The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 367 Tsing Yi Cultivator

Most of the disciples of the Biyun Sect were led away by two old women and elders, and entered the depths of the Biyun Sect to practice and recuperate. More than 100 important disciples who had reached the tenth level of cultivation followed Wen Biyun to leave the Biyun Sect and rushed to Ling Feng Shengzong participated in the succession event of the leader.

These disciples are the pillars of the Biyun Sect. With the fall of the dozen or so immortal masters, the strength of the Biyun Sect is not as good as before. Wen Biyun had no choice but to hand over his spiritual veins. The alliance contended, but all the disciples of the sect were devoted to Wen Biyun.

"This time, the plan will come to fruition. As long as we can break into the alliance, mix into the Yanjiao sub-forum, and destroy the sub-forum, there will be no accidents!"

A team of more than 100 people from the Jade Cloud Sect is flying towards the Lingfeng Sect. At the end of the team are disciples who have reached the highest level of cultivation, only Ye Yun, who has a third-level cultivation level, is not attractive at all. With human eyes, after a while, Ye Yun could already see the vast undulating mountains of Lingfeng Shengzong.

Lingfeng Sacred Sect is a hundred times larger than Biyun Sect, and it is the number one cultivator in Yunji Mountain Range. Not too much, even Hong Shenzong and Wuji Demon Palace cannot compete with it.

A series of mountain ranges are coiled on the vast land like a giant dragon. The peaks of one layer after another are connected at the end, soaring into the depths of the sky. Through the sea of ​​clouds, several vast peaks are found, which seem to be only half of them, floating in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, like a fairyland. At the moment when the sea of ​​clouds churned and surged, the mountain remained motionless.

All the mountains and peaks are guarded by disciples of the Lingfeng Sect, and there are even a large number of monks from other cultivation forces everywhere. When Ye Yun swept over, there were probably a million monks, and the momentum was mighty, quite shocking.

When Wen Biyun and his disciples saw such a camp, their expressions became more intense. The Yunji Alliance was too powerful. If the Jade Cloud Sect did not choose to join the alliance, the end would naturally be the same as that of the Promise Demon Palace. The Yunji Alliance had to deal with the Jade Cloud Sect. Maybe ten breaths can completely destroy the Jade Cloud Sect.

"Master Wen, be polite!"

"Everyone, be polite!"

Entering the interior of Lingfeng Sect, at this time, a group of cultivation forces appeared from all directions, just like Biyunzong, flying towards Lingfeng Sect, seeing Wen Biyun, those leaders saluted politely.

Now the scene is quite spectacular, all the cultivation forces in the Yunji Mountains have come to participate in the succession event of the leader, it seems that the various vassal dynasties have seen the emperor, but these people are all harboring evil intentions, who is willing to be subservient to others , who was originally a powerful giant in the Yunji Mountain Range, but now he is a prisoner, who is willing.

"All allies, welcome to the alliance to participate in the succession ceremony of the leader. I am the lord of the Lingfeng Sect, Xia Yuanhou. This time, like everyone else, I will also participate in the competition for the deputy leader. I would like to ask everyone to be courteous!"

An ancient and sacred square is actually propped up by a stone pillar. The stone pillar is hundreds of feet in diameter and ten thousand feet high. It rises from Lingfeng Holy Land and towers into the sky. If it collapses, the stone pillar will be brittle.

There are already quite a few representatives of cultivation forces in the Yunji Mountains in the square, and right in front of the square is a temple, on which are sitting Lingfeng Sacred Sect masters who have broken immortals, and a middle-aged man is waving at the sects of Biyun Sect, Greetings welcome.

After the middle age, there were more than 50 Immortal-shattering powerhouses, ranging from first-tier to second-tier. Xia Yingjie was also sitting among them. He and nine other young immortal-shattering cultivators were chatting freely. These ten young masters, They are the top ten sons of Yunji Mountain Range, who are like brothers, and no one dares to provoke anyone in Yunji Mountain Range.

The various forces came to the square, took their disciples, and sat down one by one according to the phalanx. At a glance, the number of each force's phalanx was different. There were 35 camps in total, representing the 35 major cultivation forces in the Yunji Mountain Range. There are a total of 36 major forces in Lingfeng Shengzong.

The closer the cultivation forces are to the central temple, the more people there are, especially the first row, which is the second largest force in the Yunji Mountain Range, Hongshenzong, with thousands of people, and more than 20 immortal realm masters.

