The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 355 Entering the 3rd Level of Babel

Xuanji Dojo.

In the highest palace, the elder sister Yu Yunlan was sitting in the backyard with Huo Yingying, Han Susu, Li Qianer, and Meng Xi, talking fiercely about how Ye Yun beheaded two second-tier powerhouses.

"Five Senior Sisters, Junior Brothers are here!"

In fact, the five senior sisters have been waiting here for Ye Yun to come back. The reason is naturally because of Yu Xuanji. When Yu Xuanji came back, she seemed very angry, so the five girls were so cautious.

Ye Yun was naturally prepared for the whole news. After chatting with the five senior sisters for a while, he walked towards the main hall alone.

"I think she will be angry. It should be because of Sima Yan. After all, Sima Yan is in charge and has quite a position. Now that I kill Sima Jian, I will naturally offend Sima Yan. At the same time, I will also push her to the forefront... From now on, I will Please let her bear Sima Yan's anger more!"

"Sima Yan is hiding in Shenzhou Xianyuan. I can't take action against him. If I can lure him out, I can kill him completely and solve the root cause of this disaster!"

While walking slowly in the corridor, he was thinking carefully.

Inviting to fight Xi Guangdao and Sima Jian, Ye Yun also weighed the consequences, but thinking about it, the reality is another matter, Sima Yan not only has to deal with himself, but also against Yu Xuanji, he will definitely make things difficult for Yu Xuanji in the future, making Yu Xuanji feel at ease day.

Ye Yun still denied the idea of ​​beheading Sima Yan. After all, he is a master. First, Ye Yun cannot kill Sima Yan at all with his own strength. He can only rely on the Burial Bow. Even if he kills him, there will be a certain price Second, Sima Yan is the master. If a master falls, Shenzhou Xianyuan will definitely investigate carefully. Ye Yun is not afraid if his feet are exposed, but Yu Xuanji and others will suffer.

Ye Yun had to take care of Yu Xuanji and the others. After all, they belonged in the same family. This kind of affection still needs to be valued. Ye Yun is not a cold-blooded person, and he doesn't want others to suffer disasters because of his own mistakes like Yiren.

Soon, Ye Yun came outside the hall, he could feel that Yu Xuanji was inside, although she didn't make any moves, the atmosphere was very dignified.


No matter what, Ye Yun started to take steps, stepped onto the threshold, and saluted Yu Xuanji.

Yu Xuanji didn't give Ye Yun a good face immediately, and immediately reprimanded: "You really have the guts to come back, this time you stole the limelight and killed Xi Guangdao and Sima Jian boldly, but you offended many people! "

"I have to do this. I think that Sima Yan won't directly get angry with his seniors because he's a small kid. In the end, this disaster will still ignite in my place!"

Ye Yun came to the side and sat down, remained silent for a while, and waited for the atmosphere to become more harmonious, then looked at Yu Xuanji and said.

Yu Xuanji was silent for a while, then suddenly, Yu Xuan raised her eyebrows, looked at Ye Yun and asked, "By the way, I feel that Bai Wudao is also a little dissatisfied with you, and I always feel something is wrong, Ye Yun, could it be that you also offended Bai Wudao?" Enlightenment or not?"


Suddenly, Ye Yun's tone turned cold, and he looked at Yu Xuanji very seriously: "I'm very sorry about my matter, I didn't want to harm you at first, but now..."

"You don't want to drag me into the water, but now, look, in Shenzhou Xianyuan, who doesn't know that you and my Taoist disciples have offended Sima Yan and Bai Wudao, can I still get away?" Yu Xuanji Fen Fist With one shot, a wave of air billowed directly in the hall, shocking the world.

"Back then the ancestor of the beast asked me to stay with you... Hey, indeed, you have been involved now!"

Ye Yun's eyes were a little blurred, restless, and many things flashed in his mind, one after another, thinking for a while, Ye Yun looked at Yu Xuanji seriously: "I want to know, senior, if one day, let you get rid of Shenzhou Immortal Yard, will you?"

