The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 363 Mixuan Realm Heaven

Within three breaths, Ye Yun came to the sky above Yunhai City from Lingzhou City in the blink of an eye. Just as it appeared, a thick and deep seal enveloped Yunhai City. This kind of seal can only come from high-ranking immortals.

Looking down, Yunhai City is built in the midst of clouds and mist, and the sea of ​​clouds is churning, and the whole city appears ethereal, making people feel that Yunhai City is just a dream.

The four sides of Yunhai City are rolling ancient mountains. Ye Yun opened the map and found that the Yunji Mountains are in the territory on the right side of Yunhai City. At first glance, the direction is an endless sea of ​​clouds that cannot be seen through.

Although he did not enter the Yunji Mountain Range, with Ye Yun's current sensing ability, he already felt that there were countless cultivation auras in it, and there were strands of immortal will hidden in it.

"The Yunji Mountain Range is really powerful. Hundreds of millions of monks, more than a dozen sects of various sizes, form the Yunji Alliance. There are dozens of monks breaking immortals, and there are also several high-level powerhouses..."

Withdrawing his divine thoughts, Ye Yun looked surprised. At first he thought that the cultivation forces of the Yunji Mountain Range were not that strong, but now he realized that the Yunji Alliance is not weak. Coupled with the fact that Xuanhuang Star still has many more powerful strengths, the entire Xuanhuang Star is really a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

No wonder, such a sacred place of cultivation, Shenzhou Xianyuan can't take it down at all.

Ye Yun didn't break into the Yunji Mountain Range immediately, but entered the Yunhai City in a flash, trying to figure out whether the Yanjiao sub-altar was really entrenched in the Yunji Mountain Range.

In a street in Yunhai City, Ye Yun, dressed in a blue robe, came out of the inner street inconspicuously. His cultivation was also his own realm, reaching the third level of the sky. When people saw it, there would be no sense of mystery. Pay attention to others, he is like a duck to water in Yunhai City.

"As expected of Yunhai City, you can see clouds and mist three feet up... This land is really strange!" Ye Yun walked on the street and found that countless buildings were shrouded in clouds and mist. If you fly in the sky, you might lose your way .

Walking through the streets, Ye Yun quickly integrated into the market, chatted with many people, and got a better understanding of Yunhai City. Now Ye Yun plans to find a business to buy and sell news.

"Mixuan Realm Heaven... is here!"

It didn't take long before Ye Yun stood under a pagoda and pavilion. On the pagoda were engraved the four big characters "Clank and Power", "Mixuan Jingtian." Atmospheric, but the gate of the pavilion is actually a whirlpool passage.

"I really didn't expect that in such a small Cloud Sea City, there are extraordinary experts who create an independent space..."

Through Ye Yun's understanding, there is a mysterious chamber of commerce in Dayunhai City, which is the Mysterious Realm Heaven in front of him. This chamber of commerce does all kinds of business. , the treasures you want to buy, the peerless treasures you want to sell, or the news you want to buy or sell, all of them can be realized in the Mixuan Realm.

Mixuan Realm Heaven is indeed extraordinary, at least Xuanhuang Star is unique, almost every city has one, in Xuanhuang Star, Mixuan Realm Tian is even more famous than Tianbao Firm.

There is no need to understand anything, as long as Ye Yun sees this supernatural space method, Ye Yun knows that Mixuan Jingtian does have a method, and he directly walks towards the gate of the spacious pavilion that can accommodate 50 people shoulder to shoulder.

There are ten black-clothed men guarding both sides of the Shengda giant gate, and there is an endless stream of monks who have entered the Mysterious Realm, and the crowds are full of monks from the Immortal Realm and the Heaven-reaching Realm. These immortal-destroying powerhouses naturally have needs, but their identities are really shocking. These immortal-destroying powerhouses usually choose to hide their cultivation and transform ordinary people into the Mixuan realm.

However, there are exceptions. Just as Ye Yun wanted to enter, he saw a luxurious and imposing young man. With the support of a dozen or so high-ranking cultivators, he entered Mixuan Realm with great momentum. Dare to look directly at Mr. Huagui, for fear of getting burned.

"Be careful, don't offend this Xia Yingjie, he is a master of the three superpowers of the Yunji Mountain Range, the 'Lingfeng Sect', and one of the top ten sons of the Yunji Mountain Range!"

