The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 361 Refining King Chuantian

"It's almost a pity that Wang Chuantian's fifth-order Poxian body is, to me, this is a treasure that is much better than the broken elixir and the seeds of Beiyun!"

"Wang Chuantian, as the fifth rank of Poxian, a high-ranking master, must have a lot of wealth. This promotion from the mainland to the Taiyi planet has cost me a lot of spirit stones, and I can make up for it!"

The whole space was shattered. Ye Yun picked up Wang Chuantian's body, looked it up like a chicken, and sucked it into the domain to protect it.

"Mo Ran, Wang Chuantian is dead, tell me the basics of the Yan Sect, and it will be easier for me to sneak into the Yan Sect branch!"

Landing on a meteorite, Ye Yun sat still, and then began to float towards a planet, which was close to the Tianjun Starfield. He was going to send Li Moran back to the Tianjun Starfield.

Li Moran came out of Ye Yun's Shenluo domain. He was not shocked by Ye Yun's beheading of Wang Chuantian. He believed in Ye Yun's supernatural powers, so he naturally knew the result. Tell Ye Yun everything, and in the end, Ye Yun sent him to a planet in the Tianjun Star Field.

After sending Li Moran away, Ye Yun drove the meteorite and traveled towards a planet outside the Shenzhou star field.

"Now let's see how many treasures Wang Chuantian has on him..."

The starry sky like an ocean is deep and empty, and there are interstellar storms everywhere. Under the attack of interstellar storms, many planets have crystal walls shining dazzlingly. Object ring.

This storage ring was ingested from the corpse of Wang Chuantian, a supreme powerhouse of the fifth rank of Immortal, the master of Tianjun Immortal Academy, as an old antique, I do not know how much wealth he has looted. , does not care about how much wealth, but now Taiyi Planet is developing and needs a lot of wealth.

Besides, no one thinks too much money.

Seizing corpses, refining magic treasures, and obtaining treasures are things Ye Yun often likes to do. Of course, if Ye Yun is beheaded one day, he will be ingested by others. This is the world of monks, where natural selection prevails.

"Wow wow..."

One after another Taiyi Zhenqi shot into the storage ring, and as a result, the majestic will left by Wang Chuantian was instantly bombarded and swallowed by Ye Yun's will, and countless treasures were revealed in front of Ye Yun.

There are a total of more than a dozen huge mountains of spirit stones, most of which are high-level spirit stones, only a small part of top-grade spirit stones, and there are even tens of thousands of fairy stones. , There are thousands of magic weapons of all kinds, even more than 50 pieces of fairy artifacts, what a small rich man.

It is a big fish, which shows how much wealth Wang Chuantian has collected.

In addition to magic treasures and spirit stones, there are also many pills and strange treasures. Ye Yun's eyes were attracted by a black box, and ten broken breaths were released from it. The elixir, haha, Wang Chuantian's cultivation base is too high, and the elixir of breaking the elixir is no longer of much use to him, so he sealed it here. It seems that the broken elixir refined by the supreme leader of the Tianjun Immortal Academy is indeed precious, even There are only ten masters, and it is a luxury for those immortal students to get one!"

"Ten shattered elixir... It's really unexpected, but it's also reasonable. Wang Chuantian's cultivation is so high that he can naturally have so many shattered elixir. Now there is hope for breaking through to the fifth level!"

According to common sense, ten broken elixir can almost create ten broken immortal cultivators, even if it is a low-level broken immortal, there is no way to take one. The overflow is unimaginable, but it is not very effective for Ye Yun. It's amazing, after all, Ye Yun's physical body is powerful, and it needs too much energy. Ten broken elixir, at most, can only allow Ye Yun to break through to the fifth level of the sky, and this is only approximate.

The Tongtian Realm is already a threshold that is very difficult for monks to break through. Every time they break through, it is very difficult. Of course, it is the same for Ye Yun. Not long ago, Ye Yun was awarded a broken elixir by the leader of Shenzhou. Ye Yun was able to break from the first level of Tongtian to the third level of Tongtian so quickly.

But nowadays, it is not so easy to break through to the high level of the sky. In the past, one broken elixir was needed, but now it may be five, ten, or even more. Powerful, life genes are billions of times stronger than ordinary people.

