calm interstellar space, looking straight ahead, through the storms of countless planes, you can see the Shenzhou Starfield. For a small star field, it will take a long time to move the mainland of China.

"Haha, if the power of the Great Thousand God Map is on me, boss, it will be a hundred times, a thousand times stronger than yours. To be honest, only when the Great Thousand God Map is on me can I display my true ability!"

Hearing Ye Yun's words, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable laughed happily, and he was much more confident than before, not as worried as before, and then entered Dynasty Star with Ye Yun.

On the ancient altar of the stalwart city of Wang Chaoxing, on the stone pillars hundreds of feet high, sat giants and elders of the dynasty. A skeleton remained, and tens of thousands of people sat quietly and prayed silently under the altar.

Now the entire Chaoxing aura is no longer lifeless, but full of vitality, the clouds have become clear, and there is a strong vitality in the sky and earth, which is always growing.

And all the people and monks of the Shengtian Dynasty, including the giants, have also undergone tremendous changes. They are no longer tired from the vicissitudes of life, but their bodies have been injected with vitality. The complexion has changed, and the dantian in the body has been exhausted for a long time, and there is also a trace of true energy circulating, which is completely different from before.

Everyone, like after a drought, ushered in the heavy rain, got a taste, and started a new life.

"On behalf of all of me, thank you!"

Princess Shengtian suddenly flew out from the temple beside the altar, accompanied by several maidservants. She was still in a blue dress, flying in the air like a blue elf, and the maidservants behind her were holding an ancient Inside the box was a ten foot long golden scroll.

Coming in front of Ye Yun, Princess Shengtian was generous and decent, and introduced to the golden ancient scroll: "This decree is the belief and will of the masters of the Shengtian Dynasty, and only the king of the Shengtian Dynasty can have it. You Save the Shengtian dynasty, you are the king of the dynasty!"

"This decree condensed with will and faith is indeed a peerless treasure. However, I am not here for the Holy Heaven Dynasty. To me, it has no meaning. I will move the continent I am on. Embedded in this star field, now, in the future, in the future, your Shengtian Dynasty will still be the Shengtian Dynasty, I will not interfere with you, but this star field will be my world, you will not belong to me, but Be constrained!"

Facing Princess Shengtian's request, Ye Yun refused in person. A declining dynasty is nothing. Moreover, Ye Yun's mind is not in a small star field, but if that decree is refined by Ye Yun, it will have a huge power. energy.

"Master, subordinate, Fang Sheng, lead all the warriors of the giant tribe to meet the master!"

At this time, a menacing force rushed towards Ye Yun. Fang Sheng, the patriarch of the royal family and the supreme powerhouse of the giant clan, led Fang Hong and more than seventy young giant warriors to the front of Ye Yun. Tongtong knelt down, kowtowed to Ye Yun, cheered, and surrendered.

There were 72 giant warriors in total, ranging from young to middle-aged giant warriors, exuding the aura of tearing the sky, and a wave of fighting spirit was released from their eyes.

"Okay, I have already accepted your soul, Fang Sheng, your cultivation is the highest, reaching the tenth level of the sky, you giants will practice here first, build the spirit gathering array, and then move to the Taiyi Continent after I move the mainland here !"

Ye Yun was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the tyrannical Fang Sheng, the most powerful giant of the giant clan, who awakened part of his genes by himself, would honestly submit to him. Will leave him alive.

Although Fang Sheng is arrogant, he is also a member of the giant clan. He also respects the supreme ancestor, the war emperor. Submit to Ye Yun.

"This space ring has hundreds of millions of spirit stones. Use it to build the spirit gathering array, and at the same time replenish a lot of energy for the Holy Heaven Dynasty. Wait for me to come back!"


Resolutely took out a storage ring and threw it to Fang Sheng, Ye Yun turned around and disappeared with Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable in an instant.

"Hundreds of millions of spirit stones!"

Fang Sheng kept silent, his hands trembling constantly, hundreds of millions of spirit stones, even the total number of spirit stones in the entire dynasty now is less than one percent, so many spirit stones were easily taken out by Ye Yun, which shows how rich the resources are .

Shenzhou Continent, crystal wall system.

