The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 368 Compete for Vice Leader

"Leader! Leader! Leader!"

Cultivator Lu Xu said these words, and countless disciples of Lingfeng Sect and Hongshenzong immediately erupted into shouts of cheers, tsunami, piercing clouds and cracking stones. The sound wave gradually dispersed in the square, and other forces also responded one after another, as if they were waving flags to cheer for Lu Xu .

Originally, the forces of all parties had different ideas, but now, with the appearance of the mysterious lord, the monk Lu Xu in Tsing Yi, who has demonstrated the supreme cultivation of the fourth-order Poxian, and these words, the 35 majors of Yunji Mountain have no choice but to The comprehension forces completely began to agree with the leader and Lu Xu.

Although the various forces in the Yunji Mountain Range are independent, they also understand that if the Yunji Mountain Range does not have the highest powers to sit in it, the Yunji Mountain Range will have no status in Xuanhuang Star, and the forces of all parties will not regard the Yunji Mountain Range as their own. In their eyes, although everyone has grudges, but at this moment, the arrow is on the string, and they have no choice but to bow their heads and surrender.

Especially Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong fanned the flames, making these people even more bewitched, and if they didn't agree with Lu Xu, it's not impossible that they would be bloodbathed by Lu Xu.

After all, a person of the fourth rank of Poxian can do anything, which is equivalent to the principals of the three major immortal courtyards, and one principal can dominate one side.

"What a lord... This time it's really a timely choice, otherwise, my Jade Cloud Sect will follow the Promise Demon Palace and fall into a situation of eternal doom!"

At the front of the Biyun Sect, Wen Biyun, the head of the sect, saw this scene and thought about it deeply. Now she has a feeling that it is easy to get on the pirate ship, but if she wants to get off the pirate ship, it is not up to her to decide.

With a flash, Xia Yuanhou and Yanshanzong appeared in front of the temple. With a wave of their hands, a throne carved from a whole piece of spiritual stone and inlaid with countless precious stones slowly extended from the void. The two faced each other. Lu Xu respectfully saluted the monk in Tsing Yi, "Please ascend the leader's throne!"

"Leader, please ascend to the throne of the leader!"

All the forces present began to shout.

"Since this is the case, I will do my part. If there is anything wrong with this seat in the future, I can come down from the throne at any time!"

Cultivator Lu Xu looked at the crowd very humbly, bowed slightly, stepped up to the throne under the eyes of everyone, turned around, and sat down slowly.

Xia Yuanhou and Yan Shanzong immediately echoed and said: "From now on, our Yunji alliance will be loyal to the leader and will never leave. If anyone turns against him, Brother Yan and I will be the first to attack him. Don't blame us for being rude. , even brother Yan and I are the same, the world can learn from it!"

"Okay, okay, the two suzerains are determined, and sincerity is a lesson from heaven and earth. As the lord, I will issue the first order. The two suzerains will be the left and right elders of the alliance from now on!"

On the throne, Lu Xu looked satisfied, his eyes from Xia Yuanhou and Yan Shanzong, a divine light burst out from his pupils, and he swept towards tens of thousands of monks majestically.

"Thank you lord!!!" Xia Yuanhou and Yanshan Zong Fangfo had long understood that this scene would happen, and they immediately came to Lu Xu's sides and bowed to thank him.

"Singing and singing together, these three people... really had a premeditated plan!"

Ye Yun saw it in his eyes and thought carefully in his heart.

The Yunji Mountain Range formed an alliance in the first place, and no one has proposed to elect a leader. That is because there is no supreme power, even the Lingfeng Sect, Hongshenzong, and Wuji Demon Palace are not sure, and they still have prestige. Unless the three major forces unite, but the three forces all understand that no one is willing to give up power and wants to be the leader.

The three major forces are allied with each other and restrict each other, which has resulted in the Yunji Mountain Range not being able to elect a leader.

