The strong man who came out of the miracle

Chapter 370 Becoming a Core Disciple

Jade Cloud Sect, Han Yu! ! !

These words hit everyone like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and they couldn't help but look towards the arena. A blue figure appeared in the arena at some point, and he slowly walked out of the clouds, and his whole body merged into one like a sea of ​​clouds .

"Han Yu!!?"

Wen Biyun raised her brows slightly, and said angrily, then looked to the back, the eldest disciple Wen Jingxin, and said via voice transmission: "Jingxin, what's going on?"

"I don't know, but my junior sister said that this new junior brother is very difficult. At first, I didn't believe it, but the talisman he gave me really saved my disciple. Could it be that, master, there is something wrong with him? There is also a second talisman, which can naturally kill Yang and move it!!!"

The eldest disciple Wen Jingxin's eyes suddenly sparkled, as if he had figured out something, he was both surprised and delighted.

"I hope he has a second talisman!"

With a cold glance, Wen Biyun's expression returned to normal, and the divine light was released, and he said to himself: "Han Yu is the new disciple, and he has two shocking treasures!! Huh?"

All of a sudden, her eyes focused sharply, and she looked shocked: "How could this be? Isn't Han Yu the third level of Tongtian? Why did he suddenly become the eighth level of Tongtian!?"

Just as Wen Biyun was seriously looking at Ye Yun again, he suddenly discovered that Ye Yun's aura had completely changed, and his body released eighth-level powerful energy, even Wen Biyun could see the depth of it well.

"What a new disciple, actually has such means to hide his cultivation. Could it be that he was originally at the eighth level of the sky? With his mastery of two Extraordinary Talismans and his cultivation level, he doesn't need to join my Jade Cloud Sect at all?"

At this moment, Wen Biyun seemed to grasp the point, and gradually understood it in his heart, but the astonishment on his face never disappeared.

"Haha... a little Jade Cloud Sect really makes people look away, boy, you are mere eighth-level sky-reaching, and you want to challenge me? Boy, I am an invincible powerhouse at the second-level Poxian, since you want to die, you can do it In the arena, even the Heavenly King, I can't save you, challenge my majesty!"

The master of the Hongshen sect stood up with his hands behind his back, staring at Ye Yun like a poisonous snake, thinking that Ye Yun should not die too easily, but should be tortured to death.

"Tiantian eighth order!!!"

"This kid named Han Yu is really courageous. Who is he who can't be raised? A disciple of the Hongshen Sect. He is on good terms with the top ten sons. Who would dare to go up to this kind of person!"

"Haha, it's not a good show. This time, half of the [-] core disciples are taken by Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong. They are like dogs, just changing the soup without changing the medicine. What a bullshit alliance!"

As Ye Yun came to the stage, and came down in an instant, the cultivation forces in all directions whispered, like thousands of bees, humming continuously, echoing faintly in the void of the square.

"Junior Brother Han, I didn't expect you to be on stage too, so please do your best!"

On the side of Biyunzong, Jiang Yu held his breath, his eyes were watery and charming, his hands were tightly pressed against his chest, and he was biting his jade lips delicately, which was really alluring.

Jiang Yu never expected that Ye Yun would come to the stage calmly. In her heart, she didn't know why, but she thought that Ye Yun would definitely solve her own problems and bring the sect far. Quietly cheer for Ye Yun.

"Interesting, interesting, brothers, this kid from Biyunzong is really bold, brother Yang will definitely scratch him!"

One of the top ten young masters, Xia Yingjie looked at Mr. Yinzhe, Mr. Jinhua and the others, and said with grim smiles.

A young master flashed a strong murderous intent, looked at the nine young masters, and said in a stern voice: "Senior brother Yang is a rare master of my Hongshenzong, and it is difficult for anyone to be his opponent except us. Let's wait and see what happens, this Biyunzong Can't let it go, several provocations, plus our camp, can't tolerate other forces!"

