The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 335 Shaking the Heavens

"I can't even break the fairyland...God, you want me to fail the tribulation...disappear in the dust forever, I, Ye Yun, just want to shake the sky..."

Ye Yun said slowly, his forehead and neck were full of sweat, fortunately the golden scale armor could drive away the sweat, otherwise Ye Yun would be dripping with sweat by now, he gripped the burial bow tightly, ready to show off his stamina, and smashed the sixteen extraterrestrial meteorites one by one. destroy.

The huge extraterrestrial meteorites were born from the robbery cloud, and they were composed of the constant sand particles in the star field. The meteorites continued to grow, reaching the size of ordinary planets, which were different from planets. These extraterrestrial meteorites are composed of absorbing the energy of the catastrophe, which contains the law of the catastrophe, and each one has the power to break the eternal.

"These extraterrestrial meteorites are too powerful and invincible. If I don't have the Burial Bow and rely on my own strength, I will really face the challenge of life and death..."

Standing upright on the sky, facing the meandering catastrophe, and meteorites being crazily born one after another, Ye Yun felt unprecedented oppression. The tyrannical and invincible characters such as Tianzu and Wang Chuantian are completely different.

In the face of the strong, it is impossible to defeat, but in the face of the catastrophe, it is irresistible, physically and mentally weak, feeling that any supernatural powers and tricks are in vain in front of the catastrophe, and it is impossible to escape the catastrophe even if you rack your brains, and eventually fall.

In the long river of history, the bones of the monks who stopped at the difficulty of the catastrophe have long been piled up in the ocean, how many geniuses have fallen, the sky is competing for things, the survival of the fittest, this is the eternal law of truth.

The road to comprehension is a step-by-step ladder made of corpses.

"Destroy me!"

Condensing a hundred-foot-long holy spear of light, exuding divine power to pierce the sky, the sky-burial bow aims at a meteorite that has been formed outside the sky, and once the divine power is released, the holy spear of light cooperates with the power of the sky-burial bow, bursting **** come out.

One bright holy spear followed by another, a total of sixteen, forming the attack power of releasing the holy light, shooting towards the sixteen extraterrestrial meteorites below the robbery cloud.


The outermost meteorite in the front, when it was shot by the holy gun of light, actually made a metal-like impact sound, and emitted indestructible energy from the inside of the meteorite outside the outer sky. Yes, how terrifying the power is, Taiyi Shenguang alone is invincible.

The meteorite exploded in an instant, just like the beginning of chaos, the scene of the division of heaven and earth was similar. With the explosion of the meteorite, the entire star field was shaking, filled with a storm of destruction.

Then, one after another, the extraterrestrial meteorites exploded one after another. The power of the explosions even almost dispersed the entire cloud of calamity, and the power was astonishing to destroy everything.


Watching meteorites explode one after another, Ye Yun held the burial bow in his hand, and he also looked exhausted and embarrassed, shrugging his body, powerless, condensing sixteen bright holy spears, consuming a lot of Taiyi divine light, fortunately, Ye Yun Yun had already prepared, otherwise, he would definitely be drained and turned into a zombie now.

Then, waiting to be destroyed by the catastrophe as dust and sand.

It also consumes a lot of energy, urging the Burial Sky Bow, which makes Ye Yun even more tired. The Burial Sky Bow is a ninth-grade fairy weapon, and it cannot be activated even if it breaks the fairyland. It wasn't that Ye Yun possessed infinite mysterious divinity, nor could he bury Tiangong.

Even the Sky-Cracking Mirror is something that cannot be activated by ordinary Immortal-shattering realms. Xiao Yunqiong can barely activate the Sky-Cracking Mirror, which can only be completed by the powerhouses of the Kyushu Sect and how many years of offerings. The strong can only be motivated by working together.

It's just that Ye Yun's current realm is too low. If he is in the Heaven-reaching realm, he can destroy sixteen meteorites at will, and it won't be as difficult as it is now.