The forces from all sides gathered together, and the suzerain of Lingfeng Sect, 'Xia Yuanhou', met one by one, and talked a few words of concern. Blood.

"Everyone, everyone!"

When people were buzzing and all the major forces were discussing, Xia Yuanhou flew from the temple to the high platform in the center of the square, clasped his fists at the four forces and said: "This time the alliance will choose the leader, and it is me and the lord of the Hongshen Sect, Yan Yan. Shanzong and Brother Yan have the same idea. For many years in our Yunji Mountain Range, various forces have fought openly and secretly, causing chaos and killings. For the long-term future of the major forces, Brother Yan and I finally decided to elect a leader. Brother Yan, you too Say a few words!"


A figure like a red eagle flew up from the Hongshenzong, and in the blink of an eye, it appeared on the central high platform, fighting side by side with Xia Yuanhou. This person was wearing a dark red Taoist robe, this person was in his early 40s, not tall, with big eyes With a wide mouth and a high nose, he has a very strange appearance.

He is the lord of the Hongshen Sect in the Yunji Mountain Range, the Yanshan Sect, who has reached the peak of the third level of Poxian and is comparable to Xia Yuanhou. He exchanged eyes with Xia Yuanhou, turned and said to everyone: "I Sect Master Xia chose the leader, not to choose him, nor to choose him. For the sake of fairness, we choose a supreme power to be the leader of the alliance. The leader is naturally better than all of us in cultivation and strength. The leader must have Strength is the only way to lead the alliance to become the most powerful comprehension force on Xuanhuang Star!"

"Brother Yan is right. What is our Yunji Mountain Range in Xuanhuang Star? It is nothing. The cultivation forces of all parties are much stronger than us, and there are Shenzhou Xianyuan pressing us. These forces exist. Let us There will never be a day of success, we must go out and let all the powers of Xuanhuang Star surrender, our Yunji Alliance will be the number one cultivation force of Xuanhuang Star in the future, and even Shenzhou Xianyuan should not pay us respect!"

After the suzerain of Hongshenzong Yanshanzong finished speaking, Xia Yuanhou, the suzerain of Lingfeng Shengzong, took a step forward and said to the forces of all parties. The two reeds sang like a lotus blossoming on the tongue and a golden lotus springing from the ground. Their words were full of delusion .

"Our Yunji Alliance is no longer an existence that is looked down upon by all forces, and it is no longer the Yunji Alliance that depends on the face of Shenzhou Xianyuan!"

Xia Yuanhou waved his arms again and said, the scene was quiet and silent, no one stood up to speak, and no one agreed, Fang Buddha was silent, following how Xia Yuanhou and Yanshanzong found excuses to argue.

"Ambition is about to emerge..."

Ye Yun was sitting at the end of the Green Cloud sect camp. Hearing these words, he sneered coldly: "The two of them sang together, it seems that the protagonist and leader is about to come,'s time to show off!"




All of a sudden, the disciples of Hongshenzong and Lingfengshengzong started to stand up and shouted in unison, the sound shook the sky, seeing this scene, there were some grim smiles on the faces of Xia Yuanhou and Yanshanzong.


Then other comprehension forces also shouted, echoing Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong, as if Fangfo had planned it a long time ago, in this way, most of the remaining forces had no choice but to start shouting, and everyone suddenly understood Well, the succession event of the leader has long been planned by Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong, they just came to accompany the protagonist to sing.

Moreover, they must act well in this scene, otherwise, if they offend Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong, then they will never return, it is easy to come, and if they want to leave, don't even think about it.

"Good! Good!"

Xia Yuanhou and Yan Shanzong saw the enthusiasm of all parties, and they all smiled with satisfaction, Xia Yuanhou suddenly raised his right hand, and all parties immediately quieted down, Xia Yuanhou said one by one in a deep voice: "I invite the lord! "

"Brothers and friends of the Alliance, thank you for treating me so generously!"

Suddenly, from the holy hall in front of the square, there was a shocking vicissitudes of life sound. The dozens of immortals from the Lingfeng Sect stood up first, and stood up straight, followed by the Hongshenzong.

Immediately, a monk in Tsing Yi walked out of the temple with heavy steps, and all the monks from all sides of the Yunji Alliance looked at the monk in Tsing Yi.