At this moment, two of the three major forces openly proposed to choose the leader, to directly oppose the Promise Demon Palace, and let the Promise Demon Palace agree or not. , was born naturally.

It was because the Promise Demon Palace blatantly opposed the selection of the leader, which made most sects disagree. As a result, sects like Bi Yunzong were openly attacked by the alliance forces headed by Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong, causing many sects to lose Seriously, I have no choice but to surrender to the alliance and accept the alliance.

And because the Wuji Demon Palace was destroyed by the alliance, the sects in the Yunji Mountain Range were completely opposed to the alliance, and none of them dared to resist. They only agreed with the alliance, and so did the Jade Cloud Sect.

From the beginning to the end, everything was planned by Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong. No, it should be said that it was the mysterious monk in Tsing Yi and the leader Lu Xu who planned behind the scenes and took charge of the overall situation. The Hongshenzong had the courage to attack the Wuji Demon Palace, conquer the Yunji Mountains directly, and unify the power.

From very early on, an invisible net was cast on the sects of Biyun Sect.

"This seat has ascended the throne and become the leader of the alliance, and the elders of the left and right have also been established. Now select the deputy leader and core disciples, and become the core disciples of the alliance, and this seat will personally teach the supreme skills!"

Lu Xu, who was on the throne, let out a long roar towards the square.

Yan Shanzong strode out, floating in mid-air, looked at the 35 giants and said: "There are ten deputy lords and 20 core disciples. The way to choose is naturally fighting skills. In the ring fighting, whoever wins will be the deputy lord. Let's start fighting first. Vice President, sect masters, sect masters, heads, please begin!"

"I'm the head of 'Subaoshan', come first!"

An old man flew directly from Party B's camp to the high platform in the center of the square. He has reached the second level of Poxian, and he has the potential to break through the peak. It can be said that he is in full swing.

"Haha, I, 'Li Changkong', will try this soup first!"

Then, a sect master in black flew out from one of the camps, and the two stood on the high platform. Following Yan Shanzong's order, the two were ready to start fighting.

"In order to prevent all kinds of heads from destroying the main altar of Lingfeng Sect, end!"

The leader of the alliance, Lu Xu, stood up suddenly, slowly stretched out his hand, pointed at the high platform of the square, and a dark red and black light imprisoned the entire arena, releasing a rock-solid momentum.

Lu Xu used this powerful method to completely overwhelm the giants of all parties. The fourth-level Poxian is really not something they, the second-level and third-level Poxian, can compete with.

boom boom...

In the blink of an eye, the arena began to explode violently. The two immortal-breaking masters fought in the arena continuously, fighting hundreds of times with each breath, flashing continuously in the arena, and all kinds of supernatural powers descended one after another.

The space inside the arena is full of destruction, which makes countless monks in the sky-reaching realm feel that if there is no restriction like Lu Xu, the aura unleashed by the two masters fighting with immortals can kill many people.

"Master...these people are giants of immortality!"

Wen Biyun sat alone in front of the entire Biyun Sect. At this time, the eldest disciple Wen Jingxin, driven by Jiang Yu and other core disciples, came behind Wen Biyun one after another, and began to worry.

Wen Biyun said quietly, without losing the majesty of the master of the faction: "Don't worry, these sect masters and sect masters are eager to try, and none of them are good. What a risk, the position of deputy leader, as a teacher, we must win one of them!"

Nowadays, Wen Biyun is not the only one who thinks this way, the heads of all the sects present, who would not want to win a vice-leader, so that the disciples of his sect can have the highest status in the alliance, if there is no status, no power, they can only be driven by other things, and eventually become pawns , reduced to cannon fodder.

Everyone understands this point.

"Elder Sister, rest well, later you will compete for core disciples!" When all the disciples were concerned about Wen Biyun, Jiang Yu pulled Senior Sister Wen Jingxin aside, cheering for her and worrying about her.

