"With my energy, if I don't have the seeds of Beiqi, I can't directly break through Li Moran from the Heaven-reaching Realm to the Breaking Immortal Realm..."

Standing upright in the void star field, Ye Yun looked at Li Moran who was surrounded by flames in front of him. He was constantly merging the seeds of Beiyun, and he was planning to break through the tenth step of the sky, which made Ye Yun feel touched.

The seeds of Beiyun are the energy refined by the supreme leader Jiang Xiaoyun himself. It contains the supreme broken way, the power to break the immortal, the will to break the immortal, etc. Even if the immortal students are fused, they will break through the realm in the near future. What's more, it's just the Tongtian Realm.

The key is that the seed of Beiyun contains the broken will and the way to break the immortal. Originally, these were what Li Moran lacked. Now Beiqi Seeds have everything, but they lack a driving force.

Ye Yun happens to be the one who drives this.

Fusion of Beiyun Seeds with Li Moran to promote a breakthrough, this is the role played by Ye Yun, Ye Yun is very important, if there is no Ye Yun, even if Li Moran gets the Beiyun Seeds, he will not be able to fully absorb them Strength, at most, can only break through to the eighth level of the sky, as for breaking the fairyland, it is absolutely impossible.

It would not be easy for another person to act as the motivator, unless he was at the fifth level of Immortal Possibilities and above, in order to be able to make all the energy of Beiqi Seed perfectly merge with Li Moran.

"Breakthrough of the tenth level of Tongtian requires strong energy, Mo Ran, get ready to start!"

After a while, Ye Yun slapped his hands, and Li Moran woke up from the fusion. In order to break through the tenth level of Tongtian, Li Moran was fully prepared this time.

Sensing Ye Yun's will, Li Moran resolutely began to mobilize his own energy, release it absolutely, hide his soul from the sky, let his body and soul wander into nothingness, and reach a state of emptiness.

"Let it burn!"

As soon as he pointed it out, a raging fire started to burn around Li Moran, and then, the power of the seeds of Beiyun began to hit Li Moran's body like a flood, and every inch of the cell began to explode violently, the true energy was reversed, the blood was burning, and the whole body , in a wonderful state of desire and nirvana.

The tenth level of Tongtian, the perfect state of Tongtian Realm, is to achieve unity with the sky, give up oneself, and understand the way of heaven. Even if you are abandoned by the way of heaven, there is still a glimmer of hope. Among them, it is difficult to be inferior to the tenth order of Tongtian.

Heaven, earth and man, the three in one, is the best state of Tongtian Realm.

"The tenth step of the sky, breaking the way!!!"

Li Moran suddenly clasped his hands together, and all the power suddenly condensed into his physical body, and the surging energy in his whole body, like a crock, cracked layer by layer.

chi chi...

At this moment, countless wonderful spiritual fires burst out from Li Moran's pores. His whole body was like a burning man, his skin was burning, his meridians were also burning, and his blood was also boiling. The body is like dust, burned to ashes, but under the energy of Beiyun seeds and Ye Yun, it begins to be reborn.

"Master, I have finally broken through to the tenth step of the sky!!" Li Moran said excitedly, his eyes were slightly moist. He never expected that he could step into the tenth step of the sky in one step.

Ye Yun was also quite happy. If it were him, he might be more difficult to control his emotions than Li Moran. This is moved by emotion, which is perfectly normal. Ye Yun's expression changed, and he said seriously: "The knot will be broken, right? , Broken Wonderland will hide the door from you. You should understand and use the broken will in the seed of Beiyu. It is the key to this broken. The key to breaking the immortal way!"

"Supreme Broken!!!"

Hearing the words Breaking the Immortal Realm, Li Moran still felt like he was in a dream, not real, but the miraculous energy of Beiyu Seeds and Ye Yun told Li Moran that all of this was real. To become the catastrophe that everyone yearns for and fears, the catastrophe of breaking.

The Great Tribulation of Shattering is the Great Tribulation of Breaking Immortals. This is the most powerful first catastrophe in a monk's life. After passing through the catastrophe, one can become a half-immortal and achieve immortality.

Li Moran began to condense energy, opened his body, and frantically absorbed the energy of the Beiqi seeds. If the Beiqi seeds still had more than half of the En energy, it would be enough for Li Moran to break through.

At this moment, Li Moran, just as Ye Yun said, focused entirely on comprehending the energy and will in the Beiyun seeds, breaking the will, this is the experience of the supreme leader Jiang Xiaoyun, and it is also the will, once mastered, It is not difficult to break through the broken fairyland.