"I agree. We must control the core disciples and unite everyone. The Jade Cloud Sect is not our object of consideration and must be eliminated. With the support of the leader, it is Wen Biyun who is the head of the sect. What can we do? Hmph, there are many female disciples of the Jade Cloud Sect , everyone is beautiful, the eldest disciple Wen Jing is very cold and arrogant, and always has her eyes above her head, so I will take her as a sex slave, haha!"

Young Master Jinhua had no scruples, and said viciously and forcefully, the lustful girl looked at the ice beauty Wen Jing from the corner of her eye, and her saliva almost flowed out.

"Brother Jinhua wants to warm your heart, but as for Head Wen, haha, you don't want to compete with me. I like mature women and older sisters!" Another young master said with a sneer.

"When we enter the lord's sect, we'll find a plan to take over the Biyun sect!" Xia Yingjie clapped his hands triumphantly, and started planning with the other young masters.

"You can't move, don't play tricks, come on!"

Just when all the monks felt that there was no good show to watch, suddenly, Ye Yun, who was motionless, suddenly stared straight at him, stretched out his hand and gave a slight disdainful finger.

"Stinky boy, I'm going to peel your skin and cramps, make you die badly, have no way to survive, and turn you into a puppet, haha, kneel down for me!"

The second-level master of Poxian, who can't lift his head up to the sky, makes everyone tremble with fear, especially the monks who reach the sky, everyone feels that their souls are about to explode.

Boom boom boom~~~!

Yang Fudo made a decisive move. He released red light all over his body, just like a red body. This power is so overbearing that countless souls almost escaped. Rolling the storm, directly facing Ye Yun and sweeping over.

The arena was suddenly filled with wind and clouds, the movement was vibrating, filled with dead silence, and the space was about to shatter. If it weren't for the strong sealing power of the leader Lu Xu, the entire arena would have been torn apart in an instant.

Above the temple, Wen Jingxin saw this scene, knowing that there were ten of him, and he might not be able to shake his opponent, so he looked nervously at Wen Biyun: "Master!! Junior Brother Han!!!"

"Don't worry, you can see that he has not moved, he has not moved, this calmness, this calmness, even the master can't do it, he must have a trump card!" Wen Biyun looked carefully, as expected of the head, his mind was more cautious than ordinary people subtle.

"You can't move, today is your death day, kill me!"

Ye Yun suddenly backed up a thousand meters, turned his hand and grabbed it, a talisman gradually appeared in the palm of his hand, this talisman was full of fierce sword energy, Ye Yun was cold and ruthless, with a slight touch of his finger, the sword energy talisman would not move **** go out.


Seeing the appearance of the talisman, Wen Biyun and his first disciple Wen Jingxin felt at ease, but they were both shocked that Ye Yun could actually grasp such a powerful talisman.

"Don't move, you have to be careful, this talisman may be as powerful as the talisman that Wen Jingxin killed Hu Zhenfeng!!!"

Next to the leader's throne, Yanshanzong couldn't calm down again. He thought that the last place was firmly in the hands of Hongshenzong. How could a weak eighth-level man be the opponent of the second-level Poxian.

But now, when he sees the sword talisman released by Ye Yun's palm, he knows that things are not as he expected. This talisman can help Wen Jingxin kill Hu Zhenfeng, and it will naturally pose a huge threat to Yang Fufu. If there are no core disciples, then there will be a gap in strength between Hong Shenzong and Lingfeng Shengzong.

To be able to sit on an equal footing with Lingfeng Shengzong and to have comparable strength is what Yanshanzong pursues.

"It's despicable, is Yan Shanzong really going to help his disciples blatantly?"

Many heads let out a cold shout in the square.

"Hmph, I don't believe that a mere eighth-level weak person can fight against me! Break!"

Yang Fudong was very shocked, he was covered in cold sweat now, thinking of Hu Zhenfeng's tragic death, he trembled all over, he released all his strength, condensed a red light divine fist, and directly bombarded the sword energy talisman.