As a senior disciple, Wen Jingxin is most aware of the importance of being a core disciple of the alliance. Once she wins a spot, she can join forces with Wen Biyun, the deputy leader of the Yunji Alliance, to protect the Blue Cloud Sect. Therefore, for the Blue Cloud Sect , even if Wen Jingxin loses his life, he will go to blog.

Although full of confidence and ready to wait, Wen Jingxin is not sure about his opponent. The 36 major cultivation forces in the Yunji Mountains have nearly a hundred young disciples of the first rank of Poxian. Shocking and powerful, with a tenth-level cultivation base, there is no chance of winning, and maybe even his life will be lost.

"Junior Sister, don't worry, Senior Sister will definitely achieve a result for the sect this time!" Wen Jing said to Jiang Yu with a wry smile.

Seeing that Wen Jingxin was so confident and sure, Jiang Yu's eyes became moist, and she hugged Wen Jingxin tightly.

"Don't kill me, I... Li Changkong, I, I admit defeat..."

A fierce explosion of light suddenly erupted in the arena. This force shook the entire square slightly. One can imagine how amazing the force is.

And the head of Subaoshan, lying on the ground half dead and dying, conceded defeat to the black robe Li Changkong, but at that moment, Li Changkong's figure flashed.


He actually turned into a black shadow, and took off the head of Su Baoshan's head alive, and got the head. The body of Su Baoshan's head was instantly tilted, lifeless, and Li Changkong held his head high , and started a demonstration against all the heads.

When the scene calmed down, there was no leader to go up to fight against Li Changkong, to compete for the deputy leader, to let Buddha know how powerful Li Changkong is.

Yan Shanzong clapped his hands and applauded: "Okay, the first deputy leader is born, deputy leader Li, congratulations, please come up and take a seat!"

"Leader, two Dharma protectors!" Li Changkong flew out of the arena in an instant, came to the front of the temple, saluted Lu Xu very respectfully, and saluted Xia Yuanhou and Yanshanzong, then came to the side and sat down.

Then the No. 2 deputy leader began to fight. In the arena, explosions erupted continuously, and the monks from all directions were terrified. For many monks of the tenth rank of Tongtian, it was of great help to them.

Soon the second, third... the ninth deputy leader was born one after another. Some were killed, some were seriously injured and surrendered, and the remaining victors would naturally become the deputy leader.

"Come on, I'm 'Void Spirit Sect' Wang Weishan, and I'm here waiting for all the masters!" On the ring, an old man in his sixties appeared. As powerful as the former, but the strength is beyond doubt.

"My 'Yiqingmen' Daoist Qingyun fought against Sect Master Wang!"

Immediately, a sect master flew up, this is also an old man in his sixties, he was dressed in a white robe, and he was like a veteran who was not close to the mundane world.

"Come on! Sovereign!"

"Master! Come on!"

Numerous disciples of Xulingzong and Yiqingmen stood up one after another, waved and cheered, cheering for the two strong men.


Wang Weishan and Master Qingyun made a move in an instant, and they clashed swiftly and fiercely in the void arena, causing them both to retreat at the same time, and the figure of Wang Weishan flashed again, and a long spear appeared in his hand.

With a wave of his hand, the long spear turned into flowing water, and shot towards Master Qingyun, who hadn't stopped yet, with lightning speed.


In the blink of an eye, the water-like strange fairy weapon pierced through Master Qingyun's true energy, and then penetrated his chest. Although Master Qingyun had already expected Wang Weishan's move, he did not expect that Wang Weishan's fairy weapon was so weird. So powerful, with unwillingness, he fell down.

Often a master can tell the winner with just one move and one breath.

Wang Weishan moved his body, and at the moment Master Qingyun's body fell down, he held the water-like fairy weapon and turned it back into a long spear. He swept towards the masters of the remaining sects, but these strong men did not dare to look at him. They all bowed their heads and said nothing: Wang Weishan shouted domineeringly: "Who dares to challenge again!?"