"The eighth heavenly already so tyrannical, the ninth and tenth, I'm afraid it will consume all my energy..."

As the sixteen extraterrestrial meteorites hadn't erupted yet, Ye Yun shot them one by one, and Ye Yun immediately looked at Jieyun.

The ninth catastrophe came one after another like a blowout.

The first catastrophe is the battle drum, and then there are boots, thunder catastrophe, flames, talisman arrows, wind, ice portal, and meteorites from outside the sky. I don’t know what magical power the ninth catastrophe will show.

Chu Chu Chu!

This time, the robbery cloud surged, and the star field also began to shake. It seemed that there was a force to counter the Taixing plane, and it was about to be born. There are eighteen huge thrones in total, like eighteen gods of war.

"The throne...? What is this thing?"

At this moment, Ye Yun was a little puzzled. He didn't expect that the Ninth Tribulation would not be a destructive aura, but instead, it would be thrones with fairy nature.

"Boss, haha, I really didn't expect that the ancient immortals who created the laws of the lower realms would use their dojo throne as a catastrophe. Boss, as long as you pass this level, you will be able to break through the heavenly realm..."

Suddenly, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable's majestic black shadow flew over from the Taiyi planet. He came to the side of the star field and did not enter Ye Yun's field. Bringing harm, he said to Ye Yun: "These thrones are transformed by the will of the immortals, representing the approval of the immortals. The energy in them is very beneficial to me. Boss, even if you destroy these thrones, let me share some benefits!"

"Anytime, I'm still in the mood to joke around!"

Ye Yun glanced at Demon Lord Chiyun, he was really Demon Lord, under such oppression of Heavenly Tribulation, he was eloquent and eloquent, making jokes about Heavenly Tribulation, he really convinced him.

However, Ye Yun also heard the truth from it. These thrones with pure immortal nature born from the catastrophe are the will of the ancient immortals who created the law when they were born in the lower realm. Once they pass the examination for the throne, they can get it. With the approval of the will of the immortals, Ye Yun will step into the Heaven-reaching Realm.

There are eighteen thrones in total, floating quietly in the starry sky. On each of the thrones, there is an ancient immortal sitting, overlooking all living beings from the sky, and despising all things.

"The will left behind by the immortals, this is not a joke... It is equivalent to directly facing the power of the immortals, and these thrones cannot be allowed to come down!"

Now, Ye Yun realized that these thrones are more terrifying than meteorites from the sky. Once they succeed, they will be recognized by the immortals. Once they fail...Ye Yun firmly believes that they will not fail.

The will left by the immortals, the throne formed...

"This time...Taiyi Divine Light, let's bless you..."

Ye Yun actually released almost all the Taiyi divine light in his body, and began to condense eighteen holy holy spears, one after another holy spear, releasing the majestic divinity of Taiyi divine light, and at the same time, invincible.

"Heavenly Demon Eyes... Swallowing the Sky..."

At this time, in the distant star field, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and a vertical eye flashed between his brows. Suddenly, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable's vertical eyes appeared.

This vertical eye not only releases the magic light, but it is bloody. However, although it is magic light and blood, it is not the evil power of demons and heretics, but a natural evil energy.


Ye Yun stepped forward and opened his bow, just like Hou Yi shooting the sun, standing in the star field, his body is protected by the power of the Great Thousand Gods, floating in the star field forever, eighteen bright holy guns are shot out one by one, in the vast black hole The star field presents eighteen dazzling rays of light, shooting straight into the depths of the sky.

"Swallow the sky..."

Following the firing of the eighteen holy spears of light, Demon Venerable Scarlet Cloud's heavenly eyes actually released waves of mysterious black aura. This aura penetrated into the star field, and then brought back mysterious holy light.


The holy spear of light suddenly shot at the holy throne, and when it was shocked, the throne retreated [-] meters, and then blocked the holy spear of light. However, under the majestic divinity, a crack was pierced by the holy spear of light, and the entire throne was densely packed with turtles. Crack presents.