The monk in Tsing Yi is actually a young man less than 30 years old. He has a tall and straight figure, long hair in a green robe, and stands with his hands behind his back. When he walks, he looks elegant and empty, walking like a Buddha in the clouds, in the endless starry sky, his face is expressionless, and his skin color It was crystal clear and white, but the pupils were deep and emanating a fearsome arrogance.

This domineering look, with a slight movement, as long as the eyes of other monks touch it, they will instantly feel weird like being seen through their bodies and minds. The monk in Tsing Yi, just this one look, shocked all the monks present. Shocked in my heart, how could there be such an unknown giant.

"The fourth level of Poxian...hidden so deeply, he actually cultivated the sixth level of Poxian and pretended to be the fourth level of Poxian..."

Tens of thousands of people in the square and millions of monks around chose to remain silent at this moment, afraid, but there was only one person who remained unmoved, and that was Ye Yun.

As soon as the cultivator in green clothes appeared, Ye Yun could tell that this person was a fourth-level cultivator of Poxian, but, no, this person's aura was very well hidden, and a magical power sealed the inner strength of his body and his dantian. It seems that the monk in Tsing Yi is the fourth rank of Poxian, but his real cultivation is the sixth rank of Poxian.

The sixth rank of Poxian is equivalent to a peerless figure like Ximen Potian, an antique figure who is more powerful than Xuantianzu, Wang Chuantian, and the head of Shenzhou Xianyuan.

This kind of person, this kind of state, is a senior figure in the three great fairy courtyards. This kind of strong person who defies the sky actually appears in a small cultivation force in Xuanhuang Star. This is deceitful, and anyone with a discerning eye can see the clue at a glance.

For example, the monk in Tsing Yi was originally a high-ranking emperor, but he appeared in the slums and beggars' dens. How can people not be curious, strange, or suspicious.

"Fourth Order of Immortal Breaking!!!"

Almost instantly, Wen Biyun, the leaders of the forces, felt the cultivation of the monks in Tsing Yi, and they were all shocked. The strongest cultivation level in the entire Yunji Mountain Range is also the third level of Poxian. As for the fourth level of Poxian, it was born in the history of Yunji Mountain Range, and that was already hundreds of thousands of years ago.

A fourth-level Poxian expert is enough to sweep the entire Yunji Mountain Range, and all sects and monks must submit to him. Even Xia Yuanhou and Yan Shanzong, who are third-level Poxian sects, can only be obedient and obedient.

"This person... a dignified sixth-level cultivator of Poxian, is definitely not an ordinary person in Yanjiao. I never expected that he would meet a big fish in the Yunji Mountain Range..."

Ye Yun was both surprised and delighted. He thought that the leader of Yanjiao's branch altar was at most Wang Chuantian's kind of cultivation, the most against the sky, and he was just a giant of the fifth rank of immortality like Fu Daoji, the leader of Shenzhou Immortal Academy, but Tsing Yi The monk is actually a dignified sixth-order Poxian, a genuine veteran figure.

Although there are countless masters of the Yan Sect, and there are even immortals like Qiu Qianshang, but the sixth level of Poxian definitely has a high status in the Yan Sect, not ordinary people.

If Ye Yun can kill this kind of person and bring him back to Shenzhou Xianyuan, he will definitely not be the vice-principal, and it is possible that he will be directly promoted to the principal.

Unexpectedly, too unexpectedly, by beheading the monk in Tsing Yi, Ye Yun can ascend to the sky in one step and become the master without a hitch. Not only will he control the actions of Shenzhou Xianyuan in the future, but he can also cooperate with Tai Dayan. Knowing his real plan is really beneficial.

However, Ye Yun was not happy for too long.

The sixth level of Poxian, what a cultivation level, when Ye Yun beheaded Wang Chuantian, although he was the fifth level of Poxian, he had just broken through, and his strength was not much different from the peak of Poxian's fourth level, but this cultivator in green, Ye Yun I feel that this person is definitely not simple. He has a sixth-order Poxian cultivation base, and he has had a long time, and he may have reached the peak of the sixth-order Poxian.

With this level of strength, not to mention Ye Yun, even Jiang Xiaoyun, the leader of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy, would have to use some means to kill him. For Ye Yun, not only was it dangerous, but he was not sure about killing the monk in Tsing Yi.

