Xuanhuang Star, an ancient planet, has played a very important role in so many eras of influence. Even in the current era when the Three Great Immortals are in charge, Xuanhuang Star is also a sacred place for cultivation, and its business is very prosperous.

Although the Taixing plane is in the lower time and space of the mortal plane, it is also a planet born in ancient times. It is rumored that in ancient times, an ancient divine phoenix ascended to nirvana here, so the planet is named after Huang.

Of course, legends such as the Nirvana of the Divine Phoenix are mysterious and mysterious, and they are just myths that cannot be verified. Xuanhuang Star has been brewing for countless times, and many powerful sects have been born. The entire planet is also very prosperous. Compared with the central planet of the Shenzhou Starfield Let more.

At this moment, in the silent starry sky around Xuanhuang Star, a meteorite gradually shuttled from the direction of the Tianjun Starfield, and an ethereal figure gradually flashed out of the meteorite.

"The Xuanhuang star crystal wall system is also solid. It seems that it is the power continuously accumulated in history that has forged its present glory!"

With a swipe of his hand, the gold-scale armor on his body, which symbolizes the fairy student of Shenzhou Xianyuan, began to transform into a white robe of Venus, becoming a light blue robe. People will never forget it at a glance.

This secret mission is to secretly destroy the Yanjiao sub-altar from the inside, cooperate with the masters of the Immortal Academy, cooperate internally and externally, and finally wipe out the followers of the sub-altar. Thinking of this, Ye Yun felt that he had to go to the sphere of influence of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy to find the person in charge. People who are familiar with Xuanhuang star understand the general situation.

As soon as his divine thoughts moved, within three breaths, Ye Yun sensed the aura from the Shenzhou Xianyuan, and his whole body flew towards the Xuanhuang star crystal wall system like a blue starlight.

The Xuanhuang Star is located in the Shenzhou Xianyuan, and naturally there are forces from the Shenzhou Xianyuan guarding it. However, there are too many forces in the Xuanhuang Star, and the teleportation array is not limited to the Shenzhou Xianyuan. The forces are very powerful, even the Shenzhou Xianyuan is very low-key on weekdays, trying to maintain order on one side, and the Shenzhou Xianyuan will not take action against these forces unless it is absolutely necessary.

Lingzhou City, the largest city in the east of Xuanhuang Star, the force guarding this city is naturally the Shenzhou Xianyuan. Lingzhou City is very huge, connected to the four cities, it is a holy place for many forces to trade, such as the first company in China, Tianbao company is Located in Lingzhou City, it is the only Tianbao store in Xuanhuang Star.

In the center of the city, there is an ancient temple, towering into the sky, much higher than the majestic mountains in the distance. This temple is an ancient relic, and now it is the teleportation facility established by Shenzhou Xianyuan on Xuanhuang Star. One of the formations, the scale is huge, and it is unmatched by other forces' teleportation formations.

The four sides of the main hall of the teleportation formation are extremely strictly guarded. The disciples of the saints and thrones of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy are patrolling the outer perimeter, and the disciples of the emperor and honored positions are guarding the inner circle, protecting the inside and outside of the teleportation formation. The protection must be ten times stricter.

Many cultivators waiting to be teleported waited outside the temple. The teleportation array was sent in batches, and each cultivator was strictly checked. Now the entire Xuanhuang Star cultivator knows that a Yan Sect emerged from the three major star regions, which led to The three great fairy courtyards are facing the enemy, and a large number of students are added to guard each planet.

These monks are also used to it. They didn't complain, but waited quietly. Looking over, including the temple, the huge Lingzhou City was quiet and peaceful.

"Xuanhuang Star is worthy of being a treasure land of geomantic omen, the vitality of heaven and earth is so strong, there are many immortals on the whole planet, and there are probably billions of monks..."

There seems to be nothing abnormal in the void of the teleportation array, but a stalwart figure has already descended from the void, it is Ye Yun in blue robe, he entered Xuanhuang Star, he did not enter the teleportation array with much fanfare, he is now performing a secret mission, Who knows if there are any Yan Sect disciples lurking among these Shenzhou students.