"See why!" Yu Xuanji calmed down, she felt that Ye Yun did have something to tell her.

"If I tell you, then you really can't be alone in the future, maybe there will be a lot of trouble, even danger, and even make you leave the Shenzhou Xianyuan, do you want to know?" After Ye Yun finished speaking, he looked at Yu Xuanji expectantly. .

"Let's talk, I have my own plan, if you can influence me, anything is possible!" Yu Xuanji chose to listen.

"Back then, Senior Beast Ancestor asked you to accommodate me because I offended Di Tian. Senior Beast Ancestor also knew who Di Tian was. Di Tian and I had enmity on the mainland of China. He personally killed me, and later I Escape. From then on, I knew that Ditian would try his best to harm me. In order to prevent Ditian from taking me openly, I thought of joining the Shenzhou Immortal Academy and using the laws of the Immortal Academy to prevent me from doing anything against me. , Shooting against the same sect, this offends the majesty of the Hall of Law Enforcement, thinking that Di Tian has not yet reached the immortal position, so naturally he cannot fight against the Hall of Law Enforcement!"

"Sure enough, my strategy is very clever. I successfully used Shenzhou Xianyuan to prevent Ditian from doing anything to me. Ditian's people couldn't do anything to me. In order to completely avoid Ditian's entire crisis, I worked with the three immortals. I made a big splash at the academy’s new promotion event, and tried to find a way to enter the Central Holy Land, and later, with the help of Senior Beast Ancestor, let me enter your dojo!”

"These ten years have been a crucial period of time for me. If I hadn't entered the senior dojo, Ditian might have attacked me in the past ten years. Ditian's strength is unfathomable, and this person's identity It must not be easy, if you can seize the Emperor Star and build a side, either he has the highest strength, or behind him, there is an extremely powerful high-ranking giant who breaks the immortal, supporting him!"

After some frank confession, Ye Yun showed a teasing smile when he said this: "So, if he really wants to kill me, it's just a matter of minutes, but I entered the senior dojo, and I have the master's backing, so let Di Tian completely give up the idea. Now that Ditian must know about me, his lungs must have exploded!"

"I see……"

After listening to these words in one breath, Yu Xuanji was very surprised. She didn't expect Ye Yun to have such a plan and foresight. Yu Xuanji thought for a while, and suddenly realized: "Bai Wudao is the master of Ditian. Bai Wudao..."

"That's right, it's exactly what senior thought. Bai Wudao behaved strangely towards me. He must have communicated with Ditian and tried to find a way to deal with me. So, senior, now that you have been involved, you are about to fight Sima Yan, Bai Wudao, etc. The master is fighting openly and secretly!"

"The key point is that Ditian went out to set up his own family. I can see that many of the principals and supreme leaders have opinions on Ditian, which is enough to prove that Ditian must have great ambitions. Instead, kill the supreme leader and seize the entire Shenzhou Xianyuan!"

"As a leader, he naturally noticed this, so he didn't end up cultivating Ditian, nor did he secretly deal with Ditian... No, it's not that the leader doesn't deal with Ditian, but even the leader isn't sure about dealing with Ditian. I can see that It turns out that the leader is willing to train me and use me to deal with Ditian!"

In another breath, Ye Yun explained the essence of the matter clearly, and every sentence hit the point.

"If you say so, Bai Wudao may have already stood on the same line with Ditian, and he has already begun to rebel against the fairy courtyard in his heart..."

On Yu Xuanji's glamorous face, there was an expression of astonishment.

Who is Bai Wudao, he is a high-ranking principal in Shenzhou Xianyuan, he is the master of Ditian, there is no doubt that he must be secretly connected with Ditian, if this is the case, then the Shenzhou Xianyuan will indeed have a big incident in the future.

Once it broke out, Yu Xuanji couldn't be alone.

"Senior, maybe the other principals have already expected this kind of relationship, but they just kept it in their hearts and didn't put it on the table. I hope that senior knows these things and can plan ahead. Moreover, I have to say in advance that even if there is no Ditian, Shenzhou Xianyuan will also be shattered in the near future!"