At this moment, Ye Yun immediately passed on the appearance of the monk in Tsing Yi, as well as his cultivation base, to the Law Enforcement Hall of Shenzhou Immortal Academy, and Yun Chenhang, the fourth-level master of Poxian City in Lingzhou City.

After just three breaths, Ye Yun felt the commotion and shock of the guardians of the Hall of Law Enforcement. Although it was not the first time to confirm whether the cultivator in Tsing Yi was a member of the Yan Sect, but a sixth-order giant who broke the immortal appeared, but there was no Yan Yan. Teaching this kind of thing will also shock the senior management of Shenzhou Xianyuan.

How can there be such a strong person in Xuanhuang Star? If there is, Shenzhou Xianyuan will not be able to control Lingzhou City. It is difficult for the forces of Shenzhou Xianyuan to enter Xuanhuang Star. Characters, elders, anyone, can conquer any planet and wipe out any force.

Originally thought that although the Yanjiao branch was very powerful and mysterious, it would not be easy to win the Shenzhou Xianyuan, but now that they received the news from Ye Yun, the senior management of the Shenzhou Xianyuan felt that things were a thousand times more difficult than imagined. The Guardian of the Law Enforcement Hall told Ye Yun that Shenzhou Xianyuan would send more masters, and even the master would come to cooperate with Ye Yun to completely destroy the branch of the Yan Sect and kill this monk in Tsing Yi.

"Fellow daoists, let me introduce myself. My name is 'Lu Xu' and I have been cultivating in Xuanhuang Star for many years. I met Sect Master Xia and Sect Master Yan by accident. Since then, I have become like brothers. This time I can get the favor of the two brothers. Let me become the leader of the Yunji Alliance, which really surprises me!"

The monk in Tsing Yi came to the front of the temple, overlooking the entire square, and said calmly: "I don't know much about the situation in Xuanhuang Star, but I can tell that the status of Yunji Alliance in Xuanhuang Star is very low. Treating me so kindly, I will serve you all with all my heart, let my Yunji Alliance gradually develop and become stronger, and subdue the forces from all directions, from now on, in the Yunji Alliance, there will be no more killings, everyone is a family!"

'Lu Xu' said calmly in front of all forces in the Yunji Mountain Range, full of confidence.Most of the disciples of the Biyun Sect were led away by two old women and elders, and entered the depths of the Biyun Sect to practice and recuperate. More than 100 important disciples who had reached the tenth level of cultivation followed Wen Biyun to leave the Biyun Sect and rushed to Ling Feng Shengzong participated in the succession event of the leader.

These disciples are the pillars of the Biyun Sect. With the fall of the dozen or so immortal masters, the strength of the Biyun Sect is not as good as before. Wen Biyun had no choice but to hand over his spiritual veins. The alliance contended, but all the disciples of the sect were devoted to Wen Biyun.

"This time, the plan will come to fruition. As long as we can break into the alliance, mix into the Yanjiao sub-forum, and destroy the sub-forum, there will be no accidents!"

A team of more than 100 people from the Jade Cloud Sect is flying towards the Lingfeng Sect. At the end of the team are disciples who have reached the highest level of cultivation, only Ye Yun, who has a third-level cultivation level, is not attractive at all. With human eyes, after a while, Ye Yun could already see the vast undulating mountains of Lingfeng Shengzong.

Lingfeng Sacred Sect is a hundred times larger than Biyun Sect, and it is the number one cultivator in Yunji Mountain Range. Not too much, even Hong Shenzong and Wuji Demon Palace cannot compete with it.

A series of mountain ranges are coiled on the vast land like a giant dragon. The peaks of one layer after another are connected at the end, soaring into the depths of the sky. Through the sea of ​​clouds, several vast peaks are found, which seem to be only half of them, floating in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, like a fairyland. At the moment when the sea of ​​clouds churned and surged, the mountain remained motionless.

All the mountains and peaks are guarded by disciples of the Lingfeng Sect, and there are even a large number of monks from other cultivation forces everywhere. When Ye Yun swept over, there were probably a million monks, and the momentum was mighty, quite shocking.

When Wen Biyun and his disciples saw such a camp, their expressions became more intense. The Yunji Alliance was too powerful. If the Jade Cloud Sect did not choose to join the alliance, the end would naturally be the same as that of the Promise Demon Palace. The Yunji Alliance had to deal with the Jade Cloud Sect. Maybe ten breaths can completely destroy the Jade Cloud Sect.