Once the identity is exposed, not only will it be impossible to destroy the Yanjiao sub-forum, but it will also be impossible to find a sub-forum.

The twin pupils released a flash of fire, directly sweeping across the entire Lingzhou City, and finally their eyes slowly fell on the teleportation array: "The Immortal Academy is indeed prepared, and more than 100 immortal students are ambushed here, and there is even a strong fourth-order broken immortal." Even though it is not the main job, but the strength is unquestionable, this person should be the most powerful person in charge of the Immortal Academy on Xuanhuang Star!"

"Oh... This fourth-level master of Poxian is originally called 'Yunchenhang'!"

After finding the linker, Ye Yun used his divine sense to enter the mission decree, which recorded all the information about the action. Sure enough, there was an introduction about this person, and he was also the supreme figure secretly sent by the Immortal Academy to deal with the Yanjiao branch this time.

It has been more than [-] years since Yun Chenhang stepped into the fourth level of breaking the immortals before stepping into the fairy courtyard. Although his cultivation base is qualified to be the chief executive and law enforcement protector, he has not made any meritorious service and made contributions to the fairy courtyard. To become a high-level person, there are many people in the fourth level of Poxian in Shenzhou Xianyuan, but none of them are the high-level people who are in charge or guardians.

It has only been 3000 years since he reached the fourth level of Poxian. Yun Chenhang is not considered a top master among the students of the fourth level of immortality, he is still a rookie. From the first level of Immortal to the fourth level of Poxian, he was promoted all the way and completed many arduous tasks before he rose all the way to the highest level of cultivation today.

It can be seen from this that although Yun Chenhang is not the principal or guardian, he is a very scheming and experienced person, and it is a good thing for Ye Yun to cooperate with this kind of person.

Generally speaking, this kind of person is lurking in cultivation or performing some secret missions. Now they are arranged here, which shows how much Shenzhou Xianyuan attaches importance to the splitting of Yanjiao.

"Brother Yun..."

Ye Yun walked out of the space, still hidden in nothingness, took out the Shenzhou Token, and sent a sound transmission to the supreme powerhouse Yun Chenhang lurking in the depths of the teleportation array.

"Junior Brother Ye, you are finally here!"

A phantom suddenly jumped up from the depths of the teleportation array, blending into nothingness with supernatural powers, and then, a middle-aged man with a square face appeared in front of Ye Yun.

This man is Yun Chenhang. He is upright and upright. He looks like a chivalrous man who has met with injustice. However, he has several vertical lines on his face. He is only 40 years old, but he has vertical lines. It seems Yun Chenhang has experienced too much.

"Sure enough, he is a genius known to everyone in the Immortal Academy. Junior Brother Ye, I don't need to introduce myself. This time, like you, I came here specifically to destroy the Yanjiao branch. You are performing a secret mission, but It is a high-level task, and the two of us can hope to complete it only by working together!"

Yun Chenhang is very direct, straight to the point, and speaks out his thoughts.

Ye Yun felt that a straight person like Yun Chenhang was very suitable for him, he was quick to speak, and it was relatively easy to cooperate. Ye Yun clasped his fists and said, "Senior brother thinks the same as the next one. Although I am the key to this mission, I need my senior brother to work hard. Help, Yanjiao is really a hot potato, there are countless masters, and the division must be a dragon's pond and a tiger's den!"

"Junior brother really sees very far. I have been here for a few years. Although it is not long, I have mastered some information about the Yanjiao sub-forum. I believe it will be of great help to you. Up to now, Xianyuan only knows the general The location, but the exact location is unknown!"

"To deal with the Yan Sect, we must find out the specific whereabouts of the Yan Sect's sub-altar... The Yan Sect's power seems to have spread very deeply in Xuanhuang Star. It is not easy to really dig it out, and it is not easy to scare the snake. If there is any trouble, I believe that the Yanjiao sub-forum will hide it even more secretly!"