The throne began to shatter, sending out a shocking explosion. With the explosion of the throne, the Holy Spear of Light also became an explosion flame, and exploded again with the fragments of the throne. Wave after wave, a huge explosive dazzling fireball appeared in the distant star field.

"Ah! Who? Who revived us? . . . O great divinity!"

"A great divinity was born...God, your prayer, your will, will be born in this era..."

Suddenly, misty, hoarse, ancient, and thick voices came from the depths of the star field. I don't know which time and space they came from, which direction they came from. They were nothingness and misty.

"Who is speaking?"

Thinking that there was an enemy appearing, Ye Yun immediately released his divinity, and looked around, but there was no enemy, and he didn't sense any aura, only Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord, only Taiyi Planet, and even Chaoxing Star didn't have any aura of life.

"Cough cough..."

Ye Yun shrugged and stretched his body, holding the sky-burying bow in his hand, which was extremely heavy. This time, he exhausted all his energy and condensed eighteen holy spears of light to finally destroy the eighteen thrones. If there is no sky-burying bow, Ye Yun Yun may not be able to stand up now.

Fortunately, Ye Yun was in the Shenluo domain, and the Taiyi divine furnace was burning crazily. There was still a large amount of stored energy in the domain, which continuously poured into Ye Yun's body and was blessed. Moreover, there were still two thousand pieces of immortal energy. There are quite a few high-level pills that Ye Yun hasn't used yet, but now, take out a dozen pills and take them.

These elixirs are refined by masters of the Immortal Realm, and they are of great help to the Heaven-reaching Realm, but to Ye Yun, they can only restore a star and a half of energy, such a weak energy, now it is like a life-saving straw, like spring water pouring into it Heart and spleen, this feeling is very comfortable.

"Haha, it is indeed the power left by the ancient immortals. Although most of the power was imprisoned by the Law of Heavenly Tribulation, it still allowed me to absorb a lot of energy..."

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly withdrew his vertical eyes, then opened his pupils, and a fierce smile appeared on his face.

"The eyes of the's really the eyes of the sky...!"

"Could it be... are are ancient..."

Suddenly, from the depths of the star field, exclamations erupted one after another.

"You fallen immortals are still pretending to be gods and ghosts in front of this emperor, and you should all go to sleep, otherwise, I will not only devour your energy, but also your last remaining will!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable let out a yell, this voice, even Ye Yun couldn't hear it, the sound waves were more terrifying than the sound waves from war drums, and suddenly spread to the distant star field.

"Hmph, knowing my identity, you still dare to be presumptuous..." Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable looked at the empty starry sky, smiled coldly, then turned around and flew towards Ye Yun slowly.

"War drums, combat boots, thunder flames, talisman arrows, wind, ice portals, meteorites, thrones... Oh my god, the nine heavenly tribulations have appeared one after another. Could it be that the last ten heavenly tribulations are the aggregate of the nine heavenly tribulations? "

Having survived the ninth heavenly tribulation and the eighteen thrones, Ye Yun felt that his body was on the verge of extinction. Suddenly, he looked up and saw the sound of war drums, the strength of his boots, the destruction of the thunder calamity, and the raging wind... the first nine heavens At this moment, catastrophes reappeared one after another, merging into a world of catastrophe.

"This... this is simply trying to obliterate me... what is the will of the ancient immortals, the gods hinder me, I will kill the gods... a collection of nine heavenly tribulations!"

At this moment, Ye Yun felt the irresistible will of the Heavenly Tribulation, and the Ninth Heavenly Tribulation reappeared, forming the Heavenly Tribulation World. This Heavenly Tribulation World was fully ten times stronger than the power of the Ninth Heavenly Tribulation.

This simply did not give Ye Yun the slightest respite and a chance!