Ye Yun snatched all ten broken elixir at once. At best, he could only break through the fifth level of Tongtian at most. If he was an ordinary person, he could directly break through the fairyland from the third level of Tongtian. , and can break through the second or even third level of Poxian.

Therefore, the ten broken elixir, in Ye Yun's eyes, are no longer crucial, but to ordinary people, they are elixir that one can only dream of.

"The ten broken elixir, plus all the wealth, can't compare with Wang Chuantian's physical body. It seems that it is easy to break through the fourth level of Tongtian recently... Once you reach the high level of Tongtian, it will be very difficult to break through. Until now I don't know how many shattering elixir and how much energy from the immortals will be needed!"

Immediately put the box into the big Luo ring, and then looked at it casually, hoping to find something. Ye Yun has a strong sense, and quickly searched the entire storage space. Just as he was about to leave, his eyes were caught by an altar on a pile of gems. attracted.

"The blood-colored gemstone on the altar... Could it be..."

Ye Yun's spiritual thoughts immediately came to the top of the altar, and found that the altar seemed familiar. There was a palm-sized blood-red gemstone on the altar. From the gemstone, there was an aura that Ye Yun was familiar with. The energy of the plane.

"The energy stone from the fairy world should be a very strange energy stone..."

It is like finding a treasure. This kind of power stone must seal the energy bestowed by Yanjiao on Wang Chuantian, but to Ye Yun's disappointment, it seems that all the energy in it has been used up, and only a part of it is left. The remaining energy is still majestic. This energy stone itself also contains very strong energy.

"If you want to deal with the Yan Sect in the future, you should use the power in this energy stone to cultivate the energy of the Yan Sect. Once you get mixed up with the Yan Sect, no one will be able to detect the clues. If the true energy is the same, others will not be able to doubt my identity!"

Suddenly an idea formed in Ye Yun's mind, this time he is going to an ancient planet named 'Xuanhuang Star' to carry out a secret mission, and the Yanjiao branch is located in this planet.

It is of course extremely difficult to enter the Yanjiao branch altar. It is almost impossible for ordinary people, so it is a secret mission. Once Ye Yun refines this energy stone and cultivates the remaining energy in it, he can seize this energy and fuse it with his body. It is natural and convenient to transform into a godson at will and mix in it.

In the human body, there are countless meridians.

Each meridian is a sea of ​​qi, a sea of ​​qi, which can hold a large amount of true qi and form an independent sea of ​​qi, so it can also store different energies. However, for ordinary people, it is impossible to control the different energies of the sea of ​​qi, which is very dangerous. Once unable to suppress and control this energy, it will explode in the sea of ​​qi, destroying all the sea of ​​qi, the natural meridians will also be destroyed, and the whole body will be useless.

Ye Yun's physical body is so powerful. When he practiced Blood Wing Underworld, he could control the essence and blood at will. The essence and blood make up the body, which contains countless cell particles, and the meridians are also composed of countless cells. Therefore, for Ye Yun, controlling the meridians and controlling Qi Sea, it's easy.

Luck improved, a meridian was controlled by Ye Yun, the sea of ​​qi opened instantly, and began to directly absorb the source of the blood-red energy stone and the remaining power.

Blood ruby, that is the energy of the fairy world, it is very strong, unless it is a fairy, mortals cannot absorb it, but the Taiyi divine light cultivated by Ye Yun is so overbearing, the Taiyi divine light is shot out instantly, grabbing the source of blood red energy, A stream of wonderful energy was sucked into the sea of ​​​​qi.

Meteorites kept drifting towards the Shenzhou Starfield, and it took Ye Yun three days to absorb all the energy from the energy stone, while the blood ruby ​​instantly shattered, turned into powder, and merged into the Starfield.


With a movement of Ye Yun's spiritual thoughts, his luck refreshed, all his own energy was sealed in the sea of ​​​​qi everywhere, so the meridians were still, and the same was true for the dantian, and the meridian that sealed the energy of the energy stone, the sea of ​​​​qi gushed out instantly, one by one The energy that does not belong to the mortal world began to occupy Ye Yun's body, and in an instant, Ye Yun's entire aura changed.

"It feels good. Even if he is standing in front of Xuantianzu, he won't be able to detect it in another way, unless he is asking for an immortal like Qianshang... To be able to hide it from Xuantianzu is already extraordinary!"