If you can't feel broken, no matter how powerful your energy is, you can't break through. Unless you are a fairy, you can directly help a monk to become a broken fairy. , it cannot be advanced.

Li Moran's heart is calm now, he understands better than anyone else that success or failure is in his own hands, and Ye Yun can't help him with his understanding.

"With Li Moran's talent, it shouldn't be difficult to master the broken will in the seed of Beiyu... Next, prepare to break the broken catastrophe!"

Ye Yun sat cross-legged on one side, began to display supernatural powers, condensed the magic seal, and was always ready to deal with the catastrophe of the sky, the catastrophe of breaking the immortals, it is not the catastrophe of the heavens or the catastrophe of the immortals, the catastrophe of breaking the immortals can even destroy a planet, this kind of power , is too shocking, even Ye Yun has to face it with caution.

This time, he spared no effort to empower Li Moran with the seed of Beiyun, to make a breakthrough, just to get a powerful stop, to push the waves in the dark, to cooperate internally and externally, to deal with Yanjiao.

Let Li Moran's state continue to improve. In this way, he will have a higher status in Tianjun Immortal Academy, and he will be trained more and more by the Yan Sect, so that he can enter the Yan Sect.

Li Moran's pawn, if used well, will have unimaginable unexpected rewards, even if Ye Yun takes out the Beiyun seeds, it is worth it.

If all of this is destroyed in front of the broken catastrophe, it will be completely meaningless, and it will also make Ye Yun waste such a precious seed of Beiyun. If this seed is taken back and absorbed by the clone, the clone's strength will be greatly improved, and The defense and attack of Taiyi planet will be improved again.

But now, Ye Yun puts everything on Li Moran, and decides to train him well, to become a sharp blade that sees every stitch in his hand and is everywhere.


Suddenly, above the star field, a robbery cloud appeared. Countless dark clouds surged in, expanded continuously, and descended from the depths of the star field, breathtaking.

"Okay, Li Moran really lived up to expectations, and realized the broken will, now, it is the tenth stage of the immortal catastrophe!"

Ye Yun suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the catastrophe in the sky, which means that Li Moran has comprehended the key to breaking and successfully ushered in the catastrophe.

"Mo Ran, don't face the catastrophe, I'll smash the catastrophe directly to help you successfully overcome the catastrophe!"

If you think about it carefully, this is the Tianjun Immortal Academy. If you drag it on, you will definitely be discovered by the supreme power. Once you come here and find Ye Yun, then Li Moran's identity will naturally be exposed. In the end, everything you give is in vain.

Even in the star field, some immortal giants will use various magic weapons or supernatural powers to come here. After all, the immortal masters can already control certain spatial abilities.

"Okay, master!"

Li Moran knows how terrifying the broken catastrophe is, and now he is in the vast star field. If Ye Yun hadn't used the energy of the Great Thousand Gods Map to protect him, he would be wiped out by the power of the star field in a moment. How could he go to cross the catastrophe? After much deliberation, he could only follow Ye Yun's wishes.

If Ye Yun doesn't help him now, then he will only die.

"All the catastrophes contain the will of the Supreme Immortal to create life..."

"The Good Fortune Fist... the first form, birth!"

Ye Yun suddenly flew high, and his whole body, like a giant in the sky, flew into the robbery cloud, standing at the end of the Taixing plane, even Li Moran couldn't see where Ye Yun was.

What I saw was that a wonderful holy light began to erupt in the unformed catastrophe. This holy light actually brought a short-term light to the dark starry sky.

"It seems that the power of Good Fortune Divine Fist has greatly increased as I have advanced to the third level of Tongtian. With just one move, I have completely broken the Heavenly Tribulation. Even the third level of Immortal Breaker can't withstand my punch!"

In front of a huge sphere of holy light, Ye Yun slowly withdrew his right fist, watching the energy of the good luck fist explode in the midst of the catastrophe, all the catastrophes were instantly purified, and all the ancient immortal will once again encountered such a sacred Ye Yun also felt the great will of the ancient great immortal.

"It's better this way, the will of the law will recognize me, and when I break through the catastrophe of shattering, it shouldn't make it easier for me..." Ye Yun recalled the scene when he was promoted to the catastrophe of reaching the sky, and the will of the ancient great immortal descended.

"Haha, it's comfortable, I, Li Moran, finally have this day, achieve the immortal position, and step into the broken fairyland..."

Li Moran stood up, there was no catastrophe, his whole body, like a sponge, actively absorbed the chaotic energy in the star field, and this energy began to make his strength continue to rise, and his body began to nirvana, absorbing the chaotic power, which was better than other monks on the planet Crossing the catastrophe has to gain more.