"Boss, you have been recognized by the ancient immortals, and these ten heavenly tribulations are indeed powerful, but they are just pure power. Boss, hurry up!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was not worried about Ye Yun at all, because he knew Ye Yun's strength, and now it seemed that Ye Yun was on the verge of collapse, but in fact Ye Yun still had strength.

"The last catastrophe, destroy it!"

"The Divine Fist of Good Fortune... the first form, birth, eternal emptiness, there is no life at all, chaos creates the universe, the universe is born of chaos, chaos breeds life, endless life..."

At the end of the tenth catastrophe, Ye Yun didn't want to use the energy of the burying bow anymore, he wanted to use his own power to fight against the catastrophe. Ye Yun firmly believed that he had the ability to fight against the catastrophe for the last time.

Immediately, the god-level qigong, the peerless attack qigong appeared.

At this moment, all the energy in the Shenluo domain was sucked into the body by Ye Yun, and all the Taiyi true energy and Taiyi divine light in the meridians were also completely condensed in the seal of the Good Fortune Fist.

Then, Ye Yun used the power he had never used before.

Dantian, Jindan.

The golden elixir is the most wonderful energy in the world. With the golden elixir, one can become an immortal or even transform into a god. The golden elixir is the life source of a monk. Without the golden elixir, a monk cannot cultivate. So, unless it is absolutely necessary, a monk will not use it own golden core power.


At this moment, the energies of the Domain, Taiyi Divine Furnace, Taiyi True Qi, Taiyi Divine Light, and Jindan were condensed, all of which were blessed on the Good Fortune Divine Fist Seal. Light, Ye Yun punched that catastrophe cloud, the incarnation aggregate of the nine heavenly catastrophes.


The great holy light, illuminating the black star field, rushed directly to the catastrophe cloud and ten catastrophes, all the drums, boots, thunder catastrophe, flames, talismans and arrows, astral winds, ice portals, meteorites, and thrones were all there. For a moment, he was annihilated in the world born in the first form of the Good Fortune Fist.

There is no evil, no darkness, only light, this is the Divine Fist of Good Fortune. "I can't even break the fairyland...God, you want me to fail the tribulation...disappear in the dust forever, I, Ye Yun, just want to shake the sky..."

Ye Yun said slowly, his forehead and neck were full of sweat, fortunately the golden scale armor could drive away the sweat, otherwise Ye Yun would be dripping with sweat by now, he gripped the burial bow tightly, ready to show off his stamina, and smashed the sixteen extraterrestrial meteorites one by one. destroy.

The huge extraterrestrial meteorites were born from the robbery cloud, and they were composed of the constant sand particles in the star field. The meteorites continued to grow, reaching the size of ordinary planets, which were different from planets. These extraterrestrial meteorites are composed of absorbing the energy of the catastrophe, which contains the law of the catastrophe, and each one has the power to break the eternal.

"These extraterrestrial meteorites are too powerful and invincible. If I don't have the Burial Bow and rely on my own strength, I will really face the challenge of life and death..."

Standing upright on the sky, facing the meandering catastrophe, and meteorites being crazily born one after another, Ye Yun felt unprecedented oppression. The tyrannical and invincible characters such as Tianzu and Wang Chuantian are completely different.

In the face of the strong, it is impossible to defeat, but in the face of the catastrophe, it is irresistible, physically and mentally weak, feeling that any supernatural powers and tricks are in vain in front of the catastrophe, and it is impossible to escape the catastrophe even if you rack your brains, and eventually fall.

In the long river of history, the bones of the monks who stopped at the difficulty of the catastrophe have long been piled up in the ocean, how many geniuses have fallen, the sky is competing for things, the survival of the fittest, this is the eternal law of truth.

The road to comprehension is a step-by-step ladder made of corpses.

"Destroy me!"

Condensing a hundred-foot-long holy spear of light, exuding divine power to pierce the sky, the sky-burial bow aims at a meteorite that has been formed outside the sky, and once the divine power is released, the holy spear of light cooperates with the power of the sky-burial bow, bursting **** come out.