After a few times of transformation, Ye Yun is already familiar with it. With one move of his mind, he can transform into Yanjiao's unique aura, and with another move, he can restore his own aura.

"Wang Chuantian, your energy, I hope it will allow him to reach the peak of the third-order peak..."

With a flip of his hand, Wang Chuantian's body was sucked out by a suction force. Ye Yun also consumed a lot of real energy in this battle with Wang Chuantian, especially when he activated the Burial Sky Bow, it felt like the sea rushing out. Instantly drain the power.

With Ye Yunxiu's continuous supply, the energy required for the Sky Burial Bow also increased correspondingly. To use the Sky Burial Bow once, it would cost half of Ye Yun's energy. It's far worse than that. If Ye Yun is in a normal state and refines Wang Chuantian's energy, he can break through the third level of Tongtian and reach the fourth level.

But now Ye Yun consumes too much energy, Wang Chuantian's powerful energy can only restore Ye Yun's lost energy, and then reach the peak of Tongtian's third-order power, which is nothing more than expected.


Wang Chuantian's corpse floated above Ye Yun in an instant, and Ye Yun's powerful energy wrapped the corpse. Immediately, a wonderful fluorescent energy, wrapped in blood and mysterious life essence, descended on Ye Yun's body, Wang Chuantian's energy, and lifelong luck , all must be absorbed by Ye Yun.

"Hey~ As expected of the fifth level of Poxian, the energy is too powerful, especially the life essence, which is of great benefit to me. Although it cannot bring direct power, the life gene is more precious than power!"

Life genes determine a person's potential. The thicker and purer the genes, the greater the potential. A rare physique like Ye Yun's has long been transcendent, reaching the level of a relatively high-level immortal.

The magical energy of the fifth level of Poxian is constantly descending, like a holy light, surrounding Ye Yun, entering the body from the pores, cells, meridians, bones, and blood are constantly absorbing, how powerful the fifth level of Poxian's physical body is, how powerful it is for Ye Yun On average, the effect of a fifth-level Poxian is greater than that of ten broken elixir, even ten Beiqi seeds can't compare.

What kind of elixir, seeds, it is better to directly absorb the energy of the powerful immortal.

Wang Chuantian's majestic body is like ice, which is constantly melting when exposed to the sun, making him fragile. The essence of a lifetime of a fifth-order broken immortal, cultivated in tens of thousands of years, is swallowed alive by Ye Yun. It's really embarrassing. Especially those giants who are in charge, I am afraid that seeing this kind of scene, they feel empathy, no one wants to end up in such a miserable end, they may think about it, and take action against Ye Yun without hesitation.

The essence of life is like water droplets, falling drop by drop, and each drop is absorbed by Ye Yun. I feel that the energy water droplets are like heavy rain on the dry land. It feels so comfortable and wonderful.

"The energy consumed by activating the Burial Bow has been fully recovered, and Wang Chuantian has also absorbed most of the energy. Next, it seems impossible for him to reach the peak of the third-order sky!"

"Hey, my physical body is too strong. It's really not a good thing. The energy of a fifth-order giant who is a broken fairy is still not enough for me. I don't know how many strong people I have to kill and how much energy I have to absorb. Break through the fairyland and achieve the supreme fairyland!"

Thinking of the large amount of energy he needs, Ye Yun is a little worried. The Heaven-reaching Realm requires such a large amount of energy. If he wants to break through the Immortal Realm, the energy Ye Yun needs will be ten times or a hundred times the current amount. If this is the case, Ye Yun will kill him. How many fifth-order powerhouses will do.

Looking at the entire Tai Xing plane, this low-level plane has no more than a thousand people at the fifth level of Poxian. Even if Ye Yun kills them all, they cannot absorb enough energy. It seems that they can only go to other planes and kill the strong.

"By the way, Yaohuang Mountain..."

"What is Jing Shao... Yaohuangshan, since it is a demon clan, then you are welcome. I have to completely refine the entire plane, so that I can be promoted to the final immortal way, and then I will have enough energy!"

At this moment, Ye Yun actually has such ambitions and courage to devour the entire plane, help him step into the fairyland, and finally cultivate the supreme immortal way.

Yaohuang Mountain is a high-level plane, which is many levels higher than the Tai Xing plane, and the energy is also much higher, and that kind of high-level energy can allow Ye Yun to break through indefinitely. Anyway, there are few scenes in Yaohuang Mountain. Ye Yun wanted to get back this blood feud for insulting Suyi people back then, causing her to suffer so much humiliation and bewitched to death.

