The Holy Spear of Light is like the god of hell, reaping lives. No restriction, no space can stop it. The majestic harvesting will swept across and pierced Sima Jian's head directly.


Sima Jian's eyes and pupils were dead gray, without any divine light, just like a chaotic color, lost its luster, only endless darkness, the muscles on his face trembled a few times, he uttered a word unwillingly, his neck tilted, and he lost his life.

"I represent God. If you die by my hand, you will have an afterlife. Hell will not open the door to you!" Ye Yun's wrist shook, and the holy spear of light disappeared completely like a halo.


As the Holy Spear of Light was retracted by Ye Yun, Sima Jian fell heavily on the barrier of the battle platform, and the whole battle platform shook accordingly, with non-stop bangs.

"Damn it...Damn it!!!!"

In the main camp, Sima Yan firmly grasped the throne with both hands, his anger was soaring, and his murderous aura was on the verge of coming out. If there were no such principals as the Palace of Law Enforcement and Fu Daoji, he would have raised his palm and swept towards Ye Yun, wishing to slap Ye Yun. Only by crushing Ye Yun can the hatred be untied.

It is conceivable that Sima Yan watched his descendants die in front of his eyes. As an ancestor, he was the master, but he couldn't intervene. How could outsiders understand this feeling!

His lungs were about to explode now, and hatred shot out from his eyes. He could even feel that the principals from all directions were ridiculing and laughing at him. In the future, his status among the principals would be greatly lowered.

Thinking that all the principals were laughing at him, Sima Yan left a few disciples to collect Sima Jian's body. He rode the throne and went directly through the passage.

"Ye Yun! Ye Yun! Ye Yun!"

Waves of cheers suddenly sounded, breaking the immersion of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy. Every student witnessed Ye Yun's ability to kill Xi Guangdao and Sima Jian directly and fiercely.

Just after being promoted to the rank of immortal, he was able to kill two second-tier powerhouses at the same time. This is strength, and everyone can see that Ye Yun is the number one genius in Shenzhou Immortal Academy, and among the billion students, he is truly the pride of heaven. , the limelight even overshadowed Ditian, and became the true genius of the billion students of Shenzhou Xianyuan.

Standing on the battle platform, listening to the cheers shaking the sky, Ye Yun smiled faintly and stood with his hands behind his back. In comparison, they were the two cold corpses of Xi Guangdao and Sima Jian.

Ye Yun calmly faced and received countless respectful gazes, showing the demeanor of a master, without the slightest sense of joy of victory on his face, very calm, so calm that many people feel abnormal.

It seemed that Ye Yun had expected this outcome a long time ago, and everything was well planned.

"This life-and-death battle is witnessed by our Law Enforcement Hall. The process is fair and the dead are dead!" A Law Enforcement Hall protector waved his hand, and the entire battlefield disappeared. The corpses of Xi Guangdao and Sima Jian fell instantly, but they were quickly killed People take it away.

Ye Yun floated in the void, and slowly flew towards the Hall of Law Enforcement. He could feel that all the powerful people in the Hall of Law Enforcement had changed their attitude towards him again, even many principals, too.

"On behalf of the supreme leader, I will give Ye Yun a reward, three pieces of first-grade fairy artifacts, [-] million top-grade spirit stones, a broken elixir, and a Beiqi seed refined by the leader himself. Ye Yun, accept it." !"

A stalwart projection suddenly appeared from the sky above the main camp. This is an old man in white robes. He sat on the decaying throne like a dead person. On his throne, there was a big extremely word.

"Greetings, Master Daoist!"

As the projection appeared, all the principals of Bai Wudao, Qiu Shuihan, and Yu Xuanji, as well as the law enforcers and guardians of the Law Enforcement Hall, everyone in the Central Dojo and Qiankun Dojo respected the projection, and they were extremely devout.

"The fifth level of Poxian... the strongest among the masters, the most powerful man!!!"

Ye Yun bowed his body. As for the principals, Ye Yun had memorized each principal in his mind from the information given by the Law Enforcement Hall a year ago. Among them, there were several principals that Ye Yun remembered deeply.

The principals of the academy are only eligible to apply if they have broken through the fourth level of Poxian, or they can apply to be the guardian of the Law Enforcement Palace, or they can apply for the principal. Among the principals, the one with the highest cultivation level is the fifth level of Poxian, like Bai Wudao, Yu Xuanji, Qiu Shuihan and others are the fifth rank of Poxian.