"It's the top ten sons of the Yunji Alliance!?"

On both sides of the holy gate, many monks said in private, but they did not dare to say anything.

"Recently, there seems to be a big movement in the Yunji Alliance. The top ten sons often come and go to Yunhai City. Yesterday, Xia Yingjie personally destroyed a caravan in Yunhai City. It was because the caravan did not sell him the treasure he was looking for!"

"I've also heard about this. Xia Yingjie is a master of breaking the fairyland, and he is also one of the top ten sons. Not only are the top ten sons domineering in the Yunji Alliance, they are also arrogant and domineering in Yunhai City. No one dares to provoke you. It's best not to talk about it, if you hear it, no one can save you!"

More than a dozen monks dressed in colorful, linen, or animal armor gathered together to discuss in a low voice, and many monks around were also listening curiously.


Suddenly, a strange streak of yellow sand rolled over the bodies of more than a dozen people abruptly with the wind. These people blinked into a mass of minced meat, and then a flame appeared, turning the bodies into ashes immediately.

"Whoever dares to be disrespectful to me, this is the end!"

In front of thousands of people, Xia Yingjie just moved his eyes, flashing grains of light, and a mysterious yellow sand gushed out from the void, beheading a dozen or so Heaven-reaching cultivators in an instant.

Everyone started to disperse, their faces flushed with fright, their hearts beating like thunder, and their bodies and minds were deeply shocked. Xia Yingjie's ruthless and indifferent expression could not be erased from his mind.

"A nice immortal artifact..."

Ye Yun suddenly appeared in the crowd, no one noticed him, and on Ye Yun's shoulders, there were a few grains of yellow sand, but they quickly disappeared into the air. Ye Yun's position just now was next to the dozen or so monks, causing trouble to the fish pond , That's not bad at all, if it wasn't for Ye Yun's invincible powers, he would have been reduced to ashes just now,

From such an instant, Ye Yun could see that Xia Yingjie was using a rare fairy weapon, made of indestructible yellow sand.

Xia Yingjie killed people in public, no one dared to say anything, and then swaggered and led his men into the Mysterious Realm, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he entered the other monks. Many monks who planned to go in and trade instantly gave up their thoughts and turned around to leave , so as not to be beheaded inexplicably.

"Xia Yingjie..."

Suddenly, a green masked woman appeared coldly on the jade stone stairs leading to Mixuan Realm. She stared fiercely at Xia Yingjie's disappearing figure with infinite resentment. She stopped for a while, turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

"This little girl, who has only reached the heavenly realm, does she still want to assassinate Xia Yingjie?"

Ye Yun stepped up the stairs, watched the green girl leave, shook his head and smiled, and didn't take it seriously, and followed the flow of people towards the vortex channel in Mixuan Realm.

Entering the vortex tunnel, as expected by Ye Yun, Mixuanjingtian is an independent space, the whole space is very small in Ye Yun's eyes, with a diameter of one hundred feet and a height of about one thousand feet, divided into three floors, all forms of the entire space are space formations. It was created by magic, inlaid with many gemstones, and each layer is beige, which is quite simple.

"This kind of space should come from the hands of the fourth-level to sixth-level powerhouses of Poxian. The space formation is well used, and this formation seems to be immortal!"

Just turn around on the first floor, and the divine sense can clearly feel every inch of the entire Mysterious Realm sky. To be imprisoned, but it is of no use to Ye Yun, a punch can make a hole.

After wandering around the first floor, Ye Yun went to the second and third floors to have a look. Sure enough, Mixuanjingtian has some means, many rare treasures, and many ancient magical artifacts, fairy artifacts are for sale, Ye Yun Accidentally found more than a dozen immortal masters with hidden cultivation, mixed in the crowd, inconspicuous.

"Hi, what news do you need?"

On the first floor, there is a special counter on the inner side of the right front. A middle-aged man is receiving Ye Yun. This is a place for buying and selling information. It's news from the sect, ten thousand top-grade spirit stones, if it's personal or strong person data, then one hundred thousand spirit stones will be required!"

"Here are [-] spirit stones. I want inside information about the big and small events in the Yunji Mountain Range within a hundred years. I will add another [-] spirit stones. I want to see the most secret insider information or trends about the Yunji Mountain Range. "

Ye Yun didn't want to talk slowly and attract others' attention, so he directly took out a storage ring and threw it to the middle-aged man, and Ye Yun used sound transmission to communicate with the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man immediately checked the ring for half an hour, determined the number of spirit stones, and nodded: "Please wait a moment, I will engrave it for you right away!"