This benefit is beyond words.

"Just now I thought about it carefully. With your current first-level cultivation base, if you are lurking in the Tianjun Immortal Academy, you will also be suppressed by other envoys of the Yan Sect..."

Ye Yun suddenly appeared in front of Li Moran, frowned and said: "Since you have helped, you must help to the end. You try to lure the envoy of Yanjiao who is lurking in Tianjun Xianyuan away from Tongyuan Xing, and I will rob him outside." Kill him, and you will use your own efforts to seize his position and become the envoy of all the disciples of the Yan Sect in Tianjun Immortal Academy, do you have confidence?"

"Master, as long as you can kill the envoy who is in charge, I can take his place. This person is relying on him as the envoy, and he has made great demands on Yanjiao. The envoy of Yanjiao is very dissatisfied with him, but he can win over A principal is a great asset to the Yan Sect!"

"As soon as he dies, I will take the opportunity to be promoted to the immortal position and make a sensation in the immortal courtyard. At the same time, I will also take advantage of it, establish a good relationship with the envoy of Yanjiao, serve him, obey him, and be willing to act as cannon fodder. , I think it is enough to take down the Yanjiao envoy!"

"If none of these things work, once someone replaces the head, I will try to assassinate him. In the end, it will still be my turn. Master, please rest assured!"

In front of Ye Yun, Li Moran made several plans, from the beginning to the end, from the inside to the outside, in detail, not sloppy at all, really well organized, people can see the whole plan from beginning to end at a glance .

"it is good!"

Sure enough, Ye Yun saw Li Moran right, in his heart, he had already planned for himself, Ye Yun appreciated and praised: "Good plan, you go to confuse the principal right now, and tell him that Tianjun Immortal Academy wants to Destroy a branch of the Yan Sect, I will ambush Xingkong, ambush him suddenly, and win by surprise, after all, it is not so easy to deal with a fourth-order giant who breaks the immortal!"

"I'll go right away!" Li Moran immediately agreed, and with Ye Yun's wave of his hand, a wonderful space energy immediately penetrated into the Tongyuan Star Crystal Wall System.

Although it was the crystal wall system built by Supreme Xuxian, under Ye Yun's magical power, a passage was built without warning in a moment, and Li Moran was sent in silently, without anyone noticing. "With my energy, if I don't have the seeds of Beiqi, I can't directly break through Li Moran from the Heaven-reaching Realm to the Breaking Immortal Realm..."

Standing upright in the void star field, Ye Yun looked at Li Moran who was surrounded by flames in front of him. He was constantly merging the seeds of Beiyun, and he was planning to break through the tenth step of the sky, which made Ye Yun feel touched.

The seeds of Beiyun are the energy refined by the supreme leader Jiang Xiaoyun himself. It contains the supreme broken way, the power to break the immortal, the will to break the immortal, etc. Even if the immortal students are fused, they will break through the realm in the near future. What's more, it's just the Tongtian Realm.

The key is that the seed of Beiyun contains the broken will and the way to break the immortal. Originally, these were what Li Moran lacked. Now Beiqi Seeds have everything, but they lack a driving force.

Ye Yun happens to be the one who drives this.

Fusion of Beiyun Seeds with Li Moran to promote a breakthrough, this is the role played by Ye Yun, Ye Yun is very important, if there is no Ye Yun, even if Li Moran gets the Beiyun Seeds, he will not be able to fully absorb them Strength, at most, can only break through to the eighth level of the sky, as for breaking the fairyland, it is absolutely impossible.

It would not be easy for another person to act as the motivator, unless he was at the fifth level of Immortal Possibilities and above, in order to be able to make all the energy of Beiqi Seed perfectly merge with Li Moran.

"Breakthrough of the tenth level of Tongtian requires strong energy, Mo Ran, get ready to start!"

After a while, Ye Yun slapped his hands, and Li Moran woke up from the fusion. In order to break through the tenth level of Tongtian, Li Moran was fully prepared this time.

Sensing Ye Yun's will, Li Moran resolutely began to mobilize his own energy, release it absolutely, hide his soul from the sky, let his body and soul wander into nothingness, and reach a state of emptiness.

"Let it burn!"

As soon as he pointed it out, a raging fire started to burn around Li Moran, and then, the power of the seeds of Beiyun began to hit Li Moran's body like a flood, and every inch of the cell began to explode violently, the true energy was reversed, the blood was burning, and the whole body , in a wonderful state of desire and nirvana.