Looking at the vast and invisible territory to the left of Lingzhou City, Yun Chenhang frowned slightly, and a trace of confusion appeared on his upright face.

"Senior brother, I will personally handle the matter of inquiring about the division of Yanjiao. I am not sure about the news that other people inquire about. I'll tell you the time!" Ye Yun thought for a while before looking at Yun Chenhang.

"Don't worry, Junior Brother, I will try my best to help you. Sifang pays attention to the trend of Yanjiao. In my judgment, Yanjiao may gather all the forces of Xuanhuang Star, and use Xuanhuang Star as the foundation, gradually develop to Sifang Planet, and finally cooperate with other planets." The forces of the sub-altars merge to form a big net to deal with the fairy courtyard!"

Yun Chenhang looked at Ye Yun very seriously, and said every word forcefully: "Nowadays, the Immortal Academy has too little information, and there are only a few branches of Yanjiao that can be determined, and they don't know the exact location. If Junior Brother can get the important information of Yan Sect this time and find out the specific coordinates of other branches of Yan Sect, then Junior Brother will make a great contribution to the Immortal Academy. This is the information I have collected and sorted out, which will be of great help to Junior Brother!"

A jade slip oozes out from Yun Chenhang's palm, and then floats towards Ye Yun, grabbing it in his hand, Ye Yun immediately feels that there is a lot of spiritual thoughts in it, and sighs slightly after accepting it: "What credit, as long as the task can be completed is the most important thing. , if this mission fails, I'm afraid I will become the target of public criticism and be spurned by everyone!"

"Junior brother, in order to allow you to carry out the mission secretly, I will not lead the younger brother to meet other responsible persons. These people inquire about you every day and want to know your whereabouts. I don't know if they want to curry favor with you or for other reasons. Knowing you, if Yanjiao spies find out, it will be dangerous!"

"For example, Junior Brother Wu Tianhuang often asks about your whereabouts. I can't do anything about these people. The situation is critical now, and friends and foes are hard to distinguish. You can't be sloppy at all!"

Yun Chenhang said casually, but in the last few words, he showed a sincere expression, and his eyes were also extremely heavy. It seemed that he knew how difficult and dangerous the task of destroying the Yanjiao branch was.

"It's best for you and me to contact through one line, or directly contact the Hall of Law Enforcement. By the way, brother, what is the origin of that 'Wu Tianhuang' brother you mentioned just now?"

For some reason, the moment Ye Yun suddenly heard Yun Chenhang mention the name 'Wu Tianhuang', his spine and neck began to break out in cold sweat, and he felt a feeling of being watched from behind, which Ye Yun rarely experienced. Feeling, once you have it, you can be sure that something is wrong.

Yun Chenhang introduced: "Wu Tianhuang is the helper sent by the principal this time. There are three people in total. The other two are 'Shangguan Feixue' and 'Zeng Lieyan', both of whom are close disciples of the principal. He is the number one disciple of Bai Wudao's sect, and his cultivation base has reached the peak of the third-order Poxian, and his strength is hidden. With the participation of the main force, this mission will be more sure!"

"Wu Tianhuang... Bai Wudao... no wonder I felt chills on the back of my neck when I heard this name suddenly. It turned out that it was a disciple of Bai Wudao's sect. He was in charge and sent Wu Tianhuang. I don't know if it was unintentional or intentional, but Wu Tianhuang Tian Huang is a disciple of Bai Wu Dao, we must be on guard against this person!"

"I'd rather be overthinking, but if it's not, Wu Tianhuang is a cancer, maybe he came here to deal with me. If Bai Wudao and Ditian want to deal with me, this is a good opportunity..."

Always acting cautiously, coupled with bad premonitions, Ye Yun heard something from Yunchen Hangkou.

Ye Yun's secret mission this time, only the principal and the guardians know about it, even a student like Yun Chenhang, it is impossible to know, unless it is related to the operation, ordinary people will not know such a confidential secret.

