The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 360 Tongtian Tier 3 Battle Immortal Tier 5

"This really surprised me. I, a student who has just been promoted to the rank of immortal, spread the word in other immortal courtyards so quickly!"

Hearing Wang Chuantian's words, Ye Yun was quite surprised. It's only been a few dozen days, and the news has been grasped by such a supreme figure as Wang Chuantian.

But Ye Yun knew that Wang Chuantian could grasp this point, not necessarily from the intelligence network of Tianjun Immortal Academy, but perhaps from the ubiquitous Yan Sect.

"As the biggest opponent of Tianjun Immortal Academy, Shenzhou Immortal Academy naturally knows everything about its every move. Everyone knows that Shenzhou Immortal Academy has a genius comparable to Ditian. Now it seems that you are stronger than that Ditian. The genius is ten thousand times, it is indeed powerful, and it can trap me here..."

Wang Chuantian didn't know whether it was a compliment or a sarcasm, the words came out of his mouth very awkwardly.

Ye Yun heard others again, compared him with Ditian, and smiled coldly: "What is Ditian? Go out and set up your own family and become famous in the world. Anyone can do this. To be honest, a person like him is in my heart." It's not a threat!"

"Junior Brother Ye, although our Tianjun Immortal Academy and the Shenzhou Immortal Academy have some disagreements, you and I don't have any enmity. I don't know why you want to attack this old man? After all, they are all alliances. Now it is the best strategy to deal with Yanjiao together. Could it be, yes? You Xianyuan high-level, let you kill me?"

At this time, Wang Chuantian's demeanor changed, he was no longer the envoy of the Yan Sect who arrogantly ignored any existence, but showed the demeanor of an elder.

"Haha, alliance?"

As soon as he heard Wang Chuantian's words, Ye Yun laughed loudly: "Wang Chuantian, you still want to deal with me? You, as an envoy of the Yan Sect, have nothing to hide from me!"

"Hmph... Could it be that Li Moran has something to do with you?"

Wang Chuantian's entire face was distorted, extremely deformed, and his body also exuded a faint and strange black aura, which was no longer the awe-inspiring righteousness of Tianjun Xianyuan. Wang Chuantian said: "I understand, Li Moran should be you Shenzhou Immortal Academy spy, you sent him to sneak into Tianjun Immortal Academy, and even break into Yan Sect, wanting to use Li Moran to deal with Tianjun Immortal Academy and Yan Sect at the same time?"

"Sure enough, it's a good plan, a deep plan. The Shenzhou Immortal Academy is really calculating everywhere. I remembered that you and Li Moran stood out at the new student exchange event of the three major fairy academies. It is because of your help that Li Moran was able to Become No.1, successfully let him enter the core disciples of Tianjun Immortal Academy!"

With a flash of excitement, Wang Chuantian breathed a sigh of relief and connected the cause and effect of the matter in a very orderly manner. There was no flaw at all, and everything started like this.

After a long time, the corner of Ye Yun's mouth turned up: "You are only half right about the matter, Li Moran's role is indeed to deal with Tianjun Immortal Academy and Yanjiao..."

Wang Chuantian showed a startled expression again, rolled his eyes, and immediately asked: "Oh, isn't Li Moran a secret agent of Shenzhou Xianyuan?"


At this time, Li Moran stepped out of the void, appeared beside Ye Yun, and bowed to Ye Yun very respectfully, not daring to show any disrespect.


Wang Chuantian was shocked and extremely shocked, from Li Moran's sudden appearance, and then saw the word "Master" in front of Ye Yun like a servant, Wang Chuantian understood something again.

"Wang Chuantian, the messenger, the master?"

Li Moran stepped out suddenly, looked down at Wang Chuantian who was shocked and changed, and shouted: "What are Tianjun Immortal Academy, Shenzhou Immortal Academy, and Yanjiao? What qualifications do I have to submit to you? This is my master, Wang Chuantian. Do you remember, back then, you and the envoys of the Yan Sect were punishing the star fight?"

"You, how do you know about this?"

Hearing Li Moran's last words, Wang Chuantian changed again and was even more shocked. He punished the planet. He fought against Xuantian Zu. Zu defeated and chose to surrender to Yanjiao and become an envoy.