One bright holy spear followed by another, a total of sixteen, forming the attack power of releasing the holy light, shooting towards the sixteen extraterrestrial meteorites below the robbery cloud.


The outermost meteorite in the front, when it was shot by the holy gun of light, actually made a metal-like impact sound, and emitted indestructible energy from the inside of the meteorite outside the outer sky. Yes, how terrifying the power is, Taiyi Shenguang alone is invincible.

The meteorite exploded in an instant, just like the beginning of chaos, the scene of the division of heaven and earth was similar. With the explosion of the meteorite, the entire star field was shaking, filled with a storm of destruction.

Then, one after another, the extraterrestrial meteorites exploded one after another. The power of the explosions even almost dispersed the entire cloud of calamity, and the power was astonishing to destroy everything.


Watching meteorites explode one after another, Ye Yun held the burial bow in his hand, and he also looked exhausted and embarrassed, shrugging his body, powerless, condensing sixteen bright holy spears, consuming a lot of Taiyi divine light, fortunately, Ye Yun Yun had already prepared, otherwise, he would definitely be drained and turned into a zombie now.

Then, waiting to be destroyed by the catastrophe as dust and sand.

It also consumes a lot of energy, urging the Burial Sky Bow, which makes Ye Yun even more tired. The Burial Sky Bow is a ninth-grade fairy weapon, and it cannot be activated even if it breaks the fairyland. It wasn't that Ye Yun possessed infinite mysterious divinity, nor could he bury Tiangong.

Even the Sky-Cracking Mirror is something that cannot be activated by ordinary Immortal-shattering realms. Xiao Yunqiong can barely activate the Sky-Cracking Mirror, which can only be completed by the powerhouses of the Kyushu Sect and how many years of offerings. The strong can only be motivated by working together.

It's just that Ye Yun's current realm is too low. If he is in the Heaven-reaching realm, he can destroy sixteen meteorites at will, and it won't be as difficult as it is now.

"The eighth heavenly already so tyrannical, the ninth and tenth, I'm afraid it will consume all my energy..."

As the sixteen extraterrestrial meteorites hadn't erupted yet, Ye Yun shot them one by one, and Ye Yun immediately looked at Jieyun.

The ninth catastrophe came one after another like a blowout.

The first catastrophe is the battle drum, and then there are boots, thunder catastrophe, flames, talisman arrows, wind, ice portal, and meteorites from outside the sky. I don’t know what magical power the ninth catastrophe will show.

Chu Chu Chu!

This time, the robbery cloud surged, and the star field also began to shake. It seemed that there was a force to counter the Taixing plane, and it was about to be born. There are eighteen huge thrones in total, like eighteen gods of war.

"The throne...? What is this thing?"

At this moment, Ye Yun was a little puzzled. He didn't expect that the Ninth Tribulation would not be a destructive aura, but instead, it would be thrones with fairy nature.

"Boss, haha, I really didn't expect that the ancient immortals who created the laws of the lower realms would use their dojo throne as a catastrophe. Boss, as long as you pass this level, you will be able to break through the heavenly realm..."

Suddenly, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable's majestic black shadow flew over from the Taiyi planet. He came to the side of the star field and did not enter Ye Yun's field. Bringing harm, he said to Ye Yun: "These thrones are transformed by the will of the immortals, representing the approval of the immortals. The energy in them is very beneficial to me. Boss, even if you destroy these thrones, let me share some benefits!"

"Anytime, I'm still in the mood to joke around!"

Ye Yun glanced at Demon Lord Chiyun, he was really Demon Lord, under such oppression of Heavenly Tribulation, he was eloquent and eloquent, making jokes about Heavenly Tribulation, he really convinced him.

However, Ye Yun also heard the truth from it. These thrones with pure immortal nature born from the catastrophe are the will of the ancient immortals who created the law when they were born in the lower realm. Once they pass the examination for the throne, they can get it. With the approval of the will of the immortals, Ye Yun will step into the Heaven-reaching Realm.

