The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 334 Breaking through the Heaven-reaching Realm [Part [-]]

In the sky above the meteorite planet, the electric light and the Six Thunder Tribulations were torn apart, and they collided suddenly, causing the avatar and the main body in the Shenluo domain to be shaken back dozens of steps at the same time, which shows how fierce the Six Thunder Tribulations are.

Now the tearing lightning completely covers the six lightning calamities, tearing, shattering, and extending inch by inch. Finally, the six thunder calamities are completely shattered, and then shattered instantly with a click, turning into dust.

The aftermath of the meteorite continued, and it was still filled with a faint thunder, if the brontosaurus was berserk in the star field.

"This is extremely dangerous. Fortunately, the Shenluo domain was not used... Otherwise, the domain would not be shattered, and the power would also be dissipated by the shock... The power of the clone is weakening. It seems that the split sky mirror has consumed a lot of his power!"

Seeing the avatar panting, Ye Yun knew that the split sky mirror would consume a lot of power, and with the avatar's cultivation base, he couldn't sustain several attacks at all. Now the avatar can't use the source of Taiyi planet, which has just taken shape and is undergoing transformation , if the power is taken away now, it will cause an unimaginable crisis to the growth of the planet.

Now, only by myself.


At this moment, the fourth heavenly catastrophe came. In the turbulent cloud of catastrophe, the faintly disappearing thunder and lightning were replaced by flames. A total of eight worlds of sea of ​​fire formed in the starry sky, as if they wanted to cover the meteorite planet.

"Oh...the fourth heavenly calamity is actually a calamity fire...that's a coincidence. The avatar was originally transformed by the different fire of Yan Lun, and part of the calamity fire was melted. Now the avatar should not be too difficult to fight against the calamity fire!"

Seeing the world of eight layers of flames, Ye Yun immediately put away the Shenluo domain, and entered the flame domain of the clone with the clone. The whole domain was full of flames, and there were all kinds of pills floating, all of which were below the human fairyland, but none of the high-level pills. The cultivation base of the avatar can only refine the elixir of the same level as the realm.

No matter how many avatars there are, a large number of pills appeared, but the deity did not move. These pills are just a drop in the bucket for him. Ye Yun's body is strong. Ordinary pills have no effect on him. Taking them is also a waste of resources. It can't be wasted, moreover, he is saving his strength now, and he has to deal with the last few severe catastrophes, especially the tenth catastrophe, which will definitely destroy the world.

The fourth level of catastrophe depends on the avatar.

The flame field was burning fiercely, and the avatar sat cross-legged on the top of the flame, concentrating on it, condensing the magic seal, and the flame began to surge, forming a large hard formation.


The world of eight layers of flames descended suddenly, and the star field seemed to be burning. The interstellar storm became extremely hot, and the entire star field was scorching hot.

Jiehuo is indispensable in the Heavenly Tribulation. Although it is very common, it is very terrifying, especially for Ye Yun. You can continue to survive the fourth major catastrophe, and you can also let the avatar get wonderful energy, which will be of great help to your future practice.

"Great Zhou Taiji Formation!"

The avatar suddenly pushed with both hands, and the entire flame field turned into a huge burning Tai Chi array.

The Great Zhou Taiji Formation was shared by the real body with the avatar. Facing the Eightfold Calamity Fire, the avatar suddenly had an idea to use the Gutuo Immortal Academy's domineering formation to merge with the domain world to form a huge flaming Great Zhou Taiji Formation.

Impressively, there was a large floating rotating flame formation on the meteorite planet, and the Yafold Tribulation Fire instantly hit the fire vortex flame formation like a tsunami. The fires of robbery began to disperse and were resolved one by one.


The flame array still couldn't withstand the impact of the fire, and fell from a high altitude, hitting the exposed surface of the meteorite planet heavily, and was smashed into a big hole. Fortunately, the flame array rotated to dissolve the eight-fold fire, otherwise, it would be destroyed like this. It will definitely smash the flame domain of the clone into pieces.

"Okay, clone, you absorb the high-level primordial spirit in the calamity fire, it will be of great benefit to your cultivation, and the next catastrophe will be handed over to me!"