This matter is Wang Chuantian's biggest secret, and it is impossible for outsiders to know about it. Back then, he had concealed countless high-level officials from Tianjun Immortal Academy, so how could it be known by outsiders.

Li Moran said sternly: "Let me tell you the truth, Wang Chuantian, when you were fighting with Yan Sect masters, it was me and Master who took the initiative to snatch the spirit veins!"

"It turned out to be you!"

Beads of sweat dripped from his cheeks, Wang Chuantian's body squeaked and his breathing almost stopped. He really didn't expect that the mysterious strongman who made him and Xuan Tianzu suffer a great loss were actually these two people in front of him, Wang Chuantian His eyes fell on Ye Yun, and he suddenly remembered the Holy Spear of Light that Ye Yun used just now, combined with the destructive power that he shot back then.

The two powers, after careful feeling now, are almost the same, but the power back then was more domineering and destructive, but now the Holy Spear of Light is sacred.

Wang Chuantian suddenly condensed his breath, his aura froze, and he looked at Ye Yun with great hatred: "It's you! It's really you! It was you who shot me and the mysterious envoy, and then snatched the spirit vein from us. It caused Yanjiao to lose a lot, and also seriously injured the old man and the envoy!"

"It is indeed my master's supernatural powers. Wang Chuantian, Wang Shi, I am not from the Shenzhou Xianyuan at all, but a follower of the master. I sneaked into Yanjiao and lured you out. It was all planned by the master. It is to kill you, and I will take your place and become the envoy of the Yan Cult. In the end, I will attack the Yan Cult from the inside and outside with the master, and destroy the Yan Cult, and my master regrets becoming the lord of the plane the most!" Li Moran shouted righteously .


Now, Wang Chuantian finally understood everything, and sneered coldly: "But Li Moran, Ye Yun is still a character, he has the qualifications and strength, but what are you, a mere weak person in the sky-reaching realm, take my place ? There are other godsons, they are all immortal students, even if I am not here, you are not qualified!"

"Ascension to Heaven Realm?"

Li Moran waved his hand suddenly, and a burst of Immortal-shattering aura surged out from his body. It was extremely powerful, and it was full of ancient sacred aura, which was extraordinary.

"You actually broke through the Immortal Realm from the fifth level of Tongtian, and reached the first level of Immortal?"

"No, it's impossible. Even if it's a high-level Poxian, it's impossible to empower people from the Heaven-reaching Realm to the Poxian Realm. Impossible!"

Wang Chuantian staggered back a few steps, stabilized his figure, his upper and lower lips kept trembling, he couldn't believe that Li Moran, who had the mysterious aura of breaking the immortal, was an ant in his eyes.

"Nothing is impossible in front of my master. The master instilled in me and helped me directly break through the fairyland. My master's supernatural powers are beyond your imagination!" Treat it like a celestial being, omnipotent.

"Okay, Mo Ran, you enter the domain first!"

With a wave of Ye Yun's hand, a mysterious force dragged Li Moran into a sacred field, and then disappeared, leaving only the endless void of space. Ye Yun looked at Wang Chuantian: "I don't want to talk nonsense with you, come on!" !"

"Ye Yun, I can cooperate with you. As the leader, I am far more effective than Li Moran, and can assist you to achieve any goal!"

Suddenly, Wang Chuantian struggled for a while, then changed his attitude and wanted to cooperate with Ye Yun.

Wang Chuantian is an old man, at first he thought he could deal with Ye Yun, but now he remembered that Ye Yun was punishing the planet back then, with a blow against the sky, he almost killed even a strong man like Xuan Tianzu, and now he saw it with his own eyes. Witnessing Ye Yun's method of controlling space as an immortal, he knew that the bet was off, so he used other methods.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yun was unmoved at all, and sneered: "You don't need to worry about this kind of thing, I will cooperate with Li Moran and let him ascend to the top of Yanjiao, and you are the high-ranking chief of Tianjun Immortal Academy. , but, you have turned to Xuan Tianzu, and now you want to make false promises to me, you, a rat who is afraid of death, have changed hands several times without dignity, it is not worth trusting at all!"

"Xuantianzu! How do you know the name of my Shangfeng?" Wang Chuantian was shocked again. Now he felt that in front of Ye Yun, Fang Buddha had nowhere to hide. The other party knew everything about him. Shiver.