After saying this, Ye Yun stood up slowly, turned around and left the hall indifferently, leaving Yu Xuanji alone to analyze quietly.

Leaving the highest level palace, Ye Yun chatted with Yu Yunlan and the others before returning to his own palace.


In the formation of the main hall, by waving his sleeves, the spirit-gathering formation began to surge, and a large amount of heaven and earth vitality roared in. Ye Yun opened his body, released the Taiyi Divine Stove, and began to practice the Taiyi Divine Light Dao.

"This time, use the Broken Immortal Dao and let me break through to the second level of Tongtian!"

Sitting cross-legged in the spirit-gathering array, after absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth, Ye Yun had the wonderful feeling that he had already reached the peak of the first order of the sky, and broke out again, breaking through the second order, so close at hand.

"Broken elixir, don't let me down!"

Grabbed a dazzling snow-white pill, transparent and bright, like jade, shimmering attractive luster, from the pill, Ye Yun felt the majestic high-level power of breaking immortals.

Broken elixir is an elixir that can only be refined by a high-level powerhouse in the Poxian Realm. Generally, it can be refined only after breaking through the fifth level of Poxian. Only peerless figures like Fu Daoji are eligible.

A Broken Immortal Dao can directly shatter the body of the Immortal student again. This time, he will cut the hair and wash the marrow, reorganize the physical body, and transform into an advanced state.

It is so effective for those who are strong in breaking the fairyland. Ye Yun is only at the second level of breaking the fairy now. With this elixir in his body, how far can Ye Yun's realm and strength be improved! ?It is even possible to directly break through from the first level of Tongtian to the second, third, or even fourth level, which is something that I dare not even think about.

But there is one thing, Ye Yun's physical body is too strong, he has reached a very high level, comparable to the third or fourth level of the broken fairyland, and how effective is this broken fairy elixir.

chi chi...

Immediately, Ye Yun decisively threw the Broken Immortal Dao into his mouth. At this moment, Ye Yun felt the power in his body surging crazily. From the Baihui acupoint on the top of his head to the center of his feet, a high-level and pure power began to activate the genes of the flesh body. ,broken.


From the top of the head to the bottom of the feet, the explosion started inch by inch. This explosion was not painful, because it was not the shattering of Ye Yun's body itself, but the elixir.

The power of the elixir urged Ye Yun's body to explode, and every time it exploded, the power of the elixir was refined, repaired, and began to reshape the body, which made Ye Yun feel that the power was about to come out, and slipped away from the body.

"A good opportunity to break through the second level of Tongtian!"

Spread out your hands, release all the strength of your body, a huge furnace instantly covers your body, no longer as slow as before, very fast, like a beast.


The stove started to explode. In the blink of an eye, Ye Yun activated his true energy, and stepped from the first level of Tongtian to the second level of Tongtian. When he broke through, he felt that the power of the elixir was broken, and there was still a lot of it that had not melted. Then, he began to break through the third level of Tongtian.

Breaking through to the second level of Tongtian, Ye Yun's physical body did not change much at all, except for bringing infinite power, it was still power, and this power directly made the furnace burn again and expand.

The furnace was burning fiercely, and Ye Yun's body began to burn fiercely as if it were on fire. Ye Yun found that the explosion in his body gradually subsided, and most of the power of the broken elixir began to flow into the genes of the body, and the genes began to metamorphose, continuously purify, and the blood began to boil .


Suddenly, an explosion came from Ye Yun's dantian. It turned out that the power of the dantian suddenly dispersed, just like an explosion, and all the power of the broken elixir was completely absorbed by the dantian, as if returning to the mother's body and flowing into the ocean.

"The third level of Tongtian... broken!"

Finally, at this moment, Ye Yun grasped the pulsation of power, merged with the pulsation of the body, and then punched the void, the entire furnace outside the body shattered, and the fragments became true energy, which was absorbed by Ye Yun , and some black blood flowed out from Ye Yun's body.