There are eighteen thrones in total, floating quietly in the starry sky. On each of the thrones, there is an ancient immortal sitting, overlooking all living beings from the sky, and despising all things.

"The will left behind by the immortals, this is not a joke... It is equivalent to directly facing the power of the immortals, and these thrones cannot be allowed to come down!"

Now, Ye Yun realized that these thrones are more terrifying than meteorites from the sky. Once they succeed, they will be recognized by the immortals. Once they fail...Ye Yun firmly believes that they will not fail.

The will left by the immortals, the throne formed...

"This time...Taiyi Divine Light, let's bless you..."

Ye Yun actually released almost all the Taiyi divine light in his body, and began to condense eighteen holy holy spears, one after another holy spear, releasing the majestic divinity of Taiyi divine light, and at the same time, invincible.

"Heavenly Demon Eyes... Swallowing the Sky..."

At this time, in the distant star field, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and a vertical eye flashed between his brows. Suddenly, Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable's vertical eyes appeared.

This vertical eye not only releases the magic light, but it is bloody. However, although it is magic light and blood, it is not the evil power of demons and heretics, but a natural evil energy.


Ye Yun stepped forward and opened his bow, just like Hou Yi shooting the sun, standing in the star field, his body is protected by the power of the Great Thousand Gods, floating in the star field forever, eighteen bright holy guns are shot out one by one, in the vast black hole The star field presents eighteen dazzling rays of light, shooting straight into the depths of the sky.

"Swallow the sky..."

Following the firing of the eighteen holy spears of light, Demon Venerable Scarlet Cloud's heavenly eyes actually released waves of mysterious black aura. This aura penetrated into the star field, and then brought back mysterious holy light.


The holy spear of light suddenly shot at the holy throne, and when it was shocked, the throne retreated [-] meters, and then blocked the holy spear of light. However, under the majestic divinity, a crack was pierced by the holy spear of light, and the entire throne was densely packed with turtles. Crack presents.


The throne began to shatter, sending out a shocking explosion. With the explosion of the throne, the Holy Spear of Light also became an explosion flame, and exploded again with the fragments of the throne. Wave after wave, a huge explosive dazzling fireball appeared in the distant star field.

"Ah! Who? Who revived us? . . . O great divinity!"

"A great divinity was born...God, your prayer, your will, will be born in this era..."

Suddenly, misty, hoarse, ancient, and thick voices came from the depths of the star field. I don't know which time and space they came from, which direction they came from. They were nothingness and misty.

"Who is speaking?"

Thinking that there was an enemy appearing, Ye Yun immediately released his divinity, and looked around, but there was no enemy, and he didn't sense any aura, only Scarlet Cloud Demon Lord, only Taiyi Planet, and even Chaoxing Star didn't have any aura of life.

"Cough cough..."

Ye Yun shrugged and stretched his body, holding the sky-burying bow in his hand, which was extremely heavy. This time, he exhausted all his energy and condensed eighteen holy spears of light to finally destroy the eighteen thrones. If there is no sky-burying bow, Ye Yun Yun may not be able to stand up now.

Fortunately, Ye Yun was in the Shenluo domain, and the Taiyi divine furnace was burning crazily. There was still a large amount of stored energy in the domain, which continuously poured into Ye Yun's body and was blessed. Moreover, there were still two thousand pieces of immortal energy. There are quite a few high-level pills that Ye Yun hasn't used yet, but now, take out a dozen pills and take them.

These elixirs are refined by masters of the Immortal Realm, and they are of great help to the Heaven-reaching Realm, but to Ye Yun, they can only restore a star and a half of energy, such a weak energy, now it is like a life-saving straw, like spring water pouring into it Heart and spleen, this feeling is very comfortable.

"Haha, it is indeed the power left by the ancient immortals. Although most of the power was imprisoned by the Law of Heavenly Tribulation, it still allowed me to absorb a lot of energy..."