"Xuantianzu? Wang Chuantian, you don't know anything about Xuantianzu's past, right? But I know, because I used to come from the same Danwan Continent with him. He used to be the master of a sect. I uprooted him, so I and him are also life and death enemies. The Xuantian ancestor you rely on will be beheaded by me one day sooner or later, and I also know more secrets of Yanjiao, which you have never known. In the eyes of Yanjiao, you are just a pawn!" Ye Yun blurted out, and Wang Chuantian stared straight at the words.

Wang Chuantian was completely stunned, he found that Ye Yun really knew more about Yan Sect than he did.

"The fifth level of Poxian, Wang Chuantian, you were only the fourth level of Poxian back then. With your aptitude, it is almost impossible to step into the fifth level of Poxian, but now you have been promoted to the fifth level and entered the supreme realm. Come to think of it, It must be the Xuantian Ancestor who assisted you and gave you energy that does not belong to the mortal world, so that you can be promoted!"

Ye Yun slowly adjusted his breathing, and a powerful aura gradually came out, without reservation: "So, your real strength should not be shown yet, you want to mediate with me, but now, you and I can only fight to the death, show it Come on, let me see how powerful the Yanjiao has left on you!"

Feeling Ye Yun's unreserved and unrestrained aura, Wang Chuantian was shocked suddenly, and sighed tremblingly: "Tongtian Realm! No, it's still at the third level of Tongtian, you, you... how is it possible, you are only at the third level of Tongtian, how can you have the ability to resist?" The power of breaking the fifth level of immortality?"

Wang Chuantian is an old antique who has lived for tens of thousands of years. He has never seen any genius before. He has also seen geniuses who can kill enemies at more than a dozen levels. He has also experienced the challenge of the fifth level of Poxian with the first level of Poxian.

But with the third level of Tongtian against the fifth level of Poxian, this kind of genius, this kind of leapfrogging, he really knows what he knows.

"Wang Chuantian, you are the first person who really knows my realm, come on, let's see what you are capable of, don't let me down!" Ye Yun began to condense the Holy Spear of Light.

"This is what you forced me to do... You are indeed very strong and outstanding. In the long history of the Taixing plane, there has never been such an amazing monk like you, but I am a majestic fifth-level giant, today... I am dead!"


A black flame erupted from Wang Chuantian's body, and the whole space began to tremble uneasily. In his pupils, black and strange flames were burning. Below him, a blood-red dojo appeared, a dojo created by the fifth-order Poxian , moreover, the energy in it does not belong to the mortal world.

Ye Yun was slightly moved. When he saw the blood-red dojo, he could feel that the energy in it was infinite, and the high-level energy from the fairy world was indeed terrifying: "What a strong power... Sure enough, Wang Chuantian's real strength has surpassed the fifth level of Poxian, and he has achieved The sixth rank of Immortal Breaker, is this the power that the Yan Sect bestows on you?"

And it can be seen that the blood-red dojo is too powerful, and it is definitely not a dojo that Wang Chuantian, a broken fairy, can create.

"You are very strong and can hurt the mysterious envoy. Today, I will use all my energy to kill you. Either you will die or I will die, but I believe that the chance of your death is higher!"

Wang Chuantian continued to create mysterious seals, more than [-] million times, and the speed of the fifth-order condensed seal of Poxian was so fast that it was difficult to see clearly with the naked eye. When he pressed both hands, a huge burning blood-red throne appeared above him. .

On the blood-red burning throne, there are heavenly soldiers standing. They hold various magic weapons, and their bodies are as high as thousands of feet. Some have three hands and three legs, some have thousands of faces, and some have giant beasts. The heavenly soldier dojo is formed, and when this force comes down, even a planet will be destroyed in an instant.

"What a terrifying energy..."

Although Ye Yun was sure of beheading Wang Chuantian, seeing the energy that Wang Chuantian sacrificed now moved his face. This is the strength only possessed by high-level Poxians. It is comparable to the sky. Natural, unable to provoke, unable to resist.

"Haha, Ye Yun, even if you are the son of heaven, so what, your realm is too low, I will kill you and take your world-shaking qigong. You have such a genius, it must be because of your great luck, and the world-shattering qigong!" Qigong, destroy it!"