And Bai Wudao, whose cultivation base is at the peak of the fifth level of Poxian, is the invincible powerhouse among the masters and the leader of the masters. Once he reaches the sixth level, he will be promoted to the elder.

Fu Daoji was respected by countless people in Shenzhou Xianyuan. When he said a word, the law enforcement hall listened honestly, and every principal did not dare to resist.

Ye Yun was very surprised, this time he fought with Xi Guangdao and Sima Jian Guangming, but he pulled out this old tycoon, moreover, he came here following the will of the supreme leader Jiang Xiaoyun.

"Three pieces of first-grade fairy artifacts, [-] million top-grade spirit stones, one broken elixir, and one Beiqi seed..."

"Openly announcing leader rewards to the hundreds of millions of students in Shenzhou Xianyuan, I think everyone should understand the intention behind it. The leader values ​​me so much, it seems..."

"Regardless of what the leaders mean, what do these principals and high-level officials mean, I have received so many benefits, it is not difficult to break through to the second level of Tongtian, especially the 'Broken Immortal Pill', it is a treasure, a half-immortal and strong person who broke the fairyland, and it was hard to refine it An elixir!"

Ye Yun doesn't care what the Immortal Academy means now, first take advantage of the benefits, and then improve his strength. As long as he has strength, any conspiracy can be solved.

Without strength, just having a brain is nothing.

"Broken elixir!!!"

The immortal students opened their mouths wide, envious. They all knew that the Shattering Elixir was a supreme treasure. Getting one would be of great help to their cultivation base. Moreover, the higher the cultivation base, the stronger the Immortal Realm Breaker. , the more powerful the broken elixir refined.

"I heard that the seeds of Beiyun are more powerful than the broken elixir. They were refined by the supreme leader himself. Sure enough... this Ye Yun is a person who is valued by the leader, and is the one who is to be cultivated by the high-level!"

"Master Daoji, announcing it in front of countless people is tantamount to telling Master Sima Yan directly, don't trouble Ye Yun, don't even try to avenge Sima Jian!"

Many students were whispering in private.

Suddenly -.

A storage ring descended from the void of Fu Daoji with a sacred aura, and flew towards Ye Yun slowly. At this moment, I don't know how many immortal students wanted to get it, and envied others. It's not the master, the law enforcement hall is here, there may be some immortal students who have already taken action to snatch it.

But after all, this is a reward directly bestowed by the supreme leader, even the principal does not dare to interfere.

"Thank you, Master Daoji, and the Supreme Leader. Ye Yun will definitely not disappoint the cultivation of the Immortal Academy, and will not disappoint the leader's wishes. Ye Yun promises that within three years, he will complete a top-level secret mission and return to the Immortal Academy! "

Snatching and holding the storage ring, Ye Yun slowly raised his head, looked at the principals, and said confidently to the sky.

"Okay, the leader's hopes for you are not in vain!" Fu Daoji disappeared instantly.

"What a good Ye Yun... just wait, you must not be allowed to grow any longer!"

Bai Wudao said coyly, and the other principals took control of the throne one after another, left this time and space, and entered the mysterious tunnel network.


Several Dharma protectors from the Law Enforcing Hall faced the entire void and cast a series of seals. Immediately, those disappearing restrictions appeared one by one, completely hiding the Law Enforcement Hall. In an instant, the Law Enforcement Hall disappeared from the eyes of hundreds of millions of students.

"Junior brother, we are waiting for you at the dojo!"

Yu Yunlan, Huo Yingying and the others were overjoyed, and nodded to Ye Yun, then followed Yu Xuanji to control the throne and entered the space tunnel.


Then, the law enforcers of the Hall of Law Enforcement began to take the initiative to make friends with Ye Yun and congratulate him.

After experiencing this incident, everyone understands and no longer doubts that Ye Yun is the leader, a seed that is valued by the high-level of the college, and will achieve great achievements in the future. Now, please please Ye Yun in advance. Ye Yun is a genius, and he will become the master in less than ten thousand years. With such a person, these law enforcement officers will be able to gain a lot of convenience at that time.