Everyone in the world knows that this secret mission is full of hardships and dangers. If Bai Wudao wants to deal with Ye Yun, then this mission is a great opportunity. If you don't realize that you are playing tricks behind your back, it is impossible to guard against, then Ye Yun is in danger of death at any time.

As expected of a one-stroke second chess move, killing without blood, even if Ye Yun had any accidents, the first impression made by outsiders was that it was done by Yanjiao masters, that is, Ye Yun failed in the mission and eventually died in the mission.

"I hope it's just me thinking too much... If that Wu Tianhuang is really here to deal with me, it will be tricky..."

Just stepped into the Xuanhuang Star, before the mission even started, Ye Yun smelled a danger that everything is a soldier, and it seems that this secret mission is more complicated and dangerous than imagined.

Another point is that Ye Yun can no longer ask Yun Chenhang about Wu Tianhuang's too many things. In the future, if Wu Tianhuang has something to do, it may arouse Yun Chenhang's suspicion, so he must not show his feet.

After Ye Yun continued to get to know Yun Chenhang, he went towards Lingzhou City alone in stealth. As for Yun Chenhang, he melted into the mysterious seal of the teleportation array in the blink of an eye.

The various buildings in Lingzhou City are not majestic, but there is a sense of simplicity and remoteness. The whole city is full of mottled vicissitudes of time, and many ancient buildings have a history of thousands of years. It is a historical city.

Leaving the teleportation array, Ye Yun mixed into the crowd, concealed all auras, and then sealed off the sea of ​​qi in his physical body, releasing the high-level energy that had been prepared to contain the unique aura of Yanjiao, making people unable to distinguish their identities and traces. Chen Hang wanted to search for Ye Yun's breath, but he probably found that Ye Yun seemed to have evaporated from Xuanhuang Star.

"Yun Chenhang has a lot of information about the Yanjiao sub-forum, but it is too incomplete and the key points are not detailed. It is impossible for the students of Shenzhou Xianyuan to find out where the Yanjiao sub-forum is. Yanjiao masters will definitely notice it. Come out, Lingzhou City should not find any valuable information!"

"The branch of the Yan Sect is likely to be in the 'Yunji Mountain Range', so go to the nearest and largest city 'Yunhai City' to the 'Yunji Mountain Range'!"

While walking leisurely among the crowd, he thought to himself, now that he has too little information, it is even more impossible for Yanjiao to develop influence in Lingzhou City, so he can only go to the city controlled by other forces.

Thinking of this, Ye Yun quickened his pace and strode toward the city gate.

Xuanhuang Star is already huge, and it is not much smaller than super planets like Piaomiao Star and Tongyuan Star. The land area is infinite, and even Ye Yun can't sense the entire planet in an instant, unless it takes a few years of effort. Only in this way can we fully understand such a huge planet.

Dozens of large cities are located in all directions of Xuanhuang Star, and many of them are not much smaller than Lingzhou City. For example, Yunhai City is a huge city that controls several huge mountains around it, especially the Yunji Mountains. There are many sects and ancient families in the Ji Mountain Range. Naturally, as the only city around, one can imagine how vast the Yunhai City is.

Among the countless cultivation forces in Xuanhuang Star, Yunji Mountain Range is only a second-rate force, forming an alliance called Yunji Alliance, which occupies the vast and mysterious Yunji Mountain Range. Although it is not a super cultivation force in Xuanhuang Star, it is still considered a common familiar.

Ancient planets like Xuanhuang Star have been prosperous all the time. After many years, many cultivation forces will naturally form. Just the Yunji Mountain Range is stronger than any empire in the three star regions, and it does not rely on Shenzhou at all. Immortal Courtyard even confronted it head-on.