The middle-aged man's expression is very natural. He has seen everyone about intelligence, and his professional ethics warns him not to ask too much or talk too much.

"This is what you want, do you still need it? If not, our transaction will be officially over!" The middle-aged man quickly took out a jade slip and walked out, politely handing it to Ye Yun.

"No need!" Ye Yun took the jade slip, shook his head slightly, turned around and walked towards the central rest area next to him.

Find a space to sit cross-legged, there is a lot of space around, which is for the guests to rest, the entire Mysterious Realm is very well designed.

Immediately, the divine mind entered the jade slips, with a strong primordial spirit, without taking three breaths, he scanned all the content of the jade slips, and immediately reduced the jade to powder.

"I didn't expect Mixuan Jingtian to have the means to grasp such detailed movements of the Yunji Mountain Range and the Yunji Alliance. Good... Especially the matter of the Yunji Alliance's selection of a leader seems to be very interesting..."

"The Yunji Alliance actually recommended an unknown figure as the leader!"

In the blink of an eye, Ye Yun found the most beneficial news for him, which was the important event of the Yunji Alliance's selection of a leader.

Through other news, Ye Yun learned that although all sects in the Yunji Mountain Range are alliances, they have not elected a leader for tens of thousands of years. Most of the forces opposed it, which caused a bloody storm in Yunji Mountain Range.

There are three super cultivation forces in the Yunji Mountains, Lingfeng Sect, Hongshenzong, and Wuji Demon Palace. The two major sects made proposals, and almost half of the sects opposed it. Even the Wuji Demon Palace also disagreed. The Promise Demon Palace originally agreed. , but who would have thought that Lingfeng Sect and Hongshenzong would recommend an unknown figure as the leader, and the Promise Demon Palace would not do it. Originally, the three major forces wanted to unify the Yunji Mountain Range, and the Promise Demon Palace would naturally not agree.

The selection of the leader caused a huge storm in the Yunji Mountains, and many sects began to fight openly and secretly, especially the Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong, who openly dealt with those sects who refused to agree, and there was a very weak 'Biyunzong' , was almost wiped out.

"Sure enough..."

Ye Yun is aware of the recent big movements in the Yunji Mountain Range's cultivation forces. After several analysis, Ye Yun feels that the selection of the leader must be weird. Why Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong don't recommend a strong sect leader to be the leader, but disagree Unanimously recommend a sudden character as the leader.

And how could this mysterious person make Lingfeng Sacred Sect and Hongshen Sect willingly give up their power and let an outsider control the Yunji Mountain Range?

All this is obvious, and there is a way.

"The mysterious person either has a cultivation level against the sky, or he has a huge means to completely make Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong bow to him!"

"Even if the high-level powerhouse of Poxian is impossible to control the two superpowers quietly, the most likely is a power stronger than Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong, who can deter the high-level leaders of the two sects with absolute strength. Let the two sects agree to elect the leader at the same time!"

"Once you become the lord, you will be able to control the entire Yunji Mountain Range in an upright manner... justified? If the Yan Sect branch altar is really in the Yunji Mountain Range, and thus wants to occupy the entire Xuanhuang Star, I think, if it were me, I would do the same, Gradually devour the cultivation forces one by one!"

Slightly closing his eyes, it seemed as if everything was beginning to reveal itself.

"It's still not clear if the Yan Sect is behind the scenes and set off a big move in the Yunji Mountain Range. Only by getting mixed into it can we find out thoroughly!"

"And not long ago, there was a shocking battle in the Yunji Mountains, and a burst of energy that did not belong to the mortal world... This matter has been discussed by countless experts, and they are all guessing that it is waiting for the experts to erupt such momentum..."

A lot of news on the jade slips appeared in Ye Yun's mind, and after careful analysis, combined with the information given by Yun Chenhang, combined with the two, Ye Yun dared to conclude that the branch of the Yan Sect was hidden in the Yunji Mountain Range.