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable suddenly withdrew his vertical eyes, then opened his pupils, and a fierce smile appeared on his face.

"The eyes of the's really the eyes of the sky...!"

"Could it be... are are ancient..."

Suddenly, from the depths of the star field, exclamations erupted one after another.

"You fallen immortals are still pretending to be gods and ghosts in front of this emperor, and you should all go to sleep, otherwise, I will not only devour your energy, but also your last remaining will!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable let out a yell, this voice, even Ye Yun couldn't hear it, the sound waves were more terrifying than the sound waves from war drums, and suddenly spread to the distant star field.

"Hmph, knowing my identity, you still dare to be presumptuous..." Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable looked at the empty starry sky, smiled coldly, then turned around and flew towards Ye Yun slowly.

"War drums, combat boots, thunder flames, talisman arrows, wind, ice portals, meteorites, thrones... Oh my god, the nine heavenly tribulations have appeared one after another. Could it be that the last ten heavenly tribulations are the aggregate of the nine heavenly tribulations? "

Having survived the ninth heavenly tribulation and the eighteen thrones, Ye Yun felt that his body was on the verge of extinction. Suddenly, he looked up and saw the sound of war drums, the strength of his boots, the destruction of the thunder calamity, and the raging wind... the first nine heavens At this moment, catastrophes reappeared one after another, merging into a world of catastrophe.

"This... this is simply trying to obliterate me... what is the will of the ancient immortals, the gods hinder me, I will kill the gods... a collection of nine heavenly tribulations!"

At this moment, Ye Yun felt the irresistible will of the Heavenly Tribulation, and the Ninth Heavenly Tribulation reappeared, forming the Heavenly Tribulation World. This Heavenly Tribulation World was fully ten times stronger than the power of the Ninth Heavenly Tribulation.

This simply did not give Ye Yun the slightest respite and a chance!

"Boss, you have been recognized by the ancient immortals, and these ten heavenly tribulations are indeed powerful, but they are just pure power. Boss, hurry up!"

Scarlet Cloud Demon Venerable was not worried about Ye Yun at all, because he knew Ye Yun's strength, and now it seemed that Ye Yun was on the verge of collapse, but in fact Ye Yun still had strength.

"The last catastrophe, destroy it!"

"The Divine Fist of Good Fortune... the first form, birth, eternal emptiness, there is no life at all, chaos creates the universe, the universe is born of chaos, chaos breeds life, endless life..."

At the end of the tenth catastrophe, Ye Yun didn't want to use the energy of the burying bow anymore, he wanted to use his own power to fight against the catastrophe. Ye Yun firmly believed that he had the ability to fight against the catastrophe for the last time.

Immediately, the god-level qigong, the peerless attack qigong appeared.

At this moment, all the energy in the Shenluo domain was sucked into the body by Ye Yun, and all the Taiyi true energy and Taiyi divine light in the meridians were also completely condensed in the seal of the Good Fortune Fist.

Then, Ye Yun used the power he had never used before.

Dantian, Jindan.

The golden elixir is the most wonderful energy in the world. With the golden elixir, one can become an immortal or even transform into a god. The golden elixir is the life source of a monk. Without the golden elixir, a monk cannot cultivate. So, unless it is absolutely necessary, a monk will not use it own golden core power.


At this moment, the energies of the Domain, Taiyi Divine Furnace, Taiyi True Qi, Taiyi Divine Light, and Jindan were condensed, all of which were blessed on the Good Fortune Divine Fist Seal. Light, Ye Yun punched that catastrophe cloud, the incarnation aggregate of the nine heavenly catastrophes.


The great holy light, illuminating the black star field, rushed directly to the catastrophe cloud and ten catastrophes, all the drums, boots, thunder catastrophe, flames, talismans and arrows, astral winds, ice portals, meteorites, and thrones were all there. For a moment, he was annihilated in the world born in the first form of the Good Fortune Fist.

There is no evil, no darkness, only light, this is the Divine Fist of Good Fortune.

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