The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 358 Yan Jiao Messenger, Wang Chuantian

It is not an easy task to pave the way for Li Moran to become the biggest envoy of Yan Sect in Tianjun Immortal Academy, the person Ye Yun has to deal with is the main task.

Master, how majestic and powerful.

The principals, on the plane of Tai Xing, are all high-ranking figures like emperors, whose cultivation bases are all between the fourth and fifth ranks of Poxian. When the divine power comes, everyone must bow their heads and ears, surrender and tremble, and have high positions and weights. , The strength is against the sky, with one punch, even the planet will be destroyed in half.

The Yan Sect really had a trick. They actually grabbed a master and, as an envoy, planted a pawn in the Tianjun Immortal Academy. Once it broke out, it would deal a heavy blow to the Tianjun Immortal Academy.

The Yan Sect is Ye Yun's number one enemy. To deal with this kind of force, for example, you have to deal with it in the same way, attack from inside and outside, and destroy the Yan Sect layer by layer. If you fight head-on, Ye Yun will face the Great Immortal Ye Yun is not afraid of an immortal, but when the anger of the immortal descends, the planet Taiyi will collapse in an instant.

Ye Yun wants to know Yan Jiao as soon as possible, so he must absolutely support Li Moran, make great progress in Yan Jiao, and become an important high-level figure, which will be of unexpected help in the future.


Thinking about it in my heart makes my brain go numb, especially when I think of powerful characters like Xuan Tianzu and Wang Chuantian. The battle scene is too strong. Although Ye Yun is 100% sure, he also knows that the price will be extremely heavy.

"By the way... If I kill the principal... If I can get huge benefits from it, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

Suddenly a thought came down, beating a drum in the heart.

One of the principals is the envoy of the Yan Sect, and even more the enemy of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy. If Ye Yun successfully kills this person and then takes him to the Shenzhou Immortal Academy in exchange for credit, wouldn't this be the best of both worlds?


Thinking of this, Ye Yun couldn't help but gasp, he was really surprised and happy, there are many dangers in it, but he can get huge benefits.

"Okay, let's do it like this, but the energy that is the main thing, the fourth level of Poxian, is more precious than the Broken Immortal Dao and the seeds of Beiyun. It is nothing to others, but I do increase energy. The best way is to cut Kill this person, refine all his energy, and then give it to Shenzhou Xianyuan, in exchange for a broken elixir, it is not bad to record a big credit!"

With one fist and one blow, he made up his mind, this time not only to kill the principal, but also to give Li Moran a chance to replace his important position, and moreover, he can obtain the fourth-level energy of breaking the immortal, and also obtain huge benefits in the Shenzhou Immortal Academy. .

"This time I went all out!!!"

As soon as he thought of getting so many benefits, Ye Yun no longer hesitated, made up his mind, sharpened his sword, and was always ready for the upcoming battle.

Tongyuan Star, Tianjun Immortal Academy, the most sacred domain, is the dojo where only the supreme master can practice.

"Junior Brother Mo Ran, are you looking for Qigong or medicine from the master again?"

In a bamboo shoot-like mountain forest floating in the void, on the top of the highest isolated mountain, there is an ancient cave dwelling. The Buddha is carved out of the entire mountain top. The disciple of Pao Xian is intercepting Li Moran who wants to enter the cave.

"Two senior brothers, please tell the master. Of course, Mo Ran is still here to ask the master for advice on how to practice. Just... ask for a few more pills!" Li Moran was very polite to the two of them.

"Haha, you have a good life, kid. These years, you have been valued by the master and can give you advice, our master, but even our disciples are very stingy, so cherish the opportunity, I will report it to you!" A fairy Student, said very proudly, immediately shot out a burst of true energy, and shot towards the cave.

Li Moran conveniently grabbed a storage ring: "This is a lot of spirit stones that Mo Ran got out of going out this time, I hope the two brothers don't think too little!"