He flew out of the flame world, and with a wave of his sleeves, the Shenluo domain surrounded the flame domain. Now is the best time for the clone to absorb the calamity fire and temper the body. Ye Yun doesn't want to miss this opportunity.

swoosh swish~

As expected, the fifth heavenly tribulation came, and from the calamity cloud, a series of talismans flew out. These talismans, shaped like arrows, were all over the sky, densely packed.

"These talisman arrows must be extraordinary. Each one has the power to destroy a meteorite...Come on, I will fight you with my own strength!"

With a wave of his hand, Ye Yun unleashed Tianhuang's deadly hand, and then stared at the countless talisman command arrows. Sure enough, the talisman command arrows all descended at the same time, like a violent storm.

"Destroy all!"

Ye Yun didn't care about 21, he used his real power to destroy the high-level energy of the Heaven-reaching Realm, and when he grabbed the arrows of the talismans, a violent explosion suddenly occurred. The explosion was so powerful that it almost shattered the star field , Many meteorites around were smashed to pieces.

"As expected of the Heaven-reaching Tribulation..."

Every time he confronted the talisman commanding arrow, Ye Yun felt like he was fighting against a supreme expert who had reached the seventh level of the Heaven-reaching Realm, and there were tens of thousands of seventh-level masters.

How amazing, I'm afraid it's not weak to fight against a tenth-order powerhouse who reaches the sky.

Fighting again and again, no less than a million times, Ye Yun used himself to fight against the irresistible catastrophe, like the invincible god of war, using his life-killing hand, and with a wave of his hand, he destroyed a large number of talismans and arrows. The starry sky is densely packed with explosive flames, and part of the meteorite planet has been destroyed by the power of the catastrophe, and its volume is getting smaller and smaller. I am afraid that it will be completely reduced to a speck of dust as Ye Yun goes through the catastrophe.


With the disappearance of the last dozens of talismans, the fifth heavenly tribulation was over, and Ye Yun was very tired, but he didn't rest for a moment, looked up, it was really good, the sixth heavenly tribulation followed, It seemed to kill Ye Yun and not give him any chance to breathe.


Suddenly, after the fifth heavenly tribulation passed, a black storm appeared above the starry sky. Among these storms, there were countless meteorite fragments, which were instantly shattered by the storm.

"The sixth heavenly tribulation, it's actually a gangster...Okay, come on, twelve gangsters!"

Under the calamity cloud, twelve storms appeared. These storms are not simple. Even a planet will be destroyed, because this is the destructive force in the sky, which is as famous as thunder calamity and calamity fire.

Wind, pervasive, the sharpest force, can weather any solid substance.

"Split Sky Mirror... It's time for you to show off your power again this time!"

Ye Yun grabbed it with a big hand, and a sky-cracking mirror appeared in his hand, and immediately injected Taiyi divine light, no longer Taiyi true energy, because the wind was so powerful that meteorites were instantly destroyed, even a fairy weapon couldn't bear it , Therefore, it is necessary to release a more powerful force to destroy the twelve gang winds in one fell swoop.


Lie Tianjing felt the power of Taiyi's divine light, and actually began to move, and released Taiyi's divine light to make it truly released, and golden light began to appear on the surface cracks.


When the twelve strong winds came, the wind swept away the clouds and destroyed any meteorites and matter in the interstellar space, so Ye Yun aimed at the twelve strong winds and activated the sky-splitting mirror.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

A total of twelve tearing golden lights went towards the twelve gang winds respectively, only to see countless cracks in the star field, as if the entire star field was about to be broken.

Suddenly scolded...!

The tearing golden light instantly flashed twelve terrifying winds, like a large cracked net, covering the twelve winds in an instant, and then, there was a huge vibration, and the wind actually struggled in the cracked golden light, It's about to come out, but the Sky Splitting Mirror is a fifth-grade immortal weapon, so how can it resist.

In the blink of an eye, cracks appeared in the twelve gale storms, and then instantly shattered like glass, falling into the abyss of infinite planes.

"Amazing...Even if I break through to the seventh level of the Immortal, I still can't get this kind of aura...He just can't reach the Heaven-reaching Realm!"