That Yaohuang Mountain is destined to become the driving force for Ye Yun to advance to the immortal way.

"I don't know when Tai Dayan will notify me to meet the envoy of Yaohuang Mountain together. Hmph, it's a small lower plane. Although ordinary people who break the fairyland can't enter it, I have the Great Thousand God Map. It is not difficult to enter Yaohuang Mountain. Wait for me Promoted to Breaking Immortal Realm, and then stepped into Yaohuang Mountain, that is when Yaohuang Mountain will be completely destroyed!"

The Daqian God Picture is too wonderful, I don't know how many times it helped Ye Yun out of danger, even a fairy can't do anything to Ye Yun, unless he is a powerful fairy like a real fairy.

The Taixing plane is a low-level plane, and Yaohuangshan is much higher than the Taixing plane. If you want to enter the high-level plane from the low-level plane, even a fifth-level giant like Wang Chuantian can do it. Wang Chuantian can leave Thailand at most. The star plane is just a parallel plane. If you want to enter a high-level plane like Yaohuang Mountain, you are not willing at all.

This shows that Yaohuangshan can attack the Taixing plane, but the Taixing plane will never be able to invade such a high-level plane as Yaohuangshan.

Unless it is a supreme leader, someone who has reached the seventh or eighth rank of Immortal-breaking, can enter Yaohuang Mountain, but even if he enters Yaohuang Mountain, what can he do? Yaohuang Mountain is much bigger than the Taixing plane , How many high-level powerhouses in the Immortal Realm do you have, and you are still a monster monk, who is born with brute force. A fifth-level demon can kill a sixth-level or even seventh-level strongman.

Leaders like Jiang Xiaoyun, in Yaohuang Mountain, can only suffer death.

"Yaohuangshan...Young Master Jing, just wait, don't think that you can kill people and set fires in the lower realm casually, one day, this fire will burn on you!"

Ye Yun smiled confidently, full of murderous intent, speeding up to refine the last part of Wang Chuantian's energy, and getting closer to the destination 'Xuanhuang Star'. "It's almost a pity that Wang Chuantian's fifth-order Poxian body is, to me, this is a treasure that is much better than the broken elixir and the seeds of Beiyun!"

"Wang Chuantian, as the fifth rank of Poxian, a high-ranking master, must have a lot of wealth. This promotion from the mainland to the Taiyi planet has cost me a lot of spirit stones, and I can make up for it!"

The whole space was shattered. Ye Yun picked up Wang Chuantian's body, looked it up like a chicken, and sucked it into the domain to protect it.

"Mo Ran, Wang Chuantian is dead, tell me the basics of the Yan Sect, and it will be easier for me to sneak into the Yan Sect branch!"

Landing on a meteorite, Ye Yun sat still, and then began to float towards a planet, which was close to the Tianjun Starfield. He was going to send Li Moran back to the Tianjun Starfield.

Li Moran came out of Ye Yun's Shenluo domain. He was not shocked by Ye Yun's beheading of Wang Chuantian. He believed in Ye Yun's supernatural powers, so he naturally knew the result. Tell Ye Yun everything, and in the end, Ye Yun sent him to a planet in the Tianjun Star Field.

After sending Li Moran away, Ye Yun drove the meteorite and traveled towards a planet outside the Shenzhou star field.

"Now let's see how many treasures Wang Chuantian has on him..."

The starry sky like an ocean is deep and empty, and there are interstellar storms everywhere. Under the attack of interstellar storms, many planets have crystal walls shining dazzlingly. Object ring.

This storage ring was ingested from the corpse of Wang Chuantian, a supreme powerhouse of the fifth rank of Immortal, the master of Tianjun Immortal Academy, as an old antique, I do not know how much wealth he has looted. , does not care about how much wealth, but now Taiyi Planet is developing and needs a lot of wealth.

Besides, no one thinks too much money.

Seizing corpses, refining magic treasures, and obtaining treasures are things Ye Yun often likes to do. Of course, if Ye Yun is beheaded one day, he will be ingested by others. This is the world of monks, where natural selection prevails.

"Wow wow..."