Neither compromising nor openly confronting the Shenzhou Xianyuan, this is the important reason why the countless cultivation forces of the Xuanhuang Star have not been attracted by the Shenzhou Xianyuan.Xuanhuang Star, an ancient planet, has played a very important role in so many eras of influence. Even in the current era when the Three Great Immortals are in charge, Xuanhuang Star is also a sacred place for cultivation, and its business is very prosperous.

Although the Taixing plane is in the lower time and space of the mortal plane, it is also a planet born in ancient times. It is rumored that in ancient times, an ancient divine phoenix ascended to nirvana here, so the planet is named after Huang.

Of course, legends such as the Nirvana of the Divine Phoenix are mysterious and mysterious, and they are just myths that cannot be verified. Xuanhuang Star has been brewing for countless times, and many powerful sects have been born. The entire planet is also very prosperous. Compared with the central planet of the Shenzhou Starfield Let more.

At this moment, in the silent starry sky around Xuanhuang Star, a meteorite gradually shuttled from the direction of the Tianjun Starfield, and an ethereal figure gradually flashed out of the meteorite.

"The Xuanhuang star crystal wall system is also solid. It seems that it is the power continuously accumulated in history that has forged its present glory!"

With a swipe of his hand, the gold-scale armor on his body, which symbolizes the fairy student of Shenzhou Xianyuan, began to transform into a white robe of Venus, becoming a light blue robe. People will never forget it at a glance.

This secret mission is to secretly destroy the Yanjiao sub-altar from the inside, cooperate with the masters of the Immortal Academy, cooperate internally and externally, and finally wipe out the followers of the sub-altar. Thinking of this, Ye Yun felt that he had to go to the sphere of influence of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy to find the person in charge. People who are familiar with Xuanhuang star understand the general situation.

As soon as his divine thoughts moved, within three breaths, Ye Yun sensed the aura from the Shenzhou Xianyuan, and his whole body flew towards the Xuanhuang star crystal wall system like a blue starlight.

The Xuanhuang Star is located in the Shenzhou Xianyuan, and naturally there are forces from the Shenzhou Xianyuan guarding it. However, there are too many forces in the Xuanhuang Star, and the teleportation array is not limited to the Shenzhou Xianyuan. The forces are very powerful, even the Shenzhou Xianyuan is very low-key on weekdays, trying to maintain order on one side, and the Shenzhou Xianyuan will not take action against these forces unless it is absolutely necessary.

Lingzhou City, the largest city in the east of Xuanhuang Star, the force guarding this city is naturally the Shenzhou Xianyuan. Lingzhou City is very huge, connected to the four cities, it is a holy place for many forces to trade, such as the first company in China, Tianbao company is Located in Lingzhou City, it is the only Tianbao store in Xuanhuang Star.

In the center of the city, there is an ancient temple, towering into the sky, much higher than the majestic mountains in the distance. This temple is an ancient relic, and now it is the teleportation facility established by Shenzhou Xianyuan on Xuanhuang Star. One of the formations, the scale is huge, and it is unmatched by other forces' teleportation formations.

The four sides of the main hall of the teleportation formation are extremely strictly guarded. The disciples of the saints and thrones of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy are patrolling the outer perimeter, and the disciples of the emperor and honored positions are guarding the inner circle, protecting the inside and outside of the teleportation formation. The protection must be ten times stricter.

Many cultivators waiting to be teleported waited outside the temple. The teleportation array was sent in batches, and each cultivator was strictly checked. Now the entire Xuanhuang Star cultivator knows that a Yan Sect emerged from the three major star regions, which led to The three great fairy courtyards are facing the enemy, and a large number of students are added to guard each planet.

These monks are also used to it. They didn't complain, but waited quietly. Looking over, including the temple, the huge Lingzhou City was quiet and peaceful.

"Xuanhuang Star is worthy of being a treasure land of geomantic omen, the vitality of heaven and earth is so strong, there are many immortals on the whole planet, and there are probably billions of monks..."

There seems to be nothing abnormal in the void of the teleportation array, but a stalwart figure has already descended from the void, it is Ye Yun in blue robe, he entered Xuanhuang Star, he did not enter the teleportation array with much fanfare, he is now performing a secret mission, Who knows if there are any Yan Sect disciples lurking among these Shenzhou students.