Taiyi planet, a blue and calm sea area, Ximen Potian has become younger, actually half younger, and now he is about 30 years old, handsome and heroic.

He unleashed the powerful divine sense of the seventh level of Poxian, directly seeing through the crystal wall system of the Taiyi Continent, and clearly saw the process of crossing the catastrophe on the meteorite week, which is far outside the star field.

"It's just a fairy...the scene of crossing the catastrophe is just like this...a genius!" Ximen Potian exclaimed for a long time, a little envious of Ye Yuntian Zong's genius.

In addition to Ximen Potian who can see through the star field, there are other fairyland powerhouses, such as Sheng Fadao, Sheng Ruxin, and Fang Sheng, who can also see through the crystal wall system of the planet, but they cannot see through the star field. From outside the crystal wall system, I also felt the breathtaking catastrophe permeating the star field.

"That's the portal?"

After passing through the sixth heavenly tribulation, Ye Yun looked at Jieyun, wiped off his sweat, and saw fourteen snow-white, crystal-clear and holy portals appeared from the robbery cloud, which were as high as hundreds of feet, and then, a whole star field appeared. The piercing chill even froze many interstellar storms.

"The seventh heavenly tribulation is actually fourteen portals of ice. What kind of power can freeze even interstellar storms... Holy Spear of Light, come out!"

Looking at the fourteen icy portals that appeared from Jieyun, freezing the interstellar storm, he knew that once the portal landed, he would be in a passive position and there would be a huge crisis. Only, when it was just formed, Give a fatal blow.

In an instant, fourteen holy spears of light appeared, each of which was blessed with the divine light of Taiyi, with mysterious talismans and ancient mantras flashing on them.

Now, the fourteen ice portals have emerged from the robbery cloud, and the cold air released not only froze the interstellar storm, but even the meteorite planet where Ye Yun was located began to freeze, turning into a big block of ice.

"The Burial Bow...broken..."

At the moment when the fourteen bright holy spears were condensed, Ye Yun grabbed it with his hands, and the Burial Sky Bow finally appeared. Now these fourteen ice portals are really powerful, more than ten times more powerful than the terrifying wind. Once they come, Not to mention that the meteorite planet will be frozen, even if he and the Shinra domain will also be frozen, there is a huge crisis, and now we can only use tyrannical means to destroy it.


Ye Yun was sweating profusely, activating the Sky Burial Bow was a hundred times more difficult than activating the Sky Splitting Mirror. Once activated, it would consume a lot of energy. Once the Sky Burial Bow was fired, the fourteen holy spears of light shot towards the ice portal.

Boom boom boom….

Before the fourteen ice portals had time to descend, they were destroyed by the holy guns of light one after another. A big explosion broke out in the star field, and the chill gradually dissipated.

Ye Yun was also panting from exhaustion, one-third of the strength in his body was consumed by this one stroke, and he had already consumed a lot of energy when he was promoted to the planet, and he was a little overwhelmed by urging the Sky Burial Bow.

"That is?"

Although Ye Yun was prepared, the seventh catastrophe passed, and the eighth catastrophe would come immediately, but when it appeared now, Ye Yun was stunned, because the eighth catastrophe was actually meteorites from outside the sky. The meteorite outside the sky is different. It absorbs the power of the catastrophe and blesses it in the meteorite to form a terrifying meteorite.

Such a meteorite can destroy the meteorite planet Ye Yun is on, and ten meteorites can destroy any planet on the Taixing plane, including the largest Piaomiao planet in Shenzhou Xianyuan.

There are sixteen meteorites in total. If these sixteen meteorites land in the Shenzhou star field, at least half of the planets will be destroyed, and countless planets will explode and fall.

"Damn, why are you so perverted?"

Seeing these extraterrestrial meteorites that contain one of the cataclysms, Ye Yun was a little annoyed. Such a fucking power is ten times stronger than the general catastrophe that breaks the fairyland.

Fucking fuck...Ye Yun couldn't help scolding a few times, this is simply bullying.

"Boss...the laws of the lower realm, there are several laws. The catastrophe you are facing should be of the highest level. These extraterrestrial meteorites can be blasted even if they break through the fairyland!"