Wang Chuantian raised his hands high, like a giant, lifted the sky, and threw the entire Heavenly Soldiers Daoist Field towards Ye Yun with such bravery as to throw a huge boulder. The weapon, aiming at Ye Yun, is no longer a mortal's method, but a supernatural power of an immortal, an advanced form of qigong at the immortal level.

"Wang Chuantian, I am able to kill you, a giant of the fifth rank of Immortal Immortal, with my cultivation level of the third rank, am I not prepared? Let me show you what is the real peerless power, the Burial Bow!"

He waved his hand and grabbed at the void, the majestic Ninth Grade Immortal Artifact, the Demon Realm Shaking Immortal Artifact, and the Burial Sky Bow instantly appeared in Ye Yun's hand, and with one breath, he grabbed a chaotic-colored Holy Spear of Light, aiming at the Heavenly Soldiers Dojo and In Wang Chuantian's direction, at this moment, it seems that the sky has turned into billions of rays, gathering towards Ye Yun, and the entire space is filled with the destructive power of the Burial Bow.

"Oh my god... what kind of fairy weapon is this! The sky is going to kill me. I, Wang Chuantian, ruled the world, and the high-ranking master will die in the hands of a weak third-level man who reaches the sky. I-I-would-not-reconcile!"

Wang Chuantian's pupils suddenly dilated, watching the divine arrow that shattered the sky, shot out, the crystal wall system in the entire space was shattered, and it was completely unbearable.


The mighty and dominating heavenly soldiers in the Heavenly Soldiers Dojo lost their light in the blink of an eye under the divine arrows. The divine arrows pierced through the entire dojo with destructive power, shattered suddenly, and exploded. The remaining power of the divine arrows was directed towards Wang Chuantian came in a hurry, he had nowhere to escape, he could only inherit all his strength and go to meet him.

But it was just a mantis arm blocking the car. Under the divine arrow, Wang Chuantian was too small. All his energy was instantly shattered by the divine arrow, and his whole body began to be crushed. However, a big hand suddenly stretched out and slammed into his chest. One shot, and then the corpse was forcibly pulled out from under the destructive force. "This really surprised me. I, a student who has just been promoted to the immortal position, spread the word in other immortal courtyards so quickly!"

Hearing Wang Chuantian's words, Ye Yun was quite surprised. It's only been a few dozen days, and the news has been grasped by such a supreme figure as Wang Chuantian.

But Ye Yun knew that Wang Chuantian could grasp this point, not necessarily from the intelligence network of Tianjun Immortal Academy, but perhaps from the ubiquitous Yan Sect.

"As the biggest opponent of Tianjun Immortal Academy, Shenzhou Immortal Academy naturally knows everything about its every move. Everyone knows that Shenzhou Immortal Academy has a genius comparable to Ditian. Now it seems that you are stronger than that Ditian. The genius is ten thousand times, it is indeed powerful, and it can trap me here..."

Wang Chuantian didn't know whether it was a compliment or a sarcasm, the words came out of his mouth very awkwardly.

Ye Yun heard others again, compared him with Ditian, and smiled coldly: "What is Ditian? Go out and set up your own family and become famous in the world. Anyone can do this. To be honest, a person like him is in my heart." It's not a threat!"

"Junior Brother Ye, although our Tianjun Immortal Academy and the Shenzhou Immortal Academy have some disagreements, you and I don't have any enmity. I don't know why you want to attack this old man? After all, they are all alliances. Now it is the best strategy to deal with Yanjiao together. Could it be, yes? You Xianyuan high-level, let you kill me?"

At this time, Wang Chuantian's demeanor changed, he was no longer the envoy of the Yan Sect who arrogantly ignored any existence, but showed the demeanor of an elder.

"Haha, alliance?"

As soon as he heard Wang Chuantian's words, Ye Yun laughed loudly: "Wang Chuantian, you still want to deal with me? You, as an envoy of the Yan Sect, have nothing to hide from me!"

"Hmph... Could it be that Li Moran has something to do with you?"