Once the identity is exposed, not only will it be impossible to destroy the Yanjiao sub-forum, but it will also be impossible to find a sub-forum.

The twin pupils released a flash of fire, directly sweeping across the entire Lingzhou City, and finally their eyes slowly fell on the teleportation array: "The Immortal Academy is indeed prepared, and more than 100 immortal students are ambushed here, and there is even a strong fourth-order broken immortal." Even though it is not the main job, but the strength is unquestionable, this person should be the most powerful person in charge of the Immortal Academy on Xuanhuang Star!"

"Oh... This fourth-level master of Poxian is originally called 'Yunchenhang'!"

After finding the linker, Ye Yun used his divine sense to enter the mission decree, which recorded all the information about the action. Sure enough, there was an introduction about this person, and he was also the supreme figure secretly sent by the Immortal Academy to deal with the Yanjiao branch this time.

It has been more than [-] years since Yun Chenhang stepped into the fourth level of breaking the immortals before stepping into the fairy courtyard. Although his cultivation base is qualified to be the chief executive and law enforcement protector, he has not made any meritorious service and made contributions to the fairy courtyard. To become a high-level person, there are many people in the fourth level of Poxian in Shenzhou Xianyuan, but none of them are the high-level people who are in charge or guardians.

It has only been 3000 years since he reached the fourth level of Poxian. Yun Chenhang is not considered a top master among the students of the fourth level of immortality, he is still a rookie. From the first level of Immortal to the fourth level of Poxian, he was promoted all the way and completed many arduous tasks before he rose all the way to the highest level of cultivation today.

It can be seen from this that although Yun Chenhang is not the principal or guardian, he is a very scheming and experienced person, and it is a good thing for Ye Yun to cooperate with this kind of person.

Generally speaking, this kind of person is lurking in cultivation or performing some secret missions. Now they are arranged here, which shows how much Shenzhou Xianyuan attaches importance to the splitting of Yanjiao.

"Brother Yun..."

Ye Yun walked out of the space, still hidden in nothingness, took out the Shenzhou Token, and sent a sound transmission to the supreme powerhouse Yun Chenhang lurking in the depths of the teleportation array.

"Junior Brother Ye, you are finally here!"

A phantom suddenly jumped up from the depths of the teleportation array, blending into nothingness with supernatural powers, and then, a middle-aged man with a square face appeared in front of Ye Yun.

This man is Yun Chenhang. He is upright and upright. He looks like a chivalrous man who has met with injustice. However, he has several vertical lines on his face. He is only 40 years old, but he has vertical lines. It seems Yun Chenhang has experienced too much.

"Sure enough, he is a genius known to everyone in the Immortal Academy. Junior Brother Ye, I don't need to introduce myself. This time, like you, I came here specifically to destroy the Yanjiao branch. You are performing a secret mission, but It is a high-level task, and the two of us can hope to complete it only by working together!"

Yun Chenhang is very direct, straight to the point, and speaks out his thoughts.

Ye Yun felt that a straight person like Yun Chenhang was very suitable for him, he was quick to speak, and it was relatively easy to cooperate. Ye Yun clasped his fists and said, "Senior brother thinks the same as the next one. Although I am the key to this mission, I need my senior brother to work hard. Help, Yanjiao is really a hot potato, there are countless masters, and the division must be a dragon's pond and a tiger's den!"

"Junior brother really sees very far. I have been here for a few years. Although it is not long, I have mastered some information about the Yanjiao sub-forum. I believe it will be of great help to you. Up to now, Xianyuan only knows the general The location, but the exact location is unknown!"

"To deal with the Yan Sect, we must find out the specific whereabouts of the Yan Sect's sub-altar... The Yan Sect's power seems to have spread very deeply in Xuanhuang Star. It is not easy to really dig it out, and it is not easy to scare the snake. If there is any trouble, I believe that the Yanjiao sub-forum will hide it even more secretly!"