"Huh? The 33-day vine turned into a small tree!!!"

No wonder the dantian would explode, Ye Yun finally discovered the reason, the 33-day vine got rid of the budding state, and directly evolved into a one-foot-long small tree, lonely and full of vitality, floating quietly in the depths of the dantian.

What a great opportunity, a celestial elixir, not only allowed Ye Yun to break through the third level of Tongtian, but also accidentally caused the 33-day vine to finally mutate in essence and become a small tree.

33 Tianvine is a divine object, once transformed, it will have shocking changes, but Ye Yunxiu has no strength to discover and explore, and can only truly discover the mysteries of the divine object when he breaks through the realm of immortals.

After breaking through the third level of Tongtian, Ye Yun returned to his natural state. However, Ye Yun now seems to have an extra piece of heavenly power. .

Ye Yun inspected his body, and found that the tendons and veins have expanded a lot, as ethereal as a vicissitudes of life, with a huge amount of Taiyi true energy flowing inside, once it erupts, it will be earth-shattering, Ye Yun laughed: "With my current strength, I should fight against the third level of Poxian. Not a problem..."

"You can set off to complete the secret mission, but before, I still met Li Moran. Now he has successfully joined the Yan Sect and has become a Yan Sect pawn lurking in the Tianjun Immortal Academy!"

"With Li Moran's talent, he will naturally be valued by the Yan Sect, and he will be secretly developed to use the method of the Yan Sect to finally destroy the Tianjun Immortal Academy. I will help Li Moran, provide him with cultivation, and let him gain more High status!"

Opening his mouth and inhaling, he inhaled all the vitality of heaven and earth in the spirit gathering array into his stomach, and then the golden scale armor turned into an ordinary black robe, and with a flash of his body, Ye Yun left Xuanji Dojo.

Of course, Yu Xuanji knew that he was going to carry out a secret mission, and now Yu Xuanji was still analyzing Ye Yun's words in detail.Xuanji Dojo.

In the highest palace, the elder sister Yu Yunlan was sitting in the backyard with Huo Yingying, Han Susu, Li Qianer, and Meng Xi, talking fiercely about how Ye Yun beheaded two second-tier powerhouses.

"Five Senior Sisters, Junior Brothers are here!"

In fact, the five senior sisters have been waiting here for Ye Yun to come back. The reason is naturally because of Yu Xuanji. When Yu Xuanji came back, she seemed very angry, so the five girls were so cautious.

Ye Yun was naturally prepared for the whole news. After chatting with the five senior sisters for a while, he walked towards the main hall alone.

"I think she will be angry. It should be because of Sima Yan. After all, Sima Yan is in charge and has quite a position. Now that I kill Sima Jian, I will naturally offend Sima Yan. At the same time, I will also push her to the forefront... From now on, I will Please let her bear Sima Yan's anger more!"

"Sima Yan is hiding in Shenzhou Xianyuan. I can't take action against him. If I can lure him out, I can kill him completely and solve the root cause of this disaster!"

While walking slowly in the corridor, he was thinking carefully.

Inviting to fight Xi Guangdao and Sima Jian, Ye Yun also weighed the consequences, but thinking about it, the reality is another matter, Sima Yan not only has to deal with himself, but also against Yu Xuanji, he will definitely make things difficult for Yu Xuanji in the future, making Yu Xuanji feel at ease day.

Ye Yun still denied the idea of ​​beheading Sima Yan. After all, he is a master. First, Ye Yun cannot kill Sima Yan at all with his own strength. He can only rely on the Burial Bow. Even if he kills him, there will be a certain price Second, Sima Yan is the master. If a master falls, Shenzhou Xianyuan will definitely investigate carefully. Ye Yun is not afraid if his feet are exposed, but Yu Xuanji and others will suffer.