The tenth level of Tongtian, the perfect state of Tongtian Realm, is to achieve unity with the sky, give up oneself, and understand the way of heaven. Even if you are abandoned by the way of heaven, there is still a glimmer of hope. Among them, it is difficult to be inferior to the tenth order of Tongtian.

Heaven, earth and man, the three in one, is the best state of Tongtian Realm.

"The tenth step of the sky, breaking the way!!!"

Li Moran suddenly clasped his hands together, and all the power suddenly condensed into his physical body, and the surging energy in his whole body, like a crock, cracked layer by layer.

chi chi...

At this moment, countless wonderful spiritual fires burst out from Li Moran's pores. His whole body was like a burning man, his skin was burning, his meridians were also burning, and his blood was also boiling. The body is like dust, burned to ashes, but under the energy of Beiyun seeds and Ye Yun, it begins to be reborn.

"Master, I have finally broken through to the tenth step of the sky!!" Li Moran said excitedly, his eyes were slightly moist. He never expected that he could step into the tenth step of the sky in one step.

Ye Yun was also quite happy. If it were him, he might be more difficult to control his emotions than Li Moran. This is moved by emotion, which is perfectly normal. Ye Yun's expression changed, and he said seriously: "The knot will be broken, right? , Broken Wonderland will hide the door from you. You should understand and use the broken will in the seed of Beiyu. It is the key to this broken. The key to breaking the immortal way!"

"Supreme Broken!!!"

Hearing the words Breaking the Immortal Realm, Li Moran still felt like he was in a dream, not real, but the miraculous energy of Beiyu Seeds and Ye Yun told Li Moran that all of this was real. To become the catastrophe that everyone yearns for and fears, the catastrophe of breaking.

The Great Tribulation of Shattering is the Great Tribulation of Breaking Immortals. This is the most powerful first catastrophe in a monk's life. After passing through the catastrophe, one can become a half-immortal and achieve immortality.

Li Moran began to condense energy, opened his body, and frantically absorbed the energy of the Beiqi seeds. If the Beiqi seeds still had more than half of the En energy, it would be enough for Li Moran to break through.

At this moment, Li Moran, just as Ye Yun said, focused entirely on comprehending the energy and will in the Beiyun seeds, breaking the will, this is the experience of the supreme leader Jiang Xiaoyun, and it is also the will, once mastered, It is not difficult to break through the broken fairyland.

If you can't feel broken, no matter how powerful your energy is, you can't break through. Unless you are a fairy, you can directly help a monk to become a broken fairy. , it cannot be advanced.

Li Moran's heart is calm now, he understands better than anyone else that success or failure is in his own hands, and Ye Yun can't help him with his understanding.

"With Li Moran's talent, it shouldn't be difficult to master the broken will in the seed of Beiyu... Next, prepare to break the broken catastrophe!"

Ye Yun sat cross-legged on one side, began to display supernatural powers, condensed the magic seal, and was always ready to deal with the catastrophe of the sky, the catastrophe of breaking the immortals, it is not the catastrophe of the heavens or the catastrophe of the immortals, the catastrophe of breaking the immortals can even destroy a planet, this kind of power , is too shocking, even Ye Yun has to face it with caution.

This time, he spared no effort to empower Li Moran with the seed of Beiyun, to make a breakthrough, just to get a powerful stop, to push the waves in the dark, to cooperate internally and externally, to deal with Yanjiao.

Let Li Moran's state continue to improve. In this way, he will have a higher status in Tianjun Immortal Academy, and he will be trained more and more by the Yan Sect, so that he can enter the Yan Sect.

Li Moran's pawn, if used well, will have unimaginable unexpected rewards, even if Ye Yun takes out the Beiyun seeds, it is worth it.

If all of this is destroyed in front of the broken catastrophe, it will be completely meaningless, and it will also make Ye Yun waste such a precious seed of Beiyun. If this seed is taken back and absorbed by the clone, the clone's strength will be greatly improved, and The defense and attack of Taiyi planet will be improved again.

But now, Ye Yun puts everything on Li Moran, and decides to train him well, to become a sharp blade that sees every stitch in his hand and is everywhere.


Suddenly, above the star field, a robbery cloud appeared. Countless dark clouds surged in, expanded continuously, and descended from the depths of the star field, breathtaking.

"Okay, Li Moran really lived up to expectations, and realized the broken will, now, it is the tenth stage of the immortal catastrophe!"

Ye Yun suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the catastrophe in the sky, which means that Li Moran has comprehended the key to breaking and successfully ushered in the catastrophe.

"Mo Ran, don't face the catastrophe, I'll smash the catastrophe directly to help you successfully overcome the catastrophe!"