"The master has no objection, let's go in!" The immortal disciple grabbed the storage ring with one hand, smiled happily, and let Li Moran enter the cave.

"This Li Moran is indeed a genius and a character, otherwise the master would not see him often, and if not, you and I would not benefit every time!"

The two immortal students laughed embarrassingly.

Entering the cave, there is immediately a powerful restriction to imprison the huge cave, not to mention Li Moran, even the immortal students of the cave cannot enter without the permission of the master, and even other masters cannot pass easily Restriction, this layer of restriction is extremely powerful.

Li Moran seemed to be familiar with the ban, and shot into a strange flame. When the flame touched the ban, there was no movement, but was sucked in by the ban. Li Moran grinned a few times, and strode into the cave.

"The Immortal Cult will last forever, and the nine heavens will return to one!"

Passing through layers of illusions, Li Moran appeared in a space that was absolutely sealed in an instant. Here was a black space, above which were inlaid layers of red flames, and in the flames, floating a The Crimson Throne is a throne made of gemstones that are not available in the mortal world.

On the throne sits a Venerable Piao Miao cross-legged. He merges with the entire throne and continuously absorbs the red flames from the throne and enters his body.

Li Moran entered the mysterious space, immediately leaned over, and shouted loudly to the Supreme Venerable, sincerely and modestly, incomparably convinced by the wonderful red flame.

"The leader of the Nine Heavens is invincible, and the Yan Sect will never be destroyed!"

On the throne, the mysterious venerable, the high-ranking principal of Tianjun Immortal Academy, slowly turned around, slowly opened his eyes, and it turned out to be Wang Chuantian, an old antique who once appeared on the Punishment Planet and fought earth-shatteringly with Xuantian Zu.

Wang Chuantian is still that ancient and profound, but now, he is no longer wearing the big red Taoist robe that symbolizes Tianjun Xianyuan, but a black robe with red fire cloud-like flames inlaid on it. The teachings are exactly the same, Wang Chuantian is the supreme pawn of the Yan Sect lurking in the Tianjun Immortal Academy.

If Ye Yun saw it, he would be astonished.

Facing the red Huoyun Huoyan loudly, Wang Chuantian seemed to be able to feel a powerful force descending from this shout, feeling comfortable all over, and then looked down on Li Moran.

Li Moran didn't dare to neglect at all, he couldn't be sloppy, and immediately bowed and raised his hands, shouting respectfully to Wang Chuantian: "Godson Li Morena, meet the messenger!"

"Li Moran, the five-year pilgrimage day has just passed, why did you come to see the envoy again?" Wang Chuantian asked, no longer the righteous and simple aura, but a trace of evil in the bully. blame.

Li Moran respectfully said: "Master Messenger, Mo Ran went out to perform a mission this time, but accidentally discovered that the masters of the Immortal Academy had discovered a branch of our Yanjiao, and they were about to organize people to destroy the branch, and Mo Ran knew about it. Seriously, it is not easy to establish branch forums in various places, and it would be a pity if they were destroyed, so I came back here to tell the envoys?"


His face turned cold, and when Wang Chuantian heard this, he knew that this matter should be possible. He thought to himself: "The sub-altar is the biggest secret of the Immortal Sect, and it has been secretly established in many places. Even I can't know where the sub-altar is. It is the highest secret of the Immortal Cult, and only one of the messengers knows it!"

Wang Chuantian didn't speak all the time, he was deep in thought, this made Li Moran's neck break out in cold sweat, and the two sides were playing games in secret.

"Separation is a major event. If Tianjun Immortal Academy really knows the whereabouts of the branch, it will definitely try its best to destroy it. All the disciples of the branch will be slaughtered, leaving no one behind... In this way, the loss of the branch will be serious. If I Wouldn’t it be a great achievement to dispatch to destroy the Immortal Academy’s plan and thus save the sub-altar!!!?”