At this moment, the seal of the sword qi talisman was released, and its power exploded. Strips of holy and sharp golden silk sword qi unfolded with the momentum of returning to the clan of thousands of swords, and directly charged towards the majestic power of the Chiguang Shenquan.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The fierce and mysterious golden silk sword energy collided with the Chiguang Divine Fist in an instant, making an impact sound that shook the ground and resounded through the sky. The power of the Guangshen Fist, pierced with thousands of holes, continued to surge forward.

Yang Fudong jumped up in fright, his eyes were wide open, helpless, watching himself attack, shattered by the energy of the talisman, he had no choice but to summon an immortal weapon, and blasted towards the golden sword energy: "Spike Immortal Wand! !!"

This fairy weapon is actually a mace, ten feet long, with countless sharp spikes on it. Although the quality of the fairy weapon is not high, the aura it releases is tyrannical and domineering.

"You can't raise it, you have a magic weapon, so don't I have a talisman?"

Ye Yun deliberately let go of his voice so that everyone could hear him, and then grabbed a piece of talisman again, and immediately moved toward Yang, and with a slamming sound, he shot it out.


Countless were dumbfounded, trembling with fright, he couldn't hold on to his guard at all, a talisman, the power can kill the second-order Poxian, this kind of talisman is simply against the sky, one is already very dare not Believe it, but Rang Yang didn't expect it, even if he killed him, he didn't believe it, Ye Yun actually had a second one.

One talisman made him powerless to parry, and now there is another one, not to mention that he can't compete if he can't move, even the third-order powerhouse of Poxian will peel off his skin if he is not dead.

Of course, these talismans, including Wen Jingxin's one, were not acquired by Ye Yun accidentally from other places, but were condensed by his own tyrannical forces. In this way, it created an illusion for the world that Ye Yun could have this strength , not by himself, but by these talismans.

"Brother Shanzong, it's not good, a little weak man who reaches the sky can actually master so many ancient talismans..." On the side of the throne, Xia Yuanhou, the lord of the Lingfeng Sect, ignoring the leader Lu Xu, laughed directly.

It really has nothing to do with him, he is simply adding fuel to Yanshanzong's fire.

"Hmph..." Upon hearing this, Yan Shanzong flicked his sleeves fiercely, and looked away.

Xia Yuanhou raised his mouth and laughed, and laughed in his heart: "Yanshanzong, you want to fight against me in a separate court, do you have the qualifications? The leader is completely on my side. Do you think that the leader will rely on you! Be yours!" Spring and Autumn Dreams!"

"Junior Brother Han, come on, come on!"

Wen Jingxin mentioned it in her throat, it was really thrilling, she is now thinking, if Ye Yun also succeeds and becomes a core disciple, then Biyunzong will have more status in the Yunji Alliance in the future, which is really true for Biyunzong important.

Boom! ! ! !

He couldn't move and waved the Mace Immortal Artifact, and finally swung it hard, dispelling the residual energy of the golden sword energy talisman, but his whole body was also impacted by the sword energy, and countless sword marks were swayed all over his body. very.

Destroying the sword qi talisman, he couldn't move his whole face, his eyes were blood red, Fang Buddha had already fallen into the devil's way, he looked out of breath at another talisman flying towards him, and roared hoarsely: "Boy! , I will tear you apart!"

"You can't move Yang, you have the ability, so you can come, the young master is waiting for you here, but you need your life first, haha!" Ye Yun didn't care about Yang Shenzong and the powerful Hong Shenzong behind him, face to face Let out a long whistle.

"Broken!" Yang Fudong was completely enraged. Hong Shenzong's majestic master of breaking immortals was actually ridiculed by a boy who reached the sky. How could he swallow his anger and remain indifferent? past.


At this critical moment, the talisman finally exploded under the curious eyes of countless people, and a big hand stretched out from the head of the talisman, and swept towards the mace wielding it.

Boom! ! !