Wang Chuantian's entire face was distorted, extremely deformed, and his body also exuded a faint and strange black aura, which was no longer the awe-inspiring righteousness of Tianjun Xianyuan. Wang Chuantian said: "I understand, Li Moran should be you Shenzhou Immortal Academy spy, you sent him to sneak into Tianjun Immortal Academy, and even break into Yan Sect, wanting to use Li Moran to deal with Tianjun Immortal Academy and Yan Sect at the same time?"

"Sure enough, it's a good plan, a deep plan. The Shenzhou Immortal Academy is really calculating everywhere. I remembered that you and Li Moran stood out at the new student exchange event of the three major fairy academies. It is because of your help that Li Moran was able to Become No.1, successfully let him enter the core disciples of Tianjun Immortal Academy!"

With a flash of excitement, Wang Chuantian breathed a sigh of relief and connected the cause and effect of the matter in a very orderly manner. There was no flaw at all, and everything started like this.

After a long time, the corner of Ye Yun's mouth turned up: "You are only half right about the matter, Li Moran's role is indeed to deal with Tianjun Immortal Academy and Yanjiao..."

Wang Chuantian showed a startled expression again, rolled his eyes, and immediately asked: "Oh, isn't Li Moran a secret agent of Shenzhou Xianyuan?"


At this time, Li Moran stepped out of the void, appeared beside Ye Yun, and bowed to Ye Yun very respectfully, not daring to show any disrespect.


Wang Chuantian was shocked and extremely shocked, from Li Moran's sudden appearance, and then saw the word "Master" in front of Ye Yun like a servant, Wang Chuantian understood something again.

"Wang Chuantian, the messenger, the master?"

Li Moran stepped out suddenly, looked down at Wang Chuantian who was shocked and changed, and shouted: "What are Tianjun Immortal Academy, Shenzhou Immortal Academy, and Yanjiao? What qualifications do I have to submit to you? This is my master, Wang Chuantian. Do you remember, back then, you and the envoys of the Yan Sect were punishing the star fight?"

"You, how do you know about this?"

Hearing Li Moran's last words, Wang Chuantian changed again and was even more shocked. He punished the planet. He fought against Xuantian Zu. Zu defeated and chose to surrender to Yanjiao and become an envoy.

This matter is Wang Chuantian's biggest secret, and it is impossible for outsiders to know about it. Back then, he had concealed countless high-level officials from Tianjun Immortal Academy, so how could it be known by outsiders.

Li Moran said sternly: "Let me tell you the truth, Wang Chuantian, when you were fighting with Yan Sect masters, it was me and Master who took the initiative to snatch the spirit veins!"

"It turned out to be you!"

Beads of sweat dripped from his cheeks, Wang Chuantian's body squeaked and his breathing almost stopped. He really didn't expect that the mysterious strongman who made him and Xuan Tianzu suffer a great loss were actually these two people in front of him, Wang Chuantian His eyes fell on Ye Yun, and he suddenly remembered the Holy Spear of Light that Ye Yun used just now, combined with the destructive power that he shot back then.

The two powers, after careful feeling now, are almost the same, but the power back then was more domineering and destructive, but now the Holy Spear of Light is sacred.

Wang Chuantian suddenly condensed his breath, his aura froze, and he looked at Ye Yun with great hatred: "It's you! It's really you! It was you who shot me and the mysterious envoy, and then snatched the spirit vein from us. It caused Yanjiao to lose a lot, and also seriously injured the old man and the envoy!"

"It is indeed my master's supernatural powers. Wang Chuantian, Wang Shi, I am not from the Shenzhou Xianyuan at all, but a follower of the master. I sneaked into Yanjiao and lured you out. It was all planned by the master. It is to kill you, and I will take your place and become the envoy of the Yan Cult. In the end, I will attack the Yan Cult from the inside and outside with the master, and destroy the Yan Cult, and my master regrets becoming the lord of the plane the most!" Li Moran shouted righteously .


Now, Wang Chuantian finally understood everything, and sneered coldly: "But Li Moran, Ye Yun is still a character, he has the qualifications and strength, but what are you, a mere weak person in the sky-reaching realm, take my place ? There are other godsons, they are all immortal students, even if I am not here, you are not qualified!"

"Ascension to Heaven Realm?"

Li Moran waved his hand suddenly, and a burst of Immortal-shattering aura surged out from his body. It was extremely powerful, and it was full of ancient sacred aura, which was extraordinary.