Ye Yun had to take care of Yu Xuanji and the others. After all, they belonged in the same family. This kind of affection still needs to be valued. Ye Yun is not a cold-blooded person, and he doesn't want others to suffer disasters because of his own mistakes like Yiren.

Soon, Ye Yun came outside the hall, he could feel that Yu Xuanji was inside, although she didn't make any moves, the atmosphere was very dignified.


No matter what, Ye Yun started to take steps, stepped onto the threshold, and saluted Yu Xuanji.

Yu Xuanji didn't give Ye Yun a good face immediately, and immediately reprimanded: "You really have the guts to come back, this time you stole the limelight and killed Xi Guangdao and Sima Jian boldly, but you offended many people! "

"I have to do this. I think that Sima Yan won't directly get angry with his seniors because he's a small kid. In the end, this disaster will still ignite in my place!"

Ye Yun came to the side and sat down, remained silent for a while, and waited for the atmosphere to become more harmonious, then looked at Yu Xuanji and said.

Yu Xuanji was silent for a while, then suddenly, Yu Xuan raised her eyebrows, looked at Ye Yun and asked, "By the way, I feel that Bai Wudao is also a little dissatisfied with you, and I always feel something is wrong, Ye Yun, could it be that you also offended Bai Wudao?" Enlightenment or not?"


Suddenly, Ye Yun's tone turned cold, and he looked at Yu Xuanji very seriously: "I'm very sorry about my matter, I didn't want to harm you at first, but now..."

"You don't want to drag me into the water, but now, look, in Shenzhou Xianyuan, who doesn't know that you and my Taoist disciples have offended Sima Yan and Bai Wudao, can I still get away?" Yu Xuanji Fen Fist With one shot, a wave of air billowed directly in the hall, shocking the world.

"Back then the ancestor of the beast asked me to stay with you... Hey, indeed, you have been involved now!"

Ye Yun's eyes were a little blurred, restless, and many things flashed in his mind, one after another, thinking for a while, Ye Yun looked at Yu Xuanji seriously: "I want to know, senior, if one day, let you get rid of Shenzhou Immortal Yard, will you?"

"See why!" Yu Xuanji calmed down, she felt that Ye Yun did have something to tell her.

"If I tell you, then you really can't be alone in the future, maybe there will be a lot of trouble, even danger, and even make you leave the Shenzhou Xianyuan, do you want to know?" After Ye Yun finished speaking, he looked at Yu Xuanji expectantly. .

"Let's talk, I have my own plan, if you can influence me, anything is possible!" Yu Xuanji chose to listen.

"Back then, Senior Beast Ancestor asked you to accommodate me because I offended Di Tian. Senior Beast Ancestor also knew who Di Tian was. Di Tian and I had enmity on the mainland of China. He personally killed me, and later I Escape. From then on, I knew that Ditian would try his best to harm me. In order to prevent Ditian from taking me openly, I thought of joining the Shenzhou Immortal Academy and using the laws of the Immortal Academy to prevent me from doing anything against me. , Shooting against the same sect, this offends the majesty of the Hall of Law Enforcement, thinking that Di Tian has not yet reached the immortal position, so naturally he cannot fight against the Hall of Law Enforcement!"

"Sure enough, my strategy is very clever. I successfully used Shenzhou Xianyuan to prevent Ditian from doing anything to me. Ditian's people couldn't do anything to me. In order to completely avoid Ditian's entire crisis, I worked with the three immortals. I made a big splash at the academy’s new promotion event, and tried to find a way to enter the Central Holy Land, and later, with the help of Senior Beast Ancestor, let me enter your dojo!”

"These ten years have been a crucial period of time for me. If I hadn't entered the senior dojo, Ditian might have attacked me in the past ten years. Ditian's strength is unfathomable, and this person's identity It must not be easy, if you can seize the Emperor Star and build a side, either he has the highest strength, or behind him, there is an extremely powerful high-ranking giant who breaks the immortal, supporting him!"

After some frank confession, Ye Yun showed a teasing smile when he said this: "So, if he really wants to kill me, it's just a matter of minutes, but I entered the senior dojo, and I have the master's backing, so let Di Tian completely give up the idea. Now that Ditian must know about me, his lungs must have exploded!"