He released all his strength even if he couldn't lift it, he placed it on the mace, and aimed at the big hand with all his strength, but just as soon as the mace touched the big hand, it was blown away, and it was separated from the hands that could not be raised, and Yang Fudo seemed to have anticipated something, and immediately ran away desperately.

However, that hand, like the hand of the gods, grabbed it and couldn't move it. With a click, countless people heard the sound of people being completely crushed.

Sure enough, grains of blood dripped from the big hand, bloody, even more revealing of killing, ruthless, making people dread and fear.

And at the moment when Yang Mou was beheaded with his big hand, all the energy of Yang Moo Poxian's second level was sucked away by Ye Yun in the dark in an instant, and blessed on him.

"Green Cloud Sect, Han Yu!!!"

Yan Shanzong closed his eyes with hatred, and didn't dare to look at the arena again. It seemed that he knew that Yang Fufu would die under the talisman, but he just didn't want to believe the truth.

"how so!?"

Hongshenzong's tens of thousands of disciples and countless masters, seeing a majestic immortal master crushed to death, is really embarrassing, Hongshenzong doesn't want to watch it.

Other characters who have successfully become core disciples are all amazed: "This Han Yu..."

Young Master Yin Zhe shook his fan slightly, and looked at the ring with disdain: "This kid, relying on the extraordinary talisman, unexpectedly beheaded Yang Fufu by accident, and was promoted to a core disciple!"

"Since Brother Yang is dead, it is a good thing for our ten sons. There is one less powerful competitor, Han Yu, whose cultivation level is too low. Relying on the talisman, he is promoted. It's easy, and in the end, our ten sons will become the leader's most powerful force!" Xia Yingjie was rather happy.

Xia Yuanhou was quite teasing, and said with a smile: "Brother Shanzong, don't announce it yet!"

"The last quota is for the disciple of Biyun Sect, Han Yu. This grand meeting is over, and the Poxian disciples of all sects stay here, and the other disciples go back!" Yan Shanzong waved his hand unwillingly.Jade Cloud Sect, Han Yu! ! !

These words hit everyone like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and they couldn't help but look towards the arena. A blue figure appeared in the arena at some point, and he slowly walked out of the clouds, and his whole body merged into one like a sea of ​​clouds .

"Han Yu!!?"

Wen Biyun raised her brows slightly, and said angrily, then looked to the back, the eldest disciple Wen Jingxin, and said via voice transmission: "Jingxin, what's going on?"

"I don't know, but my junior sister said that this new junior brother is very difficult. At first, I didn't believe it, but the talisman he gave me really saved my disciple. Could it be that, master, there is something wrong with him? There is also a second talisman, which can naturally kill Yang and move it!!!"

The eldest disciple Wen Jingxin's eyes suddenly sparkled, as if he had figured out something, he was both surprised and delighted.

"I hope he has a second talisman!"

With a cold glance, Wen Biyun's expression returned to normal, and the divine light was released, and he said to himself: "Han Yu is the new disciple, and he has two shocking treasures!! Huh?"

All of a sudden, her eyes focused sharply, and she looked shocked: "How could this be? Isn't Han Yu the third level of Tongtian? Why did he suddenly become the eighth level of Tongtian!?"

Just as Wen Biyun was seriously looking at Ye Yun again, he suddenly discovered that Ye Yun's aura had completely changed, and his body released eighth-level powerful energy, even Wen Biyun could see the depth of it well.

"What a new disciple, actually has such means to hide his cultivation. Could it be that he was originally at the eighth level of the sky? With his mastery of two Extraordinary Talismans and his cultivation level, he doesn't need to join my Jade Cloud Sect at all?"

At this moment, Wen Biyun seemed to grasp the point, and gradually understood it in his heart, but the astonishment on his face never disappeared.

"Haha... a little Jade Cloud Sect really makes people look away, boy, you are mere eighth-level sky-reaching, and you want to challenge me? Boy, I am an invincible powerhouse at the second-level Poxian, since you want to die, you can do it In the arena, even the Heavenly King, I can't save you, challenge my majesty!"