If you think about it carefully, this is the Tianjun Immortal Academy. If you drag it on, you will definitely be discovered by the supreme power. Once you come here and find Ye Yun, then Li Moran's identity will naturally be exposed. In the end, everything you give is in vain.

Even in the star field, some immortal giants will use various magic weapons or supernatural powers to come here. After all, the immortal masters can already control certain spatial abilities.

"Okay, master!"

Li Moran knows how terrifying the broken catastrophe is, and now he is in the vast star field. If Ye Yun hadn't used the energy of the Great Thousand Gods Map to protect him, he would be wiped out by the power of the star field in a moment. How could he go to cross the catastrophe? After much deliberation, he could only follow Ye Yun's wishes.

If Ye Yun doesn't help him now, then he will only die.

"All the catastrophes contain the will of the Supreme Immortal to create life..."

"The Good Fortune Fist... the first form, birth!"

Ye Yun suddenly flew high, and his whole body, like a giant in the sky, flew into the robbery cloud, standing at the end of the Taixing plane, even Li Moran couldn't see where Ye Yun was.

What I saw was that a wonderful holy light began to erupt in the unformed catastrophe. This holy light actually brought a short-term light to the dark starry sky.

"It seems that the power of Good Fortune Divine Fist has greatly increased as I have advanced to the third level of Tongtian. With just one move, I have completely broken the Heavenly Tribulation. Even the third level of Immortal Breaker can't withstand my punch!"

In front of a huge sphere of holy light, Ye Yun slowly withdrew his right fist, watching the energy of the good luck fist explode in the midst of the catastrophe, all the catastrophes were instantly purified, and all the ancient immortal will once again encountered such a sacred Ye Yun also felt the great will of the ancient great immortal.

"It's better this way, the will of the law will recognize me, and when I break through the catastrophe of shattering, it shouldn't make it easier for me..." Ye Yun recalled the scene when he was promoted to the catastrophe of reaching the sky, and the will of the ancient great immortal descended.

"Haha, it's comfortable, I, Li Moran, finally have this day, achieve the immortal position, and step into the broken fairyland..."

Li Moran stood up, there was no catastrophe, his whole body, like a sponge, actively absorbed the chaotic energy in the star field, and this energy began to make his strength continue to rise, and his body began to nirvana, absorbing the chaotic power, which was better than other monks on the planet Crossing the catastrophe has to gain more.

This benefit is beyond words.

"Just now I thought about it carefully. With your current first-level cultivation base, if you are lurking in the Tianjun Immortal Academy, you will also be suppressed by other envoys of the Yan Sect..."

Ye Yun suddenly appeared in front of Li Moran, frowned and said: "Since you have helped, you must help to the end. You try to lure the envoy of Yanjiao who is lurking in Tianjun Xianyuan away from Tongyuan Xing, and I will rob him outside." Kill him, and you will use your own efforts to seize his position and become the envoy of all the disciples of the Yan Sect in Tianjun Immortal Academy, do you have confidence?"

"Master, as long as you can kill the envoy who is in charge, I can take his place. This person is relying on him as the envoy, and he has made great demands on Yanjiao. The envoy of Yanjiao is very dissatisfied with him, but he can win over A principal is a great asset to the Yan Sect!"

"As soon as he dies, I will take the opportunity to be promoted to the immortal position and make a sensation in the immortal courtyard. At the same time, I will also take advantage of it, establish a good relationship with the envoy of Yanjiao, serve him, obey him, and be willing to act as cannon fodder. , I think it is enough to take down the Yanjiao envoy!"

"If none of these things work, once someone replaces the head, I will try to assassinate him. In the end, it will still be my turn. Master, please rest assured!"

In front of Ye Yun, Li Moran made several plans, from the beginning to the end, from the inside to the outside, in detail, not sloppy at all, really well organized, people can see the whole plan from beginning to end at a glance .

"it is good!"

Sure enough, Ye Yun saw Li Moran right, in his heart, he had already planned for himself, Ye Yun appreciated and praised: "Good plan, you go to confuse the principal right now, and tell him that Tianjun Immortal Academy wants to Destroy a branch of the Yan Sect, I will ambush Xingkong, ambush him suddenly, and win by surprise, after all, it is not so easy to deal with a fourth-order giant who breaks the immortal!"

"I'll go right away!" Li Moran immediately agreed, and with Ye Yun's wave of his hand, a wonderful space energy immediately penetrated into the Tongyuan Star Crystal Wall System.

Although it was the crystal wall system built by Supreme Xuxian, under Ye Yun's magical power, a passage was built without warning in a moment, and Li Moran was sent in silently, without anyone noticing.

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