"Biyun Sect, Wen Biyun!"

Suddenly, a crisp, cold and arrogant voice came from the quiet square, and then, Wen Biyun flew out from the side of the Biyun Sect, and she appeared in the arena with just a glimpse.

"Master Wen, you are a mere woman. Everyone knows the details of the Biyun Sect. Why fight me? You and I are old acquaintances, and I have a good relationship with many elders of the Biyun Sect. I don't want to It's hurtful!" Wang Weishan was quite surprised to see it was Wen Biyun, but he didn't intend to do anything.

Wen Biyun grasped it slightly, and a misty cloud of energy enveloped the body: "Sect Master Wang, what your Void Spirit Sect needs may be what my Biyun Sect needs. We all share a common goal, so let's stop talking nonsense and do it! "

"In that case... die!"

Wang Weishan, who was originally a friendly face, suddenly became grinning, murderous, sinister, and shot Wen Biyun unexpectedly.

As soon as the long spear was thrust out, it turned into countless flowing water, like a torrential rain, which was so ferocious that people could not avoid it, and it was even more like a flood of beasts that rushed towards Wen Biyun by surprise.


All the disciples of Biyun Sect watched this scene nervously, and they were all despicable for Wang Weishan's despicable behavior.

Wen Biyun suddenly disappeared into a strange sea of ​​clouds, and then the sea of ​​clouds dispersed, and her indifferent voice came out immediately: "Cracking the cloud piercing the palm of my heart!"


For some reason, Wang Weishan was suddenly swept by a thin cloud, his body swayed violently, he vomited blood, he tossed backwards in embarrassment, and finally landed heavily.

And at the moment it landed, a shiny white sword pressed on Wang Weishan's neck.

"I...admit defeat!" Wang Weishan was so frightened that his face turned pale and he didn't dare to resist. Under the cold sword's edge, Wang Weishan finally surrendered.

Yanshanzong began to announce: "The tenth deputy leader, Biyunzong, head Wen, congratulations to deputy leader Wen!" "Leader! Leader! Leader!"

Cultivator Lu Xu said these words, and countless disciples of Lingfeng Sect and Hongshenzong immediately erupted into shouts of cheers, tsunami, piercing clouds and cracking stones. The sound wave gradually dispersed in the square, and other forces also responded one after another, as if they were waving flags to cheer for Lu Xu .

Originally, the forces of all parties had different ideas, but now, with the appearance of the mysterious lord, the monk Lu Xu in Tsing Yi, who has demonstrated the supreme cultivation of the fourth-order Poxian, and these words, the 35 majors of Yunji Mountain have no choice but to The comprehension forces completely began to agree with the leader and Lu Xu.

Although the various forces in the Yunji Mountain Range are independent, they also understand that if the Yunji Mountain Range does not have the highest powers to sit in it, the Yunji Mountain Range will have no status in Xuanhuang Star, and the forces of all parties will not regard the Yunji Mountain Range as their own. In their eyes, although everyone has grudges, but at this moment, the arrow is on the string, and they have no choice but to bow their heads and surrender.

Especially Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong fanned the flames, making these people even more bewitched, and if they didn't agree with Lu Xu, it's not impossible that they would be bloodbathed by Lu Xu.

After all, a person of the fourth rank of Poxian can do anything, which is equivalent to the principals of the three major immortal courtyards, and one principal can dominate one side.

"What a lord... This time it's really a timely choice, otherwise, my Jade Cloud Sect will follow the Promise Demon Palace and fall into a situation of eternal doom!"

At the front of the Biyun Sect, Wen Biyun, the head of the sect, saw this scene and thought about it deeply. Now she has a feeling that it is easy to get on the pirate ship, but if she wants to get off the pirate ship, it is not up to her to decide.

With a flash, Xia Yuanhou and Yanshanzong appeared in front of the temple. With a wave of their hands, a throne carved from a whole piece of spiritual stone and inlaid with countless precious stones slowly extended from the void. The two faced each other. Lu Xu respectfully saluted the monk in Tsing Yi, "Please ascend the leader's throne!"