About ten days later, Ye Yun and Chiyun Mozun came from the Holy Sky Starfield and finally came to the Divine Continent. The two of them are now standing in the sky above the crystal wall system. A little above is the Skymans star and many other planets that are higher than the Divine Continent. , all kinds of things, floating in the starry sky like stars.

Ye Yun immediately communicated with the avatar, and through the avatar, told Ye Yuan, Zhang Kun, Huangfufei and the others that they were about to start moving the mainland. Then, Ye Yun sacrificed a mysterious and powerful seal, and after about a day of concentration, he finally put the A share of the sealing power was handed over to Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable: "There is more than half of the power of the Great Thousand God Map in it!"

"The Great Thousand God Map is the supreme fairy weapon in space. In my hands, the power will be released 100%. Boss, don't worry, I will start to imprison the entire continent now!"

Inhaling the sealed holy light, one after another planes of void power spread across the body of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable, especially in the pupils, releasing the sacred luster of stars.

As if getting powerful energy, Chiyun Demon Venerable was so excited that he laughed fiercely. He spread his arms and suddenly sat cross-legged on the top of the crystal wall system in the Divine Land. When he pressed his hands, a huge black net slowly spread Extending, gradually wrapping the mainland of China, at a glance, it seems that there are countless black cracks in the mainland of China.

"Taking advantage of this time, I will destroy several teleportation arrays leading to the mainland of China, and try to spare time. When they build the teleportation arrays again, I will never feel the origin of the mainland of China again!"

Utilizing the power of the Daqian Shentu, Ye Yun returned to the familiar Skymans star with a flash of his figure, and sensed three teleportation formations fused with the breath of the mainland of China. It only takes ten breaths, and all three transmission formations After being destroyed, he left Sky Mang star and destroyed the teleportation arrays on other planets one by one.

He kept destroying the teleportation array, and took advantage of it, snatching away all the spiritual stones owned by the empires in several planets, not a single one was left.

Planets like Amascus, which are on the edge of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy, among them, the realm of the monks is too low, all of them are in the heaven-reaching realm. Although there are also immortals, there are only a handful of them, and they are all first-order. They found that Ye Yun stole all the treasures.

Now, the mainland of China is completely isolated from the outside world. No monk can cross the starry sky and enter the mainland of China. Unless he is a peerless genius like Ditian, ordinary people who break the fairyland will never even think about entering the mainland of China.

The mainland of China has become a complete isolated island.


In the mid-to-high end of the crystal wall system in the Divine Land, a void space is tightly embedded in the crystal wall system, combining the two into one, and is surrounded by a huge magic pattern.

An ancient voice woke up slowly, and then, the projection of the ancestor of the beast appeared from the mysterious space again, with a height of thousands of feet. For a while, the projection of the beast ancestor almost disappeared.

"It's such a strong demonic energy...or pure fairy spirit...Could it be that the person next to Ye Yun is also a fairy...?"

The projection of the ancestor of the beast, gradually calmed down, kept a certain distance from the magic pattern, and looked at the top of the crystal wall system in the mainland of China, but he was shocked suddenly, and he saw Demon Lord Chiyun, who was like an ancient demon god, controlling the entire mainland of China Energy: "Impossible, it's not the power of a virtual fairy at all, could it be a real fairy? Impossible, a real fairy can't exist in the lower realm!"

The Beast Ancestor was deeply shocked by the mighty power of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable.

"Hmph, fortunately, you are a little spirit beast, otherwise, the deity just opened his mouth and swallowed you..."

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable also opened his eyes, and smiled heavily. The moment the Beast Ancestor touched the magic pattern, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable deeply sensed the power of the Beast Ancestor, but he didn't make a sound. Anyone else would have been swallowed by him long ago .

"Chi Yun, how are you getting ready?"

After a few more days, Ye Yun cleaned up his tail one by one, from a planet directly from top to bottom, landed on the mainland of China, and landed beside Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable.

"Almost, the entire continent has been controlled, now, you can start moving the continent!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable slowly opened his eyes, and his robes rattled. The moment he opened his eyes, a beam of magic light shot out from his pupils, shaking the starry sky violently.

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