The master of the Hongshen sect stood up with his hands behind his back, staring at Ye Yun like a poisonous snake, thinking that Ye Yun should not die too easily, but should be tortured to death.

"Tiantian eighth order!!!"

"This kid named Han Yu is really courageous. Who is he who can't be raised? A disciple of the Hongshen Sect. He is on good terms with the top ten sons. Who would dare to go up to this kind of person!"

"Haha, it's not a good show. This time, half of the [-] core disciples are taken by Lingfeng Shengzong and Hongshenzong. They are like dogs, just changing the soup without changing the medicine. What a bullshit alliance!"

As Ye Yun came to the stage, and came down in an instant, the cultivation forces in all directions whispered, like thousands of bees, humming continuously, echoing faintly in the void of the square.

"Junior Brother Han, I didn't expect you to be on stage too, so please do your best!"

On the side of Biyunzong, Jiang Yu held his breath, his eyes were watery and charming, his hands were tightly pressed against his chest, and he was biting his jade lips delicately, which was really alluring.

Jiang Yu never expected that Ye Yun would come to the stage calmly. In her heart, she didn't know why, but she thought that Ye Yun would definitely solve her own problems and bring the sect far. Quietly cheer for Ye Yun.

"Interesting, interesting, brothers, this kid from Biyunzong is really bold, brother Yang will definitely scratch him!"

One of the top ten young masters, Xia Yingjie looked at Mr. Yinzhe, Mr. Jinhua and the others, and said with grim smiles.

A young master flashed a strong murderous intent, looked at the nine young masters, and said in a stern voice: "Senior brother Yang is a rare master of my Hongshenzong, and it is difficult for anyone to be his opponent except us. Let's wait and see what happens, this Biyunzong Can't let it go, several provocations, plus our camp, can't tolerate other forces!"

"I agree. We must control the core disciples and unite everyone. The Jade Cloud Sect is not our object of consideration and must be eliminated. With the support of the leader, it is Wen Biyun who is the head of the sect. What can we do? Hmph, there are many female disciples of the Jade Cloud Sect , everyone is beautiful, the eldest disciple Wen Jing is very cold and arrogant, and always has her eyes above her head, so I will take her as a sex slave, haha!"

Young Master Jinhua had no scruples, and said viciously and forcefully, the lustful girl looked at the ice beauty Wen Jing from the corner of her eye, and her saliva almost flowed out.

"Brother Jinhua wants to warm your heart, but as for Head Wen, haha, you don't want to compete with me. I like mature women and older sisters!" Another young master said with a sneer.

"When we enter the lord's sect, we'll find a plan to take over the Biyun sect!" Xia Yingjie clapped his hands triumphantly, and started planning with the other young masters.

"You can't move, don't play tricks, come on!"

Just when all the monks felt that there was no good show to watch, suddenly, Ye Yun, who was motionless, suddenly stared straight at him, stretched out his hand and gave a slight disdainful finger.

"Stinky boy, I'm going to peel your skin and cramps, make you die badly, have no way to survive, and turn you into a puppet, haha, kneel down for me!"

The second-level master of Poxian, who can't lift his head up to the sky, makes everyone tremble with fear, especially the monks who reach the sky, everyone feels that their souls are about to explode.

Boom boom boom~~~!

Yang Fudo made a decisive move. He released red light all over his body, just like a red body. This power is so overbearing that countless souls almost escaped. Rolling the storm, directly facing Ye Yun and sweeping over.

The arena was suddenly filled with wind and clouds, the movement was vibrating, filled with dead silence, and the space was about to shatter. If it weren't for the strong sealing power of the leader Lu Xu, the entire arena would have been torn apart in an instant.

Above the temple, Wen Jingxin saw this scene, knowing that there were ten of him, and he might not be able to shake his opponent, so he looked nervously at Wen Biyun: "Master!! Junior Brother Han!!!"