"Leader, please ascend to the throne of the leader!"

All the forces present began to shout.

"Since this is the case, I will do my part. If there is anything wrong with this seat in the future, I can come down from the throne at any time!"

Cultivator Lu Xu looked at the crowd very humbly, bowed slightly, stepped up to the throne under the eyes of everyone, turned around, and sat down slowly.

Xia Yuanhou and Yan Shanzong immediately echoed and said: "From now on, our Yunji alliance will be loyal to the leader and will never leave. If anyone turns against him, Brother Yan and I will be the first to attack him. Don't blame us for being rude. , even brother Yan and I are the same, the world can learn from it!"

"Okay, okay, the two suzerains are determined, and sincerity is a lesson from heaven and earth. As the lord, I will issue the first order. The two suzerains will be the left and right elders of the alliance from now on!"

On the throne, Lu Xu looked satisfied, his eyes from Xia Yuanhou and Yan Shanzong, a divine light burst out from his pupils, and he swept towards tens of thousands of monks majestically.

"Thank you lord!!!" Xia Yuanhou and Yanshan Zong Fangfo had long understood that this scene would happen, and they immediately came to Lu Xu's sides and bowed to thank him.

"Singing and singing together, these three people... really had a premeditated plan!"

Ye Yun saw it in his eyes and thought carefully in his heart.

The Yunji Mountain Range formed an alliance in the first place, and no one has proposed to elect a leader. That is because there is no supreme power, even the Lingfeng Sect, Hongshenzong, and Wuji Demon Palace are not sure, and they still have prestige. Unless the three major forces unite, but the three forces all understand that no one is willing to give up power and wants to be the leader.

The three major forces are allied with each other and restrict each other, which has resulted in the Yunji Mountain Range not being able to elect a leader.

At this moment, two of the three major forces openly proposed to choose the leader, to directly oppose the Promise Demon Palace, and let the Promise Demon Palace agree or not. , was born naturally.

It was because the Promise Demon Palace blatantly opposed the selection of the leader, which made most sects disagree. As a result, sects like Bi Yunzong were openly attacked by the alliance forces headed by Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong, causing many sects to lose Seriously, I have no choice but to surrender to the alliance and accept the alliance.

And because the Wuji Demon Palace was destroyed by the alliance, the sects in the Yunji Mountain Range were completely opposed to the alliance, and none of them dared to resist. They only agreed with the alliance, and so did the Jade Cloud Sect.

From the beginning to the end, everything was planned by Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong. No, it should be said that it was the mysterious monk in Tsing Yi and the leader Lu Xu who planned behind the scenes and took charge of the overall situation. The Hongshenzong had the courage to attack the Wuji Demon Palace, conquer the Yunji Mountains directly, and unify the power.

From very early on, an invisible net was cast on the sects of Biyun Sect.

"This seat has ascended the throne and become the leader of the alliance, and the elders of the left and right have also been established. Now select the deputy leader and core disciples, and become the core disciples of the alliance, and this seat will personally teach the supreme skills!"

Lu Xu, who was on the throne, let out a long roar towards the square.

Yan Shanzong strode out, floating in mid-air, looked at the 35 giants and said: "There are ten deputy lords and 20 core disciples. The way to choose is naturally fighting skills. In the ring fighting, whoever wins will be the deputy lord. Let's start fighting first. Vice President, sect masters, sect masters, heads, please begin!"

"I'm the head of 'Subaoshan', come first!"

An old man flew directly from Party B's camp to the high platform in the center of the square. He has reached the second level of Poxian, and he has the potential to break through the peak. It can be said that he is in full swing.

"Haha, I, 'Li Changkong', will try this soup first!"

Then, a sect master in black flew out from one of the camps, and the two stood on the high platform. Following Yan Shanzong's order, the two were ready to start fighting.