After a few breaths, Ye Yun adjusted his breathing and was about to leave Mixuan Realm Heaven. He was always thinking about how to get involved with the cultivation forces of Yunji Mountain Range.Within three breaths, Ye Yun came to the sky above Yunhai City from Lingzhou City in the blink of an eye. Just as it appeared, a thick and deep seal enveloped Yunhai City. This kind of seal can only come from high-ranking immortals.

Looking down, Yunhai City is built in the midst of clouds and mist, and the sea of ​​clouds is churning, and the whole city appears ethereal, making people feel that Yunhai City is just a dream.

The four sides of Yunhai City are rolling ancient mountains. Ye Yun opened the map and found that the Yunji Mountains are in the territory on the right side of Yunhai City. At first glance, the direction is an endless sea of ​​clouds that cannot be seen through.

Although he did not enter the Yunji Mountain Range, with Ye Yun's current sensing ability, he already felt that there were countless cultivation auras in it, and there were strands of immortal will hidden in it.

"The Yunji Mountain Range is really powerful. Hundreds of millions of monks, more than a dozen sects of various sizes, form the Yunji Alliance. There are dozens of monks breaking immortals, and there are also several high-level powerhouses..."

Withdrawing his divine thoughts, Ye Yun looked surprised. At first he thought that the cultivation forces of the Yunji Mountain Range were not that strong, but now he realized that the Yunji Alliance is not weak. Coupled with the fact that Xuanhuang Star still has many more powerful strengths, the entire Xuanhuang Star is really a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

No wonder, such a sacred place of cultivation, Shenzhou Xianyuan can't take it down at all.

Ye Yun didn't break into the Yunji Mountain Range immediately, but entered the Yunhai City in a flash, trying to figure out whether the Yanjiao sub-altar was really entrenched in the Yunji Mountain Range.

In a street in Yunhai City, Ye Yun, dressed in a blue robe, came out of the inner street inconspicuously. His cultivation was also his own realm, reaching the third level of the sky. When people saw it, there would be no sense of mystery. Pay attention to others, he is like a duck to water in Yunhai City.

"As expected of Yunhai City, you can see clouds and mist three feet up... This land is really strange!" Ye Yun walked on the street and found that countless buildings were shrouded in clouds and mist. If you fly in the sky, you might lose your way .

Walking through the streets, Ye Yun quickly integrated into the market, chatted with many people, and got a better understanding of Yunhai City. Now Ye Yun plans to find a business to buy and sell news.

"Mixuan Realm Heaven... is here!"

It didn't take long before Ye Yun stood under a pagoda and pavilion. On the pagoda were engraved the four big characters "Clank and Power", "Mixuan Jingtian." Atmospheric, but the gate of the pavilion is actually a whirlpool passage.

"I really didn't expect that in such a small Cloud Sea City, there are extraordinary experts who create an independent space..."

Through Ye Yun's understanding, there is a mysterious chamber of commerce in Dayunhai City, which is the Mysterious Realm Heaven in front of him. This chamber of commerce does all kinds of business. , the treasures you want to buy, the peerless treasures you want to sell, or the news you want to buy or sell, all of them can be realized in the Mixuan Realm.

Mixuan Realm Heaven is indeed extraordinary, at least Xuanhuang Star is unique, almost every city has one, in Xuanhuang Star, Mixuan Realm Tian is even more famous than Tianbao Firm.

There is no need to understand anything, as long as Ye Yun sees this supernatural space method, Ye Yun knows that Mixuan Jingtian does have a method, and he directly walks towards the gate of the spacious pavilion that can accommodate 50 people shoulder to shoulder.

There are ten black-clothed men guarding both sides of the Shengda giant gate, and there is an endless stream of monks who have entered the Mysterious Realm, and the crowds are full of monks from the Immortal Realm and the Heaven-reaching Realm. These immortal-destroying powerhouses naturally have needs, but their identities are really shocking. These immortal-destroying powerhouses usually choose to hide their cultivation and transform ordinary people into the Mixuan realm.

However, there are exceptions. Just as Ye Yun wanted to enter, he saw a luxurious and imposing young man. With the support of a dozen or so high-ranking cultivators, he entered Mixuan Realm with great momentum. Dare to look directly at Mr. Huagui, for fear of getting burned.

"Be careful, don't offend this Xia Yingjie, he is a master of the three superpowers of the Yunji Mountain Range, the 'Lingfeng Sect', and one of the top ten sons of the Yunji Mountain Range!"