One after another Taiyi Zhenqi shot into the storage ring, and as a result, the majestic will left by Wang Chuantian was instantly bombarded and swallowed by Ye Yun's will, and countless treasures were revealed in front of Ye Yun.

There are a total of more than a dozen huge mountains of spirit stones, most of which are high-level spirit stones, only a small part of top-grade spirit stones, and there are even tens of thousands of fairy stones. , There are thousands of magic weapons of all kinds, even more than 50 pieces of fairy artifacts, what a small rich man.

It is a big fish, which shows how much wealth Wang Chuantian has collected.

In addition to magic treasures and spirit stones, there are also many pills and strange treasures. Ye Yun's eyes were attracted by a black box, and ten broken breaths were released from it. The elixir, haha, Wang Chuantian's cultivation base is too high, and the elixir of breaking the elixir is no longer of much use to him, so he sealed it here. It seems that the broken elixir refined by the supreme leader of the Tianjun Immortal Academy is indeed precious, even There are only ten masters, and it is a luxury for those immortal students to get one!"

"Ten shattered elixir... It's really unexpected, but it's also reasonable. Wang Chuantian's cultivation is so high that he can naturally have so many shattered elixir. Now there is hope for breaking through to the fifth level!"

According to common sense, ten broken elixir can almost create ten broken immortal cultivators, even if it is a low-level broken immortal, there is no way to take one. The overflow is unimaginable, but it is not very effective for Ye Yun. It's amazing, after all, Ye Yun's physical body is powerful, and it needs too much energy. Ten broken elixir, at most, can only allow Ye Yun to break through to the fifth level of the sky, and this is only approximate.

The Tongtian Realm is already a threshold that is very difficult for monks to break through. Every time they break through, it is very difficult. Of course, it is the same for Ye Yun. Not long ago, Ye Yun was awarded a broken elixir by the leader of Shenzhou. Ye Yun was able to break from the first level of Tongtian to the third level of Tongtian so quickly.

But nowadays, it is not so easy to break through to the high level of the sky. In the past, one broken elixir was needed, but now it may be five, ten, or even more. Powerful, life genes are billions of times stronger than ordinary people.

Ye Yun snatched all ten broken elixir at once. At best, he could only break through the fifth level of Tongtian at most. If he was an ordinary person, he could directly break through the fairyland from the third level of Tongtian. , and can break through the second or even third level of Poxian.

Therefore, the ten broken elixir, in Ye Yun's eyes, are no longer crucial, but to ordinary people, they are elixir that one can only dream of.

"The ten broken elixir, plus all the wealth, can't compare with Wang Chuantian's physical body. It seems that it is easy to break through the fourth level of Tongtian recently... Once you reach the high level of Tongtian, it will be very difficult to break through. Until now I don't know how many shattering elixir and how much energy from the immortals will be needed!"

Immediately put the box into the big Luo ring, and then looked at it casually, hoping to find something. Ye Yun has a strong sense, and quickly searched the entire storage space. Just as he was about to leave, his eyes were caught by an altar on a pile of gems. attracted.

"The blood-colored gemstone on the altar... Could it be..."

Ye Yun's spiritual thoughts immediately came to the top of the altar, and found that the altar seemed familiar. There was a palm-sized blood-red gemstone on the altar. From the gemstone, there was an aura that Ye Yun was familiar with. The energy of the plane.

"The energy stone from the fairy world should be a very strange energy stone..."

It is like finding a treasure. This kind of power stone must seal the energy bestowed by Yanjiao on Wang Chuantian, but to Ye Yun's disappointment, it seems that all the energy in it has been used up, and only a part of it is left. The remaining energy is still majestic. This energy stone itself also contains very strong energy.

"If you want to deal with the Yan Sect in the future, you should use the power in this energy stone to cultivate the energy of the Yan Sect. Once you get mixed up with the Yan Sect, no one will be able to detect the clues. If the true energy is the same, others will not be able to doubt my identity!"

Suddenly an idea formed in Ye Yun's mind, this time he is going to an ancient planet named 'Xuanhuang Star' to carry out a secret mission, and the Yanjiao branch is located in this planet.

It is of course extremely difficult to enter the Yanjiao branch altar. It is almost impossible for ordinary people, so it is a secret mission. Once Ye Yun refines this energy stone and cultivates the remaining energy in it, he can seize this energy and fuse it with his body. It is natural and convenient to transform into a godson at will and mix in it.