Looking at the vast and invisible territory to the left of Lingzhou City, Yun Chenhang frowned slightly, and a trace of confusion appeared on his upright face.

"Senior brother, I will personally handle the matter of inquiring about the division of Yanjiao. I am not sure about the news that other people inquire about. I'll tell you the time!" Ye Yun thought for a while before looking at Yun Chenhang.

"Don't worry, Junior Brother, I will try my best to help you. Sifang pays attention to the trend of Yanjiao. In my judgment, Yanjiao may gather all the forces of Xuanhuang Star, and use Xuanhuang Star as the foundation, gradually develop to Sifang Planet, and finally cooperate with other planets." The forces of the sub-altars merge to form a big net to deal with the fairy courtyard!"

Yun Chenhang looked at Ye Yun very seriously, and said every word forcefully: "Nowadays, the Immortal Academy has too little information, and there are only a few branches of Yanjiao that can be determined, and they don't know the exact location. If Junior Brother can get the important information of Yan Sect this time and find out the specific coordinates of other branches of Yan Sect, then Junior Brother will make a great contribution to the Immortal Academy. This is the information I have collected and sorted out, which will be of great help to Junior Brother!"

A jade slip oozes out from Yun Chenhang's palm, and then floats towards Ye Yun, grabbing it in his hand, Ye Yun immediately feels that there is a lot of spiritual thoughts in it, and sighs slightly after accepting it: "What credit, as long as the task can be completed is the most important thing. , if this mission fails, I'm afraid I will become the target of public criticism and be spurned by everyone!"

"Junior brother, in order to allow you to carry out the mission secretly, I will not lead the younger brother to meet other responsible persons. These people inquire about you every day and want to know your whereabouts. I don't know if they want to curry favor with you or for other reasons. Knowing you, if Yanjiao spies find out, it will be dangerous!"

"For example, Junior Brother Wu Tianhuang often asks about your whereabouts. I can't do anything about these people. The situation is critical now, and friends and foes are hard to distinguish. You can't be sloppy at all!"

Yun Chenhang said casually, but in the last few words, he showed a sincere expression, and his eyes were also extremely heavy. It seemed that he knew how difficult and dangerous the task of destroying the Yanjiao branch was.

"It's best for you and me to contact through one line, or directly contact the Hall of Law Enforcement. By the way, brother, what is the origin of that 'Wu Tianhuang' brother you mentioned just now?"

For some reason, the moment Ye Yun suddenly heard Yun Chenhang mention the name 'Wu Tianhuang', his spine and neck began to break out in cold sweat, and he felt a feeling of being watched from behind, which Ye Yun rarely experienced. Feeling, once you have it, you can be sure that something is wrong.

Yun Chenhang introduced: "Wu Tianhuang is the helper sent by the principal this time. There are three people in total. The other two are 'Shangguan Feixue' and 'Zeng Lieyan', both of whom are close disciples of the principal. He is the number one disciple of Bai Wudao's sect, and his cultivation base has reached the peak of the third-order Poxian, and his strength is hidden. With the participation of the main force, this mission will be more sure!"

"Wu Tianhuang... Bai Wudao... no wonder I felt chills on the back of my neck when I heard this name suddenly. It turned out that it was a disciple of Bai Wudao's sect. He was in charge and sent Wu Tianhuang. I don't know if it was unintentional or intentional, but Wu Tianhuang Tian Huang is a disciple of Bai Wu Dao, we must be on guard against this person!"

"I'd rather be overthinking, but if it's not, Wu Tianhuang is a cancer, maybe he came here to deal with me. If Bai Wudao and Ditian want to deal with me, this is a good opportunity..."

Always acting cautiously, coupled with bad premonitions, Ye Yun heard something from Yunchen Hangkou.

Ye Yun's secret mission this time, only the principal and the guardians know about it, even a student like Yun Chenhang, it is impossible to know, unless it is related to the operation, ordinary people will not know such a confidential secret.