"It's the top ten sons of the Yunji Alliance!?"

On both sides of the holy gate, many monks said in private, but they did not dare to say anything.

"Recently, there seems to be a big movement in the Yunji Alliance. The top ten sons often come and go to Yunhai City. Yesterday, Xia Yingjie personally destroyed a caravan in Yunhai City. It was because the caravan did not sell him the treasure he was looking for!"

"I've also heard about this. Xia Yingjie is a master of breaking the fairyland, and he is also one of the top ten sons. Not only are the top ten sons domineering in the Yunji Alliance, they are also arrogant and domineering in Yunhai City. No one dares to provoke you. It's best not to talk about it, if you hear it, no one can save you!"

More than a dozen monks dressed in colorful, linen, or animal armor gathered together to discuss in a low voice, and many monks around were also listening curiously.


Suddenly, a strange streak of yellow sand rolled over the bodies of more than a dozen people abruptly with the wind. These people blinked into a mass of minced meat, and then a flame appeared, turning the bodies into ashes immediately.

"Whoever dares to be disrespectful to me, this is the end!"

In front of thousands of people, Xia Yingjie just moved his eyes, flashing grains of light, and a mysterious yellow sand gushed out from the void, beheading a dozen or so Heaven-reaching cultivators in an instant.

Everyone started to disperse, their faces flushed with fright, their hearts beating like thunder, and their bodies and minds were deeply shocked. Xia Yingjie's ruthless and indifferent expression could not be erased from his mind.

"A nice immortal artifact..."

Ye Yun suddenly appeared in the crowd, no one noticed him, and on Ye Yun's shoulders, there were a few grains of yellow sand, but they quickly disappeared into the air. Ye Yun's position just now was next to the dozen or so monks, causing trouble to the fish pond , That's not bad at all, if it wasn't for Ye Yun's invincible powers, he would have been reduced to ashes just now,

From such an instant, Ye Yun could see that Xia Yingjie was using a rare fairy weapon, made of indestructible yellow sand.

Xia Yingjie killed people in public, no one dared to say anything, and then swaggered and led his men into the Mysterious Realm, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he entered the other monks. Many monks who planned to go in and trade instantly gave up their thoughts and turned around to leave , so as not to be beheaded inexplicably.

"Xia Yingjie..."

Suddenly, a green masked woman appeared coldly on the jade stone stairs leading to Mixuan Realm. She stared fiercely at Xia Yingjie's disappearing figure with infinite resentment. She stopped for a while, turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

"This little girl, who has only reached the heavenly realm, does she still want to assassinate Xia Yingjie?"

Ye Yun stepped up the stairs, watched the green girl leave, shook his head and smiled, and didn't take it seriously, and followed the flow of people towards the vortex channel in Mixuan Realm.

Entering the vortex tunnel, as expected by Ye Yun, Mixuanjingtian is an independent space, the whole space is very small in Ye Yun's eyes, with a diameter of one hundred feet and a height of about one thousand feet, divided into three floors, all forms of the entire space are space formations. It was created by magic, inlaid with many gemstones, and each layer is beige, which is quite simple.

"This kind of space should come from the hands of the fourth-level to sixth-level powerhouses of Poxian. The space formation is well used, and this formation seems to be immortal!"

Just turn around on the first floor, and the divine sense can clearly feel every inch of the entire Mysterious Realm sky. To be imprisoned, but it is of no use to Ye Yun, a punch can make a hole.

After wandering around the first floor, Ye Yun went to the second and third floors to have a look. Sure enough, Mixuanjingtian has some means, many rare treasures, and many ancient magical artifacts, fairy artifacts are for sale, Ye Yun Accidentally found more than a dozen immortal masters with hidden cultivation, mixed in the crowd, inconspicuous.

"Hi, what news do you need?"

On the first floor, there is a special counter on the inner side of the right front. A middle-aged man is receiving Ye Yun. This is a place for buying and selling information. It's news from the sect, ten thousand top-grade spirit stones, if it's personal or strong person data, then one hundred thousand spirit stones will be required!"

"Here are [-] spirit stones. I want inside information about the big and small events in the Yunji Mountain Range within a hundred years. I will add another [-] spirit stones. I want to see the most secret insider information or trends about the Yunji Mountain Range. "

Ye Yun didn't want to talk slowly and attract others' attention, so he directly took out a storage ring and threw it to the middle-aged man, and Ye Yun used sound transmission to communicate with the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man immediately checked the ring for half an hour, determined the number of spirit stones, and nodded: "Please wait a moment, I will engrave it for you right away!"