Ye Yun met them one by one, saluted, and then surrounded by the crowd, came to the law enforcement hall. Ye Yun was brought into the inner hall by a law enforcer. At this time, there were three guardians inside. Ye Yun had seen them all and knew their names. As the law enforcers left, the door suddenly closed, Ye Yun saluted and said, "Masters, now that the Immortal Academy is facing the enemy, as a student, I will do my best!"

A protector said: "Right now, the star field is restless and there are various crises lurking. A large number of tasks need to be performed by students, especially many tasks, which can only be completed by immortal students. There are several levels of tasks, difficult tasks, advanced tasks, and secret tasks. , Ordinary fairy students, it is not easy to complete difficult tasks, high-level tasks, secret tasks, only second-tier to fourth-tier immortal students have the strength to complete them!"

"There are dozens of high-level missions. As long as you can complete ten of them, you can be directly promoted to the vice-principal, or the law enforcement officer of the Hall of Law Enforcement. There are less than ten secret missions. If you can complete three of them, you can be directly promoted to the principal." , or the Dharma Protector of the Law Enforcement Palace!" said another law enforcement Dharma protector.

The protector then asked: "Secret missions are the highest level of secret existence in the fairy courtyard. If you can complete one, you can be promoted to the vice-principal. Ye Yun, you are a genius. With your strength, you are definitely at the second level of Poxian." , maybe you still have the means to deal with the third level of Poxian, how about it, do you want to receive difficult missions, advanced missions, or secret missions!"

Ye Yun didn't even think about it, and directly chose: "In order to repay the leader, I am willing to receive a secret mission!"

"There is something I haven't told you. The secret mission is a narrow escape. Once you choose, you will either complete the character or die. The mission is dangerous and there are unpredictable dangers in it. If you go, you may not be able to complete the task!"

The chief in the middle, with heavy eyes, fell on Ye Yun, and suddenly brightened: "However, some people have invincible luck, and they may be able to complete the task unexpectedly!"

"Dharma protectors, maybe God will remember me and let me complete the task!" Ye Yun had a good impression of these protectors, and he didn't hide anything or seduce him.

"Okay, since you have made your choice, I will give you a secret mission!"

The principal in the middle waved his hand and grabbed it, a dharma decree appeared in his hand, and then flicked it, the dharma decree gradually floated into the air, slowly unfolding in mid-air, and many coordinates appeared on it, including a star field, the coordinate brightness was particularly eye-catching. The coordinates said: "Our Immortal Academy has tried many methods and lost many students, and finally found several branch altars of the Yan Sect. This is one of them. As long as you can destroy this altar, the task will be considered complete. The remaining Yan Sect followers , after you complete the task, we will send students to carry out a big cleanup, which can be regarded as a combination of internal and external cooperation, and wipe out the branch of Yanjiao!"

"Okay, that's the mission!" Ye Yun didn't choose other missions either, Yanjiao was easier for him to accept, since he was an old opponent, it was easier to start.

However, Ye Yun is very clear about the difficulty of the task. The protectors did not lie to him. Ye Yun knows better than anyone how powerful the Yan Sect is. , and may not be able to come back alive, it will be a completed character.

This move, combining the inside and the outside, is indeed the best way to wipe out the branch of the Yan Sect. Otherwise, without knowing its power, if you attack and sweep it rashly, you will definitely suffer big losses and suffer heavy losses.

"Yanjiao, Yanjiao, I didn't expect to fight against you so soon, Xuantianzu, I don't know if I can meet you, let you know my current cultivation, wouldn't I be so angry that I would vomit blood!"

Ye Yun sneered complacently.

"Once you complete this task, you will be the vice-principal. No one will object. With your means and the fact that the leader values ​​you so much, I believe you will be able to complete the task. If you take ten thousand steps back, even if you can't complete the task, you can come back alive. Reward!" The protector threw the decree to Ye Yun.


"Don't think that I don't know what the college plans. It's a task that even the master can't complete. I'm responsible for other fairy students to take risks. The fairy courtyard is reluctant to waste a master, sacrifice a master, and the loss to the fairy courtyard is too serious. Only Take us fairy students to take risks and take a gamble!"

After collecting the decree, Ye Yun saluted the three guardians and left the room.

"The second son is a character and a genius. I hope he can complete the task. As long as he can withstand the test, he will achieve extraordinary things in the future!"