Everyone in the world knows that this secret mission is full of hardships and dangers. If Bai Wudao wants to deal with Ye Yun, then this mission is a great opportunity. If you don't realize that you are playing tricks behind your back, it is impossible to guard against, then Ye Yun is in danger of death at any time.

As expected of a one-stroke second chess move, killing without blood, even if Ye Yun had any accidents, the first impression made by outsiders was that it was done by Yanjiao masters, that is, Ye Yun failed in the mission and eventually died in the mission.

"I hope it's just me thinking too much... If that Wu Tianhuang is really here to deal with me, it will be tricky..."

Just stepped into the Xuanhuang Star, before the mission even started, Ye Yun smelled a danger that everything is a soldier, and it seems that this secret mission is more complicated and dangerous than imagined.

Another point is that Ye Yun can no longer ask Yun Chenhang about Wu Tianhuang's too many things. In the future, if Wu Tianhuang has something to do, it may arouse Yun Chenhang's suspicion, so he must not show his feet.

After Ye Yun continued to get to know Yun Chenhang, he went towards Lingzhou City alone in stealth. As for Yun Chenhang, he melted into the mysterious seal of the teleportation array in the blink of an eye.

The various buildings in Lingzhou City are not majestic, but there is a sense of simplicity and remoteness. The whole city is full of mottled vicissitudes of time, and many ancient buildings have a history of thousands of years. It is a historical city.

Leaving the teleportation array, Ye Yun mixed into the crowd, concealed all auras, and then sealed off the sea of ​​qi in his physical body, releasing the high-level energy that had been prepared to contain the unique aura of Yanjiao, making people unable to distinguish their identities and traces. Chen Hang wanted to search for Ye Yun's breath, but he probably found that Ye Yun seemed to have evaporated from Xuanhuang Star.

"Yun Chenhang has a lot of information about the Yanjiao sub-forum, but it is too incomplete and the key points are not detailed. It is impossible for the students of Shenzhou Xianyuan to find out where the Yanjiao sub-forum is. Yanjiao masters will definitely notice it. Come out, Lingzhou City should not find any valuable information!"

"The branch of the Yan Sect is likely to be in the 'Yunji Mountain Range', so go to the nearest and largest city 'Yunhai City' to the 'Yunji Mountain Range'!"

While walking leisurely among the crowd, he thought to himself, now that he has too little information, it is even more impossible for Yanjiao to develop influence in Lingzhou City, so he can only go to the city controlled by other forces.

Thinking of this, Ye Yun quickened his pace and strode toward the city gate.

Xuanhuang Star is already huge, and it is not much smaller than super planets like Piaomiao Star and Tongyuan Star. The land area is infinite, and even Ye Yun can't sense the entire planet in an instant, unless it takes a few years of effort. Only in this way can we fully understand such a huge planet.

Dozens of large cities are located in all directions of Xuanhuang Star, and many of them are not much smaller than Lingzhou City. For example, Yunhai City is a huge city that controls several huge mountains around it, especially the Yunji Mountains. There are many sects and ancient families in the Ji Mountain Range. Naturally, as the only city around, one can imagine how vast the Yunhai City is.

Among the countless cultivation forces in Xuanhuang Star, Yunji Mountain Range is only a second-rate force, forming an alliance called Yunji Alliance, which occupies the vast and mysterious Yunji Mountain Range. Although it is not a super cultivation force in Xuanhuang Star, it is still considered a common familiar.

Ancient planets like Xuanhuang Star have been prosperous all the time. After many years, many cultivation forces will naturally form. Just the Yunji Mountain Range is stronger than any empire in the three star regions, and it does not rely on Shenzhou at all. Immortal Courtyard even confronted it head-on.

Neither compromising nor openly confronting the Shenzhou Xianyuan, this is the important reason why the countless cultivation forces of the Xuanhuang Star have not been attracted by the Shenzhou Xianyuan.

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