The middle-aged man's expression is very natural. He has seen everyone about intelligence, and his professional ethics warns him not to ask too much or talk too much.

"This is what you want, do you still need it? If not, our transaction will be officially over!" The middle-aged man quickly took out a jade slip and walked out, politely handing it to Ye Yun.

"No need!" Ye Yun took the jade slip, shook his head slightly, turned around and walked towards the central rest area next to him.

Find a space to sit cross-legged, there is a lot of space around, which is for the guests to rest, the entire Mysterious Realm is very well designed.

Immediately, the divine mind entered the jade slips, with a strong primordial spirit, without taking three breaths, he scanned all the content of the jade slips, and immediately reduced the jade to powder.

"I didn't expect Mixuan Jingtian to have the means to grasp such detailed movements of the Yunji Mountain Range and the Yunji Alliance. Good... Especially the matter of the Yunji Alliance's selection of a leader seems to be very interesting..."

"The Yunji Alliance actually recommended an unknown figure as the leader!"

In the blink of an eye, Ye Yun found the most beneficial news for him, which was the important event of the Yunji Alliance's selection of a leader.

Through other news, Ye Yun learned that although all sects in the Yunji Mountain Range are alliances, they have not elected a leader for tens of thousands of years. Most of the forces opposed it, which caused a bloody storm in Yunji Mountain Range.

There are three super cultivation forces in the Yunji Mountains, Lingfeng Sect, Hongshenzong, and Wuji Demon Palace. The two major sects made proposals, and almost half of the sects opposed it. Even the Wuji Demon Palace also disagreed. The Promise Demon Palace originally agreed. , but who would have thought that Lingfeng Sect and Hongshenzong would recommend an unknown figure as the leader, and the Promise Demon Palace would not do it. Originally, the three major forces wanted to unify the Yunji Mountain Range, and the Promise Demon Palace would naturally not agree.

The selection of the leader caused a huge storm in the Yunji Mountains, and many sects began to fight openly and secretly, especially the Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong, who openly dealt with those sects who refused to agree, and there was a very weak 'Biyunzong' , was almost wiped out.

"Sure enough..."

Ye Yun is aware of the recent big movements in the Yunji Mountain Range's cultivation forces. After several analysis, Ye Yun feels that the selection of the leader must be weird. Why Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong don't recommend a strong sect leader to be the leader, but disagree Unanimously recommend a sudden character as the leader.

And how could this mysterious person make Lingfeng Sacred Sect and Hongshen Sect willingly give up their power and let an outsider control the Yunji Mountain Range?

All this is obvious, and there is a way.

"The mysterious person either has a cultivation level against the sky, or he has a huge means to completely make Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong bow to him!"

"Even if the high-level powerhouse of Poxian is impossible to control the two superpowers quietly, the most likely is a power stronger than Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong, who can deter the high-level leaders of the two sects with absolute strength. Let the two sects agree to elect the leader at the same time!"

"Once you become the lord, you will be able to control the entire Yunji Mountain Range in an upright manner... justified? If the Yan Sect branch altar is really in the Yunji Mountain Range, and thus wants to occupy the entire Xuanhuang Star, I think, if it were me, I would do the same, Gradually devour the cultivation forces one by one!"

Slightly closing his eyes, it seemed as if everything was beginning to reveal itself.

"It's still not clear if the Yan Sect is behind the scenes and set off a big move in the Yunji Mountain Range. Only by getting mixed into it can we find out thoroughly!"

"And not long ago, there was a shocking battle in the Yunji Mountains, and a burst of energy that did not belong to the mortal world... This matter has been discussed by countless experts, and they are all guessing that it is waiting for the experts to erupt such momentum..."

A lot of news on the jade slips appeared in Ye Yun's mind, and after careful analysis, combined with the information given by Yun Chenhang, combined with the two, Ye Yun dared to conclude that the branch of the Yan Sect was hidden in the Yunji Mountain Range.

After a few breaths, Ye Yun adjusted his breathing and was about to leave Mixuan Realm Heaven. He was always thinking about how to get involved with the cultivation forces of Yunji Mountain Range.

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