Several protectors discussed with each other.The Holy Spear of Light is like the god of hell, reaping lives. No restriction, no space can stop it. The majestic harvesting will swept across and pierced Sima Jian's head directly.


Sima Jian's eyes and pupils were dead gray, without any divine light, just like a chaotic color, lost its luster, only endless darkness, the muscles on his face trembled a few times, he uttered a word unwillingly, his neck tilted, and he lost his life.

"I represent God. If you die by my hand, you will have an afterlife. Hell will not open the door to you!" Ye Yun's wrist shook, and the holy spear of light disappeared completely like a halo.


As the Holy Spear of Light was retracted by Ye Yun, Sima Jian fell heavily on the barrier of the battle platform, and the whole battle platform shook accordingly, with non-stop bangs.

"Damn it...Damn it!!!!"

In the main camp, Sima Yan firmly grasped the throne with both hands, his anger was soaring, and his murderous aura was on the verge of coming out. If there were no such principals as the Palace of Law Enforcement and Fu Daoji, he would have raised his palm and swept towards Ye Yun, wishing to slap Ye Yun. Only by crushing Ye Yun can the hatred be untied.

It is conceivable that Sima Yan watched his descendants die in front of his eyes. As an ancestor, he was the master, but he couldn't intervene. How could outsiders understand this feeling!

His lungs were about to explode now, and hatred shot out from his eyes. He could even feel that the principals from all directions were ridiculing and laughing at him. In the future, his status among the principals would be greatly lowered.

Thinking that all the principals were laughing at him, Sima Yan left a few disciples to collect Sima Jian's body. He rode the throne and went directly through the passage.

"Ye Yun! Ye Yun! Ye Yun!"

Waves of cheers suddenly sounded, breaking the immersion of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy. Every student witnessed Ye Yun's ability to kill Xi Guangdao and Sima Jian directly and fiercely.

Just after being promoted to the rank of immortal, he was able to kill two second-tier powerhouses at the same time. This is strength, and everyone can see that Ye Yun is the number one genius in Shenzhou Immortal Academy, and among the billion students, he is truly the pride of heaven. , the limelight even overshadowed Ditian, and became the true genius of the billion students of Shenzhou Xianyuan.

Standing on the battle platform, listening to the cheers shaking the sky, Ye Yun smiled faintly and stood with his hands behind his back. In comparison, they were the two cold corpses of Xi Guangdao and Sima Jian.

Ye Yun calmly faced and received countless respectful gazes, showing the demeanor of a master, without the slightest sense of joy of victory on his face, very calm, so calm that many people feel abnormal.

It seemed that Ye Yun had expected this outcome a long time ago, and everything was well planned.

"This life-and-death battle is witnessed by our Law Enforcement Hall. The process is fair and the dead are dead!" A Law Enforcement Hall protector waved his hand, and the entire battlefield disappeared. The corpses of Xi Guangdao and Sima Jian fell instantly, but they were quickly killed People take it away.

Ye Yun floated in the void, and slowly flew towards the Hall of Law Enforcement. He could feel that all the powerful people in the Hall of Law Enforcement had changed their attitude towards him again, even many principals, too.

"On behalf of the supreme leader, I will give Ye Yun a reward, three pieces of first-grade fairy artifacts, [-] million top-grade spirit stones, a broken elixir, and a Beiqi seed refined by the leader himself. Ye Yun, accept it." !"

A stalwart projection suddenly appeared from the sky above the main camp. This is an old man in white robes. He sat on the decaying throne like a dead person. On his throne, there was a big extremely word.

"Greetings, Master Daoist!"

As the projection appeared, all the principals of Bai Wudao, Qiu Shuihan, and Yu Xuanji, as well as the law enforcers and guardians of the Law Enforcement Hall, everyone in the Central Dojo and Qiankun Dojo respected the projection, and they were extremely devout.

"The fifth level of Poxian... the strongest among the masters, the most powerful man!!!"

Ye Yun bowed his body. As for the principals, Ye Yun had memorized each principal in his mind from the information given by the Law Enforcement Hall a year ago. Among them, there were several principals that Ye Yun remembered deeply.

The principals of the academy are only eligible to apply if they have broken through the fourth level of Poxian, or they can apply to be the guardian of the Law Enforcement Palace, or they can apply for the principal. Among the principals, the one with the highest cultivation level is the fifth level of Poxian, like Bai Wudao, Yu Xuanji, Qiu Shuihan and others are the fifth rank of Poxian.