"I see……"

After listening to these words in one breath, Yu Xuanji was very surprised. She didn't expect Ye Yun to have such a plan and foresight. Yu Xuanji thought for a while, and suddenly realized: "Bai Wudao is the master of Ditian. Bai Wudao..."

"That's right, it's exactly what senior thought. Bai Wudao behaved strangely towards me. He must have communicated with Ditian and tried to find a way to deal with me. So, senior, now that you have been involved, you are about to fight Sima Yan, Bai Wudao, etc. The master is fighting openly and secretly!"

"The key point is that Ditian went out to set up his own family. I can see that many of the principals and supreme leaders have opinions on Ditian, which is enough to prove that Ditian must have great ambitions. Instead, kill the supreme leader and seize the entire Shenzhou Xianyuan!"

"As a leader, he naturally noticed this, so he didn't end up cultivating Ditian, nor did he secretly deal with Ditian... No, it's not that the leader doesn't deal with Ditian, but even the leader isn't sure about dealing with Ditian. I can see that It turns out that the leader is willing to train me and use me to deal with Ditian!"

In another breath, Ye Yun explained the essence of the matter clearly, and every sentence hit the point.

"If you say so, Bai Wudao may have already stood on the same line with Ditian, and he has already begun to rebel against the fairy courtyard in his heart..."

On Yu Xuanji's glamorous face, there was an expression of astonishment.

Who is Bai Wudao, he is a high-ranking principal in Shenzhou Xianyuan, he is the master of Ditian, there is no doubt that he must be secretly connected with Ditian, if this is the case, then the Shenzhou Xianyuan will indeed have a big incident in the future.

Once it broke out, Yu Xuanji couldn't be alone.

"Senior, maybe the other principals have already expected this kind of relationship, but they just kept it in their hearts and didn't put it on the table. I hope that senior knows these things and can plan ahead. Moreover, I have to say in advance that even if there is no Ditian, Shenzhou Xianyuan will also be shattered in the near future!"

After saying this, Ye Yun stood up slowly, turned around and left the hall indifferently, leaving Yu Xuanji alone to analyze quietly.

Leaving the highest level palace, Ye Yun chatted with Yu Yunlan and the others before returning to his own palace.


In the formation of the main hall, by waving his sleeves, the spirit-gathering formation began to surge, and a large amount of heaven and earth vitality roared in. Ye Yun opened his body, released the Taiyi Divine Stove, and began to practice the Taiyi Divine Light Dao.

"This time, use the Broken Immortal Dao and let me break through to the second level of Tongtian!"

Sitting cross-legged in the spirit-gathering array, after absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth, Ye Yun had the wonderful feeling that he had already reached the peak of the first order of the sky, and broke out again, breaking through the second order, so close at hand.

"Broken elixir, don't let me down!"

Grabbed a dazzling snow-white pill, transparent and bright, like jade, shimmering attractive luster, from the pill, Ye Yun felt the majestic high-level power of breaking immortals.

Broken elixir is an elixir that can only be refined by a high-level powerhouse in the Poxian Realm. Generally, it can be refined only after breaking through the fifth level of Poxian. Only peerless figures like Fu Daoji are eligible.

A Broken Immortal Dao can directly shatter the body of the Immortal student again. This time, he will cut the hair and wash the marrow, reorganize the physical body, and transform into an advanced state.

It is so effective for those who are strong in breaking the fairyland. Ye Yun is only at the second level of breaking the fairy now. With this elixir in his body, how far can Ye Yun's realm and strength be improved! ?It is even possible to directly break through from the first level of Tongtian to the second, third, or even fourth level, which is something that I dare not even think about.

But there is one thing, Ye Yun's physical body is too strong, he has reached a very high level, comparable to the third or fourth level of the broken fairyland, and how effective is this broken fairy elixir.

chi chi...