"You actually broke through the Immortal Realm from the fifth level of Tongtian, and reached the first level of Immortal?"

"No, it's impossible. Even if it's a high-level Poxian, it's impossible to empower people from the Heaven-reaching Realm to the Poxian Realm. Impossible!"

Wang Chuantian staggered back a few steps, stabilized his figure, his upper and lower lips kept trembling, he couldn't believe that Li Moran, who had the mysterious aura of breaking the immortal, was an ant in his eyes.

"Nothing is impossible in front of my master. The master instilled in me and helped me directly break through the fairyland. My master's supernatural powers are beyond your imagination!" Treat it like a celestial being, omnipotent.

"Okay, Mo Ran, you enter the domain first!"

With a wave of Ye Yun's hand, a mysterious force dragged Li Moran into a sacred field, and then disappeared, leaving only the endless void of space. Ye Yun looked at Wang Chuantian: "I don't want to talk nonsense with you, come on!" !"

"Ye Yun, I can cooperate with you. As the leader, I am far more effective than Li Moran, and can assist you to achieve any goal!"

Suddenly, Wang Chuantian struggled for a while, then changed his attitude and wanted to cooperate with Ye Yun.

Wang Chuantian is an old man, at first he thought he could deal with Ye Yun, but now he remembered that Ye Yun was punishing the planet back then, with a blow against the sky, he almost killed even a strong man like Xuan Tianzu, and now he saw it with his own eyes. Witnessing Ye Yun's method of controlling space as an immortal, he knew that the bet was off, so he used other methods.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yun was unmoved at all, and sneered: "You don't need to worry about this kind of thing, I will cooperate with Li Moran and let him ascend to the top of Yanjiao, and you are the high-ranking chief of Tianjun Immortal Academy. , but, you have turned to Xuan Tianzu, and now you want to make false promises to me, you, a rat who is afraid of death, have changed hands several times without dignity, it is not worth trusting at all!"

"Xuantianzu! How do you know the name of my Shangfeng?" Wang Chuantian was shocked again. Now he felt that in front of Ye Yun, Fang Buddha had nowhere to hide. The other party knew everything about him. Shiver.

"Xuantianzu? Wang Chuantian, you don't know anything about Xuantianzu's past, right? But I know, because I used to come from the same Danwan Continent with him. He used to be the master of a sect. I uprooted him, so I and him are also life and death enemies. The Xuantian ancestor you rely on will be beheaded by me one day sooner or later, and I also know more secrets of Yanjiao, which you have never known. In the eyes of Yanjiao, you are just a pawn!" Ye Yun blurted out, and Wang Chuantian stared straight at the words.

Wang Chuantian was completely stunned, he found that Ye Yun really knew more about Yan Sect than he did.

"The fifth level of Poxian, Wang Chuantian, you were only the fourth level of Poxian back then. With your aptitude, it is almost impossible to step into the fifth level of Poxian, but now you have been promoted to the fifth level and entered the supreme realm. Come to think of it, It must be the Xuantian Ancestor who assisted you and gave you energy that does not belong to the mortal world, so that you can be promoted!"

Ye Yun slowly adjusted his breathing, and a powerful aura gradually came out, without reservation: "So, your real strength should not be shown yet, you want to mediate with me, but now, you and I can only fight to the death, show it Come on, let me see how powerful the Yanjiao has left on you!"

Feeling Ye Yun's unreserved and unrestrained aura, Wang Chuantian was shocked suddenly, and sighed tremblingly: "Tongtian Realm! No, it's still at the third level of Tongtian, you, you... how is it possible, you are only at the third level of Tongtian, how can you have the ability to resist?" The power of breaking the fifth level of immortality?"

Wang Chuantian is an old antique who has lived for tens of thousands of years. He has never seen any genius before. He has also seen geniuses who can kill enemies at more than a dozen levels. He has also experienced the challenge of the fifth level of Poxian with the first level of Poxian.

But with the third level of Tongtian against the fifth level of Poxian, this kind of genius, this kind of leapfrogging, he really knows what he knows.

"Wang Chuantian, you are the first person who really knows my realm, come on, let's see what you are capable of, don't let me down!" Ye Yun began to condense the Holy Spear of Light.