Suddenly, beside Ye Yun's ear, the faint voice of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable came.In the sky above the meteorite planet, the electric light and the Six Thunder Tribulations were torn apart, and they collided suddenly, causing the avatar and the main body in the Shenluo domain to be shaken back dozens of steps at the same time, which shows how fierce the Six Thunder Tribulations are.

Now the tearing lightning completely covers the six lightning calamities, tearing, shattering, and extending inch by inch. Finally, the six thunder calamities are completely shattered, and then shattered instantly with a click, turning into dust.

The aftermath of the meteorite continued, and it was still filled with a faint thunder, if the brontosaurus was berserk in the star field.

"This is extremely dangerous. Fortunately, the Shenluo domain was not used... Otherwise, the domain would not be shattered, and the power would also be dissipated by the shock... The power of the clone is weakening. It seems that the split sky mirror has consumed a lot of his power!"

Seeing the avatar panting, Ye Yun knew that the split sky mirror would consume a lot of power, and with the avatar's cultivation base, he couldn't sustain several attacks at all. Now the avatar can't use the source of Taiyi planet, which has just taken shape and is undergoing transformation , if the power is taken away now, it will cause an unimaginable crisis to the growth of the planet.

Now, only by myself.


At this moment, the fourth heavenly catastrophe came. In the turbulent cloud of catastrophe, the faintly disappearing thunder and lightning were replaced by flames. A total of eight worlds of sea of ​​fire formed in the starry sky, as if they wanted to cover the meteorite planet.

"Oh...the fourth heavenly calamity is actually a calamity fire...that's a coincidence. The avatar was originally transformed by the different fire of Yan Lun, and part of the calamity fire was melted. Now the avatar should not be too difficult to fight against the calamity fire!"

Seeing the world of eight layers of flames, Ye Yun immediately put away the Shenluo domain, and entered the flame domain of the clone with the clone. The whole domain was full of flames, and there were all kinds of pills floating, all of which were below the human fairyland, but none of the high-level pills. The cultivation base of the avatar can only refine the elixir of the same level as the realm.

No matter how many avatars there are, a large number of pills appeared, but the deity did not move. These pills are just a drop in the bucket for him. Ye Yun's body is strong. Ordinary pills have no effect on him. Taking them is also a waste of resources. It can't be wasted, moreover, he is saving his strength now, and he has to deal with the last few severe catastrophes, especially the tenth catastrophe, which will definitely destroy the world.

The fourth level of catastrophe depends on the avatar.

The flame field was burning fiercely, and the avatar sat cross-legged on the top of the flame, concentrating on it, condensing the magic seal, and the flame began to surge, forming a large hard formation.


The world of eight layers of flames descended suddenly, and the star field seemed to be burning. The interstellar storm became extremely hot, and the entire star field was scorching hot.

Jiehuo is indispensable in the Heavenly Tribulation. Although it is very common, it is very terrifying, especially for Ye Yun. You can continue to survive the fourth major catastrophe, and you can also let the avatar get wonderful energy, which will be of great help to your future practice.

"Great Zhou Taiji Formation!"

The avatar suddenly pushed with both hands, and the entire flame field turned into a huge burning Tai Chi array.

The Great Zhou Taiji Formation was shared by the real body with the avatar. Facing the Eightfold Calamity Fire, the avatar suddenly had an idea to use the Gutuo Immortal Academy's domineering formation to merge with the domain world to form a huge flaming Great Zhou Taiji Formation.

Impressively, there was a large floating rotating flame formation on the meteorite planet, and the Yafold Tribulation Fire instantly hit the fire vortex flame formation like a tsunami. The fires of robbery began to disperse and were resolved one by one.


The flame array still couldn't withstand the impact of the fire, and fell from a high altitude, hitting the exposed surface of the meteorite planet heavily, and was smashed into a big hole. Fortunately, the flame array rotated to dissolve the eight-fold fire, otherwise, it would be destroyed like this. It will definitely smash the flame domain of the clone into pieces.

"Okay, clone, you absorb the high-level primordial spirit in the calamity fire, it will be of great benefit to your cultivation, and the next catastrophe will be handed over to me!"