And Bai Wudao, whose cultivation base is at the peak of the fifth level of Poxian, is the invincible powerhouse among the masters and the leader of the masters. Once he reaches the sixth level, he will be promoted to the elder.

Fu Daoji was respected by countless people in Shenzhou Xianyuan. When he said a word, the law enforcement hall listened honestly, and every principal did not dare to resist.

Ye Yun was very surprised, this time he fought with Xi Guangdao and Sima Jian Guangming, but he pulled out this old tycoon, moreover, he came here following the will of the supreme leader Jiang Xiaoyun.

"Three pieces of first-grade fairy artifacts, [-] million top-grade spirit stones, one broken elixir, and one Beiqi seed..."

"Openly announcing leader rewards to the hundreds of millions of students in Shenzhou Xianyuan, I think everyone should understand the intention behind it. The leader values ​​me so much, it seems..."

"Regardless of what the leaders mean, what do these principals and high-level officials mean, I have received so many benefits, it is not difficult to break through to the second level of Tongtian, especially the 'Broken Immortal Pill', it is a treasure, a half-immortal and strong person who broke the fairyland, and it was hard to refine it An elixir!"

Ye Yun doesn't care what the Immortal Academy means now, first take advantage of the benefits, and then improve his strength. As long as he has strength, any conspiracy can be solved.

Without strength, just having a brain is nothing.

"Broken elixir!!!"

The immortal students opened their mouths wide, envious. They all knew that the Shattering Elixir was a supreme treasure. Getting one would be of great help to their cultivation base. Moreover, the higher the cultivation base, the stronger the Immortal Realm Breaker. , the more powerful the broken elixir refined.

"I heard that the seeds of Beiyun are more powerful than the broken elixir. They were refined by the supreme leader himself. Sure enough... this Ye Yun is a person who is valued by the leader, and is the one who is to be cultivated by the high-level!"

"Master Daoji, announcing it in front of countless people is tantamount to telling Master Sima Yan directly, don't trouble Ye Yun, don't even try to avenge Sima Jian!"

Many students were whispering in private.

Suddenly -.

A storage ring descended from the void of Fu Daoji with a sacred aura, and flew towards Ye Yun slowly. At this moment, I don't know how many immortal students wanted to get it, and envied others. It's not the master, the law enforcement hall is here, there may be some immortal students who have already taken action to snatch it.

But after all, this is a reward directly bestowed by the supreme leader, even the principal does not dare to interfere.

"Thank you, Master Daoji, and the Supreme Leader. Ye Yun will definitely not disappoint the cultivation of the Immortal Academy, and will not disappoint the leader's wishes. Ye Yun promises that within three years, he will complete a top-level secret mission and return to the Immortal Academy! "

Snatching and holding the storage ring, Ye Yun slowly raised his head, looked at the principals, and said confidently to the sky.

"Okay, the leader's hopes for you are not in vain!" Fu Daoji disappeared instantly.

"What a good Ye Yun... just wait, you must not be allowed to grow any longer!"

Bai Wudao said coyly, and the other principals took control of the throne one after another, left this time and space, and entered the mysterious tunnel network.


Several Dharma protectors from the Law Enforcing Hall faced the entire void and cast a series of seals. Immediately, those disappearing restrictions appeared one by one, completely hiding the Law Enforcement Hall. In an instant, the Law Enforcement Hall disappeared from the eyes of hundreds of millions of students.

"Junior brother, we are waiting for you at the dojo!"

Yu Yunlan, Huo Yingying and the others were overjoyed, and nodded to Ye Yun, then followed Yu Xuanji to control the throne and entered the space tunnel.


Then, the law enforcers of the Hall of Law Enforcement began to take the initiative to make friends with Ye Yun and congratulate him.

After experiencing this incident, everyone understands and no longer doubts that Ye Yun is the leader, a seed that is valued by the high-level of the college, and will achieve great achievements in the future. Now, please please Ye Yun in advance. Ye Yun is a genius, and he will become the master in less than ten thousand years. With such a person, these law enforcement officers will be able to gain a lot of convenience at that time.