In the human body, there are countless meridians.

Each meridian is a sea of ​​qi, a sea of ​​qi, which can hold a large amount of true qi and form an independent sea of ​​qi, so it can also store different energies. However, for ordinary people, it is impossible to control the different energies of the sea of ​​qi, which is very dangerous. Once unable to suppress and control this energy, it will explode in the sea of ​​qi, destroying all the sea of ​​qi, the natural meridians will also be destroyed, and the whole body will be useless.

Ye Yun's physical body is so powerful. When he practiced Blood Wing Underworld, he could control the essence and blood at will. The essence and blood make up the body, which contains countless cell particles, and the meridians are also composed of countless cells. Therefore, for Ye Yun, controlling the meridians and controlling Qi Sea, it's easy.

Luck improved, a meridian was controlled by Ye Yun, the sea of ​​qi opened instantly, and began to directly absorb the source of the blood-red energy stone and the remaining power.

Blood ruby, that is the energy of the fairy world, it is very strong, unless it is a fairy, mortals cannot absorb it, but the Taiyi divine light cultivated by Ye Yun is so overbearing, the Taiyi divine light is shot out instantly, grabbing the source of blood red energy, A stream of wonderful energy was sucked into the sea of ​​​​qi.

Meteorites kept drifting towards the Shenzhou Starfield, and it took Ye Yun three days to absorb all the energy from the energy stone, while the blood ruby ​​instantly shattered, turned into powder, and merged into the Starfield.


With a movement of Ye Yun's spiritual thoughts, his luck refreshed, all his own energy was sealed in the sea of ​​​​qi everywhere, so the meridians were still, and the same was true for the dantian, and the meridian that sealed the energy of the energy stone, the sea of ​​​​qi gushed out instantly, one by one The energy that does not belong to the mortal world began to occupy Ye Yun's body, and in an instant, Ye Yun's entire aura changed.

"It feels good. Even if he is standing in front of Xuantianzu, he won't be able to detect it in another way, unless he is asking for an immortal like Qianshang... To be able to hide it from Xuantianzu is already extraordinary!"

After a few times of transformation, Ye Yun is already familiar with it. With one move of his mind, he can transform into Yanjiao's unique aura, and with another move, he can restore his own aura.

"Wang Chuantian, your energy, I hope it will allow him to reach the peak of the third-order peak..."

With a flip of his hand, Wang Chuantian's body was sucked out by a suction force. Ye Yun also consumed a lot of real energy in this battle with Wang Chuantian, especially when he activated the Burial Sky Bow, it felt like the sea rushing out. Instantly drain the power.

With Ye Yunxiu's continuous supply, the energy required for the Sky Burial Bow also increased correspondingly. To use the Sky Burial Bow once, it would cost half of Ye Yun's energy. It's far worse than that. If Ye Yun is in a normal state and refines Wang Chuantian's energy, he can break through the third level of Tongtian and reach the fourth level.

But now Ye Yun consumes too much energy, Wang Chuantian's powerful energy can only restore Ye Yun's lost energy, and then reach the peak of Tongtian's third-order power, which is nothing more than expected.


Wang Chuantian's corpse floated above Ye Yun in an instant, and Ye Yun's powerful energy wrapped the corpse. Immediately, a wonderful fluorescent energy, wrapped in blood and mysterious life essence, descended on Ye Yun's body, Wang Chuantian's energy, and lifelong luck , all must be absorbed by Ye Yun.

"Hey~ As expected of the fifth level of Poxian, the energy is too powerful, especially the life essence, which is of great benefit to me. Although it cannot bring direct power, the life gene is more precious than power!"

Life genes determine a person's potential. The thicker and purer the genes, the greater the potential. A rare physique like Ye Yun's has long been transcendent, reaching the level of a relatively high-level immortal.

The magical energy of the fifth level of Poxian is constantly descending, like a holy light, surrounding Ye Yun, entering the body from the pores, cells, meridians, bones, and blood are constantly absorbing, how powerful the fifth level of Poxian's physical body is, how powerful it is for Ye Yun On average, the effect of a fifth-level Poxian is greater than that of ten broken elixir, even ten Beiqi seeds can't compare.

What kind of elixir, seeds, it is better to directly absorb the energy of the powerful immortal.