"This is what you forced me to do... You are indeed very strong and outstanding. In the long history of the Taixing plane, there has never been such an amazing monk like you, but I am a majestic fifth-level giant, today... I am dead!"


A black flame erupted from Wang Chuantian's body, and the whole space began to tremble uneasily. In his pupils, black and strange flames were burning. Below him, a blood-red dojo appeared, a dojo created by the fifth-order Poxian , moreover, the energy in it does not belong to the mortal world.

Ye Yun was slightly moved. When he saw the blood-red dojo, he could feel that the energy in it was infinite, and the high-level energy from the fairy world was indeed terrifying: "What a strong power... Sure enough, Wang Chuantian's real strength has surpassed the fifth level of Poxian, and he has achieved The sixth rank of Immortal Breaker, is this the power that the Yan Sect bestows on you?"

And it can be seen that the blood-red dojo is too powerful, and it is definitely not a dojo that Wang Chuantian, a broken fairy, can create.

"You are very strong and can hurt the mysterious envoy. Today, I will use all my energy to kill you. Either you will die or I will die, but I believe that the chance of your death is higher!"

Wang Chuantian continued to create mysterious seals, more than [-] million times, and the speed of the fifth-order condensed seal of Poxian was so fast that it was difficult to see clearly with the naked eye. When he pressed both hands, a huge burning blood-red throne appeared above him. .

On the blood-red burning throne, there are heavenly soldiers standing. They hold various magic weapons, and their bodies are as high as thousands of feet. Some have three hands and three legs, some have thousands of faces, and some have giant beasts. The heavenly soldier dojo is formed, and when this force comes down, even a planet will be destroyed in an instant.

"What a terrifying energy..."

Although Ye Yun was sure of beheading Wang Chuantian, seeing the energy that Wang Chuantian sacrificed now moved his face. This is the strength only possessed by high-level Poxians. It is comparable to the sky. Natural, unable to provoke, unable to resist.

"Haha, Ye Yun, even if you are the son of heaven, so what, your realm is too low, I will kill you and take your world-shaking qigong. You have such a genius, it must be because of your great luck, and the world-shattering qigong!" Qigong, destroy it!"

Wang Chuantian raised his hands high, like a giant, lifted the sky, and threw the entire Heavenly Soldiers Daoist Field towards Ye Yun with such bravery as to throw a huge boulder. The weapon, aiming at Ye Yun, is no longer a mortal's method, but a supernatural power of an immortal, an advanced form of qigong at the immortal level.

"Wang Chuantian, I am able to kill you, a giant of the fifth rank of Immortal Immortal, with my cultivation level of the third rank, am I not prepared? Let me show you what is the real peerless power, the Burial Bow!"

He waved his hand and grabbed at the void, the majestic Ninth Grade Immortal Artifact, the Demon Realm Shaking Immortal Artifact, and the Burial Sky Bow instantly appeared in Ye Yun's hand, and with one breath, he grabbed a chaotic-colored Holy Spear of Light, aiming at the Heavenly Soldiers Dojo and In Wang Chuantian's direction, at this moment, it seems that the sky has turned into billions of rays, gathering towards Ye Yun, and the entire space is filled with the destructive power of the Burial Bow.

"Oh my god... what kind of fairy weapon is this! The sky is going to kill me. I, Wang Chuantian, ruled the world, and the high-ranking master will die in the hands of a weak third-level man who reaches the sky. I-I-would-not-reconcile!"

Wang Chuantian's pupils suddenly dilated, watching the divine arrow that shattered the sky, shot out, the crystal wall system in the entire space was shattered, and it was completely unbearable.


The mighty and dominating heavenly soldiers in the Heavenly Soldiers Dojo lost their light in the blink of an eye under the divine arrows. The divine arrows pierced through the entire dojo with destructive power, shattered suddenly, and exploded. The remaining power of the divine arrows was directed towards Wang Chuantian came in a hurry, he had nowhere to escape, he could only inherit all his strength and go to meet him.

But it was just a mantis arm blocking the car. Under the divine arrow, Wang Chuantian was too small. All his energy was instantly shattered by the divine arrow, and his whole body began to be crushed. However, a big hand suddenly stretched out and slammed into his chest. One shot, and then the corpse was forcibly pulled out from under the destructive force.

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