"Master Wen, be polite!"

"Everyone, be polite!"

Entering the interior of Lingfeng Sect, at this time, a group of cultivation forces appeared from all directions, just like Biyunzong, flying towards Lingfeng Sect, seeing Wen Biyun, those leaders saluted politely.

Now the scene is quite spectacular, all the cultivation forces in the Yunji Mountains have come to participate in the succession event of the leader, it seems that the various vassal dynasties have seen the emperor, but these people are all harboring evil intentions, who is willing to be subservient to others , who was originally a powerful giant in the Yunji Mountain Range, but now he is a prisoner, who is willing.

"All allies, welcome to the alliance to participate in the succession ceremony of the leader. I am the lord of the Lingfeng Sect, Xia Yuanhou. This time, like everyone else, I will also participate in the competition for the deputy leader. I would like to ask everyone to be courteous!"

An ancient and sacred square is actually propped up by a stone pillar. The stone pillar is hundreds of feet in diameter and ten thousand feet high. It rises from Lingfeng Holy Land and towers into the sky. If it collapses, the stone pillar will be brittle.

There are already quite a few representatives of cultivation forces in the Yunji Mountains in the square, and right in front of the square is a temple, on which are sitting Lingfeng Sacred Sect masters who have broken immortals, and a middle-aged man is waving at the sects of Biyun Sect, Greetings welcome.

After the middle age, there were more than 50 Immortal-shattering powerhouses, ranging from first-tier to second-tier. Xia Yingjie was also sitting among them. He and nine other young immortal-shattering cultivators were chatting freely. These ten young masters, They are the top ten sons of Yunji Mountain Range, who are like brothers, and no one dares to provoke anyone in Yunji Mountain Range.

The various forces came to the square, took their disciples, and sat down one by one according to the phalanx. At a glance, the number of each force's phalanx was different. There were 35 camps in total, representing the 35 major cultivation forces in the Yunji Mountain Range. There are a total of 36 major forces in Lingfeng Shengzong.

The closer the cultivation forces are to the central temple, the more people there are, especially the first row, which is the second largest force in the Yunji Mountain Range, Hongshenzong, with thousands of people, and more than 20 immortal realm masters.

The forces from all sides gathered together, and the suzerain of Lingfeng Sect, 'Xia Yuanhou', met one by one, and talked a few words of concern. Blood.

"Everyone, everyone!"

When people were buzzing and all the major forces were discussing, Xia Yuanhou flew from the temple to the high platform in the center of the square, clasped his fists at the four forces and said: "This time the alliance will choose the leader, and it is me and the lord of the Hongshen Sect, Yan Yan. Shanzong and Brother Yan have the same idea. For many years in our Yunji Mountain Range, various forces have fought openly and secretly, causing chaos and killings. For the long-term future of the major forces, Brother Yan and I finally decided to elect a leader. Brother Yan, you too Say a few words!"


A figure like a red eagle flew up from the Hongshenzong, and in the blink of an eye, it appeared on the central high platform, fighting side by side with Xia Yuanhou. This person was wearing a dark red Taoist robe, this person was in his early 40s, not tall, with big eyes With a wide mouth and a high nose, he has a very strange appearance.

He is the lord of the Hongshen Sect in the Yunji Mountain Range, the Yanshan Sect, who has reached the peak of the third level of Poxian and is comparable to Xia Yuanhou. He exchanged eyes with Xia Yuanhou, turned and said to everyone: "I Sect Master Xia chose the leader, not to choose him, nor to choose him. For the sake of fairness, we choose a supreme power to be the leader of the alliance. The leader is naturally better than all of us in cultivation and strength. The leader must have Strength is the only way to lead the alliance to become the most powerful comprehension force on Xuanhuang Star!"

"Brother Yan is right. What is our Yunji Mountain Range in Xuanhuang Star? It is nothing. The cultivation forces of all parties are much stronger than us, and there are Shenzhou Xianyuan pressing us. These forces exist. Let us There will never be a day of success, we must go out and let all the powers of Xuanhuang Star surrender, our Yunji Alliance will be the number one cultivation force of Xuanhuang Star in the future, and even Shenzhou Xianyuan should not pay us respect!"