Thinking of this, Wang Chuantian raised his eyebrows, and his pupils became more sternly smiling: "After making great contributions, my status will skyrocket when the Immortal Cult takes over the Lower Realm. Moreover, the Supreme Messenger will definitely bestow upon me to save the sub-altar this time." With the power of an immortal, it is not difficult for me to break through to the sixth level of the Supreme Immortal!!!"

"If I break through the sixth level, I can become a patriarch. In this way, the Immortal Church will value me even more. Haha, my throne will definitely condense more immortal energy!"

Finally, Wang Chuanxia made up his mind, but he didn't carelessly, instead, he asked, looking down at Li Moran: "Did you know that the Immortal Sect has a branch?"

"I don't know, Mo Ran only knows about Master Messenger and other believers of this academy!" Li Moran replied honestly, on this issue, Li Moran did not deceive anything.

Just imagine, even a giant like Wang Chuantian is not qualified to know the secrets of Yanjiao's high-level officials, and Li Moran is just a disciple developed by Wang Chuantian, so how can he know the important matters of high-level officials.

"Then how did you know the news that Xianyuan is going to deal with the branch altar?" Regarding the first question, Wang Chuantian didn't have the slightest doubt because he knew the reason.

Li Moran's eyes lit up, as if he was grasping something, he immediately replied: "The day before yesterday, Mo Ran went to receive the task, and overheard a senior immortal student complaining in a secluded place, saying that it was impossible for him to complete the task in the immortal courtyard." Completed missions, destroying sub-forums, cults, courting death, etc., the next time I heard it, I knew it was related to the Immortal Sect, but unfortunately I wanted to continue listening. Who knew there were law enforcement disciples, so I left cautiously in order not to startle the snake. , and then galloped all the way to report to Lord Messenger!"

"I see…"

After listening to Li Moran's words, Wang Chuantian's face was cloudy and uncertain, his body slightly leaned on the throne, and he secretly analyzed: "The branch of the Immortal Sect must be guarded by a supremely powerful person, and there are many godsons. , and can't take advantage of it, which is in line with the intention of some people in the fairy courtyard, using the disciples of the fairy as cannon fodder..."

"Thinking about it, Li Moran didn't lie to the envoy, and no one is willing to be cannon fodder. Those immortal students dare not complain to the law enforcement disciples face to face, and can only vent their resentment and dissatisfaction in private..."

Wang Chuantian suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Moran: "Do you know the location?"

"I probably heard the name of the place, but I'm not sure!" Li Moran replied with a hint of doubt, but he was not sure, with conflicting expressions on his left and right.

"Okay, take me with you now. Once the matter is true, I will definitely cultivate you greatly, and I may not recommend you to Shangfeng. Let's go!"

Wang Chuantian can no longer calm down. Since he is sure that this matter is true, there will be danger at any time in the division. Once he misses the opportunity to perform meritorious service, then he will miss a great opportunity. To know how much supreme energy the Yanjiao has, he only needs to absorb a little , you can improve your cultivation base.

Wang Chuantian made a magic seal with both hands, and the entire dark space disappeared like a bubble, and the red throne disappeared. The two appeared in an ordinary room. Wang Chuantian brought the shocked Li Moran to the cave hall immediately. Among them, he summoned two disciples, assigned tasks, and then entered the passage with Li Moran in a hurry, and disappeared.

"Wang Chuantian... the master of the Yan Sect's gathering is actually Wang Chuantian..."

Ye Yun was sitting cross-legged on a meteorite in the star field outside Tongyuan Star, when he suddenly received a message from Li Moran, he immediately knew that he had successfully seduced the principal, and they came out together, including the principal's information, Ye Yunyi Look, I was stunned suddenly, with a look of astonishment.

It's really a narrow road to friends, it's not that acquaintances don't get together.