Ye Yun met them one by one, saluted, and then surrounded by the crowd, came to the law enforcement hall. Ye Yun was brought into the inner hall by a law enforcer. At this time, there were three guardians inside. Ye Yun had seen them all and knew their names. As the law enforcers left, the door suddenly closed, Ye Yun saluted and said, "Masters, now that the Immortal Academy is facing the enemy, as a student, I will do my best!"

A protector said: "Right now, the star field is restless and there are various crises lurking. A large number of tasks need to be performed by students, especially many tasks, which can only be completed by immortal students. There are several levels of tasks, difficult tasks, advanced tasks, and secret tasks. , Ordinary fairy students, it is not easy to complete difficult tasks, high-level tasks, secret tasks, only second-tier to fourth-tier immortal students have the strength to complete them!"

"There are dozens of high-level missions. As long as you can complete ten of them, you can be directly promoted to the vice-principal, or the law enforcement officer of the Hall of Law Enforcement. There are less than ten secret missions. If you can complete three of them, you can be directly promoted to the principal." , or the Dharma Protector of the Law Enforcement Palace!" said another law enforcement Dharma protector.

The protector then asked: "Secret missions are the highest level of secret existence in the fairy courtyard. If you can complete one, you can be promoted to the vice-principal. Ye Yun, you are a genius. With your strength, you are definitely at the second level of Poxian." , maybe you still have the means to deal with the third level of Poxian, how about it, do you want to receive difficult missions, advanced missions, or secret missions!"

Ye Yun didn't even think about it, and directly chose: "In order to repay the leader, I am willing to receive a secret mission!"

"There is something I haven't told you. The secret mission is a narrow escape. Once you choose, you will either complete the character or die. The mission is dangerous and there are unpredictable dangers in it. If you go, you may not be able to complete the task!"

The chief in the middle, with heavy eyes, fell on Ye Yun, and suddenly brightened: "However, some people have invincible luck, and they may be able to complete the task unexpectedly!"

"Dharma protectors, maybe God will remember me and let me complete the task!" Ye Yun had a good impression of these protectors, and he didn't hide anything or seduce him.

"Okay, since you have made your choice, I will give you a secret mission!"

The principal in the middle waved his hand and grabbed it, a dharma decree appeared in his hand, and then flicked it, the dharma decree gradually floated into the air, slowly unfolding in mid-air, and many coordinates appeared on it, including a star field, the coordinate brightness was particularly eye-catching. The coordinates said: "Our Immortal Academy has tried many methods and lost many students, and finally found several branch altars of the Yan Sect. This is one of them. As long as you can destroy this altar, the task will be considered complete. The remaining Yan Sect followers , after you complete the task, we will send students to carry out a big cleanup, which can be regarded as a combination of internal and external cooperation, and wipe out the branch of Yanjiao!"

"Okay, that's the mission!" Ye Yun didn't choose other missions either, Yanjiao was easier for him to accept, since he was an old opponent, it was easier to start.

However, Ye Yun is very clear about the difficulty of the task. The protectors did not lie to him. Ye Yun knows better than anyone how powerful the Yan Sect is. , and may not be able to come back alive, it will be a completed character.

This move, combining the inside and the outside, is indeed the best way to wipe out the branch of the Yan Sect. Otherwise, without knowing its power, if you attack and sweep it rashly, you will definitely suffer big losses and suffer heavy losses.

"Yanjiao, Yanjiao, I didn't expect to fight against you so soon, Xuantianzu, I don't know if I can meet you, let you know my current cultivation, wouldn't I be so angry that I would vomit blood!"

Ye Yun sneered complacently.

"Once you complete this task, you will be the vice-principal. No one will object. With your means and the fact that the leader values ​​you so much, I believe you will be able to complete the task. If you take ten thousand steps back, even if you can't complete the task, you can come back alive. Reward!" The protector threw the decree to Ye Yun.


"Don't think that I don't know what the college plans. It's a task that even the master can't complete. I'm responsible for other fairy students to take risks. The fairy courtyard is reluctant to waste a master, sacrifice a master, and the loss to the fairy courtyard is too serious. Only Take us fairy students to take risks and take a gamble!"

After collecting the decree, Ye Yun saluted the three guardians and left the room.

"The second son is a character and a genius. I hope he can complete the task. As long as he can withstand the test, he will achieve extraordinary things in the future!"

Several protectors discussed with each other.

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