He flew out of the flame world, and with a wave of his sleeves, the Shenluo domain surrounded the flame domain. Now is the best time for the clone to absorb the calamity fire and temper the body. Ye Yun doesn't want to miss this opportunity.

swoosh swish~

As expected, the fifth heavenly tribulation came, and from the calamity cloud, a series of talismans flew out. These talismans, shaped like arrows, were all over the sky, densely packed.

"These talisman arrows must be extraordinary. Each one has the power to destroy a meteorite...Come on, I will fight you with my own strength!"

With a wave of his hand, Ye Yun unleashed Tianhuang's deadly hand, and then stared at the countless talisman command arrows. Sure enough, the talisman command arrows all descended at the same time, like a violent storm.

"Destroy all!"

Ye Yun didn't care about 21, he used his real power to destroy the high-level energy of the Heaven-reaching Realm, and when he grabbed the arrows of the talismans, a violent explosion suddenly occurred. The explosion was so powerful that it almost shattered the star field , Many meteorites around were smashed to pieces.

"As expected of the Heaven-reaching Tribulation..."

Every time he confronted the talisman commanding arrow, Ye Yun felt like he was fighting against a supreme expert who had reached the seventh level of the Heaven-reaching Realm, and there were tens of thousands of seventh-level masters.

How amazing, I'm afraid it's not weak to fight against a tenth-order powerhouse who reaches the sky.

Fighting again and again, no less than a million times, Ye Yun used himself to fight against the irresistible catastrophe, like the invincible god of war, using his life-killing hand, and with a wave of his hand, he destroyed a large number of talismans and arrows. The starry sky is densely packed with explosive flames, and part of the meteorite planet has been destroyed by the power of the catastrophe, and its volume is getting smaller and smaller. I am afraid that it will be completely reduced to a speck of dust as Ye Yun goes through the catastrophe.


With the disappearance of the last dozens of talismans, the fifth heavenly tribulation was over, and Ye Yun was very tired, but he didn't rest for a moment, looked up, it was really good, the sixth heavenly tribulation followed, It seemed to kill Ye Yun and not give him any chance to breathe.


Suddenly, after the fifth heavenly tribulation passed, a black storm appeared above the starry sky. Among these storms, there were countless meteorite fragments, which were instantly shattered by the storm.

"The sixth heavenly tribulation, it's actually a gangster...Okay, come on, twelve gangsters!"

Under the calamity cloud, twelve storms appeared. These storms are not simple. Even a planet will be destroyed, because this is the destructive force in the sky, which is as famous as thunder calamity and calamity fire.

Wind, pervasive, the sharpest force, can weather any solid substance.

"Split Sky Mirror... It's time for you to show off your power again this time!"

Ye Yun grabbed it with a big hand, and a sky-cracking mirror appeared in his hand, and immediately injected Taiyi divine light, no longer Taiyi true energy, because the wind was so powerful that meteorites were instantly destroyed, even a fairy weapon couldn't bear it , Therefore, it is necessary to release a more powerful force to destroy the twelve gang winds in one fell swoop.


Lie Tianjing felt the power of Taiyi's divine light, and actually began to move, and released Taiyi's divine light to make it truly released, and golden light began to appear on the surface cracks.


When the twelve strong winds came, the wind swept away the clouds and destroyed any meteorites and matter in the interstellar space, so Ye Yun aimed at the twelve strong winds and activated the sky-splitting mirror.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

A total of twelve tearing golden lights went towards the twelve gang winds respectively, only to see countless cracks in the star field, as if the entire star field was about to be broken.

Suddenly scolded...!

The tearing golden light instantly flashed twelve terrifying winds, like a large cracked net, covering the twelve winds in an instant, and then, there was a huge vibration, and the wind actually struggled in the cracked golden light, It's about to come out, but the Sky Splitting Mirror is a fifth-grade immortal weapon, so how can it resist.

In the blink of an eye, cracks appeared in the twelve gale storms, and then instantly shattered like glass, falling into the abyss of infinite planes.

"Amazing...Even if I break through to the seventh level of the Immortal, I still can't get this kind of aura...He just can't reach the Heaven-reaching Realm!"

Taiyi planet, a blue and calm sea area, Ximen Potian has become younger, actually half younger, and now he is about 30 years old, handsome and heroic.