Ye Yun would never have thought that such a coincidence, in Tianjun Xianyuan, Ye Yun is the most familiar except for Li Moran, and no one else knows. Many strong people have only heard of the name, except for Li Moran. , that is Wang Chuantian, Ye Yun and Li Moran went to steal the spiritual pulse when they were punishing the planet, and witnessed the battle between Wang Chuantian and Xuan Tianzu with their own eyes.

Beforehand, Li Moran didn't tell Ye Yun in advance that the envoy of the Yan Sect was Wang Chuantian, which really surprised Ye Yun, but he also felt that this was the best way, since it's not easy for strangers to attack him. This kind of person has a higher success rate of sudden strikes.

"Huh? No, how could Wang Chuantian's aura possess the fifth-order atmosphere of Poxian?"

After careful sensing, Ye Yun was stunned for an instant. He felt Wang Chuantian's aura strongly, which was far beyond what he knew. When Wang Chuantian fought against Xuantian Zu, Wang Chuantian was still at the fourth rank of Immortal, but in just 20 years, Wang Chuantian actually broke through the bottleneck of the fourth-order Poxian, and became the supreme giant of the fifth-order Poxian.

There is a world of difference between the fifth level of Poxian and the fourth level of Poxian.

"This Wang Chuantian... It seems that he was punishing the planet back then, and he was 100% defeated in the battle with Xuantianzu. It has benefited him immensely, helping him break through from the fourth level to the fifth level of Poxian..."

All of a sudden, Ye Yunming realized, and carefully connected it from the beginning to the end. It is not difficult to see the clues from it. Xuantianzu must have subdued Wang Chuantian back then, and used the great supernatural power of Yanjiao to help Wang Chuantian advance to the fifth rank of Poxian.

"The fifth level of breaking the immortal..."

"Since the arrow has been fired, it cannot be taken back...Come on, what is the fifth level of Poxian, this time, I will break the eternal legend, create a myth, use the third level of Tongtian, kill the fifth level of Poxian, and create history !"

Ye Yun slowly held his breath, secretly made a decision, his fists could not help but clenched tightly, twisted into a rope, ready to go.It is not an easy task to pave the way for Li Moran to become the biggest envoy of Yan Sect in Tianjun Immortal Academy, the person Ye Yun has to deal with is the main task.

Master, how majestic and powerful.

The principals, on the plane of Tai Xing, are all high-ranking figures like emperors, whose cultivation bases are all between the fourth and fifth ranks of Poxian. When the divine power comes, everyone must bow their heads and ears, surrender and tremble, and have high positions and weights. , The strength is against the sky, with one punch, even the planet will be destroyed in half.

The Yan Sect really had a trick. They actually grabbed a master and, as an envoy, planted a pawn in the Tianjun Immortal Academy. Once it broke out, it would deal a heavy blow to the Tianjun Immortal Academy.

The Yan Sect is Ye Yun's number one enemy. To deal with this kind of force, for example, you have to deal with it in the same way, attack from inside and outside, and destroy the Yan Sect layer by layer. If you fight head-on, Ye Yun will face the Great Immortal Ye Yun is not afraid of an immortal, but when the anger of the immortal descends, the planet Taiyi will collapse in an instant.

Ye Yun wants to know Yan Jiao as soon as possible, so he must absolutely support Li Moran, make great progress in Yan Jiao, and become an important high-level figure, which will be of unexpected help in the future.


Thinking about it in my heart makes my brain go numb, especially when I think of powerful characters like Xuan Tianzu and Wang Chuantian. The battle scene is too strong. Although Ye Yun is 100% sure, he also knows that the price will be extremely heavy.

"By the way... If I kill the principal... If I can get huge benefits from it, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

Suddenly a thought came down, beating a drum in the heart.

One of the principals is the envoy of the Yan Sect, and even more the enemy of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy. If Ye Yun successfully kills this person and then takes him to the Shenzhou Immortal Academy in exchange for credit, wouldn't this be the best of both worlds?