"Don't worry, you can see that he has not moved, he has not moved, this calmness, this calmness, even the master can't do it, he must have a trump card!" Wen Biyun looked carefully, as expected of the head, his mind was more cautious than ordinary people subtle.

"You can't move, today is your death day, kill me!"

Ye Yun suddenly backed up a thousand meters, turned his hand and grabbed it, a talisman gradually appeared in the palm of his hand, this talisman was full of fierce sword energy, Ye Yun was cold and ruthless, with a slight touch of his finger, the sword energy talisman would not move **** go out.


Seeing the appearance of the talisman, Wen Biyun and his first disciple Wen Jingxin felt at ease, but they were both shocked that Ye Yun could actually grasp such a powerful talisman.

"Don't move, you have to be careful, this talisman may be as powerful as the talisman that Wen Jingxin killed Hu Zhenfeng!!!"

Next to the leader's throne, Yanshanzong couldn't calm down again. He thought that the last place was firmly in the hands of Hongshenzong. How could a weak eighth-level man be the opponent of the second-level Poxian.

But now, when he sees the sword talisman released by Ye Yun's palm, he knows that things are not as he expected. This talisman can help Wen Jingxin kill Hu Zhenfeng, and it will naturally pose a huge threat to Yang Fufu. If there are no core disciples, then there will be a gap in strength between Hong Shenzong and Lingfeng Shengzong.

To be able to sit on an equal footing with Lingfeng Shengzong and to have comparable strength is what Yanshanzong pursues.

"It's despicable, is Yan Shanzong really going to help his disciples blatantly?"

Many heads let out a cold shout in the square.

"Hmph, I don't believe that a mere eighth-level weak person can fight against me! Break!"

Yang Fudong was very shocked, he was covered in cold sweat now, thinking of Hu Zhenfeng's tragic death, he trembled all over, he released all his strength, condensed a red light divine fist, and directly bombarded the sword energy talisman.


At this moment, the seal of the sword qi talisman was released, and its power exploded. Strips of holy and sharp golden silk sword qi unfolded with the momentum of returning to the clan of thousands of swords, and directly charged towards the majestic power of the Chiguang Shenquan.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The fierce and mysterious golden silk sword energy collided with the Chiguang Divine Fist in an instant, making an impact sound that shook the ground and resounded through the sky. The power of the Guangshen Fist, pierced with thousands of holes, continued to surge forward.

Yang Fudong jumped up in fright, his eyes were wide open, helpless, watching himself attack, shattered by the energy of the talisman, he had no choice but to summon an immortal weapon, and blasted towards the golden sword energy: "Spike Immortal Wand! !!"

This fairy weapon is actually a mace, ten feet long, with countless sharp spikes on it. Although the quality of the fairy weapon is not high, the aura it releases is tyrannical and domineering.

"You can't raise it, you have a magic weapon, so don't I have a talisman?"

Ye Yun deliberately let go of his voice so that everyone could hear him, and then grabbed a piece of talisman again, and immediately moved toward Yang, and with a slamming sound, he shot it out.


Countless were dumbfounded, trembling with fright, he couldn't hold on to his guard at all, a talisman, the power can kill the second-order Poxian, this kind of talisman is simply against the sky, one is already very dare not Believe it, but Rang Yang didn't expect it, even if he killed him, he didn't believe it, Ye Yun actually had a second one.

One talisman made him powerless to parry, and now there is another one, not to mention that he can't compete if he can't move, even the third-order powerhouse of Poxian will peel off his skin if he is not dead.

Of course, these talismans, including Wen Jingxin's one, were not acquired by Ye Yun accidentally from other places, but were condensed by his own tyrannical forces. In this way, it created an illusion for the world that Ye Yun could have this strength , not by himself, but by these talismans.

"Brother Shanzong, it's not good, a little weak man who reaches the sky can actually master so many ancient talismans..." On the side of the throne, Xia Yuanhou, the lord of the Lingfeng Sect, ignoring the leader Lu Xu, laughed directly.