"In order to prevent all kinds of heads from destroying the main altar of Lingfeng Sect, end!"

The leader of the alliance, Lu Xu, stood up suddenly, slowly stretched out his hand, pointed at the high platform of the square, and a dark red and black light imprisoned the entire arena, releasing a rock-solid momentum.

Lu Xu used this powerful method to completely overwhelm the giants of all parties. The fourth-level Poxian is really not something they, the second-level and third-level Poxian, can compete with.

boom boom...

In the blink of an eye, the arena began to explode violently. The two immortal-breaking masters fought in the arena continuously, fighting hundreds of times with each breath, flashing continuously in the arena, and all kinds of supernatural powers descended one after another.

The space inside the arena is full of destruction, which makes countless monks in the sky-reaching realm feel that if there is no restriction like Lu Xu, the aura unleashed by the two masters fighting with immortals can kill many people.

"Master...these people are giants of immortality!"

Wen Biyun sat alone in front of the entire Biyun Sect. At this time, the eldest disciple Wen Jingxin, driven by Jiang Yu and other core disciples, came behind Wen Biyun one after another, and began to worry.

Wen Biyun said quietly, without losing the majesty of the master of the faction: "Don't worry, these sect masters and sect masters are eager to try, and none of them are good. What a risk, the position of deputy leader, as a teacher, we must win one of them!"

Nowadays, Wen Biyun is not the only one who thinks this way, the heads of all the sects present, who would not want to win a vice-leader, so that the disciples of his sect can have the highest status in the alliance, if there is no status, no power, they can only be driven by other things, and eventually become pawns , reduced to cannon fodder.

Everyone understands this point.

"Elder Sister, rest well, later you will compete for core disciples!" When all the disciples were concerned about Wen Biyun, Jiang Yu pulled Senior Sister Wen Jingxin aside, cheering for her and worrying about her.

As a senior disciple, Wen Jingxin is most aware of the importance of being a core disciple of the alliance. Once she wins a spot, she can join forces with Wen Biyun, the deputy leader of the Yunji Alliance, to protect the Blue Cloud Sect. Therefore, for the Blue Cloud Sect , even if Wen Jingxin loses his life, he will go to blog.

Although full of confidence and ready to wait, Wen Jingxin is not sure about his opponent. The 36 major cultivation forces in the Yunji Mountains have nearly a hundred young disciples of the first rank of Poxian. Shocking and powerful, with a tenth-level cultivation base, there is no chance of winning, and maybe even his life will be lost.

"Junior Sister, don't worry, Senior Sister will definitely achieve a result for the sect this time!" Wen Jing said to Jiang Yu with a wry smile.

Seeing that Wen Jingxin was so confident and sure, Jiang Yu's eyes became moist, and she hugged Wen Jingxin tightly.

"Don't kill me, I... Li Changkong, I, I admit defeat..."

A fierce explosion of light suddenly erupted in the arena. This force shook the entire square slightly. One can imagine how amazing the force is.

And the head of Subaoshan, lying on the ground half dead and dying, conceded defeat to the black robe Li Changkong, but at that moment, Li Changkong's figure flashed.


He actually turned into a black shadow, and took off the head of Su Baoshan's head alive, and got the head. The body of Su Baoshan's head was instantly tilted, lifeless, and Li Changkong held his head high , and started a demonstration against all the heads.

When the scene calmed down, there was no leader to go up to fight against Li Changkong, to compete for the deputy leader, to let Buddha know how powerful Li Changkong is.

Yan Shanzong clapped his hands and applauded: "Okay, the first deputy leader is born, deputy leader Li, congratulations, please come up and take a seat!"

"Leader, two Dharma protectors!" Li Changkong flew out of the arena in an instant, came to the front of the temple, saluted Lu Xu very respectfully, and saluted Xia Yuanhou and Yanshanzong, then came to the side and sat down.