Thinking of this, Ye Yun couldn't help but gasp, he was really surprised and happy, there are many dangers in it, but he can get huge benefits.

"Okay, let's do it like this, but the energy that is the main thing, the fourth level of Poxian, is more precious than the Broken Immortal Dao and the seeds of Beiyun. It is nothing to others, but I do increase energy. The best way is to cut Kill this person, refine all his energy, and then give it to Shenzhou Xianyuan, in exchange for a broken elixir, it is not bad to record a big credit!"

With one fist and one blow, he made up his mind, this time not only to kill the principal, but also to give Li Moran a chance to replace his important position, and moreover, he can obtain the fourth-level energy of breaking the immortal, and also obtain huge benefits in the Shenzhou Immortal Academy. .

"This time I went all out!!!"

As soon as he thought of getting so many benefits, Ye Yun no longer hesitated, made up his mind, sharpened his sword, and was always ready for the upcoming battle.

Tongyuan Star, Tianjun Immortal Academy, the most sacred domain, is the dojo where only the supreme master can practice.

"Junior Brother Mo Ran, are you looking for Qigong or medicine from the master again?"

In a bamboo shoot-like mountain forest floating in the void, on the top of the highest isolated mountain, there is an ancient cave dwelling. The Buddha is carved out of the entire mountain top. The disciple of Pao Xian is intercepting Li Moran who wants to enter the cave.

"Two senior brothers, please tell the master. Of course, Mo Ran is still here to ask the master for advice on how to practice. Just... ask for a few more pills!" Li Moran was very polite to the two of them.

"Haha, you have a good life, kid. These years, you have been valued by the master and can give you advice, our master, but even our disciples are very stingy, so cherish the opportunity, I will report it to you!" A fairy Student, said very proudly, immediately shot out a burst of true energy, and shot towards the cave.

Li Moran conveniently grabbed a storage ring: "This is a lot of spirit stones that Mo Ran got out of going out this time, I hope the two brothers don't think too little!"

"The master has no objection, let's go in!" The immortal disciple grabbed the storage ring with one hand, smiled happily, and let Li Moran enter the cave.

"This Li Moran is indeed a genius and a character, otherwise the master would not see him often, and if not, you and I would not benefit every time!"

The two immortal students laughed embarrassingly.

Entering the cave, there is immediately a powerful restriction to imprison the huge cave, not to mention Li Moran, even the immortal students of the cave cannot enter without the permission of the master, and even other masters cannot pass easily Restriction, this layer of restriction is extremely powerful.

Li Moran seemed to be familiar with the ban, and shot into a strange flame. When the flame touched the ban, there was no movement, but was sucked in by the ban. Li Moran grinned a few times, and strode into the cave.

"The Immortal Cult will last forever, and the nine heavens will return to one!"

Passing through layers of illusions, Li Moran appeared in a space that was absolutely sealed in an instant. Here was a black space, above which were inlaid layers of red flames, and in the flames, floating a The Crimson Throne is a throne made of gemstones that are not available in the mortal world.

On the throne sits a Venerable Piao Miao cross-legged. He merges with the entire throne and continuously absorbs the red flames from the throne and enters his body.

Li Moran entered the mysterious space, immediately leaned over, and shouted loudly to the Supreme Venerable, sincerely and modestly, incomparably convinced by the wonderful red flame.

"The leader of the Nine Heavens is invincible, and the Yan Sect will never be destroyed!"

On the throne, the mysterious venerable, the high-ranking principal of Tianjun Immortal Academy, slowly turned around, slowly opened his eyes, and it turned out to be Wang Chuantian, an old antique who once appeared on the Punishment Planet and fought earth-shatteringly with Xuantian Zu.

Wang Chuantian is still that ancient and profound, but now, he is no longer wearing the big red Taoist robe that symbolizes Tianjun Xianyuan, but a black robe with red fire cloud-like flames inlaid on it. The teachings are exactly the same, Wang Chuantian is the supreme pawn of the Yan Sect lurking in the Tianjun Immortal Academy.