Wang Chuantian's majestic body is like ice, which is constantly melting when exposed to the sun, making him fragile. The essence of a lifetime of a fifth-order broken immortal, cultivated in tens of thousands of years, is swallowed alive by Ye Yun. It's really embarrassing. Especially those giants who are in charge, I am afraid that seeing this kind of scene, they feel empathy, no one wants to end up in such a miserable end, they may think about it, and take action against Ye Yun without hesitation.

The essence of life is like water droplets, falling drop by drop, and each drop is absorbed by Ye Yun. I feel that the energy water droplets are like heavy rain on the dry land. It feels so comfortable and wonderful.

"The energy consumed by activating the Burial Bow has been fully recovered, and Wang Chuantian has also absorbed most of the energy. Next, it seems impossible for him to reach the peak of the third-order sky!"

"Hey, my physical body is too strong. It's really not a good thing. The energy of a fifth-order giant who is a broken fairy is still not enough for me. I don't know how many strong people I have to kill and how much energy I have to absorb. Break through the fairyland and achieve the supreme fairyland!"

Thinking of the large amount of energy he needs, Ye Yun is a little worried. The Heaven-reaching Realm requires such a large amount of energy. If he wants to break through the Immortal Realm, the energy Ye Yun needs will be ten times or a hundred times the current amount. If this is the case, Ye Yun will kill him. How many fifth-order powerhouses will do.

Looking at the entire Tai Xing plane, this low-level plane has no more than a thousand people at the fifth level of Poxian. Even if Ye Yun kills them all, they cannot absorb enough energy. It seems that they can only go to other planes and kill the strong.

"By the way, Yaohuang Mountain..."

"What is Jing Shao... Yaohuangshan, since it is a demon clan, then you are welcome. I have to completely refine the entire plane, so that I can be promoted to the final immortal way, and then I will have enough energy!"

At this moment, Ye Yun actually has such ambitions and courage to devour the entire plane, help him step into the fairyland, and finally cultivate the supreme immortal way.

Yaohuang Mountain is a high-level plane, which is many levels higher than the Tai Xing plane, and the energy is also much higher, and that kind of high-level energy can allow Ye Yun to break through indefinitely. Anyway, there are few scenes in Yaohuang Mountain. Ye Yun wanted to get back this blood feud for insulting Suyi people back then, causing her to suffer so much humiliation and bewitched to death.

That Yaohuang Mountain is destined to become the driving force for Ye Yun to advance to the immortal way.

"I don't know when Tai Dayan will notify me to meet the envoy of Yaohuang Mountain together. Hmph, it's a small lower plane. Although ordinary people who break the fairyland can't enter it, I have the Great Thousand God Map. It is not difficult to enter Yaohuang Mountain. Wait for me Promoted to Breaking Immortal Realm, and then stepped into Yaohuang Mountain, that is when Yaohuang Mountain will be completely destroyed!"

The Daqian God Picture is too wonderful, I don't know how many times it helped Ye Yun out of danger, even a fairy can't do anything to Ye Yun, unless he is a powerful fairy like a real fairy.

The Taixing plane is a low-level plane, and Yaohuangshan is much higher than the Taixing plane. If you want to enter the high-level plane from the low-level plane, even a fifth-level giant like Wang Chuantian can do it. Wang Chuantian can leave Thailand at most. The star plane is just a parallel plane. If you want to enter a high-level plane like Yaohuang Mountain, you are not willing at all.

This shows that Yaohuangshan can attack the Taixing plane, but the Taixing plane will never be able to invade such a high-level plane as Yaohuangshan.

Unless it is a supreme leader, someone who has reached the seventh or eighth rank of Immortal-breaking, can enter Yaohuang Mountain, but even if he enters Yaohuang Mountain, what can he do? Yaohuang Mountain is much bigger than the Taixing plane , How many high-level powerhouses in the Immortal Realm do you have, and you are still a monster monk, who is born with brute force. A fifth-level demon can kill a sixth-level or even seventh-level strongman.

Leaders like Jiang Xiaoyun, in Yaohuang Mountain, can only suffer death.

"Yaohuangshan...Young Master Jing, just wait, don't think that you can kill people and set fires in the lower realm casually, one day, this fire will burn on you!"

Ye Yun smiled confidently, full of murderous intent, speeding up to refine the last part of Wang Chuantian's energy, and getting closer to the destination 'Xuanhuang Star'.

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