Then the No. 2 deputy leader began to fight. In the arena, explosions erupted continuously, and the monks from all directions were terrified. For many monks of the tenth rank of Tongtian, it was of great help to them.

Soon the second, third... the ninth deputy leader was born one after another. Some were killed, some were seriously injured and surrendered, and the remaining victors would naturally become the deputy leader.

"Come on, I'm 'Void Spirit Sect' Wang Weishan, and I'm here waiting for all the masters!" On the ring, an old man in his sixties appeared. As powerful as the former, but the strength is beyond doubt.

"My 'Yiqingmen' Daoist Qingyun fought against Sect Master Wang!"

Immediately, a sect master flew up, this is also an old man in his sixties, he was dressed in a white robe, and he was like a veteran who was not close to the mundane world.

"Come on! Sovereign!"

"Master! Come on!"

Numerous disciples of Xulingzong and Yiqingmen stood up one after another, waved and cheered, cheering for the two strong men.


Wang Weishan and Master Qingyun made a move in an instant, and they clashed swiftly and fiercely in the void arena, causing them both to retreat at the same time, and the figure of Wang Weishan flashed again, and a long spear appeared in his hand.

With a wave of his hand, the long spear turned into flowing water, and shot towards Master Qingyun, who hadn't stopped yet, with lightning speed.


In the blink of an eye, the water-like strange fairy weapon pierced through Master Qingyun's true energy, and then penetrated his chest. Although Master Qingyun had already expected Wang Weishan's move, he did not expect that Wang Weishan's fairy weapon was so weird. So powerful, with unwillingness, he fell down.

Often a master can tell the winner with just one move and one breath.

Wang Weishan moved his body, and at the moment Master Qingyun's body fell down, he held the water-like fairy weapon and turned it back into a long spear. He swept towards the masters of the remaining sects, but these strong men did not dare to look at him. They all bowed their heads and said nothing: Wang Weishan shouted domineeringly: "Who dares to challenge again!?"

"Biyun Sect, Wen Biyun!"

Suddenly, a crisp, cold and arrogant voice came from the quiet square, and then, Wen Biyun flew out from the side of the Biyun Sect, and she appeared in the arena with just a glimpse.

"Master Wen, you are a mere woman. Everyone knows the details of the Biyun Sect. Why fight me? You and I are old acquaintances, and I have a good relationship with many elders of the Biyun Sect. I don't want to It's hurtful!" Wang Weishan was quite surprised to see it was Wen Biyun, but he didn't intend to do anything.

Wen Biyun grasped it slightly, and a misty cloud of energy enveloped the body: "Sect Master Wang, what your Void Spirit Sect needs may be what my Biyun Sect needs. We all share a common goal, so let's stop talking nonsense and do it! "

"In that case... die!"

Wang Weishan, who was originally a friendly face, suddenly became grinning, murderous, sinister, and shot Wen Biyun unexpectedly.

As soon as the long spear was thrust out, it turned into countless flowing water, like a torrential rain, which was so ferocious that people could not avoid it, and it was even more like a flood of beasts that rushed towards Wen Biyun by surprise.


All the disciples of Biyun Sect watched this scene nervously, and they were all despicable for Wang Weishan's despicable behavior.

Wen Biyun suddenly disappeared into a strange sea of ​​clouds, and then the sea of ​​clouds dispersed, and her indifferent voice came out immediately: "Cracking the cloud piercing the palm of my heart!"


For some reason, Wang Weishan was suddenly swept by a thin cloud, his body swayed violently, he vomited blood, he tossed backwards in embarrassment, and finally landed heavily.

And at the moment it landed, a shiny white sword pressed on Wang Weishan's neck.

"I...admit defeat!" Wang Weishan was so frightened that his face turned pale and he didn't dare to resist. Under the cold sword's edge, Wang Weishan finally surrendered.

Yanshanzong began to announce: "The tenth deputy leader, Biyunzong, head Wen, congratulations to deputy leader Wen!"

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