If Ye Yun saw it, he would be astonished.

Facing the red Huoyun Huoyan loudly, Wang Chuantian seemed to be able to feel a powerful force descending from this shout, feeling comfortable all over, and then looked down on Li Moran.

Li Moran didn't dare to neglect at all, he couldn't be sloppy, and immediately bowed and raised his hands, shouting respectfully to Wang Chuantian: "Godson Li Morena, meet the messenger!"

"Li Moran, the five-year pilgrimage day has just passed, why did you come to see the envoy again?" Wang Chuantian asked, no longer the righteous and simple aura, but a trace of evil in the bully. blame.

Li Moran respectfully said: "Master Messenger, Mo Ran went out to perform a mission this time, but accidentally discovered that the masters of the Immortal Academy had discovered a branch of our Yanjiao, and they were about to organize people to destroy the branch, and Mo Ran knew about it. Seriously, it is not easy to establish branch forums in various places, and it would be a pity if they were destroyed, so I came back here to tell the envoys?"


His face turned cold, and when Wang Chuantian heard this, he knew that this matter should be possible. He thought to himself: "The sub-altar is the biggest secret of the Immortal Sect, and it has been secretly established in many places. Even I can't know where the sub-altar is. It is the highest secret of the Immortal Cult, and only one of the messengers knows it!"

Wang Chuantian didn't speak all the time, he was deep in thought, this made Li Moran's neck break out in cold sweat, and the two sides were playing games in secret.

"Separation is a major event. If Tianjun Immortal Academy really knows the whereabouts of the branch, it will definitely try its best to destroy it. All the disciples of the branch will be slaughtered, leaving no one behind... In this way, the loss of the branch will be serious. If I Wouldn’t it be a great achievement to dispatch to destroy the Immortal Academy’s plan and thus save the sub-altar!!!?”

Thinking of this, Wang Chuantian raised his eyebrows, and his pupils became more sternly smiling: "After making great contributions, my status will skyrocket when the Immortal Cult takes over the Lower Realm. Moreover, the Supreme Messenger will definitely bestow upon me to save the sub-altar this time." With the power of an immortal, it is not difficult for me to break through to the sixth level of the Supreme Immortal!!!"

"If I break through the sixth level, I can become a patriarch. In this way, the Immortal Church will value me even more. Haha, my throne will definitely condense more immortal energy!"

Finally, Wang Chuanxia made up his mind, but he didn't carelessly, instead, he asked, looking down at Li Moran: "Did you know that the Immortal Sect has a branch?"

"I don't know, Mo Ran only knows about Master Messenger and other believers of this academy!" Li Moran replied honestly, on this issue, Li Moran did not deceive anything.

Just imagine, even a giant like Wang Chuantian is not qualified to know the secrets of Yanjiao's high-level officials, and Li Moran is just a disciple developed by Wang Chuantian, so how can he know the important matters of high-level officials.

"Then how did you know the news that Xianyuan is going to deal with the branch altar?" Regarding the first question, Wang Chuantian didn't have the slightest doubt because he knew the reason.

Li Moran's eyes lit up, as if he was grasping something, he immediately replied: "The day before yesterday, Mo Ran went to receive the task, and overheard a senior immortal student complaining in a secluded place, saying that it was impossible for him to complete the task in the immortal courtyard." Completed missions, destroying sub-forums, cults, courting death, etc., the next time I heard it, I knew it was related to the Immortal Sect, but unfortunately I wanted to continue listening. Who knew there were law enforcement disciples, so I left cautiously in order not to startle the snake. , and then galloped all the way to report to Lord Messenger!"

"I see…"

After listening to Li Moran's words, Wang Chuantian's face was cloudy and uncertain, his body slightly leaned on the throne, and he secretly analyzed: "The branch of the Immortal Sect must be guarded by a supremely powerful person, and there are many godsons. , and can't take advantage of it, which is in line with the intention of some people in the fairy courtyard, using the disciples of the fairy as cannon fodder..."