He unleashed the powerful divine sense of the seventh level of Poxian, directly seeing through the crystal wall system of the Taiyi Continent, and clearly saw the process of crossing the catastrophe on the meteorite week, which is far outside the star field.

"It's just a fairy...the scene of crossing the catastrophe is just like this...a genius!" Ximen Potian exclaimed for a long time, a little envious of Ye Yuntian Zong's genius.

In addition to Ximen Potian who can see through the star field, there are other fairyland powerhouses, such as Sheng Fadao, Sheng Ruxin, and Fang Sheng, who can also see through the crystal wall system of the planet, but they cannot see through the star field. From outside the crystal wall system, I also felt the breathtaking catastrophe permeating the star field.

"That's the portal?"

After passing through the sixth heavenly tribulation, Ye Yun looked at Jieyun, wiped off his sweat, and saw fourteen snow-white, crystal-clear and holy portals appeared from the robbery cloud, which were as high as hundreds of feet, and then, a whole star field appeared. The piercing chill even froze many interstellar storms.

"The seventh heavenly tribulation is actually fourteen portals of ice. What kind of power can freeze even interstellar storms... Holy Spear of Light, come out!"

Looking at the fourteen icy portals that appeared from Jieyun, freezing the interstellar storm, he knew that once the portal landed, he would be in a passive position and there would be a huge crisis. Only, when it was just formed, Give a fatal blow.

In an instant, fourteen holy spears of light appeared, each of which was blessed with the divine light of Taiyi, with mysterious talismans and ancient mantras flashing on them.

Now, the fourteen ice portals have emerged from the robbery cloud, and the cold air released not only froze the interstellar storm, but even the meteorite planet where Ye Yun was located began to freeze, turning into a big block of ice.

"The Burial Bow...broken..."

At the moment when the fourteen bright holy spears were condensed, Ye Yun grabbed it with his hands, and the Burial Sky Bow finally appeared. Now these fourteen ice portals are really powerful, more than ten times more powerful than the terrifying wind. Once they come, Not to mention that the meteorite planet will be frozen, even if he and the Shinra domain will also be frozen, there is a huge crisis, and now we can only use tyrannical means to destroy it.


Ye Yun was sweating profusely, activating the Sky Burial Bow was a hundred times more difficult than activating the Sky Splitting Mirror. Once activated, it would consume a lot of energy. Once the Sky Burial Bow was fired, the fourteen holy spears of light shot towards the ice portal.

Boom boom boom….

Before the fourteen ice portals had time to descend, they were destroyed by the holy guns of light one after another. A big explosion broke out in the star field, and the chill gradually dissipated.

Ye Yun was also panting from exhaustion, one-third of the strength in his body was consumed by this one stroke, and he had already consumed a lot of energy when he was promoted to the planet, and he was a little overwhelmed by urging the Sky Burial Bow.

"That is?"

Although Ye Yun was prepared, the seventh catastrophe passed, and the eighth catastrophe would come immediately, but when it appeared now, Ye Yun was stunned, because the eighth catastrophe was actually meteorites from outside the sky. The meteorite outside the sky is different. It absorbs the power of the catastrophe and blesses it in the meteorite to form a terrifying meteorite.

Such a meteorite can destroy the meteorite planet Ye Yun is on, and ten meteorites can destroy any planet on the Taixing plane, including the largest Piaomiao planet in Shenzhou Xianyuan.

There are sixteen meteorites in total. If these sixteen meteorites land in the Shenzhou star field, at least half of the planets will be destroyed, and countless planets will explode and fall.

"Damn, why are you so perverted?"

Seeing these extraterrestrial meteorites that contain one of the cataclysms, Ye Yun was a little annoyed. Such a fucking power is ten times stronger than the general catastrophe that breaks the fairyland.

Fucking fuck...Ye Yun couldn't help scolding a few times, this is simply bullying.

"Boss...the laws of the lower realm, there are several laws. The catastrophe you are facing should be of the highest level. These extraterrestrial meteorites can be blasted even if they break through the fairyland!"

Suddenly, beside Ye Yun's ear, the faint voice of Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable came.

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