Immediately, Ye Yun decisively threw the Broken Immortal Dao into his mouth. At this moment, Ye Yun felt the power in his body surging crazily. From the Baihui acupoint on the top of his head to the center of his feet, a high-level and pure power began to activate the genes of the flesh body. ,broken.


From the top of the head to the bottom of the feet, the explosion started inch by inch. This explosion was not painful, because it was not the shattering of Ye Yun's body itself, but the elixir.

The power of the elixir urged Ye Yun's body to explode, and every time it exploded, the power of the elixir was refined, repaired, and began to reshape the body, which made Ye Yun feel that the power was about to come out, and slipped away from the body.

"A good opportunity to break through the second level of Tongtian!"

Spread out your hands, release all the strength of your body, a huge furnace instantly covers your body, no longer as slow as before, very fast, like a beast.


The stove started to explode. In the blink of an eye, Ye Yun activated his true energy, and stepped from the first level of Tongtian to the second level of Tongtian. When he broke through, he felt that the power of the elixir was broken, and there was still a lot of it that had not melted. Then, he began to break through the third level of Tongtian.

Breaking through to the second level of Tongtian, Ye Yun's physical body did not change much at all, except for bringing infinite power, it was still power, and this power directly made the furnace burn again and expand.

The furnace was burning fiercely, and Ye Yun's body began to burn fiercely as if it were on fire. Ye Yun found that the explosion in his body gradually subsided, and most of the power of the broken elixir began to flow into the genes of the body, and the genes began to metamorphose, continuously purify, and the blood began to boil .


Suddenly, an explosion came from Ye Yun's dantian. It turned out that the power of the dantian suddenly dispersed, just like an explosion, and all the power of the broken elixir was completely absorbed by the dantian, as if returning to the mother's body and flowing into the ocean.

"The third level of Tongtian... broken!"

Finally, at this moment, Ye Yun grasped the pulsation of power, merged with the pulsation of the body, and then punched the void, the entire furnace outside the body shattered, and the fragments became true energy, which was absorbed by Ye Yun , and some black blood flowed out from Ye Yun's body.

"Huh? The 33-day vine turned into a small tree!!!"

No wonder the dantian would explode, Ye Yun finally discovered the reason, the 33-day vine got rid of the budding state, and directly evolved into a one-foot-long small tree, lonely and full of vitality, floating quietly in the depths of the dantian.

What a great opportunity, a celestial elixir, not only allowed Ye Yun to break through the third level of Tongtian, but also accidentally caused the 33-day vine to finally mutate in essence and become a small tree.

33 Tianvine is a divine object, once transformed, it will have shocking changes, but Ye Yunxiu has no strength to discover and explore, and can only truly discover the mysteries of the divine object when he breaks through the realm of immortals.

After breaking through the third level of Tongtian, Ye Yun returned to his natural state. However, Ye Yun now seems to have an extra piece of heavenly power. .

Ye Yun inspected his body, and found that the tendons and veins have expanded a lot, as ethereal as a vicissitudes of life, with a huge amount of Taiyi true energy flowing inside, once it erupts, it will be earth-shattering, Ye Yun laughed: "With my current strength, I should fight against the third level of Poxian. Not a problem..."

"You can set off to complete the secret mission, but before, I still met Li Moran. Now he has successfully joined the Yan Sect and has become a Yan Sect pawn lurking in the Tianjun Immortal Academy!"

"With Li Moran's talent, he will naturally be valued by the Yan Sect, and he will be secretly developed to use the method of the Yan Sect to finally destroy the Tianjun Immortal Academy. I will help Li Moran, provide him with cultivation, and let him gain more High status!"

Opening his mouth and inhaling, he inhaled all the vitality of heaven and earth in the spirit gathering array into his stomach, and then the golden scale armor turned into an ordinary black robe, and with a flash of his body, Ye Yun left Xuanji Dojo.

Of course, Yu Xuanji knew that he was going to carry out a secret mission, and now Yu Xuanji was still analyzing Ye Yun's words in detail.

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