After the suzerain of Hongshenzong Yanshanzong finished speaking, Xia Yuanhou, the suzerain of Lingfeng Shengzong, took a step forward and said to the forces of all parties. The two reeds sang like a lotus blossoming on the tongue and a golden lotus springing from the ground. Their words were full of delusion .

"Our Yunji Alliance is no longer an existence that is looked down upon by all forces, and it is no longer the Yunji Alliance that depends on the face of Shenzhou Xianyuan!"

Xia Yuanhou waved his arms again and said, the scene was quiet and silent, no one stood up to speak, and no one agreed, Fang Buddha was silent, following how Xia Yuanhou and Yanshanzong found excuses to argue.

"Ambition is about to emerge..."

Ye Yun was sitting at the end of the Green Cloud sect camp. Hearing these words, he sneered coldly: "The two of them sang together, it seems that the protagonist and leader is about to come,'s time to show off!"




All of a sudden, the disciples of Hongshenzong and Lingfengshengzong started to stand up and shouted in unison, the sound shook the sky, seeing this scene, there were some grim smiles on the faces of Xia Yuanhou and Yanshanzong.


Then other comprehension forces also shouted, echoing Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong, as if Fangfo had planned it a long time ago, in this way, most of the remaining forces had no choice but to start shouting, and everyone suddenly understood Well, the succession event of the leader has long been planned by Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong, they just came to accompany the protagonist to sing.

Moreover, they must act well in this scene, otherwise, if they offend Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong, then they will never return, it is easy to come, and if they want to leave, don't even think about it.

"Good! Good!"

Xia Yuanhou and Yan Shanzong saw the enthusiasm of all parties, and they all smiled with satisfaction, Xia Yuanhou suddenly raised his right hand, and all parties immediately quieted down, Xia Yuanhou said one by one in a deep voice: "I invite the lord! "

"Brothers and friends of the Alliance, thank you for treating me so generously!"

Suddenly, from the holy hall in front of the square, there was a shocking vicissitudes of life sound. The dozens of immortals from the Lingfeng Sect stood up first, and stood up straight, followed by the Hongshenzong.

Immediately, a monk in Tsing Yi walked out of the temple with heavy steps, and all the monks from all sides of the Yunji Alliance looked at the monk in Tsing Yi.

The monk in Tsing Yi is actually a young man less than 30 years old. He has a tall and straight figure, long hair in a green robe, and stands with his hands behind his back. When he walks, he looks elegant and empty, walking like a Buddha in the clouds, in the endless starry sky, his face is expressionless, and his skin color It was crystal clear and white, but the pupils were deep and emanating a fearsome arrogance.

This domineering look, with a slight movement, as long as the eyes of other monks touch it, they will instantly feel weird like being seen through their bodies and minds. The monk in Tsing Yi, just this one look, shocked all the monks present. Shocked in my heart, how could there be such an unknown giant.

"The fourth level of Poxian...hidden so deeply, he actually cultivated the sixth level of Poxian and pretended to be the fourth level of Poxian..."

Tens of thousands of people in the square and millions of monks around chose to remain silent at this moment, afraid, but there was only one person who remained unmoved, and that was Ye Yun.

As soon as the cultivator in green clothes appeared, Ye Yun could tell that this person was a fourth-level cultivator of Poxian, but, no, this person's aura was very well hidden, and a magical power sealed the inner strength of his body and his dantian. It seems that the monk in Tsing Yi is the fourth rank of Poxian, but his real cultivation is the sixth rank of Poxian.

The sixth rank of Poxian is equivalent to a peerless figure like Ximen Potian, an antique figure who is more powerful than Xuantianzu, Wang Chuantian, and the head of Shenzhou Xianyuan.

This kind of person, this kind of state, is a senior figure in the three great fairy courtyards. This kind of strong person who defies the sky actually appears in a small cultivation force in Xuanhuang Star. This is deceitful, and anyone with a discerning eye can see the clue at a glance.

For example, the monk in Tsing Yi was originally a high-ranking emperor, but he appeared in the slums and beggars' dens. How can people not be curious, strange, or suspicious.

"Fourth Order of Immortal Breaking!!!"

Almost instantly, Wen Biyun, the leaders of the forces, felt the cultivation of the monks in Tsing Yi, and they were all shocked. The strongest cultivation level in the entire Yunji Mountain Range is also the third level of Poxian. As for the fourth level of Poxian, it was born in the history of Yunji Mountain Range, and that was already hundreds of thousands of years ago.