It really has nothing to do with him, he is simply adding fuel to Yanshanzong's fire.

"Hmph..." Upon hearing this, Yan Shanzong flicked his sleeves fiercely, and looked away.

Xia Yuanhou raised his mouth and laughed, and laughed in his heart: "Yanshanzong, you want to fight against me in a separate court, do you have the qualifications? The leader is completely on my side. Do you think that the leader will rely on you! Be yours!" Spring and Autumn Dreams!"

"Junior Brother Han, come on, come on!"

Wen Jingxin mentioned it in her throat, it was really thrilling, she is now thinking, if Ye Yun also succeeds and becomes a core disciple, then Biyunzong will have more status in the Yunji Alliance in the future, which is really true for Biyunzong important.

Boom! ! ! !

He couldn't move and waved the Mace Immortal Artifact, and finally swung it hard, dispelling the residual energy of the golden sword energy talisman, but his whole body was also impacted by the sword energy, and countless sword marks were swayed all over his body. very.

Destroying the sword qi talisman, he couldn't move his whole face, his eyes were blood red, Fang Buddha had already fallen into the devil's way, he looked out of breath at another talisman flying towards him, and roared hoarsely: "Boy! , I will tear you apart!"

"You can't move Yang, you have the ability, so you can come, the young master is waiting for you here, but you need your life first, haha!" Ye Yun didn't care about Yang Shenzong and the powerful Hong Shenzong behind him, face to face Let out a long whistle.

"Broken!" Yang Fudong was completely enraged. Hong Shenzong's majestic master of breaking immortals was actually ridiculed by a boy who reached the sky. How could he swallow his anger and remain indifferent? past.


At this critical moment, the talisman finally exploded under the curious eyes of countless people, and a big hand stretched out from the head of the talisman, and swept towards the mace wielding it.

Boom! ! !

He released all his strength even if he couldn't lift it, he placed it on the mace, and aimed at the big hand with all his strength, but just as soon as the mace touched the big hand, it was blown away, and it was separated from the hands that could not be raised, and Yang Fudo seemed to have anticipated something, and immediately ran away desperately.

However, that hand, like the hand of the gods, grabbed it and couldn't move it. With a click, countless people heard the sound of people being completely crushed.

Sure enough, grains of blood dripped from the big hand, bloody, even more revealing of killing, ruthless, making people dread and fear.

And at the moment when Yang Mou was beheaded with his big hand, all the energy of Yang Moo Poxian's second level was sucked away by Ye Yun in the dark in an instant, and blessed on him.

"Green Cloud Sect, Han Yu!!!"

Yan Shanzong closed his eyes with hatred, and didn't dare to look at the arena again. It seemed that he knew that Yang Fufu would die under the talisman, but he just didn't want to believe the truth.

"how so!?"

Hongshenzong's tens of thousands of disciples and countless masters, seeing a majestic immortal master crushed to death, is really embarrassing, Hongshenzong doesn't want to watch it.

Other characters who have successfully become core disciples are all amazed: "This Han Yu..."

Young Master Yin Zhe shook his fan slightly, and looked at the ring with disdain: "This kid, relying on the extraordinary talisman, unexpectedly beheaded Yang Fufu by accident, and was promoted to a core disciple!"

"Since Brother Yang is dead, it is a good thing for our ten sons. There is one less powerful competitor, Han Yu, whose cultivation level is too low. Relying on the talisman, he is promoted. It's easy, and in the end, our ten sons will become the leader's most powerful force!" Xia Yingjie was rather happy.

Xia Yuanhou was quite teasing, and said with a smile: "Brother Shanzong, don't announce it yet!"

"The last quota is for the disciple of Biyun Sect, Han Yu. This grand meeting is over, and the Poxian disciples of all sects stay here, and the other disciples go back!" Yan Shanzong waved his hand unwillingly.

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