"Thinking about it, Li Moran didn't lie to the envoy, and no one is willing to be cannon fodder. Those immortal students dare not complain to the law enforcement disciples face to face, and can only vent their resentment and dissatisfaction in private..."

Wang Chuantian suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Moran: "Do you know the location?"

"I probably heard the name of the place, but I'm not sure!" Li Moran replied with a hint of doubt, but he was not sure, with conflicting expressions on his left and right.

"Okay, take me with you now. Once the matter is true, I will definitely cultivate you greatly, and I may not recommend you to Shangfeng. Let's go!"

Wang Chuantian can no longer calm down. Since he is sure that this matter is true, there will be danger at any time in the division. Once he misses the opportunity to perform meritorious service, then he will miss a great opportunity. To know how much supreme energy the Yanjiao has, he only needs to absorb a little , you can improve your cultivation base.

Wang Chuantian made a magic seal with both hands, and the entire dark space disappeared like a bubble, and the red throne disappeared. The two appeared in an ordinary room. Wang Chuantian brought the shocked Li Moran to the cave hall immediately. Among them, he summoned two disciples, assigned tasks, and then entered the passage with Li Moran in a hurry, and disappeared.

"Wang Chuantian... the master of the Yan Sect's gathering is actually Wang Chuantian..."

Ye Yun was sitting cross-legged on a meteorite in the star field outside Tongyuan Star, when he suddenly received a message from Li Moran, he immediately knew that he had successfully seduced the principal, and they came out together, including the principal's information, Ye Yunyi Look, I was stunned suddenly, with a look of astonishment.

It's really a narrow road to friends, it's not that acquaintances don't get together.

Ye Yun would never have thought that such a coincidence, in Tianjun Xianyuan, Ye Yun is the most familiar except for Li Moran, and no one else knows. Many strong people have only heard of the name, except for Li Moran. , that is Wang Chuantian, Ye Yun and Li Moran went to steal the spiritual pulse when they were punishing the planet, and witnessed the battle between Wang Chuantian and Xuan Tianzu with their own eyes.

Beforehand, Li Moran didn't tell Ye Yun in advance that the envoy of the Yan Sect was Wang Chuantian, which really surprised Ye Yun, but he also felt that this was the best way, since it's not easy for strangers to attack him. This kind of person has a higher success rate of sudden strikes.

"Huh? No, how could Wang Chuantian's aura possess the fifth-order atmosphere of Poxian?"

After careful sensing, Ye Yun was stunned for an instant. He felt Wang Chuantian's aura strongly, which was far beyond what he knew. When Wang Chuantian fought against Xuantian Zu, Wang Chuantian was still at the fourth rank of Immortal, but in just 20 years, Wang Chuantian actually broke through the bottleneck of the fourth-order Poxian, and became the supreme giant of the fifth-order Poxian.

There is a world of difference between the fifth level of Poxian and the fourth level of Poxian.

"This Wang Chuantian... It seems that he was punishing the planet back then, and he was 100% defeated in the battle with Xuantianzu. It has benefited him immensely, helping him break through from the fourth level to the fifth level of Poxian..."

All of a sudden, Ye Yunming realized, and carefully connected it from the beginning to the end. It is not difficult to see the clues from it. Xuantianzu must have subdued Wang Chuantian back then, and used the great supernatural power of Yanjiao to help Wang Chuantian advance to the fifth rank of Poxian.

"The fifth level of breaking the immortal..."

"Since the arrow has been fired, it cannot be taken back...Come on, what is the fifth level of Poxian, this time, I will break the eternal legend, create a myth, use the third level of Tongtian, kill the fifth level of Poxian, and create history !"

Ye Yun slowly held his breath, secretly made a decision, his fists could not help but clenched tightly, twisted into a rope, ready to go.

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