A fourth-level Poxian expert is enough to sweep the entire Yunji Mountain Range, and all sects and monks must submit to him. Even Xia Yuanhou and Yan Shanzong, who are third-level Poxian sects, can only be obedient and obedient.

"This person... a dignified sixth-level cultivator of Poxian, is definitely not an ordinary person in Yanjiao. I never expected that he would meet a big fish in the Yunji Mountain Range..."

Ye Yun was both surprised and delighted. He thought that the leader of Yanjiao's branch altar was at most Wang Chuantian's kind of cultivation, the most against the sky, and he was just a giant of the fifth rank of immortality like Fu Daoji, the leader of Shenzhou Immortal Academy, but Tsing Yi The monk is actually a dignified sixth-order Poxian, a genuine veteran figure.

Although there are countless masters of the Yan Sect, and there are even immortals like Qiu Qianshang, but the sixth level of Poxian definitely has a high status in the Yan Sect, not ordinary people.

If Ye Yun can kill this kind of person and bring him back to Shenzhou Xianyuan, he will definitely not be the vice-principal, and it is possible that he will be directly promoted to the principal.

Unexpectedly, too unexpectedly, by beheading the monk in Tsing Yi, Ye Yun can ascend to the sky in one step and become the master without a hitch. Not only will he control the actions of Shenzhou Xianyuan in the future, but he can also cooperate with Tai Dayan. Knowing his real plan is really beneficial.

However, Ye Yun was not happy for too long.

The sixth level of Poxian, what a cultivation level, when Ye Yun beheaded Wang Chuantian, although he was the fifth level of Poxian, he had just broken through, and his strength was not much different from the peak of Poxian's fourth level, but this cultivator in green, Ye Yun I feel that this person is definitely not simple. He has a sixth-order Poxian cultivation base, and he has had a long time, and he may have reached the peak of the sixth-order Poxian.

With this level of strength, not to mention Ye Yun, even Jiang Xiaoyun, the leader of the Shenzhou Immortal Academy, would have to use some means to kill him. For Ye Yun, not only was it dangerous, but he was not sure about killing the monk in Tsing Yi.

At this moment, Ye Yun immediately passed on the appearance of the monk in Tsing Yi, as well as his cultivation base, to the Law Enforcement Hall of Shenzhou Immortal Academy, and Yun Chenhang, the fourth-level master of Poxian City in Lingzhou City.

After just three breaths, Ye Yun felt the commotion and shock of the guardians of the Hall of Law Enforcement. Although it was not the first time to confirm whether the cultivator in Tsing Yi was a member of the Yan Sect, but a sixth-order giant who broke the immortal appeared, but there was no Yan Yan. Teaching this kind of thing will also shock the senior management of Shenzhou Xianyuan.

How can there be such a strong person in Xuanhuang Star? If there is, Shenzhou Xianyuan will not be able to control Lingzhou City. It is difficult for the forces of Shenzhou Xianyuan to enter Xuanhuang Star. Characters, elders, anyone, can conquer any planet and wipe out any force.

Originally thought that although the Yanjiao branch was very powerful and mysterious, it would not be easy to win the Shenzhou Xianyuan, but now that they received the news from Ye Yun, the senior management of the Shenzhou Xianyuan felt that things were a thousand times more difficult than imagined. The Guardian of the Law Enforcement Hall told Ye Yun that Shenzhou Xianyuan would send more masters, and even the master would come to cooperate with Ye Yun to completely destroy the branch of the Yan Sect and kill this monk in Tsing Yi.

"Fellow daoists, let me introduce myself. My name is 'Lu Xu' and I have been cultivating in Xuanhuang Star for many years. I met Sect Master Xia and Sect Master Yan by accident. Since then, I have become like brothers. This time I can get the favor of the two brothers. Let me become the leader of the Yunji Alliance, which really surprises me!"

The monk in Tsing Yi came to the front of the temple, overlooking the entire square, and said calmly: "I don't know much about the situation in Xuanhuang Star, but I can tell that the status of Yunji Alliance in Xuanhuang Star is very low. Treating me so kindly, I will serve you all with all my heart, let my Yunji Alliance gradually develop and become stronger, and subdue the forces from all directions, from now on, in the Yunji Alliance, there will be no more killings, everyone is a family!"

'Lu Xu' said calmly in front of all forces in the Yunji Mountain Range, full of confidence.

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